Philips TAT2236WT/00 TWS, White

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ID: 731466 Product code: TAT2236WT/00
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Warranty: 2 years
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: White
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
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Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) Nav Nav Nav Ir Ir
Color White White Melna Melna Melna
Connection type True Wireless Wireless Wireless True Wireless True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz 20000 20000 20000 N/A N/A
Frequency range min, Hz 20 20 20 N/A N/A
Illumination colour Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav
Lighting Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav
Microphone Ir Ir Ir Ir Ir
Microphone type Fixed Removable Removable Fixed Fixed
Number of channels Stereo Stereo Stereo Stereo Stereo
Port Bluetooth Bluetooth Wireless Wireless Bluetooth Bluetooth
Resistance, Ω 28 32 38 16 N/A
Sensitivity, dB 104 108 88 N/A N/A
Type In-Ear Over-Ear Over-Ear In-Ear In-Ear
Weight, g 36 332 345 42 50
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : White
Connection type : True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 20
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : Fixed
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : 28
Sensitivity, dB : 104
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 36
More detailed specification
Battery -
  • Li-Polymer
  • Rechargeable

  • Battery - Battery operated - Yes
    Battery - Battery recharge time - 2 h
    Battery - Battery technology - Lithium Polymer (LiPo)
    Battery - Battery type - Built-in battery
    Battery - charging case battery life up to - 12
    Battery - Continuous audio playback time - 6 h
    Battery - Continuous audio playback time (with charging case) - 18 h
    Battery - earbuds battery life up to - 6
    Battery - Fast charging - Yes
    Battery - Fast charging time - 15 min
    Battery - Talk time - 6 h
    Battery - Talk time (with charging case) - 18 h
    Brand - Philips
    BrandCode - PHILIPS
    BrandPartCode - TAT2236WT/00
    Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Austiņas datoriem
    Category - Headphones & Headsets
    Code - TAT2236WT/00
    Color - White
    Connectivity - Bluetooth
    Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.0
    Depth - 28.9 mm
    Desc - Vadu/Bezvadu: Bezvadu, Tips: Ieliekamas ausī, Kategorija: Standarta, Vada garums: Bezvadu, Mikrofons: Iebūvēts, Vadība: Nav, Savienojums: Bluetooth, Pretestība: 28 Ohm, Jutīgums: 104 db, Frekvenču diapazons: 20-20000 Hz, Trokšņu slāpēšana: Nav, Garantija: 2 gadi
    Dimensions - weight - 36
    EAN - 4895229117457
    Frequency - 20-20000 Hz
    Functions - controls - buttons
    General parameters - colour - white
    General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
    General parameters - protection level - IPX4
    General parameters - type - Earbuds
    GrossWeight - 0.1310
    GTIN - 4895229117457
    Headphones - Driver unit - 1.2 cm
    Headphones - Ear coupling - Intraaural
    Headphones - Headphone frequency - 20 - 20000 Hz
    Headphones - Headphone sensitivity - 104 dB
    Headphones - Impedance - 28 Ω
    Headphones - Maximum input power - 5 mW
    Headphones features - Headset
    Headphones features - independent usage
    Headphones features - Wireless headphones
    Headphones features - included items - charging cable
    Headphones features - included items - charging case
    Headphones features - included items - ear tips
    Height - 0.0400
    Height - 45.8 mm
    ImageUrl -
    LargeDescHTML -
    LED - -
    Length - 0.1500
    Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85183000
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case gross weight - 4.22 kg
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 250 mm
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 338 mm
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 278 mm
    Logistics data - Products per master (outer) case - 24 pc(s)
    Logistics data - Products per shipping (inner) case - 3 pc(s)
    Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case gross weight - 165 g
    Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case height - 11 cm
    Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case length - 16 cm
    Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case width - 13 cm
    LongDesc -
    LongDesc - Super-slim case. Comfortable fit.These splash and sweat-resistant true wireless headphones go where you go! The charging case fits in the pocket of your slim-fit jeans. The earbuds sit in your outer ear-perfect if you don’t like the feeling of ear tips in your ear canal.IPX4 splash and sweat resistantWith an IPX4 rating and powerful 12 mm drivers, these headphones let you enjoy great sound in any weather. Fully splash resistant, they won't mind a little sweat and you don't need to worry about getting caught in the rain.Make calls using a single earbud. Mono modeTaking a lot of calls? You can double your talk time by using one earbud while the other one charges. The mic is automatically assigned to the earbud you're using, and you simply swap over when your current earbud is running low on battery.Super-small USB-C charging case. 12 hours extra play timeWith a charging case this small, you get more music anywhere! A single charge of these true wireless headphones gives you 6 hours play time, and a fully charged case adds another 12 hours. For a quick boost, pop your headphones in the case for 15 minutes to get an extra hour.Integrated controls. Built-in mic. Easy pairingControls on the earbuds let you pause your playlist, take calls, and wake your phone's voice assistant. The headphones are ready to pair in an instant. Once paired, they reconnect with your phone as soon as you open the charging case.Secure comfortable fit. Earbuds without ear tipsYou can rock your tunes in real comfort thanks to the snug, lightweight design. With no ear tips, you won't feel anything in your ear canal-and there's no sensation of pressure. The 'hockey stick' form factor keeps each earbud secure.
