+iD Smart Card Reader, USB, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 635122 Product code: 4748001003731
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
21.27 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: on Wednesday, 02.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • CF II support: Nav
  • Color: Black
  • Color: White
  • MS Duo support: Nav
  • SD support: Nav
  • Use: External
  • XD support: Nav
All parameters
CF I support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
CF II support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
CFast 2.0 atbalsts : Nav
Color Black, White
The colour of the housing of the flash card reader device. For the built-in type of the reader device - the colour of the front panel.
Micro SD support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MicroDrive support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
Mini SD support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MMC Micro support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MMC Mobile support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MMC Plus support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MMC support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MS Duo support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MS Pro Duo support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MS Pro support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
MS support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
RS MMC support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
SD support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
SIM support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
Smart Media support Ir
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
Use External
This parameter determines whether the card reader is internal, i.e. intended for installing it in the computer housing in the floppy 3.5" socket, or external, i.e. with its own housing for placing it on various surfaces and portable as a stand-alone device.
XD support Nav
This parameter determines whether this reader can read the cards of the relevant type. This information is indicative and may differ from the actual possibilities of the card reader.
Flash card
More detailed specification
Andmed - Kaal - 5 g
Andmed - Kõrgus (mm) - 57
Andmed - Laius (mm) - 12,5
Andmed - Sügavus (mm) - 7,7
barcode - 4748001003731
brand - +ID
BrandCode - +ID
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Datu nesēji :: Karšu lasītāji
category_en - Accessories
category_et - Tarvikud
category_lv - Piederumi
category_ru - Аксессуары
Code - 4748001003731
Color - White
Compatibility - ISO7816 -1,-2,-3,-4 & SLE4442/4428, SD,T-Flash
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connectivity - Card format - ID1
Connectivity - Connector - USB 2.0
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Linux
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Mac OS X
Connectivity - Suitable operating systems - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
Depth - 5 mm
Desc - USB tips: USB 2.0, Garantija: 2 gadi
description_en - Simple design
North-European design combined with the highest technological knowledge from Taiwan. This combination makes +iD the best solution for you, anywhere you need it. Lightweight
Carefully engineered to be the smallest device of its kind available on the market for full size (ID1) smart card readers. It transforms into a smart card reader for full-sized contact smart cards with a single turn. Easy to use
The highly compact reader is especially designed to be carried and used anytime and anywhere. Just take it out of your pocket, turn, stick it to computer’s USB port and it’s ready to use. Features: Easy installation for all major operating systems (Windows, Mac & Linux) Compatible with any full size smart card (ID1) Unique design & form - small size makes it an ideal reader for personal and business use LED Status card detection indicator White matte finish ID card is firmly attached by unique four point support solution
description_et - Lihtne disain
+iD on tasakaalustatud kombinatsioon Põhja-Euroopa lihtsast ja ergonoomilisest disainist ja uusimast Taiwani tipptehnoloogiast. See hea kombinatsioon muudab +iD sobivaimaks lahenduseks kõikjal, kus teie seda vajate. Kergekaaluline
Juba +iD arendamise algusfaasis võeti kindlaks eesmärgiks, et sellest peab saama turu kõige väiksem ja kergem ID1 tüüpi ID-kaarte toetav kaardilugeja, mis ei oleks suurem kui üks enimlevinud mälupulk ning mis oleks taskust välja võttes üheainsa lihtsa liigutusega töövalmis. Äärmiselt lihtne kasutada
