Accessory Name New - |EnglishDriving Force Racing Wheel G920English|
Box Height (mm) - 338 mm
Box Length (mm) - 448 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 7.66 kg
Box Width (mm) - 314 mm
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Game controllers/Gaming steering wheels
Category - Spēļu zona :: Spēļu kontrolieri
Category 1 - Eingabegeräte
Category 2 - Joysticks/-pads/-wheels
Category Code - GCO
Category_1 - Gaming and Consoles
Category_2 - Steering Wheels
category_en - GSM Accessories > Game controllers for phones
category_lv - GSM aksesuāri > Spēļu kontrolieri telefoniem
category_ru - GSM aksesuāri > Spēļu kontrolieri telefoniem
Code - 941-000123
Color - Black
Compatibility - -
Compatible with: - Xbox One
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connection - cord length - 1.8
Connectivity Technology - Wired
Depth -
Wheel: 278 mmPedals: 311 mm
Desc - Tips: Spēļu stūre + Pedāļi, Platforma: Xbox X / S / One / PC, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - G920 DRIVING FORCE RACING WHEEL FOR XBOX ONE AND PC - WORKS WITH XBOX ONE AND PC Enhance your console experience - DUAL-MOTOR FORCE FEEDBACK Experience every weight shift, and tire slip - DESIGNED FOR DISTANCE Race-ready materials that can handle it all - HELICAL GEARING WITH ANTI-BACKLASH Precision control - EASY-ACCESS GAME CONTROLS Control where you need it - RESPONSIVE PEDAL UNIT Adjustable for maximum control - MOUNTS SECURELY Performance that stays where you want it - 900° STEERING For realistic turns on the track - STEERING WHEEL STRIPE Stay oriented in the right direction - WORKS WITH DRIVING FORCE SHIFTER ATTACHMENT Pinpoint gear selection
description_en - WORKS WITH XBOX ONE AND PC
Improve your console experience
Driving Force is designed for the latest racing games on Xbox One™ consoles. You may never race with a regular controller again after you try out the G920 Driving Force.
The G920 Driving Force also runs select PC games using Logitech Gaming Software. DUAL MOTOR FORCE FEEDBACK
Experience every weight change and tire slip.
Feel your tires on every turn and type of terrain, sense under- or over-steer drifting. Powerful dual-motor force feedback realistically simulates force effects for precision response. DESIGNED FOR DISTANCE
Race-ready materials that can handle it all
Driving Force handles the stress of racing action and is built for long-lasting reliability. Solid steel ball bearings in the wheel shaft and stainless steel paddle shifters and pedals make G920 the long-distance race wheel. It’s covered in high-quality, hand-stitched leather, with the look and feel of a high-performance racecar wheel and it gives you a more comfortable, durable experience. HELICAL GEARING WITH ANTI-BACKLASH
Precision control
Helical gears are modeled after gears used in automotive transmissions to reduce unwanted noise and vibration. Anti-backlash keeps the wheel and pedals tight, maximizing your control. This steering wheel delivers exceptionally smooth, quiet steering action. G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel features a long lasting, reliable hall-effect steering sensor, using magnetic fields to sense the position of the wheel. EASY-ACCESS GAME CONTROLS
Control where you need it
Get even more control over your car’s setup. G920 Racing Wheel incorporates the D-Pad and console buttons into the wheel so all your controls are right where you can reach them, while the semi-automatic paddle shifters help you execute smooth, accurate gear transitions on hairpin turns and straightaways. RESPONSIVE PEDAL UNIT
Adjustable for maximum control
Maintain a more realistic driving body position with the separate floor pedal unit with integrated throttle, brake, and clutch pedals. G920 Driving Force lets you comfortably accelerate, brake and change gears with the feel of an actual car.
The nonlinear brake pedal mimics the performance of a pressure-sensitive brake system for a more responsive, accurate braking feel. For even finer control, reposition the pedal faces to make heel-toe maneuvers easier to perform.
