Rebeltec RAPTOR Series, 500W, 80PLUS Bronze

- Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 17.04.2025
- Courier delivery 11.99 €: 17.04.2025

- Producer: Rebeltec
- Power output: 500W
- 80 PLUS certification: 80 PLUS Bronze
- Fan size: 120 mm
- Modular cables: Nav
- Processor plug-in: 1 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
- PCI-E: 2 X 6+2pin
We offer to purchase a Rebeltec power supply unit with a power capacity of 500W, which has received the 80 PLUS Bronze energy efficiency certification.
120 mm fans, with which this power supply unit is equipped, will ensure industry standard quiet operation. For especially quiet power supply unit operation, we recommend purchasing a 135 mm or 145 mm diameter fan.
80 PLUS Bronze energy efficiency certificate, received by this power supply unit, guarantees at least 85% efficiency at 50% load. In other words, for every 100 W of energy the power supply unit receives from the electrical grid, at least 85 W goes to your computer components, while the remaining 15 W is lost as heat.
The color of this power supply is Melna. The cable color is Melna and they are flat.
This is a power supply that complies with ATX 2.0 requirements. The power supply has only 6-pin and 8-pin connectors, which can handle only 75 W and 150 W of power, respectively. Modern graphics cards' high power needs exceed the capabilities of ATX 2.0 connectors. When building a system with a very powerful GPU, such as an RTX 4070, you will need an ATX 3.* standard power supply.
This power supply has no removable cables and all cables are attached to the power supply. It has a simple design, but it works just as well as a power supply with modular cables.
Accessories included - Kabel zasilający
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/PC power supply units
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > Universal power supplies PSU
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Barošanas bloki PSU
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Barošanas bloki PSU
Certificates 80+ - Equivalent 80 PLUS Bronze
Description - ATX power supply RAPTOR 500W, BRONZE 80+, Single Rail, DC-DC RAPTOR 500W BRONZE 80+, DC-DC, Single Rail Premium ATX power supply Huge power reserve Thanks to the advanced design and the highest quality components, Raptor power supplies have a huge power reserve. In the RAPTOR 500W power supply, 500W is available on the +12V line alone (dedicated to powering the processor and graphics card, among other things), in addition to a total of 100W on the +3.3V and + 5V lines and 13.6W on the remaining lines. So the maximum power significantly (approx. 613W) exceeds the rated power of 500W. Efficiency above 85% High efficiency - over 85% at a load of 50% power, over 82% at a load of 20% and 100% power. This means less heat production and more efficient cooling, which translates into quiet operation. High efficiency reduces energy consumption, which in turn reduces equipment operating costs. Active PFC High-quality power supplies use active PFC, which is more effective than the passive PFC used in standard power supplies. Active PFC systems are specialized electronic circuits that adapt to the load and to the conditions in the electrical network, and are therefore able to correct the phase shift efficiently regardless of the operating conditions of the power supply. DC-DC Architecture Power supplies with "DC / DC" technology convert +12V DC in the main transformer and then use it as a basis for +3.3V and +5V - unlike conventional models, which generate all currents simultaneously. Only two additional converters reduce the voltage from +12V to +5V and +3.3V. This increases the efficiency of the entire power supply and also creates a strong +12V line, which is directly used by the most important components such as the processor and graphics card. In addition, it increases the stabilization of individual voltages and reduces to a minimum the impact of current spikes of a given voltage on other voltages. High-quality capacitors A high-quality main capacitor 105`C / 270° uF (in the RAPTOR 500 model) improves the durability of the power supplies and ensures the stability and reliability of the RAPTOR series of power supplies. In the converters reducing the voltage from +12V to +5V and +3.3V, polymer capacitors are used, which are characterized by very low losses. Single +12V RAIL The design with a single +12V rail ensures stable output current at high load and, above all, more optimal power distribution for individual computer components. This is especially important for units with efficient processors and graphics cards. Power cable included All REBELTEC power supplies are sold with a mains power cable, so you don't have to buy it separately - you save time and money. Non-modular design with FLAT BLACK flat cables The RAPTOR series is supplied with soft black FLAT BLACK cables, which allow for easy cable installation and ensure optimal voltage in the system and also cause. that the cables can be arranged more easily and are less visible, which is important in transparent housings. SPECIFICATION: The power supply meets the requirements of 80PLUS BRONZE standards Stable continuous power of 500W - maximum power on the 12V line is as much as 500W, combined on the 5V & 3.3V lines is 100W active PFC (>0.9) DC-DC architecture - ensures high voltage stabilization SINGLE RAIL 12V - optimal power distribution for key components efficiency >82% at 20% load efficiency >85% at 50% load efficiency >82% at 100% load ERP2013 compliance 12cm fan (ultra silent) thermally controlled operating speed black housing FLAT BLACK cables, thanks to which they are easy to arrange in the housing and remain invisible with transparent housings MTBF >100 000h w complete with 16A/250V cable 1.2m 3x0.75mm2 Size: 150 x 140 x 86 mm Weight: 1305g EAN code: 5902539602258 Secondary side wiring: 3x Molex connector (on 3 cables 60-75cm long, flat black, shared with SATA) 5x SATA connector (on 3 cables 45-60cm long, flat black) 1x CPU 12V 4+4pin connector (55cm long cable, flat black) 2x PCI-E 6+2pin connector (50+15cm long cable, flat black) 1x ATX 20+4pin pin connector (50cm long cable, flat black) Protections: OVP - protection overvoltage SCP - short circuit protection OPP - overload protection SIP - surge current protection UVP - undervoltage protection OTP - overheating protection
description_en - Power and Efficiency:
The ATX RAPTOR 500W power supply is certified 80+ Bronze, ensuring high efficiency – up to 85% at full load. This reduces energy losses and heat generation, helping save electricity and improve cooling performance. Cooling System:
The power supply fan is designed to maintain optimal operating temperature. It runs at low speeds under low load, reducing noise, and increases speed under higher loads to provide adequate cooling at full power. Protection:
The power supply features built-in protection systems: Short-circuit protection (OCP): Prevents damage in the event of a short circuit.
