Platinet PFS5144 Antistatic Cleaning Foam for LCD, TFT screens 400 ml

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 550643 Product code: PFS5144
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
15.08 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 31.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Color: White
  • Use: Tīrīšanas līdzekļi
Basic information
Color : White
Use : Tīrīšanas līdzekļi
More detailed specification
Andmed - Maht - 400 ml
barcode - 5907595426114
Brand - Platinet
brand - Platinet
BrandPartCode - PFS5144
Category - Equipment Cleansing Kits
category_en - Computer cleaning supplies
category_et - Puhastusvahendid
category_lv - Datoru tīrīšanas līdzekļi
category_ru - Очистительные средства для ПК
depth - 6
description_en - Platinet cleaning foam is perfect for LCD, TFT, plasma and digital camera, laptop etc screens. It's also suitable for cleaning binoculars, scanners, glasses and other optical surfaces. The liquid gives cleaned surfaces anti-static properties.
description_et - Platinet puhastusvaht eemaldab efektiivselt sõmejäljed ja mustuse kõikidelt ekraanidelt. Sobib ideaalselt nii telerite, monitoride, nutitelefonide kui tahvelarvutite ekraanide puhastamiseks. Vaht on anti-staatiline ega jäta puhastamise järel jälgi. Maht: 400 ml
description_lv - Platinet tīrīšanas putas ir teicami piemērotas LCD, TFT, plazmas, digitālās kameras, klēpjdatora un citu ierīču ekrāna tīrīšanai. Tās ir arī piemērotas binokļiem, skeneriem, brillēm un citām optiskām virsmām. Tīrīšanas šķidrums piešķir virsmām antistatiskas īpašības.
description_ru - Пена-очиститель Platinet эффективно удаляет отпечатки пальцев и грязь со всех экранов. Идеально подходит для очищения как телевизоров, мониторов, так и экранов смартфонов и планшетов. Пена антистатическая и не оставляет следов. Объем: 400 мл
description_short_en - Anti-static cleaning foam Suitable for LCD screens Removes fingerprints and dirt with eas Doesn't leave streaks 400 ml
description_short_et - Antistaatiline puhastusvaht Sobib erinevate ekraanide puhastamiseks Eemaldab sõrmejäljed ja mustuse kergusega Ei jäta puhastatud pinnale jälgi Maht: 400 ml
description_short_lv - Antistatiskas tīrīšanas putas Piemērotas LCD ekrāniem Viegli notīra pirkstu nospiedumus un netīrumus Neatstāj švīkas 400 ml
description_short_ru - Пенка для чистки для пластика Антистатическая и антибактериальная Удаляет масленные следы и загрязнения Не оставляет следов Объем: 400 мл
Features - Product colour - Blue, White, Yellow
Features - Product type - Equipment cleansing foam
Features - Proper use - LCD/TFT/Plasma
Features - Volume - 400 ml
feature_group_en - Display cleaning fluids
feature_group_et - Ekraani puhastusvedelikud
feature_group_lv - Ekrānu tīrīšanas šķidrumi
feature_group_ru - Жидкости для очистки экрана
gross_weight - 0.435
GTIN - 5907595426114
height - 20
LongDesc - Anti bacterial and anti-static Foam Cleaner for LCD / TFT Capacity: 400 ml Perfectly removes fat and dirt. Cleans surfaces of dust, nicotine, grease. Product originating from the European Union
LongProductName - Cleaning Foam For LCD And Touch Screens, Foam 400ml, Anti bacterial and anti static, For cleaning of monitors and glass surfaces.
LongSummaryDescription - Platinet Cleaning Foam For LCD And Touch Screens, Foam 400ml, Anti bacterial and anti static, For cleaning of monitors and glass surfaces.. Product type: Equipment cleansing foam, Proper use: LCD/TFT/Plasma, Volume: 400 ml. Quantity per pack: 1 pc(s). Package type: Spray bottle
name_en - Platinet LCD cleaning foam PFS5144 400ml
name_et - Platinet LCD puhastusvaht PFS5144 400ml
name_lv - Platinet LCD tīrīšanas putas PFS5144 400ml
name_ru - Platinet LCD пена-очиститель PFS5144 400мл
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Packaging data - Package type - Spray bottle
ProductName - Cleaning Foam For LCD And Touch Screens, Foam 400ml, Anti bacterial and anti static, For cleaning of monitors and glass surfaces.
ShortSummaryDescription - Platinet Cleaning Foam For LCD And Touch Screens, Foam 400ml, Anti bacterial and anti static, For cleaning of monitors and glass surfaces., Equipment cleansing foam, LCD/TFT/Plasma, 400 ml, Blue, White, Yellow, 1 pc(s), Spray bottle
Specifications - Volume - 400ml
Specifikācijas - Tilpums - 400ml
Title - Platinet Cleaning Foam For LCD And Touch Screens, Foam 400ml, Anti bacterial and anti static, For cleaning of monitors and glass surfaces.
WarrantyInfo -
width - 6
Спецификации - Объем - 400мл
15.08 €
Platinet PFS5144 Antistatic Cleaning Foam for LCD, TFT screens 400 ml
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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