    LongDescription EN - IPX4 splash and sweat resistant
    With an IPX4 rating and powerful 12 mm drivers, these headphones let you enjoy great sound in any weather. Fully splash resistant, they won't mind a little sweat and you don't need to worry about getting caught in the rain. Make calls using a single earbud. Mono mode
    Taking a lot of calls? You can double your talk time by using one earbud while the other one charges. The mic is automatically assigned to the earbud you're using, and you can simply swap over when your current earbud is running low on battery. Super-small USB-C charging case. 12 hours extra play time
    With a charging case this small, you get more music anywhere! A single charge of these true wireless headphones gives you 6 hours play time, and a fully charged case adds another 12 hours. For a quick boost, pop your headphones in the case for 15 minutes to get an extra hour.
    LongDescription ET - IPX4 vee- ja higikindlus
    IPX4 märgistuse ja võimsate 12 mm elementidega kõrvaklapid võimaldavad teil nautida suurepärast heli iga ilmaga. Täielikult pritsmekindlatena ei riku neid klappe natuke higi ja te ei pea muretsema vihma kätte jäämise üle. Tehke kõnesid, kasutades vaid üht kõrvaklappi. Monorežiim
    Teete palju kõnesid? Saate kahekordistada oma kõneaega, kasutades vaid üht kõrvaklappi, samal ajal kui teine laeb. Mikrofon määratakse automaatselt sellele kõrvaklapile, mida kasutate, ja kui see klapp tühjaks hakkab saama, saate selle lihtsalt teise vastu vahetada. Üliväike USB-C laadimisümbris. 12 tundi lisamänguaega
    Nii väikese laadimisümbrisega saate nautida rohkem muusikat kus iganes! Nende täielikult juhtmevabade kõrvaklappide üks laadimiskord annab teile kuus tundi mänguaega ja täielikult laetud laadimisümbrus annab juurde täiendavad 12 tundi. Kiireks ergutuseks asetage oma kõrvaklapid 15 minutiks ümbrusesse, et saada veel üks tund mänguaega. Integreeritud nupud. Sisseehitatud mikrofon. Lihtne sidumine
    Kõrvaklappidel olevad nupud võimaldavad teil esitusloendit peatada, kõnesid vastu võtta ja käivitada oma telefoni häälassistenti. Kõrvaklappe saab siduda vaid hetkega. Pärast sidumist taasühenduvad need teie telefoniga niipea, kui avate laadimisümbrise. Kindel ja mugav sobivus. Kõrvaklapid ilma kõrvaklapiotsteta
    Saate rokkida muusika saatel tõeliselt mugavalt tänu kompaktsele ja kergele disainile. Ilma kõrvaklapiotsteta ei taju te midagi oma kõrvakanalis ega tunne survet. „Hokikepi“ kuju hoiab iga kõrvaklapi turvaliselt paigas.
    LongDescription LV - Integrēta vadība. Iebūvēts mikrofons. Viegla savienošana pārī
    Vadība uz ausīs liekamajām austiņām ļauj apturēt atskaņošanas sarakstu, atbildēt uz zvaniem un pamodināt tālruņa balss palīgu. Austiņas ir gatavas vienā mirklī savienoties pārī. Kad savienotas pārī, tās tiek savienotas atpakaļ ar tālruni, tiklīdz atverat uzlādes ietvaru. IPX4 sviedru un ūdens drošas
    Šīs austiņas ar IPX4 vērtējumu un jaudīgajiem 12 mm skaļruņiem ļauj izbaudīt lielisku skaņu jebkuros laika apstākļos. Tā kā tās ir pilnībā izturīgas pret šļakatām, tām nav iebildumu pret nelielu sasvīšanu, kā arī nav jāuztraucas, ja pēkšņi uznāk lietus. Zvaniet, izmantojot vienu ieausi. Mono režīms
    Vai veicat daudz zvanu? Varat dubultot sarunu laiku, izmantojot vienu ieausi, kamēr otrs tiek uzlādēts. Automātiski tiek lietots izmantotā ieauša mikrofons, un jums atliek tikai nomainīt ieaušus, kad lietotā ieauša uzlādes līmenis tuvojas beigām. Pieguļ cieši un ērti. Ausīs liekamās austiņas bez austiņu uzgaļiem
    Varat izbaudīt mūziku patiesā komfortā, pateicoties piegulošajai un vieglajai konstrukcijai. Tā kā nav austiņu uzgaļu, jūs neko nejutīsiet auss kanālā, un nebūs spiediena sajūtas. “Hokeja nūjas” forma liek katrai ausīs liekamajai austiņai piegulēt cieši klāt. Īpaši mazs USB-C uzlādes ietvars. 12 stundas papildu darbības laika
    Ar tik mazu uzlādes ietvaru vēl vairāk mūzikas jums tiek nodrošināts jebkurā vietā! Ar vienu šo patieso bezvadu austiņu uzlādi pietiek 6 stundu darbības laikam, un ar pilnībā uzlādētu ietvaru iespējams iegūt vēl 12 stundas. Ātrai uzlādei ielieciet austiņas ietvarā uz 15 minūtēm, iegūstot papildu stundu.
    LongProductName - IPX4, Bluetooth 5.0, 10m, 20Hz - 20kHz, 28Ω, 104 dB, 5 mW
    LongSummaryDescription - Philips 2000 series TAT2236WT. Product type: Headset. Connectivity technology: Wireless, Bluetooth. Recommended usage: Calls/Music. Headphone frequency: 20 - 20000 Hz. Wireless range: 10 m. Weight: 36 g. Product colour: White
    MediumDescription EN - These splash and sweat-resistant true wireless headphones go where you go! The charging case fits in the pocket of your slim-fit jeans. The earbuds sit in your outer ear — perfect if you don’t like the feeling of ear tips in your ear canal.
    MediumDescription ET - Üliõhuke korpus. Mugav istuvus.
    Need pritsme- ja higistamiskindlad täielikult juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid käivad seal, kus teiegi! Laadimisümbris sobib teie kitsaste teksade taskusse. Kõrvaklapid asuvad teie väliskõrvas – ideaalne, kui teile ei meeldi tunne, mille kõrvaklapiotsad kõrvakanalis tekitavad.
    MediumDescription LV - Ļoti plāns ietvars. Ērti lietojamas.Šīs pret mitruma šļakatām un sviedriem izturīgās bezvadu austiņas ir kopā ar jums, lai kurp jūs dotos! Uzlādes futrālis ietilpst jūsu piegulošo džinsu kabatā. Austiņas ir ideāli piemērotas jūsu ārējai auss daļai, ja jums nepatīk austiņu uzgaļu radītā sajūta auss kanālā.
    Microphone - Microphone type - Built-in
    MicrophoneType - Built-in
    Name - Philips TAT2236WT/ 00
    Name EN - True wireless heaphones Philips, white
    Name ET - Täielikult juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid Philips, valge
    NameInWeb EN - Philips TAT2236, white - True-wireless Earbuds
    NameInWeb ET - Philips TAT2236, valge - Täisjuhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
    NameInWeb LV - Philips TAT2236, balta - Bezvadu austiņas
    Name LV - TWS austiņas Philips
    NetWeight - 0.0330
    NoiseCancellation - No
    OperatingRange - 10 m
    OperatingTime -
  • Music play time: 6+12 h
  • Talk time: 6+12 h

