Philips SHC5200, Wireless, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 130238 Product code: SHC5200
Can be ordered 17 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years
57.64 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 24.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: Melna
  • Microphone: Nav
  • Port: Wireless
  • Type: Over-Ear
All parameters
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) : Nav
Color : Melna
Connection type : Wireless
Frequency range max, Hz : 20000
Frequency range min, Hz : 10
Illumination colour : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Microphone : Nav
Microphone type : Nav
Number of channels : Stereo
Port Wireless

The headphones connection to the computer. A cable for a long-term and stable sound experience is the most popular type of connection.

If you want to enjoy the wireless freedom you should choose wireless or bluetooth headphones, still in this case you have to accept the regular replacement of batteries or charging of a battery pack. A computer sound card is required for connecting headphoes to the computer. Prior to buying bluetooth headphones you should verify that your computer has a bluetooth receiver. If there is no receiver ask our managers whether the receiver is included with the selected model of headphones.

Resistance, Ω : 32
Sensitivity, dB : 100
Type Over-Ear
The type of application of headphones. If headphones are used only for chatting via Skype, ICQ or another communication network we recommend to buy headphones with a microphone.
Weight, g : 419
More detailed specification
Battery - 2x AAA 1.5 V NiMH
Battery - Battery charge indicator - Yes
Battery - battery life up to - 14
Battery - Battery voltage - 1.5 V
Battery - Charging source - AC
Battery - Continuous audio playback time - 14 h
Battery - Number of batteries supported - 2
Battery - Rechargeable battery - Yes
Brand - Philips
BrandCode - PHILIPS
BrandPartCode - SHC5200/10
Category - Headphones & Headsets
Color - Black
Connection - adapter - 3,5 mm
Connection - compatibility - Gaming console
Connection - compatibility - Mac
Connection - compatibility - PC
Connection - compatibility - Smart phone
Connection - compatibility - Tablet
Connectivity - Wireless
Depth - 85 mm
EAN - 6923410732948
Frequency - 10-22000 Hz
General parameters - manufacturer - Philips
General parameters - type - HiFi headphones
GrossWeight - 0.8000
GTIN - 6923410732948
Headphones - Acoustic system - Closed
Headphones - Driver unit - 3.2 cm
Headphones - Ear coupling - Circumaural
Headphones - Headphone frequency - 10 - 20000 Hz
Headphones - Headphone sensitivity - 100 dB
Headphones - Impedance - 24 Ω
Headphones - Magnet type - Neodymium
Headphones features - Wireless headphones
Headphones features - acoustics - Closed back headphones
Headphones features - impedance - 24
Headphones features - sensitivity - 100
Height - 0.2800
Height - 220 mm
LED - -
Length - 0.1000
LongDesc -
LongDesc - Wireless freedomFully rechargeble wireless headphonesNo more hassles with the cables, you can feel free to move around at home for music enjoyment. With the rechargeable and lightweight design of these Philips SHC5100/10 headphones, you don’t need to bother for long wearing time.The perfect wireless listening experience- 32mm speaker driver delivers high performance sound- FM Wireless transmission for freedom of movementComfortable for long use- Self-adjusting inner headband- Lightweight design improves comfort for prolonged use.Convenience- Fully rechargeable- Choose from 2 channels to minimize interference
LongDescription EN - 32 mm speaker driver
The 32 mm speaker driver is a compact yet powerful element for delivering non-distorted sound with any given input power. Self-adjusting inner headband
Typically headphones worn outdoors are adjustable by sliding an extendable headband into position. This can be cumbersome as it usually has to be done every time you use it. Get your music fix faster and easier with these heapdhones' flexible, self-adjusting inner headband. It will automatically adjust to your head's shape and size. Lightweight design
The durable, lightweight quality materials of these Philips headphones enhance comfort for extended wearing. FM Wireless transmission
With high frequency FM wireless transmission, which can even pass through walls, you can even listen to your music when you're in another room. Fully rechargeable
The headphones are designed to be used with rechargeable batteries. No worry on cost for repeated use. 2 transmission channels
