Boya True Wireless Stereo Earbuds

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 935860 Product code: BY-AP4-B
In stock 15 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
60.29 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 09.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 09.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Melna
  • Color: Orange
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : Melna, Orange
Connection type : True Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 20
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : Fixed
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : N/A
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 70
More detailed specification
barcode - 6971008025958
brand - Boya
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - A2DP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - AVRCP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - HFP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - HSP
Connectivity - Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 5.0
Connectivity - Connector - Bluetooth
Connectivity - Control buttons - For smart device control
Connectivity - Control buttons - For volume control
Connectivity - Range - 10 m
Connectivity - Suitable devices - Devices with Bluetooth connection
description_en - Start getting better from BY-AP4
The Boya BY-AP4 is your new TWS earbuds who stands out with comprehensive upgradation. No matter what’s in your mind: color preference, long-time wearing feeling, charging, or a better sounds answers! Excellent Features Bluetooth 5.0: Enables highest wireless audio performance Outstanding Sound: Rich, clear and warm sound effect, remarkable quality of calls Ultra-low Latency: Ideal for gamers and video watching Smart Touch Operation: Freely adjust the volume, switch songs or wake up the voice assistant in your fingertip Single/Double Ear Mode Switchable: Accept anytime you prefer to wear one or two earbuds, without distinguish main or auxiliary USB-C Charging: 6 hours battery life, total up to 22 hours with the USB-C charging case Extremely Comfortable
Half-in-ear structure and super lightweight. Hall Switch
Auto pair to device without taking out the earbuds. Excellent Charging
Equipped with indicator lights, and induction coil for wireless charging. Bluetooth 5.0 Super lightweight Comfortable wearing with semi-in-ear structure Hall switch enables auto pair without taking out the earbuds Smart touch operation Easy switch between single/double ear mode Ultra low latency Charging indicator lights USB-C charging case Wireless charging available 6 hours battery life, total up to 22 hours with charging case
description_et - Kellele on need kõrvaklapid mõeldud? Kui sind ei häiri veidi suurem laadimiskarp ja tahad soodsaid kõrvasiseseid täiesti juhtmevabu kõrvaklappe, on need päris hea valik! (ajakiri [digi], jaanuar 2021) Viimasepeal tehnoloogia kohtub stiiliga
Boya BY-AP4 kõrvaklapid ühendavad endas suurepärase helikvaliteedi, muljetavaldavalt mugava disaini, hõlpsa laadimise ja palju muud. Tee sporti, seikle ringi või naudi puhkehetke, Boya True Wireless kõrvaklapid istuvad kõrvas nii mugavalt ja loomulikult, et Sa ei märkagi neid – klapid kaaluvad kõigest 4,7 grammi. USB-C & juhtmevaba laadimine
BY-AP4 kõrvaklappide aku kestab kuni 6 tundi ja need on lihtsalt laetavad komplektis oleva laadimiskarbiga. Koos karbiga tagavad klapid kuni 22 tundi muusika kuulamist. Kui klappide aku tühjaks on saanud, laeb nende aku karpi panduna taas täis vaid 1,5 tunniga. Laadimiskarpi saab lihtsalt laadida USB-C pesa kaudu või juhtmevaba laadijaga (ei kuulu komplekti). Läbimõeldud disain, praktilised funktsioonid Bluetooth 5.0 True Wireless ühendus tagab kvaliteetse, ülimadala latentsusega juhtmevaba ühenduse Kvaliteetne heli – rikkalik, selge ja sügav heli nii muusikat kuulates, kui kõnesid tehes. Nutikas puutetundlik juhtimine – kohenda helitaset, vaheta muusikapala või aktiiveeri häälassistent vaid kerge puudutusega. Üksik- ja kaksikrežiim – kasuta mõlemat või vaid ühte klappi korraga. Kerge ja ergonoomiline disain
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Wireless in-ear headset Integrated microphone & touch control Bluetooth 5.0 True Wireless connectivity Ergonomic, lightweight design Combined battery life of 6 + 16 hours
description_short_et - Juhtmevabad kõrvasisesed kõrvaklapid Integreeritud mikrofon ja puutetundlik juhtimine Bluetooth 5.0 True Wireless ühendus Ergonoomiline, kerge disain Kombineeritud akukestvus 6 + 16 tundi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Беспроводные внутриканальные наушники Встроенный микрофон и сенсорное управление Соединение Bluetooth 5.0 True Wireless Эргономичный, легкий дизайн Комбинированная длительно работы аккумулятора 6 + 16 часов
Design - Headphone design - In-ear
Design - Headphone type - Headphones with microphone
Design - Headphone type - Wireless headphones
Disain - Kõrvaklappide disain - Kõrvasisesed
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Kõrvaklapid koos mikrofoniga
Dizains - Austiņu dizains - Ausīs liekamas (In-ear)
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Austiņas ar mikrofonu