Rubber feet for hard surfaces and a patented retractable carpet grip system help your pedals stay right where you put them. MOUNTS SECURELY
Performance that stays where you want it
Drive fearlessly knowing the wheel won’t shift during aggressive maneuvers. The racing wheel mounts securely to your table or racing rig via built-in clamps or screw mounting points. Take your racing to the next level with a Playseat® racing simulation cockpit. 900° STEERING
For realistic turns on the track
The 900-degree lock-to-lock rotation of the G920 Driving Force means you can turn the wheel around two and a half times, hand over hand on wide turns. It’s the same degree of motion as a steering wheel inside a car. STEERING WHEEL STRIPE
Stay oriented in the right direction
Easily see if your steering is dialed in using a visual cue within your peripheral vision. The steering wheel stripe is a visual indicator of which direction the wheel is pointing. WORKS WITH DRIVING FORCE SHIFTER ATTACHMENT
Precise gear selection
Customize your racing car for the most realistic experience possible. Add the Driving Force 6-speed manual transmission to your racing wheel.
description_lv - STRĀDĀ AR XBOX ONE UN PC
Uzlabojiet savu konsoles pieredzi
Driving Force ir paredzēts jaunākajām sacīkšu spēlēm Xbox One™ konsolēs. Pēc G920 Driving Force izmēģināšanas jūs, iespējams, vairs nekad nesacentīsieties ar parasto kontrolieri.
G920 Driving Force palaiž arī noteiktas datorspēles, izmantojot Logitech spēļu programmatūru. DIVU MOTORU SPĒKA ATSAUKSMES
Izbaudiet katru svara maiņu un riepu slīdēšanu.
Sajūti savas riepas katrā pagriezienā un reljefa veidā, sajūti nepietiekamu vai pārmērīgu pagriezienu. Jaudīga divu motoru spēka atgriezeniskā saite reālistiski simulē spēka efektus precīzai reakcijai. PAREDZĒTS DISTANMAM
Sacensībām gatavi materiāli, kas var tikt galā ar visu
Driving Force tiek galā ar sacīkšu radīto stresu un ir radīta ilgstošai uzticamībai. Cietie tērauda lodīšu gultņi riteņa vārpstā un nerūsējošā tērauda lāpstiņu pārslēgi un pedāļi padara G920 par tālsatiksmes sacīkšu riteni. Tas ir pārklāts ar augstas kvalitātes, ar rokām šūtu ādu, kas izskatās un izskatās kā augstas veiktspējas sacīkšu automašīnas ritenis, un tas nodrošina ērtāku un izturīgāku pieredzi. Spirālveida DARBĪBAS AR PRETATGRIEZIENU
Precizitātes kontrole
Spirālveida zobrati ir modelēti pēc pārnesumiem, ko izmanto automobiļu transmisijā, lai samazinātu nevēlamo troksni un vibrāciju. Pretstrāvas pretspēks notur riteni un pedāļus cieši, maksimāli palielinot kontroli. Šis stūres rats nodrošina īpaši vienmērīgu, klusu stūres darbību. G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel ir aprīkots ar ilgstošu, uzticamu halles efekta stūres sensoru, kas izmanto magnētiskos laukus, lai uztvertu riteņa pozīciju. VIEGLI PIEEJAMĪBAS SPĒLES VADĪBAS
Kontrolējiet, kur jums tas nepieciešams
Iegūstiet vēl lielāku kontroli pār savas automašīnas uzstādīšanu. G920 Racing Wheel ritenī ir iestrādāts D-Pad un konsoles pogas, tāpēc visas jūsu vadības ierīces atrodas tieši tur, kur varat tās sasniegt, savukārt pusautomātiskie lāpstiņu pārslēgi palīdz veikt vienmērīgu, precīzu pārnesumu pārslēgšanu matadata pagriezienos un uzreiz. ATBILDĪGA PEDĀĻA IERĪCE
Regulējams maksimālai kontrolei
Saglabājiet reālistiskāku vadītāja ķermeņa stāvokli, izmantojot atsevišķu grīdas pedāļa bloku ar integrētiem droseles, bremžu un sajūga pedāļiem. G920 Driving Force ļauj ērti paātrināt, bremzēt un pārslēgt pārnesumus ar īstu automašīnu.
Nelineārais bremžu pedālis atdarina spiedienjutīgas bremžu sistēmas veiktspēju, lai nodrošinātu atsaucīgāku un precīzāku bremzēšanas sajūtu. Lai iegūtu vēl precīzāku vadību, mainiet pedāļu virsmas, lai būtu vieglāk veikt manevrus no papēža un pirksta.