Overload protection (OPP): Shuts down the power supply when overloaded to protect components.
Over-temperature protection (OTP): Automatically turns off the power supply when temperatures rise too high to prevent overheating.
Over-voltage protection (OVP): Shuts off the device when voltage exceeds safe limits. Construction and Materials:
The power supply features a metal case for reliability and durability. The fan is equipped with specially designed blades that ensure optimal airflow and minimize noise levels. Connectors and Setup: The power supply includes all the standard connectors to power the motherboard (24-pin), CPU (4+4 pin), graphics card (6+2 pin PCIe), as well as additional connectors for peripheral devices.
The cables are long enough to facilitate easy installation in most ATX cases. Versatility:
This power supply is compatible with standard desktop PCs, including mid-power gaming systems, as well as office and home workstations. It works with most modern components. Durability:
The high-quality components used in the power supply ensure long-lasting and stable performance. High energy efficiency and protection systems prolong the lifespan of both the power supply and the components connected to it. Installation and Setup:
The power supply is easy to install into any standard ATX case. The included cables allow you to connect all necessary components without the need for additional accessories. Ideal for Mid-Range Gaming Systems:
This power supply is perfect for systems that include mid-range or higher-performance processors, graphics cards, and other components that do not require extreme power demands. 500W is sufficient for most mid-range gaming PCs.
description_lv - Jauda un efektivitāte:
ATX barošanas avots RAPTOR 500W ir sertificēts 80+ Bronze, nodrošinot augstu efektivitāti – līdz 85% pilnā slodzē. Tas samazina enerģijas zudumus un siltuma veidošanos, palīdzot ietaupīt elektrību un uzlabot dzesēšanu. Dzesēšanas sistēma:
Barošanas avots ir aprīkots ar ventilatoru, kas uztur optimālu darba temperatūru. Tas darbojas ar zemu ātrumu pie nelielas slodzes, samazinot troksni, un palielina ātrumu, kad slodze pieaug, lai nodrošinātu pietiekamu dzesēšanu pie pilnas jaudas. Aizsardzība:
Barošanas avots ir aprīkots ar iebūvētiem aizsardzības sistēmām: Īssavienojuma aizsardzība (OCP): Aizsargā ierīci īssavienojuma gadījumā.
Pārslogošanas aizsardzība (OPP): Izslēdz barošanas avotu, ja tas tiek pārslogots, lai aizsargātu komponentus.
Pārkaršanas aizsardzība (OTP): Automātiski izslēdz barošanas avotu, kad temperatūra kļūst pārāk augsta, lai novērstu pārkaršanu.
Pārsprieguma aizsardzība (OVP): Izslēdz ierīci, ja spriegums pārsniedz drošos ierobežojumus. Konstrukcija un materiāli:
Barošanas avots ir aprīkots ar metāla korpusu, kas nodrošina uzticamību un izturību. Ventilators ir aprīkots ar īpaši izstrādātām lāpstiņām, kas nodrošina optimālu gaisa plūsmu un minimizē troksni. Savienojumi un uzstādīšana: Barošanas avots ietver visus standarta savienotājus, lai pieslēgtu mātesplati (24-pin), procesoru (4+4 pin), videokarti (6+2 pin PCIe) un citus perifērijas ierīču savienotājus.
Kabeli ir pietiekami gari, lai vienkārši uzstādītu barošanas avotu lielākajā daļā ATX korpusu. Daudzpusība:
Šis barošanas avots ir saderīgs ar standarta galddatoriem, tostarp vidējas jaudas spēļu sistēmām, kā arī biroja un mājas darba stacijām. Tas darbojas ar vairumu mūsdienu komponentiem. Ilgmūžība:
Barošanas avotā izmantotie augstas kvalitātes komponenti nodrošina ilgstošu un stabilu darbību. Augsta energoefektivitāte un aizsardzības sistēmas pagarinās gan paša barošanas avota, gan pievienoto komponentu kalpošanas laiku. Uzstādīšana un konfigurēšana:
Barošanas avots ir viegli uzstādāms jebkurā standarta ATX korpusā. Iekļautie kabeli ļauj pieslēgt visus nepieciešamos komponentus bez papildu piederumu iegādes. Ideāli piemērots vidēja līmeņa spēļu sistēmām:
Šis barošanas avots ir lieliski piemērots sistēmām, kas ietver vidēja līmeņa vai augstas jaudas procesorus, videokartes un citus komponentus, kas neprasa ekstrēmu jaudas patēriņu. 500W ir pietiekami lielākajai daļai vidēja līmeņa spēļu datoru.
