GoPro Max Lens Mod HERO12 / HERO11 / HERO10 / HERO9 Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 607527 Product code: ADWAL-001
In stock 17 units
Warranty: 2 years
89.00 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: on Monday, 07.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: on Monday, 07.04.2025
All parameters
Compatibility : GoPro HERO10 Black, GoPro HERO11 Black, GoPro HERO12 Black, GoPro HERO9 Black
Type : Mod
More detailed specification
barcode - 818279025279
brand - GoPro
category_en - Action camera accessories
category_et - Seikluskaamerate tarvikud
category_lv - Sporta/piedzīvojumu kameru piederumi
category_ru - Принадлежности для экшн-камер
description_en - Max out your stabilization and field of view with the Max Lens Mod. It instantly upgrades your HERO9/HERO10/HERO11 Black with Max HyperSmooth for unbreakable video stabilization up to 2.7K 60p and an ultra-wide 155˚ FOV digital lens – the widest ever on a HERO camera. Powerful horizon lock keeps both horizontal and vertical shots level and steady even if your camera is mounted off-center or rotates a full 360° while recording. Max HyperSmooth for unbreakable video stabilization up to 2.7K 60p Ultra-wide angle 155˚ FOV for enhanced perspective and improved depth of field Horizon lock keeps your videos on the horizontal or vertical axis, even if your camera is mounted off-center or rotates a full 360° Max Timewarp for our smoothest TimeWarp video yet Waterproof to 5M when installed on HERO9/HERO10/HERO11 Black Easy, tool-free installation and removal
description_et - Max Lens Mod annab Sinu HERO9/HERO10/HERO11 Black kaamerale horisondi lukustuse ja vankumatu stabilisatsiooni kuni 2,7K 60p salvestuse juures. Selle ülilainurkmooduli abil suurendad oma HERO9 Black kaamera vaatevälja kuni 155°. Võimekas horisondi lukustus hoiab pildi kindlalt loodis nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt, mispärast sobib see suurepäraselt ka näiteks 360° võtete tegemiseks. Max HyperSmooth annab vankumatu stabilisatsiooni kuni 2,7K 60p salvestuse juures 155° ülilainurkobjektiiv toob Sinuni suurepärase vaatenurga ja täiustatud sügavuse Võimekas horisondi lukustus hoiab pildi kindlalt loodis nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt Moodul sobib suurepäraselt ka 360° võtete tegemiseks Max Timewarp tagab erilise sujuvuse Veekindel kuni 5 meetri sügavuseni Lihtne paigaldada ja mugav kasutada Moodul sobib GoPro HERO9/HERO10/HERO11 Black kaameraga
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - GoPro ultra-wide angle lens Increases FOV to 155° Perfect for 360° recordings Suitable for GoPro Hero9/10/11 Black Easy, tool-free installation
description_short_et - GoPro lainurkobjektiiv Suurendab vaatevälja kuni 155° Sobib hästi 360° võtete tegemiseks GoPro HERO9/10/11 Black kaamerale Lihtne ja mugav paigaldada
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Широкоугольный объектив GoPro Увеличивает угол обзора до 155° Хорошо подходит для съемом на 360° Предназначен для камеры GoPro Hero9/10/11 Black Легко и удобно устанавливать
feature_group_en - Action camera modules
feature_group_et - Seikluskaamerate lisamoodulid
feature_group_lv - Action camera modules
feature_group_ru - Дополнительные модули для экшн-камер
General - Compatible models - GoPro HERO9 Black
General - Compatible models - GoPro HERO10 Black
General - Compatible models - GoPro HERO11 Black
General - Compatible models - GoPro Hero11 Black Mini
General - Savietojamie modeļi - GoPro HERO9 Black
General - Savietojamie modeļi - GoPro HERO10 Black
General - Savietojamie modeļi - GoPro HERO11 Black
General - Savietojamie modeļi - GoPro Hero11 Black Mini
Height - 145.000000
Length - 150.000000
Manufacturer - GOPRO
ManufacturerPartNumber - ADWAL-001
manufacturer_code - ADWAL-001
name_en - GoPro Max Lens Mod (Hero9/Hero10/Hero11 Black)
name_et - GoPro Max Lens Mod (Hero9/10/11 Black)
name_lv - GoPro Max Lens Mod (Hero9/Hero10/Hero11 Black)
name_ru - GoPro Max Lens Mod (Hero9/Hero10/Hero11 Black)
PeriodofWarranty - 2 Y
Weight - 0.143000
Width - 50.000000
Üldine - Sobivad kaameramudelid - GoPro HERO9 Black
Üldine - Sobivad kaameramudelid - GoPro HERO10 Black
Üldine - Sobivad kaameramudelid - GoPro HERO11 Black
Üldine - Sobivad kaameramudelid - GoPro Hero11 Black Mini
Общее - Совместимые модели камер - GoPro HERO9 Black
Общее - Совместимые модели камер - GoPro HERO10 Black
Общее - Совместимые модели камер - GoPro HERO11 Black
Общее - Совместимые модели камер - GoPro Hero11 Black Mini
89.00 €
GoPro Max Lens Mod HERO12 / HERO11 / HERO10 / HERO9 Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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