Silicon Power Blaze B30, 32GB, Black

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 112166 Product code: SP032GBUF3B30V1K
In stock 35 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
22.00 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 28.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 28.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Capacity: 32 GB
  • Read speed (max.): Nav norādīts
  • Write speed (max.): Nav norādīts
Basic information
Capacity 32 GB
USB flash disc has become an equally popular accessory to a mobile phone, therefore we recommend to buy a high capacity flash disc. A usual measure of the volume of a flash disc is a DivX film occupying approximately 1.3Gb, therefore we recommend to buy at least a 2Gb flash disc for transporting films. If you want to be able to carry the contents of a DVD in your pocket you should buy an 8Gb or bigger flash disc.
Color : Melna
Read speed (max.) Nav norādīts

The maximum data reading speed in Megabytes per second. It indicates who many Megabytes per second can be transmitted by the particular flash memory to the computer or another device. For example, 5 MB/s allows to send one high quality mp3 file or a digital photo within a second.

Write speed (max.) Nav norādīts

The maximum data writing speed in Megabytes per second. It indicates who many Megabytes per second can be "received" by the particular flash memory from the computer or another device. For example, 5 MB/s allows to "receive" one high quality mp3 file or a digital photo within a second.

Ports and equipment
Interface : USB 3.2 Gen 1
Port USB Type-A

The type of connection supported by the flash memory.

USB2.0 technically maximum bandwidth speed is 480 Megabits that are transformed into Megabytes and are within the range of 40 Megabytes per second in the operation in the real world. Therefore USB2.0 flash memories that can write and read data above 30 MB/s can be considered as maximum high-speed within the limits of this connection. 

For ensuring a higher operation speed the USB3.0 standard was introduced and this is currently available in new computers of average and expensive category and can ensure maximum ~4 Gigabit per second data transmission resulting in the data bandwidth of up to 400 Megabytes per second. However, it has to be admitted that for copying data at this speed the computer has to be equipped with the HDD or SSD with the writing or reading speed equal to or above the reading or writing speed of the flash memory and close to the USB 3.0 index.

USB2.0 and USB3.0 are retroactively compatible standards, i.e. USB 2.0 devices can be used with the USB 3.0 connection slots and vice versa. It just has to be taken into account that the slowest bandwidth will be used, i.e. USB 2.0