Tänu +ID kompaktsele disainile saad seda endaga kasvõi kogu aeg kaasas kanda ja vajadusel vähem kui kümnekonna sekundiga kasutama hakata. Taskust välja, tööasendisse, arvuti USB-porti ja valmis see ongi. Omadused: Äärmiselt lihtne paigaldada ja kasutada kõikide arvutitega (Windows, Mac & Linux) Ühildub kõikide ID1 tüüpi ID-kaartidega Unikaalne disain ja kuju – kuna +iD on mõõtmeilt äärmiselt väike, siis on ta ühtmoodi sobiv kõigeks – tööl, kodus, koolis ja muidugi ka reisil olles Praktiline LED-märgutuli Valget värvi mattviimistlusega pealispind Tänu nutikale neljapunkti kinnitusele püsib ID-kaart alati kindlalt lugejas
description_lv - Vienkāršs dizains Ziemeļeiropas dizains apvienots ar visaugstākajām tehnoloģiskajām zināšanām no Taivānas. Šī kombinācija padara +iD par vislabāko risinājumu, lai kur jūs atrastos. Viegls svars Rūpīgi konstruēts kā savā klasē vismazākais tirdzniecībā pieejamais pilna izmēra (ID1) viedkaršu lasītājs. Tas pārveidojas par pilnizmēra viedkaršu lasītāju tikai ar vienu kustību. Ērta lietošana
Šis ārkārtīgi kompaktais lasītājs ir īpaši izstrādāts, lai to būtu ērti nēsāt un lietot jebkurā laikā un vietā. Vienkārši izņemiet to no kabatas, pagrieziet, ievietojiet datora USB pieslēgvietā, un tas ir gatavs lietošanai. Īpašības: Ērta visu populārāko operētājsistēmu uzstādīšana (Windows, Mac un Linux) Saderīgs ar jebkuru pilna izmēra viedkarti (ID1) Unikāls dizains un forma — kompaktais izmērs padara šo lasītāju ideāli piemērotu izmantošanai personīgām un darba vajadzībām LED kartes atpazīšanas statusa indikators Matēta balta apdare ID karte tiek stingri nostiprināta, izmantojot četru punktu balsta risinājumu
description_ru - Простой дизайн
+iD это комбинация из простого и эргономичного дизайна вместе с усовершенствованными технологиями. И мы рады сообщить, что эти технологии будут работать на вас везде, где вам будет нужно! Легкий вес
При разработке +iD было учтено то, что он должен стать самым компактным и маленьким устройством среди доступных на сегодняшнем рынке. Он считывает карты типа ID1 и ID, а по своим размерам не превышает обычную флешку, которую удобно носить в кармане и приводить в работу всего одним движением. Чрезвычайно удобен в использовании
Благодаря компактному дизайну +ID, его можно носить с собой практически всегда, а также привести в работу за 10 секунд, достав из кармана: выдвинуть в рабочее положение, вставить в USB порт и готово! Особенности: Чрезвычайно удобно использовать. Работает со всеми операционными системами: Windows, Mac & Linux Считывает все карты ID1 и ID типа Уникальный дизайн и форма - подходит для ношения в кармане хоть каждый день LED индикатор Матовое черное покрытие
description_short_en - Smallest and lightest ID1 format smart card reader Ready to use in a single turn Extra comfortable to bring anywhere Handy LED indicator Stylish white matte finish
description_short_et - Ülikompaktne ID1 tüüpi kaardilugeja Kasutusvalmis vaid üheainsa liigutusega Stiilne mattviimistlusega pealispind Praktiline LED-indikaator Lihtne ja mugav kasutada
description_short_lv - Kompaktākā un vieglākā ID1 formāta viedkaršu lasītājs Gatavs lietošanai ar vienu kustību Īpaši ērts ņemšanai sev līdzi jebkur Praktisks LED indikators Stilīga balta matēta apdare
description_short_ru - Маленький и легкий считыватель ID1 Приводится в работу одним движением Удобно везде носить с собой Практичный LED-индикатор Стильное матовое покрытие
Dimensions - depth - 0.71
Dimensions - height - 5.65
Dimensions - width - 1.21
EAN - 4748001003731
feature_group_en - Smartcard readers
feature_group_et - ID-kaardi lugejad
feature_group_lv - Viedkaršu lasītāji
feature_group_ru - Считыватели ID-карты
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - IT accessory type - ID card reader
General parameters - manufacturer - +ID
General parameters - material - plastic
GrossWeight - 0.010 kg
GrossWeight - 0.0110
Height - 0.0700
Height - 140 mm
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_64148_1.jpg
Interface - USB 2.0 CCID1 (Chip Card Interface Device), (also compliant with USB 1.1)
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.0200
LongDesc -
LongDescription EN - Simple design
North-European design combined with the highest technological knowledge from Taiwan. And we are happy that this combination makes +iD the best solution for you, anywhere you need it. Lightweight
Carefully engineered to be the smallest device of its kind available on the market for full size (ID1) smart card readers. It transforms into a smart card reader for full-sized contact smart cards with a single turn. Easy to use
The highly compact reader is especially designed to be carried and used anytime and anywhere. Just take it out of your pocket, turn, stick it to computer’s USB port and it’s ready to use. Applications