Gumijas pēdas cietām virsmām un patentēta izvelkama paklāja satvēriena sistēma palīdz jūsu pedāļiem noturēties tur, kur tos noliekat. DROŠI MONTĀJĀS
Sniegums, kas paliek tur, kur vēlaties
Brauciet bezbailīgi, zinot, ka ritenis nepārvietosies agresīvu manevru laikā. Sacīkšu ritenis droši piestiprinās pie jūsu galda vai sacīkšu platformas, izmantojot iebūvētās skavas vai skrūvju stiprinājuma punktus. Paceliet savas sacīkstes uz nākamo līmeni, izmantojot Playseat® sacīkšu simulācijas kabīni. 900° STŪRE
Reālistiskiem pagriezieniem trasē
G920 Driving Force rotācija par 900 grādiem no slēdzenes līdz bloķēšanai nozīmē, ka varat pagriezt riteni aptuveni divarpus reizes, nododot roku platos pagriezienos. Tā ir tāda pati kustības pakāpe kā stūrei automašīnā. SŪRES STRĒPA
Palieciet orientēti pareizajā virzienā
Ērti noskaidrojiet, vai jūsu stūre ir ieslēgta, izmantojot vizuālu signālu jūsu perifērajā redzē. Stūres josla ir vizuāls rādītājs, kurā virzienā ritenis ir vērsts. STRĀDĀ AR PIEDZINĀŠANAS SPĒKA PĀRSLĒDZES PIELĀGOJUMU
Precīza pārnesumu izvēle
Pielāgojiet savu sacīkšu automašīnu, lai iegūtu pēc iespējas reālistiskāko pieredzi. Pievienojiet savam sacīkšu ritenim Driving Force 6 pakāpju manuālo pārnesumkārbu.
description_ru - РАБОТАЕТ С XBOX ONE И ПК
Улучшите свои впечатления от консоли
Driving Force разработана для новейших гоночных игр для консолей Xbox One™. Возможно, вы больше никогда не будете участвовать в гонках с обычным контроллером после того, как испытаете G920 Driving Force.
G920 Driving Force также работает на ПК с некоторыми играми с помощью программного обеспечения Logitech Gaming Software. ДВОЙНАЯ ДВИГАТЕЛЬНАЯ ОБРАТНАЯ СВЯЗЬ ПО СИЛУ
Испытайте каждое изменение веса и пробуксовку шин.
Feel your tires on every turn and type of terrain, sense under- or over-steer drifting. Powerful dual-motor force feedback realistically simulates force effects for precision response. DESIGNED FOR DISTANCE
Race-ready materials that can handle it all
Driving Force handles the stress of racing action and is built for long-lasting reliability. Solid steel ball bearings in the wheel shaft and stainless steel paddle shifters and pedals make G920 the long-distance race wheel. It’s covered in high-quality, hand-stitched leather, with the look and feel of a high-performance racecar wheel and it gives you a more comfortable, durable experience. HELICAL GEARING WITH ANTI-BACKLASH
Precision control
Helical gears are modeled after gears used in automotive transmissions to reduce unwanted noise and vibration. Anti-backlash keeps the wheel and pedals tight, maximizing your control. This steering wheel delivers exceptionally smooth, quiet steering action. G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel features a long lasting, reliable hall-effect steering sensor, using magnetic fields to sense the position of the wheel. EASY-ACCESS GAME CONTROLS
Control where you need it
Get even more control over your car’s setup. G920 Racing Wheel incorporates the D-Pad and console buttons into the wheel so all your controls are right where you can reach them, while the semi-automatic paddle shifters help you execute smooth, accurate gear transitions on hairpin turns and straightaways. RESPONSIVE PEDAL UNIT
Adjustable for maximum control
Maintain a more realistic driving body position with the separate floor pedal unit with integrated throttle, brake, and clutch pedals. G920 Driving Force lets you comfortably accelerate, brake and change gears with the feel of an actual car.
The nonlinear brake pedal mimics the performance of a pressure-sensitive brake system for a more responsive, accurate braking feel. For even finer control, reposition the pedal faces to make heel-toe maneuvers easier to perform.