  • PackageContents -
  • USB-C cable
  • Charging case

  • PackageDimensions - 95 x 40 x 172 mm
    PackageWeight - 0.300 kg
    Packaging content - Cables included - USB Type-C
    Packaging content - Carrying case - Yes
    Packaging content - Charging stand - No
    Packaging data - Package depth - 40 mm
    Packaging data - Package height - 172 mm
    Packaging data - Package weight - 128 g
    Packaging data - Package width - 95 mm
    Performance - Headset type - Binaural
    Performance - International Protection (IP) code - IPX4
    Performance - Operating keys - Answer/end call, Play/Pause, Reject call
    Performance - Product colour - White
    Performance - Product type - Headset
    Performance - Protection features - Splash proof, Sweat resistant
    Performance - Recommended usage - Calls/Music
    Performance - Wearing style - In-ear
    Ports & interfaces - 3.5 mm connector - No
    Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth - Yes
    Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth profiles - A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, SBC
    Ports & interfaces - Bluetooth version - 5.0
    Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wireless
    Ports & interfaces - Wireless range - 10 m
    Power supply - charging interface - USB-C
    ProdDesc - Philips True Wireless Headphones TAT2236WT/00, IPX4 water protection, Up to 18 hours play time, White
    ProductCode - TAT2236WT/00
    ProductionCountry - CN
    ProductName - TAT2236WT
    ProductPicture -
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    RechargeTime - 2 h
    Sensitivity - 104 dB
    ShortSummaryDescription - Philips 2000 series TAT2236WT, Wireless, Calls/Music, 20 - 20000 Hz, 36 g, Headset, White
    SpeakerDiameter - 12 mm
    StandbyTime - -
    SystemRequirements - -
    TariffNo - 85183000
    Technology -
  • Water resistance: IPX4
  • Impedance: 28 Ohm
  • Maximum power input: 5 mW

  • Title - Philips 2000 series TAT2236WT Headset Wireless In-ear Calls/Music Bluetooth White
    Type - Earphones
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    URL -
    UserControls -
  • Switch between 2 calls
  • Answer/End Call
  • Reject Call

  • Volume - 0.00057000
    Warranty - 2 years
    WarrantyInfo -
    Weight - 0.036 kg
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 28.9 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 45.8 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 36 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 59.6 mm
    Width - 0.0950
    Width - 59.6 mm
    WirelessCompatibility - Yes
    49.53 €
    Philips TAT2236WT/00 TWS, White
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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