• e-Identification • e-Government • e-Banking and e-Payment • e-Healthcare • e-Commerce • Public key infrastructure / digital signature • Network Security • Access Control system • Common Access Card (CAC) authorization applications
LongDescription ET - Lihtne disain
+iD on tasakaalustatud kombinatsioon Põhja-Euroopa lihtsast ja ergonoomilisest disainist ja uusimast Taiwani tipptehnoloogiast. Ja meil on hea meel, et see hea kombinatsioon muudab +iD sobivaimaks lahenduseks kõikjal, kus teie seda vajate. Kergekaaluline
Juba +iD arendamise algusfaasis võtsime kindlaks eesmärgiks, et sellest peab saama turu kõige väiksem ja kergem ID1 tüüpi ID kaarte toetav kaardilugeja, mis ei oleks suurem kui üks enimlevinud mälupulk ning mis oleks taskust välja võttes üheainsa lihtsa liigutusega töövalmis. Äärmiselt lihtne kasutada
Tänu +ID kompaktsele disainile saad teda endaga kasvõi kogu aeg kaasas kanda ja vajadusel vähem kui kümnekonna sekundiga kasutama hakata. Taskust välja, tööasendisse, arvuti USB porti ja valmis ta ongi. Kus valdkondades kasutada
• e-identifitseerimine • e-valitsus • e-pangandus ja e-maksed • e-tervishoiuteenused • e-kaubandus • Digiallkiri • Võrkude turvalisus • Läbipääsusüsteemid • Läbipääsukaardi autoriseerimisrakendused (CAC)
MANUFDATASHEET - http://www.pluss-id.com/wp-content/themes/plussid/resources/datasheet.pdf
MediumDescription EN - • Easy installation for all major operating systems (Windows, Mac & Linux) • Compatible with any full size smart card (ID1) • Unique design & form - small size makes it an ideal reader for personal and business use • LED Status card detection indicator • White matte finish • ID card is firmly attached by unique four point support solution
MediumDescription ET - • Äärmiselt lihtne paigaldada ja kasutada kõikide arvutitega (Windows, Mac & Linux) • Ühildub kõikide ID1 tüüpi ID kaartidega • Unikaalne disain ja kuju - kuna +iD on mõõtmeilt äärmiselt väike, siis on ta ühtmoodi sobiv kõigeks - tööl, kodus, koolis ja muidugi ka reisil olles • LED märgutuli • Valget värvi mattviimistlusega pealispind • Tänu nutikale neljapunkti kinnitusele püsib su ID kaart alati kindlalt lugejas
MediumDescription LV - • Viegla instalēšana uz visām lielākajām operētājsistēmām (Windows, Mac un Linux).
• Savietojams ar jebkuru pilna izmēra viedkarti (ID1).
• Unikāls dizains un forma - mazs izmērs padara to par ideālu lasītāju personiskai un biznesa lietošanai.
• LED indikators.
Name - ID karšu lasītājs +ID eID/Smart Card White USB
Name EN - ID-smart card reader +ID,white
Name ET - ID-kaardilugeja +ID,valge
NameInWeb EN - ID card reader USB +ID
NameInWeb ET - ID-kaardilugeja +ID
NameInWeb LV - ID karšu lasītājs USB, +ID
Name LV - ID karšu lasītājs +ID,USB
name_en - +ID smart card reader USB Blister, white
name_et - +ID ID-kaardi lugeja USB Blister, valge
name_lv - +ID viedkaršu lasītājs USB Blister, balts
name_ru - +ID smart card reader USB Blister, white
NetWeight - 0.0050
PackageContents - -
ProdDesc - +ID Smart Card Reader white, BLISTER
ProductCode - 4748001003731
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/4748001003564-01.jpg
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Savienojamība - Kartes formāts - ID1
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Linux
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Mac OS X
Savienojamība - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
Savienojamība - Savienojums - USB 2.0
Specifications - Augstums (mm) - 57
Specifications - Depth (mm) - 7.7
Specifications - Dziļums (mm) - 7,7
Specifications - Height (mm) - 57
Specifications - Platums (mm) - 12,5
Specifications - Svars - 5 g
Specifications - Weight - 5 g
Specifications - Width (mm) - 12,5
SystemRequirements - -
TariffNo - 84719000
Technology - ISO 7816 & SLE4442/4428, SD,T-Flash
Type - ID card reader
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00002800
Warranty - 1 year
Weight - 0.010 Kg
Width - 0.0200
Width - 100 mm
Ühenduvus - Kaardi tüüp - ID1
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Linux
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Mac OS X
Ühenduvus - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
Ühenduvus - Ühendus - USB 2.0
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Linux
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Mac OS X
Соединение - Совместимые оп-системы - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista
Соединение - Соединение - USB 2.0
Соединение - Формат карты - ID1
Спецификации - Вес - 5 г
Спецификации - Высота (мм) - 57
Спецификации - Глубина (мм) - 7,7
Спецификации - Ширина (мм) - 12,5
21.27 €
+iD Smart Card Reader, USB, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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