Rubber feet for hard surfaces and a patented retractable carpet grip system help your pedals stay right where you put them. MOUNTS SECURELY
Performance that stays where you want it
Drive fearlessly knowing the wheel won’t shift during aggressive maneuvers. The racing wheel mounts securely to your table or racing rig via built-in clamps or screw mounting points. Take your racing to the next level with a Playseat® racing simulation cockpit. 900° STEERING
For realistic turns on the track
The 900-degree lock-to-lock rotation of the G920 Driving Force means you can turn the wheel around two and a half times, hand over hand on wide turns. It’s the same degree of motion as a steering wheel inside a car. STEERING WHEEL STRIPE
Stay oriented in the right direction
Easily see if your steering is dialed in using a visual cue within your peripheral vision. The steering wheel stripe is a visual indicator of which direction the wheel is pointing. WORKS WITH DRIVING FORCE SHIFTER ATTACHMENT
Точный выбор передач
Укомплектуйте свою гоночную машину, чтобы получить максимально реалистичные впечатления. Добавьте 6-ступенчатую механическую коробку передач Driving Force к своему гоночному рулю.
Device Location - External
Device Type - Gaming Wheel with Pedals
dimensionalWeight - 9286
Dimensions - pedals depth - 31.1
Dimensions - pedals height - 16.7
Dimensions - pedals weight - 3.1
Dimensions - pedals width - 42.85
Dimensions - wheel depth - 27.8
Dimensions - wheel height - 27
Dimensions - wheel weight - 2.25
Dimensions - wheel width - 26
Driving wheel - force feedback
Driving wheel - paddle shifter
Driving wheel - attachable to - racing seat
Driving wheel - attachable to - table
Driving wheel - motor type - dual-motor
Driving wheel - rotation - 900
Driving wheel - torque output - 2.1
Driving wheel - wheel cover - leather
EAN - 5099206058996
EAN Code - 5099206058996
EANCode - 5099206058996
Eans - 5099206058996
EAN_code - 5099206057302
EAN_code - 5099206058996
Ergonomics - Housing material - Aluminium
Ergonomics - Housing material - Leather
Ergonomics - Housing material - Nylon
Ergonomics - Housing material - Stainless steel
Ergonomics - Housing material - Thermoplastic
Ergonomics - Pedals box material - Cold rolled steel
Ergonomics - Pedals box material - Polyoxymethylene (POM)
Ergonomics - Pedals box material - Stainless steel
Ergonomics - Product colour - Black
Ergonomics - Steering wheel material - Aluminium, Leather
External Color - Melna
Full Description Line - USB|Windows 8|Windows 7|Compatible with: Xbox One
Gaming accessories - accessory type - controls
Gaming accessories - compatible with - PC
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox One
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox Series S
Gaming accessories - compatible with - Xbox Series X
Gaming accessories - controls - wheels
Gaming accessories - kit contains - pedals
Gaming accessories - kit contains - wheel
General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
General parameters - platform - PC / Xbox One / Xbox Series X/S
GrossWeight - 7.0600
GrossWeight - 7.700 kg
gross_weight - 4.04 kg
GRUPPE1 - Multimedia & Games
GRUPPE2 - Steering Wheels
Height - 0.3250
Height - Wheel: 270 mmPedals: 167 mm
HSTNUMMER - 941-000123
Image -
ImageUrl -
Input device - Device type - Steering wheel + Pedals
Input device - Force feedback - Yes
Input device - Gaming control function buttons - D-pad
Input device - Gaming control technology - Analogue / Digital
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - PC
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Xbox One
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Xbox Series S
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Xbox Series X
Input device - Reflex vibration - Yes
Interface - -
Interface - USB 2.0
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.3000
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 95049080
Logistics data - Master (outer) case gross weight - 7.66 kg
Logistics data - Master (outer) case GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 50992060573004
Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 338 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 448 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 314 mm
Logistics data - Products per intermodal container (20ft) - 564 pc(s)
Logistics data - Products per intermodal container (40ft) - 1164 pc(s)
LongDesc -
LongDescription EN - Experience every weight shift, and tire slip
Feel your tires on every turn and type of terrain, sense under- or over-steer drifting. Powerful dual-motor force feedback realistically simulates force effects for precision response. Race-ready materials that can handle it all
