Vivanco Mooove, Red

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 636339 Product code: 25170
In stock 35 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
24.60 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 21.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Melna
  • Color: Red
  • Microphone: Nav
  • Port: 3.5mm
  • Type: Over-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : Melna, Red
Connection type : Wired
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 20
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Nav
Microphone type : Nav
Number of channels : Stereo
Port 3.5mm

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : 32
Sensitivity, dB : 107
Type Over-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 200
More detailed specification
barcode - 4008928251708
brand - Vivanco
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
Connectivity - Cable length - 180 cm
Connectivity - Connector - 3.5 mm plug
Connectivity - Suitable devices - Devices with 3.5 mm audio output
description_en - The Mooove stereo headphones has a glossy design, a rich, detailed stereo sound and crisp bass. Thanks to the extra soft ear cushions, the low weight and the adjustable headband Mooove offers a comfortable fit. Glossy design Extra soft ear pads for lasting comfort Adjustable, padded headband for the perfect fit One-sided cable management Cable length: 180 cm 3.5 mm jack 40 mm driver Frequency range: 20Hz - 20KHz Impedance: 32 Ohm
description_et - Vivanco Mooove kõrvaklapid toovad kuulajani rikkaliku helipilti ja võimsalt terava bassi. Kerge konstruktsioon ja eriti pehmed kõrvapadjad tagavad ülima mugavuse ning teguleeritav peapael võimaldab just endale sobivaima kõrvaklappide asendi leida. Stiilne läikiv disain Eriti pehmed kõrvapadjad Reguleeritav pehme peapael 40 mm elemendid Takistus: 32 Ω Sagedusdiapasoon: 20 – 20 000 Hz
description_lv - Mooove stereo austiņas ir apveltītas ar spīdīgu dizainu, bagātīgu, detalizētu stereo skaņu un skaidriem basiem. Pateicoties īpaši mīkstiem ausu spilventiņiem, vieglam svaram un regulējamai galvas stīpai, Mooove nodrošina patīkamu, ērtu valkāšanu.Spīdīgs dizainsĪpaši mīksti ausu spilventiņi ilgstošam komfortamRegulējama, polsterēta galvas stīpa ideālam piegulumamVienpusēja kabeļa pārvaldībaKabeļa garums: 180 cm3,5 mm ligzda40 mm draiverisFrekvenču diapazons: 20Hz - 20KHzPretestība: 32 omi
description_ru -
description_short_en - Comfortable on-ear headphones Rich sound with deep bass Soft 40 mm ear pads Extra lightweight design Universal 3.5 mm plug
description_short_et - Mugavad kõrvapealsed kõrvaklapid Eriti võimas bass Pehmed 40 mm kõrvapadjad Mugav ja kerge konstruktsioon Universaalne 3,5 mm pistik
description_short_lv - Ērtas uz ausīm liekamas austiņasBagātīga skaņa ar dziļiem basiemMīksti 40 mm ausu spilventiņiĪpaši viegla konstrukcijaUniversāls 3,5 mm spraudnis
description_short_ru -
Design - Headphone design - Over-ear
Design - Headphone type - Wired headphones
Disain - Kõrvaklappide disain - Kõrvapealsed
Disain - Kõrvaklappide tüüp - Juhtmega kõrvaklapid
Dizains - Austiņu dizains - Pāri ausīm (Over-ear)
Dizains - Austiņu tips - Vadu austiņas
feature_group_en - Headphones
feature_group_et - Kõrvaklapid
feature_group_lv - Austiņas
feature_group_ru - Наушники
General - Color - Red
Kõrvaklapid - Elemendid - 40 mm
Kõrvaklapid - Heli - Stereo
Kõrvaklapid - Patjade diameeter - 40 mm
Kõrvaklapid - Patjade materjal - Kunstnahk
Kõrvaklapid - Sagedusdiapasoon - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Kõrvaklapid - Takistus - 32 Ω
manufacturer_code - 25170
name_en - Vivanco headphones Mooove, red (25170)
name_et - Vivanco kõrvaklapid Mooove, punane (25170)
name_lv - Vivanco austiņas Mooove, sarkanas (25170)
name_ru - Наушники Vivanco Mooove, красные (25170)
Savienojamība - Kabeļa garums - 180 cm
Savienojamība - Piemērotas ierīces - Ierīces ar 3,5 mm audio izeju
Savienojamība - Savienojums - 3,5 mm spraudnis
Skaļruņi - Auss uzlikas diametrs - 40 mm
Skaļruņi - Austiņu spilventiņu materiāls - Mākslīgā āda
Skaļruņi - Draiveri - 40 mm
Skaļruņi - Frekvenču diapazons - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Skaļruņi - Pretestība - 32 Ω
Skaļruņi - Skaņa - Stereo
Speakers - Drivers - 40 mm
Speakers - Ear cup diameter - 40 mm
Speakers - Ear cup material - Faux leather
Speakers - Frequency response - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Speakers - Impendance - 32 Ω
Speakers - Sound - Stereo
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Sarkana
Ühendus - Juhtme pikkus - 180 cm
Ühendus - Sobivad seadmed - 3,5 mm heliväljundiga seadmed
Ühendus - Ühendus - 3,5 mm pistik
Üldine - Värvus - Punane
Дизайн - Дизайн наушников - Вокруг ушей
Дизайн - Тип наушников - Проводные наушники
Колонки - Диаметр амбушюр - 40 мм
Колонки - Диапазон частот - 20 – 20 000 Hz
Колонки - Звук - Стерео
Колонки - Материал подушечек - Искусственная кожа
Колонки - Сопротивление - 32 Ω
Колонки - Элементы - 40 мм
Общее - Цвет - Красный
Соединение - Длина кабеля - 180 см
Соединение - Совместимые устройства - Устройства с аудио выходом 3,5 мм
Соединение - Соединение - 3,5 мм штекер
24.60 €
Vivanco Mooove, Red
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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