Huawei Ultimate Voyage, Silver - 49mm

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 963728 Product code: Colombo-B19S
In stock 2 units
Warranty: 2 years
748.24 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: on Friday, 07.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: on Friday, 07.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Always-On Display: N/A
  • Bluetooth: Ir
  • Built-in memory (GB): N/A
  • Color: Silver
  • Contactless payments: Ir
  • Display size: 1.50"
  • GPS: Ir
  • Model: Huawei Ultimate Voyage
  • SIM cards: Nav
  • Battery capacity (mAh): 530
All parameters
"Find my phone" function : N/A
Alarm clock : Ir
Always-On Display : N/A
Average battery life : 14 dienas
Barometer : N/A
Bluetooth : Ir
Built-in memory (GB) : N/A
Calendar : Ir
Charging time (h) : N/A
Color : Silver
Complete : Lādētājs, Pulkstenis, Siksniņa
Contactless payments : Ir
Display : AMOLED
Display size : 1.50"
Games : Nav
GPS : Ir
Health and activity tracking : Attālums, Kaloriju skaitītājs, Miega uzraudzība, Sirdsdarbības ritms, Skābeļa daudzums asinīs, Soļu skaits, Stresa līmeņa uzraudzība, Temps, Treniņa taimeris, Treniņu režīmi
Model : Huawei Ultimate Voyage
Music management : Nav
Notices : Ir
Photo camera : Nav
Pulsometer (HRM) : Ir
Quick "SOS" function : N/A
Resistance to frost : Nav
Screen brightness (nits) : N/A
Screen protection : Power Sapphire
Screen resolution : 466 x 466
SIM cards : Nav
SMS/Invited : Ir
Touch-sensitive display : Ir
Type of charging : Magnētiskā
Video calls : Nav
Voice control : Nav
Water resistance (m) : 100m
Weather : Ir
Weight (g) : 75
Wi-Fi : Nav
Battery capacity (mAh) : 530
More detailed specification
Battery - fast charging
Battery - wireless charging
Battery - battery life up to - 336
Battery - capacity - 530
BrandCode - HUAWEI
Category - Root/Home/Sports equipment/Smartwaches and watches
Category 1 - Tablets & Smartphones
Category 2 - Smartwatch
Category_1 - Phones and Navigation
Category_2 - Smartwatches
Climate - operating temperature - -20 - 45
Clock - changeable band
Clock - casing material - zirconium / ceramic
Clock - casing size - 48,5 mm
Clock - compatible with - Android
Clock - compatible with - iOS
Clock - included in the set - cable
Clock - watch type - smartwatch
Clock - watch type - sport watch
Code - 55020AGG
Data exchange - WiFi
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.2
Design > Suitable for - 140-210 mm Wrist
Design > Waterproof - Yes
Dimensions - depth - 1.3
Dimensions - height - 4.85
Dimensions - strap size - 140 - 210
Dimensions - weight - 76
Dimensions - width - 4.85
Display > Display type - LTPO AMOLED
EAN - 6941487288403
Eans - 6941487288403
EAN_code - 6941487288403
Functions - GPS
Functions - microphone
Functions - speakers
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - barometer
Functions - sensors - blood oxygen sensor (SpO2)
Functions - sensors - depth gauge
Functions - sensors - Galileo
Functions - sensors - GLONASS
Functions - sensors - GPS
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - Heart Rate sensor
Functions - sensors - magnetometer
Functions - sensors - QZSS
General parameters - colour - silver
General parameters - manufacturer - Huawei
General parameters - protection level - 10ATM
General parameters - waterproof up to - 100
Gross weight - 0.18 kg
GrossWeight - 0.1800
Health and activity tracking - activity tracking
Health and activity tracking - maximal oxygen uptake mesurements (VO2 max)
Health and activity tracking - sleep tracking
Health and activity tracking - stress level functions
Health and activity tracking - swim workout mode
Health and activity tracking - workout modes
Health and activity tracking - heart rate - wrist
Heart rate monitor - Yes
Height - 0.0650
Length - 0.1400
Link -
LongDescription EN - Built with an Edge