With a choice of two transmission channels your listening pleasure is protected because you can easily switch to the one with the best reception.
LongDescription ET - 32 mm kõlaridraiver esitab suurepärast heli
32 mm kõlaridraiver on kompaktne, kuid väga võimas element moonutusteta heli esitamiseks igasuguse sisendvõimsusega. Isereguleeruv seesmine peavõru
Tavaliselt saab väljas kantavaid kõrvaklappe reguleerida, libistades välise peavõru sobivasse asendisse. See võib olla tülikas, sest pead seda enamasti igal kasutuskorral tegema. Nende kõrvaklappide painduva, isereguleeruva seesmise peavõru abil saad muusikat kiiremini ja lihtsamini nautida. Võru sobitub automaatselt sinu pea suuruse ja kujuga. Kerge disain muudab kõrvaklapid mugavaks ka pikaajalisel kandmisel
Nende Philipsi kõrvaklappide vastupidavad, ent kerged kvaliteetsed materjalid suurendavad mugavust ka pikaajalisel kasutamisel. Juhtmeta FM-edastus suuremaks liikumisvabaduseks
Juhtmeta kõrgsagedusliku, ka läbi seinte kanduva FM-edastusega saad kuulata muusikat ka teises toas olles. Täielikult laetavad
Need kõrvaklapid on loodud laetavate akudega kasutamiseks. Pole vaja muretseda sagedasest kasutamisest tulenevate kulude pärast. Häirete vähendamiseks võid valida ühe kahest edastuskanalist
Kahe valitava edastuskanaliga on sinu kuulamisnauding kaitstud, sest saad neid parema vastuvõtu saavutamiseks kiirelt vahetada.
LongDescription LV - 32 mm skaļruņi nodrošina izcilu skaņas sniegumu32 mm skaļruņi ir kompakti un vienlaikus jaudīgi elementi neizkropļotas skaņas nodrošināšanai ar jebkādu iespējamo ieejas jaudu. Regulējama iekšējā galvas stīpaParasti austiņas, kas paredzētas valkāšanai ārpus telpām, ir regulējamas, iebīdot izvelkamo galvas stīpu vajadzīgajā pozīcijā. Tas var būt apgrūtinoši, jo parasti tas ir jādara ik reizi, kad uzliekat austiņas. Ar šo austiņu elastīgo pašregulējošo galvas stīpas iekšpusi, jūs varēsit ātrāk un vienkāršāk uzsākt mūzikas klausīšanos. Galvas stīpa automātiski pielāgosies galvas formai un izmēram. Viegls dizains uzlabo komfortu ilgstošai lietošanai.Šo Philips austiņu izturīgie, vieglie un kvalitatīvie materiāli uzlabo komfortu ilgstošai valkāšanai. FM bezvadu pārraide kustību brīvībaiAr augstās frekvences FM bezvadu pārraidi, kurai netraucē pat sienas, jūs varat klausīties mūziku, arī esot citā istabā. Pilnībā uzlādējamasAustiņas ir paredzēts lietot ar atkārtoti uzlādējamām baterijām. Nekādu raižu par atkārtotas lietošanas izmaksām. Izvēlieties no 2 kanāliem, lai mazinātu traucējumusAr divu pārraides kanālu izvēli klausīšanās prieks ir garantēts, jo varat viegli pārslēgties uz to kanālu, kurā uztvere notiek vislabāk.
LongProductName - 10 - 20000 Hz, 100 dB, 24 ohm, 32 mm, 2 x 1.5 V NiMH R03/AAA
LongSummaryDescription - Philips SHC5200/10. Product type: Headphones. Connectivity technology: Wired & Wireless. Recommended usage: Music. Headphone frequency: 10 - 20000 Hz. Wireless range: 100 m. Weight: 178 g. Product colour: Black
MediumDescription EN - No more hassles with the cables, you can feel free to move around at home for music enjoyment. With the rechargeable and lightweight design of these Philips headphones, you don’t need to bother for long wearing time.
MediumDescription ET - Enam ei ole tülikaid kaableid - nüüd võid kodus muusikat nautides vabalt ringi liikuda. Nende Philipsi kõrvaklappide laetavuse ja kerguse tõttu ei pea sa enam muretsema kasutusaja pikkuse pärast.
MediumDescription LV - Vairs nekāda vadu radīta jucekļa, varat brīvi pārvietoties pa mājām un baudīt mūziku. Šo Philips SHC5200/10 austiņu atkārtotas uzlādes iespēja un vieglā konstrukcija nerada problēmas, ja vēlaties ilgi izmantot austiņas.
Microphone - Microphone type - Not available
MicrophoneType - No
Name EN - Wireless headphones Philips (home),black
Name ET - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid Philips ( kodu ), must
NameInWeb EN - Wireless headphones Philips
NameInWeb ET - Juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid Philips
NameInWeb LV - Bezvadu HiFi austiņas, Philips
Name LV - Bezvadu austiņas Philips
NetWeight - 0.4200
NoiseCancellation - No
OperatingRange - 100 m
OperatingTime - Up to 14 hours
Other features - Auto power off - Yes
Other features - Channel separation - 30 dB
Other features - Channels quantity - 2 channels
Other features - Modulation - FM
Other features - Pilot tone frequency - 19 kHz
PackageContents -
  • Audio cable
  • Included accessories: Power Adapter