description_ru - Мощность и эффективность:
Блок питания ATX RAPTOR 500W имеет сертификацию 80+ Bronze, что означает высокую эффективность – до 85% при полной нагрузке. Это помогает снизить потери энергии и уменьшить тепловыделение, что способствует экономии электроэнергии и улучшению теплоотведения. Система охлаждения:
Вентилятор блока питания разработан так, чтобы поддерживать оптимальную температуру работы устройства. Он работает на низкой скорости при малой нагрузке, снижая уровень шума, и увеличивает скорость при увеличении нагрузки, чтобы обеспечить адекватное охлаждение при полной мощности. Защита:
Блок питания оснащён встроенными системами защиты: Защита от короткого замыкания (OCP): предотвращает повреждения устройства в случае короткого замыкания.
Защита от перегрузки по току (OPP): отключает блок питания при перегрузке для защиты компонентов.
Защита от перегрева (OTP): автоматически выключает блок питания при слишком высоких температурах, чтобы избежать перегрева.
Защита от перенапряжения (OVP): отключает устройство, если напряжение выходит за пределы безопасных значений. Конструкция и материалы:
Блок питания имеет металлический корпус, который обеспечивает надежность и долговечность. Вентилятор оснащен специально разработанными лопастями, которые обеспечивают оптимальное распределение воздуха и минимизируют уровень шума. Разъемы и подключение: В блоке питания есть все стандартные разъемы для подключения питания к материнской плате (24-pin), процессору (4+4 pin), видеокарте (6+2 pin PCIe), а также дополнительные разъемы для подключения периферийных устройств.
Проводка блока питания достаточно длинная, что обеспечивает удобство монтажа в большинстве ATX корпусов. Универсальность:
Этот блок питания подходит для стандартных настольных ПК, включая игровые системы средней мощности, а также офисные и домашние рабочие станции. Он совместим с большинством современных компонентов. Долговечность:
Входящие в состав блока компоненты высокого качества обеспечивают долгосрочную и стабильную работу устройства. Высокая энергоэффективность и системы защиты продлевают срок службы не только самого блока питания, но и подключённых к нему компонентов компьютера. Монтаж и установка:
Установка блока питания в корпус осуществляется быстро и без сложностей благодаря стандартному ATX формату. Включённые в комплект кабели позволяют подключить все необходимые компоненты без дополнительной покупки аксессуаров. Идеален для средних игровых систем:
Блок питания отлично подходит для систем, которые включают в себя средние или более мощные процессоры, видеокарты и другие комплектующие, не требующие экстремальной мощности. 500W достаточно для большинства игровых ПК среднего уровня.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 100 mm
dimension height - 180 mm
Dimensions - 150 x 140 x 86 mm
dimension weight - 1538 g
dimension width - 240 mm
ean - 5902539602258
EAN - 5902539602258
Eans - 5902539602258
Fan - 12 cm
Filters / protection - Circuit
Filters / protection - No
Filters / protection - Overload
Filters / protection - Surge
Filters / protection - Thermal
Filters / protection - Voltage drop
Floppy power connectors - 0
gross_weight - 1.6 kg
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
MB power connector - 20 + 4 pin
Model - RAPTOR 500W
Modular power supply - Yes
MOLEX power connectors - 3
name - Power supply ATX RAPTOR 500W, BRONZE 80+,Single
Name - Rebeltec RAPTOR 500W
Number of connectors PATA - 0
Number of power connectors 12VHPWR - 0
Number of power connectors PCI-E 16-pin Gen 5 - 0
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 1
Number of power supply connector 4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 2
Number of USB 10p connectors - 0
Other features - W zasilaczach Raptor szybkość pracy wentylatorów jest kontolowana termicznie i wynosi od 800 do 1800 obr/min.
PCI-E 6-pin power connectors - 0
PCI-E 8-pin power connectors - 0
PFC - Yes
Power supply - 500 W
producer - Rebeltec
Producer - Rebeltec
ProducerCode - RBLZAS00016
SATA power connectors - 5
ShortDescription - 500W | ATX | 120 mm | 20 + 4 pin | 140mm x 150mm x 86mm |80PLUS BRONZE|
title_en - Rebeltec ATX RAPTOR BRONZE 80 Single Power Supply 500W
title_lv - Rebeltec ATX RAPTOR BRONZE 80 Single Barošanas Bloks 500W
title_ru - Rebeltec ATX RAPTOR BRONZE 80 Single блок питания 500W
vendpn - RBLZAS00016
weight - 1.538 kg
Weight - 1305 g