Driving Force handles the stress of racing action and is built for long-lasting reliability. Solid steel ball bearings in the wheel shaft and stainless steel paddle shifters and pedals make G920 the long-distance race wheel. It’s covered in high-quality, hand-stitched leather, with the look and feel of a high-performance racecar wheel and it gives you a more comfortable, durable experience. Precision control
Helical gears are modeled after gears used in automotive transmissions to reduce unwanted noise and vibration. Anti-backlash keeps the wheel and pedals tight, maximizing your control. This steering wheel delivers exceptionally smooth, quiet steering action. G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel features a long lasting, reliable hall-effect steering sensor, using magnetic fields to sense the position of the wheel. Control where you need it
Get even more control over your car’s setup. G920 Racing Wheel incorporates the D-Pad and console buttons into the wheel so all your controls are right where you can reach them, while the semi-automatic paddle shifters help you execute smooth, accurate gear transitions on hairpin turns and straightaways. Adjustable for maximum control
Maintain a more realistic driving body position with the separate floor pedal unit with integrated throttle, brake, and clutch pedals. G920 Driving Force lets you comfortably accelerate, brake and change gears with the feel of an actual car. The nonlinear brake pedal mimics the performance of a pressure-sensitive brake system for a more responsive, accurate braking feel. For even finer control, reposition the pedal faces to make heel-toe maneuvers easier to perform. Rubber feet for hard surfaces and a patented retractable carpet grip system help your pedals stay right where you put them. Performance that stays where you want it
Drive fearlessly knowing the wheel won’t shift during aggressive maneuvers. The racing wheel mounts securely to your table or racing rig via built-in clamps or screw mounting points. Take your racing to the next level with a Playseat® racing simulation cockpit. For realistic turns on the track
The 900-degree lock-to-lock rotation of the G920 Driving Force means you can turn the wheel around two and a half times, hand over hand on wide turns. It’s the same degree of motion as a steering wheel inside a car. Stay oriented in the right direction
Easily see if your steering is dialed in using a visual cue within your peripheral vision. The steering wheel stripe is a visual indicator of which direction the wheel is pointing.Pinpoint gear selection
Complete your racing rig for the most realistic experience. Add the 6-speed manual Driving Force shifter to your racing wheel setup.
LongDescription ET - G920 roolikomplekt
Kõik juhtnupud on sinu käeulatuses. D-Pad, nupud ja labad on korralikult mahutatud G920 rooli külge. Tunneta iga käiguvahetust ja rehvi libisemist
Tunneta oma sõidukit igal pinnasel, pöördel ja külglibisemisel. Võimas, kahe mootoriga tagasisidet pakkuv rool simuleerib reaalset kurvides ja libisemisel mõjuvat jõudu, et saaksid kogeda tõeliselt täpset sõitu. Sujuv ja täpne juhtimine
Erakordselt vaikne ja sujuv pööramine. Kaldhammasrattad on modelleeritud autotööstuses kasutatute järgi, et vähendada müra ja vibratsiooni pööramisel. Lisaks sisaldab rool Hall-Effect pöördesensorit, mis kasutab magnetvälju rooli positsiooni tuvastamiseks. Püsib seal kuhu kinnitad
Sõida julgelt teadmisega, et rool ei liigu paigast ka agressiivsete manöövrite korral. G920 kinnitub turvaliselt sinu laua või rallitooli konstruktsiooni külge klambrite või kruvidega. Erilise kogemuse saamiseks tasub rooli kasutada Playseat rallitoolidega. Reaalsed pöörded rajal
900-kraadine pöördeulatus tähendab kahte ja poolt roolipööret, mis on võrdne reaalse autorooli pöördeulatusega.
LongDescription LV - G920 sacīkšu stūre
Visas vadības sviras ir vietās, kur varat tās sasniegt. Spēcīga, divu motoru spēka atdeve, reāli simulē bedres, ceļa segumu un sadursmes efektus. Uzlabojiet konsoles pieredzi
Jūs vairs nekad negribēsiet sacensties ar parasto kontrolleri, kad jūs pievienosiet Driving Force savam kontrolieru izlasei. G920 spēļu stūre ir paredzēta jaunākajām sacīkšu spēlēm jūsu Xbox One. G920 Driving Force darbojas arī ar jūsu datoru, izmantojot Logitech Gaming Software. Stingra, gluda, precīza kontrole
Jūs saņemsiet īpaši plūstošu un klusu stūres darbību. G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel aprīkots ar uzticamu hola sensoru kas izmanto magnētisko lauku, lai noteiktu stūres stāvokli.
Manufacturer - Logitech
Manufacturer_code - 941-000112
Manufacturer_code - 941-000123
MediumDescription EN - Driving Force is designed for the latest Xbox One™ console racing game titles. You may never race with a regular controller again after you experience G920 Driving Force. G920 Driving Force also works on PC with select titles using Logitech Gaming Software.