  • PackageDimensions - 240 x 100 x 320 mm
    PackageWeight - 0.420 Kg
    Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
    Packaging content - Cables included - Audio (3.5mm)
    Packaging content - Quantity - 1
    Packaging data - Package depth - 100 mm
    Packaging data - Package height - 320 mm
    Packaging data - Package width - 240 mm
    Performance - Control type - Buttons
    Performance - Product colour - Black
    Performance - Product type - Headphones
    Performance - Recommended usage - Music
    Performance - Wearing style - Head-band
    Ports & interfaces - 3.5 mm connector - Yes
    Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired & Wireless
    Ports & interfaces - Frequency band - 0.863 - 0.865 GHz
    Ports & interfaces - RF connectivity - Yes
    Ports & interfaces - Wireless range - 100 m
    ProdDesc - Philips Wireless HiFi Headphone SHC5200 32mm drivers/closed-back Over-ear.
    ProductCode - SHC5200/10
    ProductName - SHC5200/10
    ProductPicture -
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    RechargeTime - -
    Sensitivity - 100 dB
    ShortDescription EN - No more hassles with the cables, you can feel free to move around at home for music enjoyment. With the rechargeable and lightweight design of these Philips headphones, you don’t need to bother for long wearing time.
    ShortDescription ET - Enam ei ole tülikaid kaableid - nüüd võid kodus muusikat nautides vabalt ringi liikuda. Nende Philipsi kõrvaklappide laetavuse ja kerguse tõttu ei pea sa enam muretsema kasutusaja pikkuse pärast.
    ShortDescription LV - Vairs nekāda vadu radīta jucekļa, varat brīvi pārvietoties pa mājām un baudīt mūziku. Šo Philips SHC5200/10 austiņu atkārtotas uzlādes iespēja un vieglā konstrukcija nerada problēmas, ja vēlaties ilgi izmantot austiņas.
    ShortSummaryDescription - Philips SHC5200/10, Wired & Wireless, 10 - 20000 Hz, Music, 178 g, Headphones, Black
    SpeakerDiameter - 32 mm
    StandbyTime - -
    Supplier features - Battery life - 840 min
    SystemRequirements - -
    TariffNo - 85183000
    Technology -
  • Acoustic system: Closed
  • Magnet type: Neodymium
  • Impedance: 24 ohm

  • Title - Philips SHC5200/10 headphones/headset Wired & Wireless Head-band Music Black
    Type - Headphones
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    URL -
    UserControls - -
    Volume - 0.00672000
    Warranty - 2 years
    WarrantyInfo -
    Weight - 0.178 Kg
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 85 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 220 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 178 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 195 mm
    Width - 0.2400
    Width - 195 mm
    WirelessCompatibility - Yes
    57.64 €
    Philips SHC5200, Wireless, Black
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    All categories