Asus VY229HF, 21.45"

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1111444 Product code: VY229HF
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 3 years
129.04 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 03.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Curved: Nav
  • Panel Type: IPS
  • Refresh rate: 100 Hz
  • Response time: 1ms
  • Contrast ratio: 1300:1
  • Brightness: 250cd/m2
  • Size: 21.4"
  • Resolution: FHD 1920x1080
Display characteristics
AMD FreeSync : Nav
Curved : Nav
Panel Type IPS

Teh monitor panel is the main feature of the visible part of the screen or the technology where the display of the colour dots (pixels) is implemented.

TN is the standard technology with average contract, brightness and colour compliance indices.

IPS is the matrix with high colour compliance and good response speed, therefore it is well suited for graphics tasks and photo editing. IPS matrix provide an excellent viewing angle maintaining the colours and contrast from almost any angle.

VA matrix ensures superior colour compliance, however, the response time of this matrix is lagging behind that of the IPS and TN; the viewing angle is somewhere between both these technologies.

The TN type monitor is fully sufficient for an average user. If you have more money available the VA or IPS can be chosen.

Refresh rate : 100 Hz
Touchscreen : NO
VESA DisplayHDR : Nav
Response time 1ms
The response time of the monitor screen determines how fast the monitor will display moving images (films, games, animations, etc.). The response time is measured in miliseconds. The less the response time the better the ability of the monitor to display moving images. recommends to buy monitors with 5ms response time or lower.
Contrast ratio 1300:1

Ekrāna kontrasts nosaka attēla asumu. Tā ir atšķirība starp vistumšāko (pilnīgi melnu) un visgaišāko (pilnīgi baltu) pikseli. Jo lielāks kontrasts, jo skaidrāk salasāms teksts uz ekrāna, kontrasts arī nosaka, cik izteiksmīgas līnijas būs redzamas monitora attēlā.

Augsts kontrasts ir nozīmīgs faktors izvēloties monitoru biroja, vai mācību vajadzībām, kad lielākoties tiek strādāts ar tekstuālu informāciju.

Mājas vajadzībām svarīgāks izvēles rādītājs ir gaišums un attēla reakcijas laiks. Kontrastu labāk novērtēt tumšā istabā.
Lielākais LCD monitoru trūkums ir tas, ka samazinot attēla spilgtumu, kontrasts var pazust.

Brightness 250cd/m2

Monitora gaišums ir attēla redzamības rādītājs, kas nosaka, cik labi saskatāms ir attēls pie spēcīga ārējā apgaismojuma (saules gaisma, gaiša telpa, utt.). LCD monitoru gaišums tiek mērīts kandelās uz kvadrātmetru (Cd/m2).
Izvēloties monitoru jāņem vērā - jo lielāks gaišuma rādītājs, jo labāka attēla redzamība.

Ikdienas vajadzībām iesaka iegādāties monitoru ar gaišumu, ne mazāku par 250 cd/m2.

Basic information
Application : Home & Office
Aspect ratio : 16:9
Color : Black
Size 21.4"

The size of the monitor screen is measured in inches across the diagonal. The screen size must be proportionate to the resolution of the screen for achieving the maximum utilisation of the desktop and details of the image.

Mainly two forms of LCD monitors are available: with standard width and height proportion 4:3 or the widescreen proportion 16:9 or 16:10. A widescreen monitor is wider and its resolution is higher than that of the monitors with standard proportion.

The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported. Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.

Resolution FHD 1920x1080

The resolution of the monitor screen determines the number of colour dots (pixels) a monitor can display. It refers to the clarity of the text and images displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution the sharper the items look.

The applied resolution depends on the resolution supported by the monitor. LCD monitors, including the screens of laptop computers usually work best if their local resolution has been set. The setting of this resolution for the monitor is not mandatory, but usually it is recommended to set it for ensuring the highest possible sharpness of texts and images. The bigger the monitor size the higher resolution usually is supported.