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate's zirconium-based Liquid Metal case, a first on a smart watch, is stronger and more wear and corrosion-resistant. Which means it's built to withstand the rigors of even the most challenging terrain, from desert dunes to majestic mountains. Get a Glimpse, Learn a Lot
The 1.5-inch LTPO AMOLED screen fits snugly under the sapphire watch dial and provides the essential info at a glance, so that each dive and climb can be performed with absolute confidence. Showcase Your Style
Create a custom watch face from a Gallery image, or choose from the myriad of downloadable watch faces, then mix-and-match to find the look and layout that speaks to you. Standout Water Resistance
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate gives you the freedom to take on more challenging dives, thanks to its 16-structure water-resistant design and micron-level water-proof filter. A Sea of Possibilities
Diverse diving modes like recreational scuba diving, technical scuba diving, gauge mode diving and free diving, flexible settings, and high-level data make HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate a diver's best friend. Built for the Bold at Heart
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate is the first smart watch to offer a 100-metre scuba diving mode, with a range of pro-level diving algorithms and diving guidance. High-level metrics like CEIL are also available, to give you unmatched peace of mind, as you plumb the depths of the ocean. Stay the Course
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate's all-new Expedition Mode is backed by Dual-Band Five-System GNSS to ensure more accurate positioning. Its specially designed dim mode makes it easy to read in dimly-lit environments, whether it's a night by the campfire or hike under the stars. Safeguards Your Health
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate captures dynamic heart rate and other health indicators with remarkable precision, while continuing to monitor crucial data during workouts, such as SpO2 and real-time heart rate. It will even send out timely alerts whenever it detects something abnormal, like a low oxygen level or high heart rate. 100+ Workout Modes
With 20+ professional and 100+ basic fitness modes, this watch covers the outdoor activities of your dreams, from hiking to cross-country running to mountain climbing. Precision tracking gives you access to a wealth of data, including calories, distance, route, and beyond, with plenty of tips along the way to enhance your enjoyment of the scenery. Intelligent Outdoor Power Management
When an outdoor mode like Walking, Hiking or Trail Running is enabled, you can customise the watch screen to get only the most essential info at a glance, and benefit from smart power management modes, which take your immediate and long-term needs into account. Swing Like a Pro
The watch records a myriad of golf swing data, including swing speed, swing tempo, backswing time, and downswing time. Driving range mode follows your swing down to the last detail, with handy demos and tips to take your game to new heights. All-Day Health Management
The HUAWEI TruSleep™ 3.0 sleep monitoring algorithm identifies key sleep states, with sleep quality scores and personalised advice on how to get the best possible night's rest. The HUAWEI TruSeen™ 5.0+ technology enhances the accuracy of heart rate readings during strenuous workouts, harnessing eight photoelectric sensors, two groups of light sources, an upgraded AI algorithm, and curved glass lens. An ever-ready stress monitor is on hand to track and manage any daily trials and tribulations, with calming breath exercises to help ease your mind. With SpO2 measurements, made possible by HUAWEI TruSeen™ 5.0+ heart rate monitoring technology, you can rest assured knowing that when it comes to HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate, caring runs in the blood! Bluetooth Calling
Answer and reject incoming calls, send out custom quick replies, and view call logs, to stay plugged in even when you're checking out.
