Battery - Lithium-Ion rechargeable
Battery - battery life up to - 3
Battery - battery technology - Li-Ion
Battery - capacity - 5200
Battery capacity - 5200 mAh
BrandCode - ROBOROCK
Category Code - VCR
Category_1 - Appliances
Category_2 - Small Electronics - Vacuum Cleaners
Charging time - 6 hours
Colour - Black
Description - Roborock S8
Dimensions - 353 x 350 x 96.5mm
Dimensions - depth - 35.3
Dimensions - height - 9.65
Dimensions - width - 35
Dust bin capacity - 0.4 l
EAN - 6970995786514
EAN_code - 6970995786514
Filters - filters - washable filter
Full Description Line - Battery capacity 5200 mAh|Dust bin capacity 0.4 l|Dimensions 353 x 350 x 96.5mm|Weight 4.8 kg
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - voice control support - Amazon Alexa
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Roborock
GrossWeight - 6.9000
Height - 0.1400
Interfaces - Wi-Fi
Length - 0.4400
LongDescription EN - The perfect cleaning duet The all-new dual rubber brushes enhance vacuuming and ensure fewer hair tangles, taking hands-free cleaning to the next level. From hardwood tiles, and even carpets and rugs, hair and dirt are easily swept away. Mop with the power of sound Experience robot mopping like never before, with VibraRise sonic vibration technology that scrubs your floors not hundreds, but thousands of times per minute. 3000 times per minute to be exact. Combined with consisently high pressure, the VibraRise system removes dried stains 30% more effectively than traditional robot mops and leaves less dirt behind than spinning mops. Ready to rise up Got carpets? Like freshly mopped flroos? Perfect. Intelligent mop lifting means when a carpet is detected, the mop is lifted out of the way. Now you can get mopped floors and vacuumed carpets in one single clean. No setting - No-Mop-Zones. No swapping parts. No hassle. Just pure convenience. Mop or vacuum. No hands needed
When you want to mop, you don't want to have to find and attach a mop cloth. Let alone the hassle of swapping your robot's side brushes for mops. With VibraRise, you don't have to. With a tap on your phone, you can switch from vacuuming to mopping and back as often as you like. Keep clean areas clean If you've got beautifully cleaned living room floors but your kitchen needs to be mopped, do you want that kitchen dirt dragged across your living room? No. Using VibraRise, you can mop your kitchen and only your kitchen. Afterward, the robot will lift the mop and cruise back to its dock, leaving floors spotless. Reactive 3D obstacle avoidance - Smart enough to stay out of troubles
With 3D structured light and infrared imaging technology, Reactive 3D Obstacle Avoidance system can help the robot vacuum identify and avoid potential hazards on the floors, in both bright and dark rooms, bringing you a worry-free cleaning experience. Map quicker, clean faster Experience fast and effective cleaning as your robot vacuum can create a map up to 6 times faster before the first cleaning task and can clean your daily area 30% faster when needed. 3D mapping The 3D map allows you to accurately build your house virtually. And with the ability to add furniture, you can create the most detailed map of your house, ensuring that you get the best possible cleaning. Off-peak charging You can choose off-peak times to charge to save on power as well as the costs of using peak-time electricity.
LongDescription ET - Täiuslik puhastusduett
Täiesti uued topelt kummiharjad parandavad tolmuimemist ja tagavad vähem karvade takerdumist, viies käed-vabad koristamise järgmisele tasemele. Olgu selleks parkettpõrandad, plaadid või isegi vaibad ja matid - karvad ja mustus pühitakse hõlpsasti minema. Valmis tõusma
Kas Sul on vaibad? Kas Sulle meeldivad värskelt mopitud põrandad? Täiuslik. Nutikas mopi tõstmine tähendab, et vaiba tuvastamisel tõstetakse mopp kõrgemale. Nüüd saad mopitud põrandad ja tolmuimejaga puhastatud vaibad ühe puhastuskorraga. Pole vaja seada keelualasid. Pole vaja osasid vahetada. Pole tüli. Lihtsalt puhas mugavus. Mopi heli jõuga
Tänu VibraRise helivibratsioonitehnoloogiale koged uut moodi robotmoppimst, mis küürib Sinu põrandaid püsivalt kõrge rõhuga kogu puhastusperioodi vältel kuni 3000 korda minutis. Mopi või ime tolmu. Käsi pole vaja
Kui tahad põrandaid moppida, ei taha Sa mopilappi otsida ja seda kinnitada. Rääkimata vaevast, mida nõuab Sinu roboti külgharjade vahetamine moppide vastu. VibraRise'iga ei pea Sa seda tegema. Ühe telefonikoputusega saad tolmuimejalt mopile vahetada nii tihti, kui soovid. Hoia puhtad alad puhtana
Kui Sul on ilusti puhastatud elutoa põrandad, kuid köök vajab moppimist, siis kas tahad, et köögi mustus veetaks üle terve elutoa laiali? Ei. VibraRise abil saad moppida üksnes ja ainult oma kööki. Pärast seda tõstab robot mopi üles ja sõidab tagasi oma dokki, jättes põrandad laitmatult puhtaks. Reactive 3D takistuste vältimine - piisavalt nutikas, et hoiduda probleemidest
3D struktuurvalguse ja infrapuna kujutise tehnoloogia abil saab Reactive 3D Takistuste Vältimise süsteem aidata robotil tuvastada ja vältida võimalikke ohte põrandatel, nii eredates kui ka pimedates ruumides, tuues Sinuni muretu puhastuskogemuse. Kaardista kiiremini, puhasta kiiremini
Koge kiiret ja tõhusat puhastamist, sest Sinu robottolmuimeja võib luua kaardi kuni 6 korda kiiremini enne esimest koristusülesannet ja võib vajadusel puhastada Sinu igapäevast ala 30% kiiremini. 3D kaardistamine
3D kaart võimaldab Sul täpselt oma maja virtuaalselt ehitada. Mööbli lisamise võimalusega saad luua oma majast kõige detailsema kaardi, tagades parima võimaliku puhastuse. Väljaspool tipptundi laadimine
Saad valida tipptunni välisel ajal laadimise, et säästa energiat ja vähendada tippaja elektritarbimise kulusid.