Possibilities to increase the resolution of the screen usually depend on the size and possibilities of the monitor and the type of the video card.
• 19 inches screen (standard proportions): 1280x1024 pixels
• 20 inches screen (standard proportions): 1600x1200 pixels
• 22 inches screen (widescreen): 1680x1050 pixels
• 24 inches screen (widescreen): 1900x1200 pixels

Flicker-free : Ir
Height adjustment : Nav
Pivot : Nav
Swivel : None
Tilt : YES
VESA wall mount : 100x100 mm
Ports and equipment

D-SUB is the classic (analogous) monitor connection plug. This standard is gradually disappearing from the market giving the place to the higher quality HDMI or DisplayPort (digital) plugs.

If the resolution of the monitor is FullHD or below the average user will experience no problems with this connection. Those who want to achieve higher image quality and resolution should look for the monitor with the DisplayPort or HDMI connection slot.

DisplayPort Nav

DisplayPort is the digital connection for transmitting the image via a single wire at a high quality level. Contrary to the HDMI, this connection allows to connect several external monitors to the computer via a single connector.

Prior to buying the monitor with the DisplayPort you should verify whether your computer has the DisplayPort plug available!


DVI is a digital standard and ensures high image quality, however, thanks to the big size of the plug and the inability of the standard to develop further due to a few technical restrictions this type of connection is gradually losing its popularity to modern HDMI and DisplayPort standards.

DVI is compatible with HDMI and transitions of both directions are available.

DVI is not compatible with DisplayPort, however, there are DualMode DisplayPort connectors which contains the HDMI/DVI signal, and in the relevant direction DisplayPort -> DVI can transmit an image.

If the monitor resolution exceeds 1920px in any direction a graphics card with the DVI-D Dual Link support and the relevant quality cable will be required.

Before buying a monitor you should verify whether your graphics card has the corresponding connection slot!

HDMI port 1

HDMI is the digital high quality image transmission standard that allows to connect the monitor to the computer via a thin cable by using an elegant small-size connector. HDMI is compatible with DVI if the relevant transition or cable is used.

Speakers Nav

Some monitors may have built-in speakers that quite often allow to give up external speakers thus freeing a space on the desk and saving money. The sound quality of built-in speakers is quite moderate and therefore we recommend to use this possibility just for infrequent needs.

For enjoying music, movies and games we recommend buying the corresponding quality and capacity speakers.