LongDescription ET - Kindlasti ehitatud
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate tuleb esmakordselt nutikellas kasutatud tsirkooniumil põhineva vedelmetallist korpusega, mis on tugevam ja rohkem kulumis- ja korrosioonikindel. See tähendab, et spordikell on valmistatud taluma kõige keerulisemate maastike karmust, alates kõrbeliivadest kuni majesteetlike mägedeni. Viska pilk peale
1,5-tolline LTPO AMOLED ekraan sobib ideaalselt safiirklaasist kellakuva alla ning annab olulise info korraga kätte, nii et iga sukeldumine ja ronimine saab tehtud absoluutse kindlusega. Näita oma stiili
Loo galeriipildist kohandatud kellakuva või vali laaditavate kellakuvade hulgast, seejärel kombineeri ja sobita, et leida välimus ja paigutus, mis just sulle meeldib. Silmapaistev veekindlus
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate annab sulle vabaduse võtta ette keerukamaid sukeldumisi, tänu selle 16-struktuurilisele veekindlale disainile ja mikroni tasemel veekindlale filtrile. Meri võimalusi
Mitmekesised sukeldumisrežiimid nagu vabaaja sukeldumine, tehniline sukeldumine, mõõturirežiimis sukeldumine ja vabasukeldumine, paindlikud seadistused ja kõrgetasemelised andmed muudavad HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate'i sukelduja parimaks sõbraks. Julgete südamete jaoks
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate on esimene nutikell, mis pakub 100-meetrise sukeldumise režiimi, hulga proffide sukeldumise algoritme ja sukeldumise juhiseid. Kõrgetasemelised näitajad nagu CEIL on samuti saadaval, et anda sulle võrreldamatut rahu, kui sa ookeani sügavusi uurid. Püsi kursil
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate'i täiesti uut ekspeditsioonirežiimi toetab Dual-Band Five-System GNSS, tagades täpsema GPS positsioneerimise. Selle spetsiaalselt loodud hämara režiim muudab selle lihtsasti loetavaks hämara valgusega keskkonnas, olgu see öö lõkke ääres või matk tähtede all. Kaitseb sinu tervist
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate jäädvustab dünaamilise südame löögisageduse ja teised tervisenäitajad märkimisväärse täpsusega, jätkates samal ajal oluliste andmete jälgimist treeningute ajal, nagu SpO2 ja reaalajas südame löögisaged
LongDescription LV - Izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu izturīgs
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate šķidrā metāla sakausējuma korpuss, kura pamatā ir cirkonijs, ir stiprāks un izturīgāks pret nodilumu un koroziju. Tas ir veidots tā, lai izturētu vissarežģītāko reljefu, sākot no tuksneša kāpām un beidzot ar majestātiskiem kalniem. Pietiek ar vienu skatienu
1,5 collu LTPO AMOLED displejs ar safīra stiklu sniedz svarīgu informāciju vienā mirklī, lai katru niršanu un kāpšanu kalnā varētu veikt ar pilnīgu pārliecību. Izceliet savu stilu
Izveidojiet pielāgotu pulksteņa ciparnīcu no attēliem savā galerijā vai izvēlieties kādu no neskaitāmajiem lejupielādējamiem pulksteņa veidoliem, pēc tam to pieskaņojiet, lai atrastu izskatu un izkārtojumu, kas uzrunā tieši jūs. Izcila ūdens izturība
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate sniedz jums brīvību veikt sarežģītākus niršanas elementus, pateicoties tā 16 struktūru ūdensnecaurlaidīgajam dizainam un mikronu līmeņa ūdensnecaurlaidīgajam filtram. Bezgalīgas iespējas
Dažādi niršanas režīmi, piemēram, atpūtas niršana, tehniskā niršana, mērierīču režīma niršana un brīvā niršana, elastīgi iestatījumi un uzlaboti dati padara HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate par nirēja labāko draugu. Radīts drosmīgajiem
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate ir pirmais viedpulkstenis, kas piedāvā 100 metru niršanas režīmu un tam ir vairāki profesionāla līmeņa niršanas algoritmi un niršanas instrukcijas. Ir pieejami arī uzlaboti mērinstrumenti, piemēram, CEIL, lai sniegtu sirdsmieru okeāna dziļumos. Vienmēr uz pareizā ceļa
Lai nodrošinātu precīzāku pozicionēšanu, HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate jauno pārgājienu režīmu atbalsta divu frekvenču piecu sistēmu GNSS. Tā īpaši izstrādātais vājā apgaismojuma režīms atvieglo informācijas nolasīšanu tumšākā vidē neatkarīgi no tā, vai tā ir nakts pie ugunskura vai pārgājiens zem klajas debess. Aizsargā jūsu veselību
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate fiksē dinamisku sirdsdarbības ātrumu un citus veselības rādītājus ar ievērojamu precizitāti, vienlaikus uzraugot svarīgus datus, piemēram, SpO2 un reāllaika sirdsdarbības ātrumu treniņu laikā. Un nosūta savlaicīgus brīdinājumus, kad konstatē kaut ko neparastu, piemēram, zemu skābekļa līmeni vai augstu sirdsdarbības ātrumu. 100+ treniņu režīmi
Ar 20+ profesionāliem un 100+ pamata treniņu režīmiem pulkstenis aptver jūsu sapņu āra treniņu aktivitātes, sākot no pārgājieniem līdz krosa skriešanai un kāpšanai kalnos. Precīza izsekošana sniedz piekļuvi daudziem datiem, tostarp kalorijām, veiktajam attālumam, maršrutam un ne tikai. Tas sniedz arī daudzus padomus, kas palīdzēs izbaudīt ainavas skaistumu. 2 nedēļu akumulatora darbības laiks
HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate piedāvā īpaši ātru bezvadu uzlādi, un pēc pilnīgas uzlādes pulkstenis var izturēt līdz pat 14 dienām līdz tam būs nepieciešama nākamā uzlāde. Akumulatora ilglaicīgas darbības laiks padara šo viedpulksteni par uzticamu pavadoni jūsu piedzīvojumos brīvā dabā. Bluetooth zvani
Atbildiet uz ienākošajiem zvaniem un noraidiet tos, sūtiet pielāgotas ātrās atbildes un skatiet zvanu žurnālus.
