JBL Tune 115BT, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 814911 Product code: JBLT115BTWHT
In stock 16 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
50.55 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 09.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 09.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: White
  • Microphone: Ir
  • Port: Bluetooth
  • Type: In-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : White
Connection type : Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 20
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Ir
Microphone type : To Vada
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Bluetooth

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : 16
Sensitivity, dB : 102
Type In-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 19
More detailed specification
barcode - 6925281962769
brand - JBL
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - A2DP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - AVRCP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - HFP
Connectivity - Bluetooth protocols - HSP
Connectivity - Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 4.2
Connectivity - Connector - Bluetooth
Connectivity - Control buttons - For volume control
Connectivity - Control buttons - Microphone on/mute
Connectivity - Operating frequency - 2.402 – 2.480 GHz
Connectivity - Suitable devices - Devices with Bluetooth connection
description_en - Make all of your music easy listening.
Featuring JBL Pure Bass Sound, the JBL Tune 115BT headphones offer a grab 'n' go, wireless solution for your everyday fun. And there's more than great sound: the JBL Tune 115BT allow you to make or take hands free calls and feature up to 8 hours of battery life. Featuring multi-point connectivity, you'll never miss a call as the JBL Tune 115BT seamlessly switch between a video on your tablet to a call on your phone. Imagine headphones that quickly charge in 2 hours, come in various distinctive colors, feature a flat tangle free cable and are lightweight enough to comfortably wear for hours on end. And when you combine magnets that ensure the headphones are not dangling when not in use and the comfort of the ergonomic ear-tips and neckband design, it’s easy to see how the JBL Tune 115BT headphones can become an essential part of your day-to-day music loving life. JBL Pure Bass Sound – punching out bass that’s both deep and powerful Micro USB charging built-in battery provides up to 8 hours of playing time Magnetic cable management ensures that the headphones remain comfortably secure and tangle-free around your neck when not in use Multi-point connection – easily switch between Bluetooth devices 3-button remote with microphone – enjoy wireless calls and manage your music hands free
description_et - Muusika. Lihtsalt.
JBL Pure Bass Sound'iga JBL Tune 115BT kõrvaklapid pakuvad juhtmevaba lahendust igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Ja nende heli on rohkem kui suurepärane: JBL Tune 115BT võimaldab teha või võtta vastu kõnesid täiesti käed-vabalt ning nende aku peab vastu kuni 8 tundi järjest. Tänu multi-point ühendusele ei jää Sa kunagi kõnedest ilma, kuna kõrvaklapid lülituvad sujuvalt tahvelarvutis oleva video ja telefonikõne vahel. Kujuta ette kõrvaklappe, mis laevad kiiresti 2 tunniga, lameda sasipuntravaba kaabliga ning mis on piisavalt kerged, et neid tunde mugavalt kanda. Ja kui lisaks komplekti veel magnetilise disaini, mis tagavad, et kõrvaklapid kaelast ära ei libiseks, ning ergonoomilised kõrvaotsikud ja kaelapaela, on lihtne mõista, kuidas JBL Tune 115BT kõrvaklappidest võib saada Su igapäevaelu oluline osa. Võimas JBL Pure Bass heli Mikrofon käed-vabad kõnedeks ja hääljuhtimine MicroUSB kaudu laetav aku kestab kuni 8 tundi järjest ning toetab kiirlaadimist – vaid 15-minutiline laadimine annab veel 1 tunni kuulamisaega Magnetiline disain tagab, et kõrvaklapid ei libise kaelast ära Multi-point ühendus mitme Bluetooth seadmega 3-nupuline juhtpult integreeritud mikrofoniga
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Comfortable in-ear wireless headset Powerful Pure Bass sound & integrated microphone 3-button remote Flat tangle-free cable Battery lasts up to 8 hours + fast charging
description_short_et - Mugavad kõrvasisesed juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid Võimas Pure Bass heli & integreeritud mikrofon 3-nupuline juhtpult Lame kaabel, mis ei lähe sõlme Aku kestab kuni 8 tundi järjest + kiirlaadimine
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Удобные беспроводные наушники-вкладышиМощный звук Pure Bass и встроенный микрофон3-х кнопочный пульт дистанционного управленияПлоский кабель, который не запутываетсяБатареи хватает до 8 часов подряд + быстрая зарядка
Design - Headphone design - In-ear
Design - Headphone type - Headphones with microphone
Design - Headphone type - Wireless headphones
Disain - Kõrvaklappide disain - Kõrvasisesed
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Kõrvaklapid koos mikrofoniga
Dizains - Austiņu dizains - Ausīs liekamas (In-ear)
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Austiņas ar mikrofonu
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Bezvadu austiņas
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora ietilpība - 120 mAh
Enerģijas avots - Akumulatora tips - Litija polimēru akumulators