USB Hub : NO
USB-C Power Delivery : Nav
USB-C video input : 0
More detailed specification
Accessories included - Kabel HDMI Śrubokręt w kształcie litery L Przewód zasilający Skrócona instrukcja obsługi Karta gwarancyjna
Aspect ratio - 16:9
Auto Pivot - No
Bluetooth - No
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90LM0960-B03170
Brightness - 250 cd/m²
Category - Computer Monitors
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Monitors
Certificates - Energy Star
Certificates - EPEAT
Certificates - TCO
Certificates - TUV
Color - Black
Depth - 51.3 mm
Depth with stand - 164.4 mm
Description - MONITOR DO GIER VY229HF z ochroną wzroku Monitor do gier ASUS VY229HF Eye Care został zaprojektowany z myślą o Twoim zdrowiu. Wyposażony jest w technologię ASUS Eye Care Plus, opatentowaną, długotrwałą powłokę antybakteryjną na ramkach i klawiszach skrótów, a także zaawansowany panel IPS FHD, który zapewnia wyjątkowy obraz. Idealne do e-learningu, pracy lub rozrywki, połączenie częstotliwości odświeżania 100 Hz i technologii Adaptive-Sync gwarantuje niezmiennie płynny obraz przy dowolnej treści. Płynne oglądanie dzięki płynnemu ruchowi 100 Hz Zapewniając bardziej płynną animację w filmach, zwykłych grach i codziennej pracy, wszyscy mogą korzystać z płynniejszego niż kiedykolwiek doświadczenia. Technologia panelu IPS zapewniająca zdumiewającą liczbę 16,7 miliona kolorów 21,45-calowy panel IPS FHD (1920 x 1080) oferuje paletę 16,7 miliona kolorów, dzięki czemu zdjęcia i filmy charakteryzują się oszałamiającą szczegółowością i realizmem. Panel oferuje również kąt widzenia 178°, co zapewnia doskonałą jakość obrazu z niemal każdej perspektywy. Częstotliwość odświeżania 100 Hz i technologia Adaptive-Sync zapewniają płynny obraz Częstotliwość odświeżania 100 Hz i czas reakcji ruchomego obrazu wynoszący 1 ms (MPRT) pomagają zredukować rozmazywanie i rozmycie ruchu, dzięki czemu VY229HF idealnie nadaje się do szybkich gier, które wymagają szybkich reakcji na to, co dzieje się na ekranie. Ponadto technologia Adaptive-Sync pomaga wyeliminować rozrywanie ekranu i wahania liczby klatek na sekundę, zapewniając wyjątkowo płynną rozgrywkę. Ekskluzywna technologia ASUS GamePlus Jeśli chodzi o projektowanie, ASUS zawsze ma na myśli klientów ekskluzywny klawisz skrótu GamePlus firmy ASUS z celownikiem, timerem, licznikiem FPS i funkcjami wyrównania ekranu, aby zapewnić ulepszenia w grze, które pomogą Ci wydobyć więcej z gry. Funkcja ta została opracowana przy udziale profesjonalnych graczy i pozwala im ćwiczyć i doskonalić swoje umiejętności w grach. Regulowany filtr niebieskiego światła ASUS Zintegrowany filtr niebieskiego światła ASUS z certyfikatem TÜV Rheinland chroni oczy przed szkodliwym niebieskim światłem. Dostęp do ustawień można szybko uzyskać za pośrednictwem menu ekranowego (OSD), a intuicyjny suwak ułatwia dostosowanie poziomów filtrów do dowolnego scenariusza lub preferencji użytkownika. Technologia bez migotania - pożegnaj zmęczone i napięte oczy Zintegrowana, certyfikowana przez TÜV Rheinland technologia ASUS Flicker Free redukuje migotanie ekranu, zapewniając wygodne oglądanie. Technologia ta pomaga zminimalizować przypadki zmęczenia oczu, które może wynikać z długich sesji przed wyświetlaczem. Długotrwała kuracja antybakteryjna Ramki i klawisze skrótów VY229HF są pokryte antybakteryjną powłoką jonowego srebra. Zapobiegając przyleganiu bakterii aż do 99,9%, utrzymuje kluczowe obszary monitora w czystości i higienie, potencjalnie ograniczając rozprzestrzenianie się szkodliwych bakterii.
Design - Certification - Energy Star
EPEAT Bronze
TCO Certified
TÜV Flicker-free
TÜV Low Blue Light
AMD FreeSync
Design - Detachable stand - Yes
Design - Feet colour - Black
Design - Market positioning - Home
Design - Product colour - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 6076
dimension depth - 130 mm
dimension height - 410 mm
dimension weight - 4500 g
dimension width - 560 mm
Display - Anti-glare screen - Yes
Display - Backlight type - LED
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1000:1
Display - Contrast ratio (typical) - 1300:1
Display - Digital horizontal frequency - 24 - 84 kHz
Display - Digital horizontal frequency - 24 - 120 kHz
Display - Digital vertical frequency - 48 - 75 Hz
Display - Digital vertical frequency - 48 - 100 Hz
Display - Display brightness (typical) - 250 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 54.5 cm (21.4")
Display - Display number of colours - 16.7 million colours
Display - Display resolution - 1920 x 1080 pixels
Display - Display technology - LCD
Display - Display technology - LED
Display - HD type - Full HD
Display - Horizontal scan range - 24 - 84 kHz