Manufacturer - RoboRock
Manufacturer_code - S852-00
MediumDescription EN - Forget about cleaning, really. Free your time and let Roborock S8 do the dirty work. Experience the next level of cleaning with our latest technology - DuoRoller Brush and VibraRise Mopping System. The smart cleaning experience has never been easier. • With the improved HyperForce suction power of 6000 Pa, even the smallest particles can be sucked up effortlessly by the Roborock S8
• VibraRise mopping system
• PreciseSense LiDAR Navigation • Reactive 3D Obstacle Avoidance • Multi-level mapping system
• Customizable app control • Adaptive route algorithms • Ultrasonic carpet sensing
• Electric water tank
• Child lock
MediumDescription ET - Unusta koristamine, päriselt. Vabasta oma aeg ja lase Roborock S8-l must töö ära teha. Koge järgmist taset koristamisel meie uusima tehnoloogiaga - DuoRoller Brush ja VibraRise moppimissüsteem. Nutikas koristuskogemus pole kunagi olnud lihtsam. • Täiustatud HyperForce 6000 Pa imemisvõimsusega suudab Roborock S8 hõlpsasti imeda isegi kõige väiksemaid osakesi
• VibraRise moppimissüsteem
• PreciseSense LiDAR navigatsioonisüsteem
• Reactive 3D takistuste vältimine
• Mitmetasandiline kaardistamissüsteem
• Kohandatav rakenduse juhtimine
• Kohanduvad marsruudialgoritmid
• Ultraheli vaibatuvastus
• Elektriline veepaak
• Lapselukk
MediumDescription LV - Aizmirstiet par tīrīšanu, patiešām! Izbaudiet savu brīvo laiku un ļaujiet Roborock S8 veikt netīro darbu. Šis ir nākamais tīrīšanas līmenis, izmantojot jaunāko tehnoloģiju - DuoRoller Brush un VibraRise Mopping System. Viedā tīrīšana nekad nav bijusi vēl vienkāršāka. • Ar uzlaboto HyperForce sūkšanas jaudu 6000 Pa, Roborock S8 var bez piepūles iesūkt pat vismazākās daļiņas;
• VibraRise mazgāšanas sistēma;
• PreciseSense LiDAR navigācija;
• Reaktīvā 3D izvairīšanās no šķēršļiem;
• Daudzlīmeņu kartēšanas sistēma;
• Vadība izmantojot lietotni;
• Adaptīvi maršruta algoritmi;
• Ultraskaņas paklāju atpazīšanas sensors;
• Elektriskā ūdens tvertne;
• Bērnu drošības slēdzis.
Model name - S8
Name - Roborock S8, Robot (Black)
Name EN - Robot vacuum cleaner S8 Roborock, Black
Name ET - Robottolmuimeja S8 Roborock, Must
NameInWeb EN - Roborock S8, Wet & Dry, black - Robot vacuum cleaner
NameInWeb ET - Roborock S8, Wet & Dry, must - Robottolmuimeja
NameInWeb LV - Roborock S8, Wet & Dry, melna - Robots putekļu sūcējs
Name LV - Robots putekļu tīrītājs S8 Roborock, Melns
NetWeight - 4.8000
Noise level, max - 68.5 dB
ProductCode - S852-00
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 40 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 14 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 6.9 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 45 cm
TariffNo - 85081900
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0271 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 6.9 kg
Unit Net Weight - 4.8 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vacuum cleaner - scheduled cleaning
Vacuum cleaner - cleaning method - dry
Vacuum cleaner - cleaning method - wet
Vacuum cleaner - docking station functions - charging
Vacuum cleaner - dustbin / dustbag capacity - 0.4
Vacuum cleaner - dust collecting technique - central brushing
Vacuum cleaner - functions - obstacle detection
Vacuum cleaner - functions - resume cleaning after charging
Vacuum cleaner - functions - room mapping
Vacuum cleaner - functions - talking
Vacuum cleaner - included items - docking station
Vacuum cleaner - included items - water tank
Vacuum cleaner - maximum working space - 300
Vacuum cleaner - navigation system - LiDAR
Vacuum cleaner - no-go zones - app controlled
Vacuum cleaner - suction power - 69
Vacuum cleaner - suction power - 6000
Vacuum cleaner - type - robotic vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner - water container capacity - 0.3
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.02710400
Warranty - 12/24 months
Water tank capacity - 0.3 l
Weight - 3,50
Width - 0.4400