Enerģijas avots - Darbības laiks - 8 stundas
Enerģijas avots - Enerģijas avots - Uzlādējams akumulators
Enerģijas avots - Uzlādes laiks - 2 stundas
feature_group_en - Headphones
feature_group_et - Kõrvaklapid
feature_group_lv - Austiņas
feature_group_ru - Наушники
General - Color - White
General - Package contents - Chargin cable
General - Package contents - Headphones
General - Package contents - S,M,L silicone earpads
General - Weight (g) - 19
Kõrvaklapid - Elemendid - 8,6 mm
Kõrvaklapid - Heli - Stereo
Kõrvaklapid - Sagedusdiapasoon - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Kõrvaklapid - Takistus - 16 Ω
Kõrvaklapid - Tundlikkus - 102 dB
manufacturer_code - JBLT115BTWHT
Microphone - Microphone type - In-cable microphone
Microphone - Sensitivity - -21 dB
Mikrofon - Mikrofoni tüüp - Kaablisisene mikrofon
Mikrofon - Tundlikkus - -21 dB
Mikrofons - Jutība - -21 dB
Mikrofons - Mikrofona tips - Kabelī iebūvēts mikrofons
name_en - JBL wireless earbuds Tune 115BT, white
name_et - JBL juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid Tune 115BT, valge
name_lv - JBL wireless earbuds Tune 115BT, white
name_ru - JBL беспроводные наушники Tune 115BT, белый
Power source - Battery capacity - 120 mAh
Power source - Battery life - 8 hours
Power source - Battery type - Lithium polymer battery
Power source - Charging time - 2 hours
Power source - Power source - Rechargeable battery
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - A2DP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - AVRCP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - HFP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth protokoli - HSP
Savienojamība - Bluetooth versija - Bluetooth 4.2
Savienojamība - Darba frekvence - 2,402 – 2,480 GHz
Savienojamība - Piemērotas ierīces - Ierīces ar Bluetooth savienojumu
Savienojamība - Savienojums - Bluetooth
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Mikrofona ieslēgšanai/izslēgšanai
Savienojamība - Vadības pogas - Skaņas skaļuma regulēšanai
Skaļruņi - Draiveri - 8,6 mm
Skaļruņi - Frekvenču diapazons - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Skaļruņi - Jutīgums - 102 dB
Skaļruņi - Pretestība - 16 Ω
Skaļruņi - Skaņa - Stereo
Speakers - Drivers - 8.6 mm
Speakers - Frequency response - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Speakers - Impendance - 16 Ω
Speakers - Sensitivity - 102 dB
Speakers - Sound - Stereo
Toide - Aku kestvus - 8 tundi
Toide - Aku mahutavus - 120 mAh
Toide - Aku tüüp - Liitium-polümeer aku
Toide - Laadimisaeg - 2 tundi
Toide - Vooluallikas - Laetav aku
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Austiņas
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - S, M un L silikona ausu spilventiņi
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Uzlādes kabelis
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Balta
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 19
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - A2DP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - AVRCP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - HFP
Ühendus - Bluetooth protokollid - HSP
Ühendus - Bluetooth versioon - Bluetooth 4.2
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Helitugevuse reguleerimiseks
Ühendus - Juhtnupud - Mikrofoni sisse/välja lülitamiseks
Ühendus - Sobivad seadmed - Bluetooth ühendusega seadmed
Ühendus - Töösagedus - 2,402 – 2,480 GHz
Ühendus - Ühendus - Bluetooth
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 19
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kõrvaklapid
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Laadimiskaabel
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - S, M ja L mõõdus silikoonpadjad
Üldine - Värvus - Valge
Дизайн - Дизайн наушников - В уши
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Беспроводные наушники
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Наушники с микрофоном
Источник питания - Время зарядки - 2 часа
Источник питания - Емкость аккумулятора - 120 mAh
Источник питания - Питание - Перезаряжаемый аккумулятор
Источник питания - Срок службы аккумулятора - 8 часов
Источник питания - Тип аккумулятора - Литий-полимерный аккумулятор
Колонки - Диапазон частот - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Колонки - Звук - Стерео
Колонки - Сопротивление - 16 Ω
Колонки - Чувствительность - 102 дБ
Колонки - Элементы - 8,6 мм
Микрофон - Тип микрофона - Встроенный в кабель
Микрофон - Чувствительность - -21 dB
Общее - Вес (г) - 19
Общее - Комплектация - S, M и L силиконовые подушечки
Общее - Комплектация - Кабель для зарядки
Общее - Комплектация - Наушники
Общее - Цвет - Белый
Соединение - Bluetooth версия - Bluetooth 4.2
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - A2DP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - AVRCP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - HFP
Соединение - Bluetooth протоколы - HSP
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Включение/выключение микрофона
Соединение - Кнопки управления - Для регуляции громкости звука
Соединение - Рабочая частота - 2.402 – 2.480 GHz
Соединение - Совместимые устройства - Bluetooth устройства
Соединение - Соединение - Bluetooth
50.55 €
JBL Tune 115BT, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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