Display - LED backlight - Yes
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 75 Hz
Display - Maximum refresh rate - 100 Hz
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:9
Display - Panel type - IPS
Display - Pixel pitch - 0.249 x 0.249 mm
Display - Response time - 1 ms
Display - Screen shape - Flat
Display - Touchscreen - No
Display - Vertical scan range - 48 - 75 Hz
Display - Viewable size, horizontal - 47.9 cm
Display - Viewable size, vertical - 26 cm
Display - Viewing angle, horizontal - 178°
Display - Viewing angle, vertical - 178°
Display surface - Matt
Dot pitch - 0.249 mm
ean - 4711387497098
Eans - 4711387497098
Energy class - E
Energy label - Pobierz
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot - Yes
Ergonomics - Cable lock slot type - Kensington
Ergonomics - Height adjustment - No
Ergonomics - Panel mounting interface - 100 x 100 mm
Ergonomics - Tilt adjustment - Yes
Ergonomics - Tilt angle range - -5 - 23°
Ergonomics - VESA mounting - Yes
Ergonomics - Wall mountable - Yes
GTIN - 0197105497238
GTIN - 197105497238
GTIN - 4711387497098
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 290.3 mm
Height adjustment - No
Height with stand - 361.8 mm
I/O connectors - 1 x 3,5 mm minijack
I/O connectors - 1 x 15-pin D-Sub
I/O connectors - 1 x HDMI
Logistics data - Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System (CCATS) - 8528521000
LongDesc - EYE CARE GAMING MONITORLEARN, WORK & PLAY, THE HEALTHY WAYASUS VY229HF Eye Care Gaming monitor is designed with your health in mind. It features ASUS Eye Care Plus technology, a proprietary long-lasting antibacterial treatment on the bezels and hotkeys, and an advanced IPS FHD panel that delivers exceptional visuals. Ideal for eLearning, work or entertainment, the combination of a 100 Hz refresh rate and Adaptive-Sync technology ensures you’ll enjoy consistently smooth visuals with any content.Fluid viewing experience with 100Hz Smooth MotionGiving you more fluid animation in video, casual gaming, and day-to-day work, can all benefit from the smoother-than-ever experience.IPS panel technology for an astounding 16.7 million colorsThe 21.45-inch FHD (1920 x 1080) IPS panel offers a palette of 16.7 million colors, so photos and videos have stunning detail and realism. The panel also offers 178° viewing angles to ensure excellent image quality from almost any perspective.100 Hz refresh rate and Adaptive-Sync technology for smooth visualsA 100Hz refresh rate and 1ms Moving Picture Response Time (MPRT) help reduce smearing and motion blur, making VY229HF perfect for fast-paced games that require quick reactions to what’s happening onscreen. In addition, Adaptive-Sync technology helps eliminate screen tearing and choppy frame rates for ultra-smooth gameplay.ASUS-exclusive GamePlus TechnologyWhen it comes to design, ASUS always has customers in mind – ASUS exclusive GamePlus hotkey with Crosshair, Timer, FPS counter and Display Alignment functions to give you in-game enhancements that help you get more out of your game. This function is co-developed with input from pro gamers, allowing them to practice and improve their gaming skills.Adjustable ASUS Blue Light FilterAn integrated TÜV Rheinland-certified ASUS Blue Light Filter protects eyes from harmful blue light. Settings can be quickly accessed via the onscreen display (OSD) menu, and an intuitive slider makes it easy to adjust filter levels to suit any scenario or user preference.Flicker Free TechnologySay goodbye to tired, strained eyesIntegrated TÜV Rheinland-certified ASUS Flicker Free technology reduces onscreen flicker to ensure comfortable viewing. This technology helps minimize instances of eyestrain that can result from long sessions in front of a display.Long-lasting antibacterial treatmentStay clean, stay healthyThe bezels and hotkeys on VY229HF feature an antibacterial ionic silver treatment1. By preventing bacteria adhesion2 by up to 99.9%, it keeps key areas of the monitor clean and hygienic, potentially reducing the spread of harmful bacteria.VY229HF has been subjected to the ISO 22196 Antimicrobial Activity and Efficacy tests conducted by independent testing lab TÜV SÜD.How Ionic Silver worksPositively-charged silver (Ag+) ions bind with the cell walls of negatively-charged microbes and bacteria, disrupting their internal functions and killing them off.
LongProductName - VY229HF Eye Care Gaming Monitor – 22 inch(21.45 inch viewable) FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, 100Hz, IPS, SmoothMotion, 1ms (MPRT), Adaptive Sync, Eye Care Plus technology, Blue Light Filter, Flicker Free, antibacterial treatment