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Bezvadu austiņas
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora ietilpība - 50 mAh
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 6 stundas
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 16 hours (charging case)
Enerģijas avots - Enerģijas avots - Iebūvēts litija akumulators
Enerģijas avots - Uzlādes laiks - 1,5 stundas
Enerģijas avots - Uzlādes laiks - 2 hours (charging case )
feature_group_en - Headphones
feature_group_et - Kõrvaklapid
feature_group_lv - Austiņas
feature_group_ru - Наушники
General - Color - Black
General - Package contents - Charging case
General - Package contents - Headphones
General - Weight (g) - 4.7
gross_weight - 0.05
Kõrvaklapid - Heli - Stereo
Kõrvaklapid - Sagedusdiapasoon - 20 – 20 000 Hz
manufacturer_code - BY-AP4-B
Microphone - Microphone type - Integrated microphone
Mikrofon - Mikrofoni tüüp - Integreeritud mikrofon
Mikrofons - Mikrofona tips - Iebūvēts
name_en - Boya wireless headset True Wireless BY-AP4, black
name_et - Boya juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid + mikrofon True Wireless BY-AP4, must
name_lv - Boya wireless headset True Wireless BY-AP4, black
name_ru - Boya беспроводные наушники True Wireless BY-AP4, черные
Power source - Battery capacity - 50 mAh
Power source - Battery life - 6 hours
Power source - Battery life - 16 hours (charging case)
Power source - Charging time - 1,5 hours
Power source - Charging time - 2 hours (charging case )
Power source - Power source - Built-in lithium-ion battery
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - A2DP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - AVRCP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - HFP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - HSP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth versija - Bluetooth 5.0
Savienojamība - Darbības rādiuss - 10 m
Savienojamība - Piemērotas ierīces - Ierīces ar Bluetooth savienojumu
Savienojamība - Savienojums - Bluetooth
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Skaņas skaļuma regulēšanai
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Viedierīces vadībai
Skaļruņi - Frekvenču diapazons - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Skaļruņi - Skaņa - Stereo
Speakers - Frequency response - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Speakers - Sound - Stereo
Toide - Aku kestvus - 6 tundi
Toide - Aku kestvus - 16 tundi (laadimiskarp)
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 50 mAh
Toide - Laadimisaeg - 1,5 tundi
Toide - Laadimisaeg - 2 tundi (laadimiskarp)
Toide - Vooluallikas - Integreeritud liitium-ioon aku
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Austiņas
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Charging case
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 4.7
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - A2DP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - AVRCP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - HFP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - HSP
Ühendus - Bluetooth versioon - Bluetooth 5.0
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Helitugevuse reguleerimiseks
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Nutiseadme juhtimiseks
Ühendus - Sobivad seadmed - Bluetooth ühendusega seadmed
Ühendus - Tööraadius - 10 m
Ühendus - Ühendus - Bluetooth
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 4,7
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kõrvaklapid
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadimiskarp
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Дизайн - Дизайн наушников - В уши
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Беспроводные наушники
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Наушники с микрофоном
Источник питания - Время зарядки - 1,5 часов
Источник питания - Время зарядки - 2 часа (коробка для зарядки )
Источник питания - Емкость аккумулятора - 50 мAч
Источник питания - Питание - Встроенный литиевый аккумулятор
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 6 часов
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 16 часов (коробка для зарядки)
Колонки - Диапазон частот - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Колонки - Звук - Стерео
Микрофон - Тип микрофона - Встроенный
Общее - Вес (г) - 4.7
Общее - Комплектация - Коробка для зарядки
Общее - Комплектация - Наушники
Общее - Цвет - Черный
Соединение - Bluetooth версия - Bluetooth 5.0
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - A2DP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - AVRCP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - HFP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - HSP
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для регуляции громкости звука
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для управления смарт-устройством
Соединение - Рабочий радиус - 10 м
Соединение - Совместимые устройства - Bluetooth устройства
Соединение - Соединение - Bluetooth
60.29 €
Boya True Wireless Stereo Earbuds
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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