Manufacturer - Huawei
Manufacturer - HUAWEI
Manufacturer_code - 40-55-7440
MediumDescription EN - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate is built to accompany you on all of your adventures, a crafted masterpiece of a smart watch that's as dynamic as it is durable. Scale new heights, plunge to new depths, and explore the deep unknown knowing this watch has got your back! • 1.5'' AMOLED touchscreen display
• Titanium casing and sapphire glass
• Water resistance up to 50 meters
• Up to 4,5 days of battery life under normal usage
• Sleep tracking, heart rate monitoring, stress monitoring, and more
MediumDescription ET - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate on loodud sinuga kaasas käima kõikidel sinu seiklustel. See on meisterlikult valmistatud nutikell, mis on sama dünaamiline kui on ka vastupidav. Roni uutesse kõrgustesse, sukeldu uutesse sügavustesse ja uuri sügavat tundmatut, teades, et see kell on sinu käel! • 1.5'' AMOLED puutetundlik ekraan
• Titaan korpus ja safiir ekraaniklaas
• 100 m sukeldumine
• Kuni 14 päeva kestev aku
• Une, südametöö, stressi ja palju muu jälgimine
MediumDescription LV - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate ir paredzēts, lai jūs pavadītu visos jūsu piedzīvojumos. Tas ir viedpulksteņa šedevrs, kas vienlaikus ir gan dinamisks, gan izturīgs. Iekarojiet jaunas virsotnes, ienirstiet jaunos dziļumos un atklājiet nezināmo, zinot, ka šis pulkstenis vienmēr ir ar jums!• Augstākās klases materiāli, lielisks dizains;
• 100 m niršanas tehnoloģija;
• Jauns pārgājienu režīms;
• Īpaši ilgs akumulatora darbības laiks un ātra uzlāde;
• 14dienu akumulatora darbības laiks ikdienišķas lietošanas apstākļos;
• Visas dienas veselības uzraudzība;
• Savienojams ar Android un iOS.
MPN - 55020AGG
Name - Huawei WATCH Ultimate, Smartwatch (silver/blue)
Name - Huawei Watch Ultimate steel
Name - Huawei Watch Ultimate Voyage srebrny
Name - Ultimate | Smart watch | LTPO AMOLED | Waterproof | Steel
Name EN - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate, silver
Name ET - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate, hõbedane
NameInWeb EN - Huawei Watch Ultimate, 48,5 mm, silver - Smartwatch
NameInWeb ET - Huawei Watch Ultimate, 48,5 mm, hõbedane - Nutikell
NameInWeb LV - Huawei Watch Ultimate, 48,5 mm, sudraba - Viedpulkstenis
Name LV - HUAWEI WATCH Ultimate, sudrabs
NetWeight - 0.0800
Other features > Colour - Steel
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 20.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 50.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 50.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 5682 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Processor - processor -
Producer - Huawei
ProducerCode - Colombo-B19S
Producer product name - Ultimate
ProductCode - 55020AGG
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - always-on screen
Screen - touch panel
Screen - display technology - AMOLED
Screen - panel resolution - 466x466
Screen - screen material - sapphire
Screen - screen size - 1.5
ShortDescription -
TariffNo - 85176200
Technical details > Net weight - 0.08 kg
Technical details > Producer - Huawei
Technical details > Product type - Smart watch
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00127400
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Weight - 0,60
Width - 0.1400
748.24 €
Huawei Ultimate Voyage, Silver - 49mm
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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