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS VY229HF. Display diagonal: 54.5 cm (21.4"), Display resolution: 1920 x 1080 pixels, HD type: Full HD, Display technology: LCD, Response time: 1 ms, Native aspect ratio: 16:9, Viewing angle, horizontal: 178°, Viewing angle, vertical: 178°. VESA mounting. Product colour: Black
Matrix type - TFT IPS
Model - VY229HF
Multimedia - Built-in camera - No
Multimedia - Built-in speaker(s) - No
Name - ASUS VY229HF - 21,45'' | IPS | Full HD | 1ms | 100Hz
name - Monitor 22 cale VY229HF 100Hz IPS VGA HDMI
Number of colors - 16,7 mln
Optional accessory -
Other features -
Other features - Brand specific technologies - Eye Care+, SPLENDID
Other features - Certification - TÜV Flicker-free
TÜV Low Blue Light
Packaging content - Cables included - AC
Packaging content - Cables included - AC, HDMI
Packaging content - Cables included - HDMI
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging content - Stand included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 412 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 133 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 4.2 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 565 mm
Performance - AMD FreeSync - No
Performance - AMD FreeSync - Yes
Performance - AMD FreeSync type - FreeSync
Performance - Brand specific technologies - Eye Care+
Performance - Flicker-free technology - Yes
Performance - Game mode - Yes
Performance - Low Blue Light technology - Yes
Performance - NVIDIA G-SYNC - No
Performance - VESA Adaptive Sync support - Yes
Ports & interfaces - AC (power) in - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Built-in USB hub - No
Ports & interfaces - HDCP - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDCP version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - HDMI - Yes
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 1.4
Ports & interfaces - Headphone connectivity - 3.5 mm
Ports & interfaces - Headphone out - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Headphone outputs - 1
Ports & interfaces - VGA (D-Sub) ports quantity - 1
Power - AC input frequency - 50/60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours - 15 kWh
Power - Energy efficiency class (HDR) - Not available
Power - Energy efficiency class (SDR) - E
Power - Energy efficiency scale - A to G
Power - Power consumption (off) - 0.3 W
Power - Power consumption (PowerSave) - 0.5 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 11.03 W
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 12.79 W
Power - Power supply type - Internal
Power consumption - 12.79 W
producer - Asus
Producer - Asus
producerCode - VY229HF
ProducerCode - VY229HF
productName - ASUS 22" VY229HF MONITOR
ProductName - VY229HF
productSize - Normal
Refresh rate - 100 Hz
Resolution - 1920 x 1080 (FHD 1080)
Response time - 1 ms
Safety warning - Warnings - Place the monitor on a flat and stable surface to avoid tipping and damage.
Screen size (diag.) - 21.45''
ShortDescription - 21,45'' | IPS | Full HD | 1ms | 100Hz
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS VY229HF, 54.5 cm (21.4"), 1920 x 1080 pixels, Full HD, LCD, 1 ms, Black
sizeX - 570
sizeY - 410
sizeZ - 130
Speakers built-in - No
Static contrast - 1 300:1
Sustainability - European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL) code - 1903191
Sustainability - Sustainability certificates - ENERGY STAR, EPEAT Silver, TCO
Sustainability - Sustainability compliance - Yes
TCO Certified - Yes
Title - ASUS VY229HF computer monitor 54.5 cm (21.4") 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD LCD Black
Touch screen - No
Transreflective technology - LED
TV tuner built-in - No
vendpn - VY229HF
VESA - 100 x 100
Viewing angle, horizontal - 178 °
Viewing angle, vertical - 178 °
Visible area, horizontal - 478.656 mm
Visible area, vertical - 260.28 mm
Warranty -
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Web camera - None
Weight - 2.36 kg
weight - 4300
Weight & dimensions - Depth (without stand) - 51.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth (with stand) - 164.4 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (without stand) - 290.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height (with stand) - 361.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight (without stand) - 2.36 kg
Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 2.72 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width (without stand) - 493.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width (with stand) - 493.9 mm
Weight with stand - 2.72 kg
Width - 493.9 mm
WiFi - No
129.04 €
Asus VY229HF, 21.45"
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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