MediumDescription ET - Sa ei taha enam kunagi sõita rallit lihtsalt klaviatuuril või konsooli puldiga. G920 on disainitud uusimate mängude jaoks Xbox One'i ja arvuti peal, pakkudes kasutajale täpsust ja võimalikult reaalset sõidukogemust. Ühildub ka Xbox Series X mängukonsooliga!
MediumDescription LV - G920 Driving Force ir paredzēts jaunākajām Xbox One konsoļu sacīkšu spēlēm. Pēc G920 Driving Force jūs nekad vairs nespēsiet sacensties izmantojot parastus kontrolierus. G920 Driving Force darbojas arī ar jūsu datoru, izmantojot Logitech Gaming Software.
Model - 941-000123
MPN - 941-000123
Name - Logitech G29 Driving Force - PC - PS3 - PS4
Name - Logitech G920
Name - Logitech G920 Driving Force - PC - Xbox One
Name - Logitech G920 Driving Force Wheel PC/Xbox One
Name - Spēļu stūre Logitech G920 Driving Force
Name EN - Wheel Logitech G920 PC/X1/SX
Name ET - Rool Logitech G920 PC/X1/SX
NameInWeb EN - Racing wheel Logitech G920 for Xbox One / PC
NameInWeb ET - Xbox One / PC roolikomplekt Logitech G920
NameInWeb LV - Logitech G920, Xbox One / PC, melna - Spēļu kontrolieris stūre
Name LV - Sture Logitech G920 PC/X1/SX
NetWeight - 5.3500
Nominal Weight - 5.35 kg
PackageContents - Steering wheelPedalsPower adapterUser documentation
Package Type - Retail
Packaging content - Cables included - USB
Packaging content - Power supply included - Yes
Packaging content - User guide - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 436.6 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 322.3 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 7.21 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 300 mm
Pack Height (mm) - 322.3 mm
Pack Length (mm) - 436.6 mm
Packs in Box - 1
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 7.21 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 5.35 kg
Pack Width (mm) - 300 mm
Parent Products - PC\Xbox One
Pedals - attachment method - bolts
Pedals - attachment method - rubber feet
Pedals - material - steel
Pedals - pedals - accelerator
Pedals - pedals - brake
Pedals - pedals - clutch
Pieces in pack - 1
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired
Ports & interfaces - Device interface - USB 2.0
Power - Power source - Cable
Power supply - power supply - mains
Power supply - power supply - USB
ProdDesc - Logitech Gaming Accessories 941-000123 G920 black
Producer - Logitech
producerCode - 941-000123
ProducerCode - 941-000123
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - Gaming and Toys
ProductCode - 941-000123
ProductDescription - LOGITECH G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel - PC/XB - BLACK - USB
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - Logitech G G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ProductType - Gaming Controller
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 43.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 32 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7.1 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 30 cm
ShortDescription -
sizeX - 440
sizeY - 335
sizeZ - 315
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
Stck_Kart - 1
Stck_Pal - 20
Storno - Y
SystemRequirements - G29PlayStation 5,4,3Powered USB portWindows 7 or newer
System requirements - Minimum storage drive space - 150 MB
TariffNo - 84716070
Technology - Rotation: 900 degrees lock-to-lockHall-effect steering sensorDual-Motor Force FeedbackOverheat safeguardNonlinear brake pedalPatented carpet grip systemTextured heel gripSelf-calibrating
title_en - Logitech G920 Driving Force Gaming steering wheel
title_lv - Logitech G920 Driving Force Spēļu stūre
title_ru - Logitech G920 Driving Force Игровой руль
Type - Digital racing wheel
Unit Box Height - 0.32
Unit Box Length - 0.435
Unit Box Width - 0.3
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.04176 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 7.1 kg
Unit Net Weight - 5.35 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB Interface - Yes
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.04290000
Warranty - 2 years
Warranty - 24 months
warrantyLength - 24
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
warrantyType - F
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
weight - 4 kg
Weight - 7,12
Weight - 7,80
Weight - 7.64
weight - 7680
Weight - Wheel: 2.250 kgPedals: 3.100 kg
Weight & dimensions - Pedals dimensions (WxDxH) - 311 x 428.5 x 167 mm
Weight & dimensions - Pedals weight - 3.1 kg
Weight & dimensions - Steering wheel dimensions (WxDxH) - 278 x 260 x 270 mm
Weight & dimensions - Steering wheel weight - 2.25 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 5.35 kg
Width - 0.4400
Width - Wheel: 260 mmPedals: 428.5 mm
Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 8 OS compatibility - Yes