More detailed specification
Andmed - Maht - 32 GB
Andmed - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Linux 2.6.0 või uuem
Andmed - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Mac OS 10.3 või uuem
Andmed - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Andmed - Töötemperatuur - 0 – 70 °C
Andmed - Ühendused - USB 2.0
Andmed - Ühendused - USB 3.1 Gen 1
barcode - 886576010786
barcode - 4712702632194
brand - Silicon Power
category_en - Recording media
category_et - Salvestusmeedia
category_lv - Datu nesēji
category_ru - Носители информации
Description - Błyszcz jak klejnot
Wyposażony w geometryczny wzór o szlifie diamentowym wyrzeźbiony na błyszczącym, półprzezroczystym korpusie, Blaze B30 błyszczy jak luksusowa biżuteria i jest w stanie odbijać blask przez różne źródła światła. Nasadka obrotowa
Konstrukcja nasadki obrotowej o 360 stopni z ramą ze stali nierdzewnej umożliwia użytkownikom używanie i przechowywanie za jednym naciśnięciem kciuka. Charakteryzuje się również wytrzymałą konstrukcją sworznia obrotowego bez osłony z technologią pozycjonowania obrotowego 4, aby uniknąć uszkodzeń lub zanieczyszczeń na luźnym styku złącza USB. Interfejs SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1
SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 (USB 3.1 Gen 1 i USB 3.0) zapewnia wyjątkową prędkość odczytu/zapisu. Oszczędza cenny czas użytkowników, umożliwiając łatwą edycję lub przechowywanie dużych plików, w tym grafik i filmów HD.
description_en - Shine like a Jewel
Featuring with the geometric diamond-cut pattern carved on the glossy translucent body, Blaze B30 shines like a luxurious jewelry, and is able to reflect the sparkle through the different source of light. Blaze B30 is also built-in with the LED indicator, and the light will illuminate through the outer case, indicating the data transfer status during use. Swivel for Easily Use and Store
Blaze B30 incorporates the 360 degree capless swivel design with the stainless metal structure. This allows users to use and store with just a thumb push. Blaze B30 also enhances its durability of the swivel axis with the Four-way positioning rotating technology which avoids any damages or debris on the USB connector from loose axis. USB 3.1 Gen 1 Ultra Fast Transfer Rate
Outstanding read/write speed is coupled with the latest USB 3.1 Gen 1 interface feature a 5 Gb/s bandwidth which is 10× the bandwidth of a USB 2.0 interface. It saves users precious time backing up to and from the hard drive when transferring mass data files.
description_et - Sära kui teemant
Mälupulga korpus on kaunistatud luksusliku teemantlõikelise mustri ja läikiva pinnaga. Uhke muster peegeldab ka valgust, nii et kahtlemata ei jää see ilus mälupulk kellelegi märkamata. Blaze B30'le on sisse ehitatud ka andmeedastust tähistav LED tuluke, mis kumab andmeedastuse ajal läbi mälupulga korpuse. Mugav pöörlemisfunktsioon
Blaze B30'e korpusel on ka lahe metallist osa, mis pöörleb ümber mälupulga. Nii saad USB pistiku selle alla ära peita, kui mälupulka parasjagu ei kasuta ning nii on pistik kahjustuste ja mustuse eest kaitstud. Kui tekib vajadus jälle mälupulka kasutada, keeruta aga kaitse eest ära. Ülikiire USB 3.1 Gen 1 andmeedastus
Võrreldes tavapärase USB 2.0 ühendusega, on USB 3.1 Gen 1 ühendus 10× kiirem. Videote, piltide, muusika jms suure andmemahuga failide ülekandmisel ei pea enam kannatamatult kellaseieri tiksumist jälgima, sest andmed liiguvad USB 3.1 Gen 1 ühendusega erakordselt kiiresti.
description_lv - Mirdzošs kā dārgakmens Blaze B30 caurspīdīgo korpusu rotā ģeometrisks dimantveida reljefs raksts, kas atstaro gaismu un liek zibatmiņas diskam vizuļot kā izsmalcinātam juvelierizstrādājumam. Turklāt Blaze B30 aprīkots ar iebūvētu LED indikatoru, kas lietošanas laikā izgaismojas caur korpusu, attēlojot datu pārraides statusu. Grozāma konstrukcija vienkāršai un ērtai lietošanai Blaze B30 korpuss aprīkots ar 360 grādu grozāmu nerūsējošā tērauda konstrukciju bez atsevišķa vāciņa. Šāds dizaina risinājums lietotājiem ļauj operēt ar zibatmiņas disku, izmantojot tikai viena pirksta kustību. Piedevām Blaze B30 ir droši aizsargāts pret bojājumiem, pateicoties īpašai USB savienotāja stiprinājuma tehnoloģijai. USB 3.0 ātrgaitas datu pārraide
Izcilais lasīšanas/rakstīšanas ātrums apvienojumā ar jaunāko USB 3.0 interfeisu nodrošina 5 Gb/s datu pārraides ātrumu, kas ir 10 reizes ātrāk par USB 2.0 standartu. Tas ļauj lietotājiem ietaupīt tik vērtīgo laiku, pārsūtot liela izmēra datnes uz un no zibatmiņas diska.
description_ru - Сверкающий как ювелирное украшение Корпус накопителя напоминает по форме грани кристалла, придающие блеск и сияние Blaze B30. Поверхность корпуса отражает солнечные лучи, что делает накопитель похожим на изысканное ювелирное украшение. Blaze B30 оснащен встроенным LED индикатором, отображающим статус передачи данных при использовании. Простота и удобство
Отличаясь от наиболее распространненых моделей USB накопителей, Blaze B30 оснащен вращающейся на 360 градусов металлической конструкцией. Дизайн накопителя без колпачка очень удобен в использовании. B30 также надежно защищен от повреждений благодаря особой технологии крепления USB коннектора USB3.0 ультра высокая скорость
B30 отличается высокой производительностью благодаря интерфейсу USB 3.0 и пропускной способностью 5Gb/s, что в 10 раз превышает пропускную способность интерфейса USB 2.0. Новый интерфейс позволяет сэкономить время при передачи больших объемов данных.
description_short_en - 32 GB capacity flash drive Fast USB 3.1 Gen 1 connectivity Up to 5 Gbps transfer rate Perfect for working with large files Capless swivel design & LED indicator
description_short_et - 32 GB mahutavusega mälupulk Kiire USB 3.1 Gen 1 ühendus Kuni 5 Gbps andmeedastuskiirus Ideaalne suurte failidega töötamiseks Korgitu pöörlev korpus & LED indikaator
description_short_lv - 32 GB ietilpības zibatmiņas disks Ātrgaitas USB 3.0 savienojums Ērts pagriežams vāciņš Lieliski piemērots darbam ar liela izmēra failiem Kompakts - atslēgu piekariņa izpildījumā
description_short_ru - Флешка емкостью 32 GB Быстрое соединение USB 3.0 Удобная поворотная крышечка Отличная работа с крупными файлами Компактный дизайн - носи как брелок
Design - Form factor - Capless
Design - Product colour - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 29
dimension depth - 10 mm
dimension height - 125 mm
Dimensions - 53.7 x 18.0 x 10.3 mm
dimension weight - 20 g
dimension width - 85 mm
ean - 4712702632194
feature_group_en - USB flash drives
feature_group_et - USB mälupulgad
feature_group_lv - USB zibatmiņas
feature_group_ru - USB флешки
General - Color - Black
General - Depth (mm) - 10.3
General - Height (mm) - 53.7
General - Weight (g) - 14.8
General - Width (mm) - 18
guarantee - 0
guarantee_type - perpetual
Interface - USB 3.0/USB 3.1 gen 1/USB 3.2 gen 1
manufacturer_code - SP032GBUF3B30V1K
Memory capacity - 32 GB
name - BLAZE B30 32GB USB 3.0 LED black
name_en - Silicon Power flash drive 32GB Blaze B30 USB 3.0, black
name_et - Silicon Power mälupulk 32GB Blaze B30 USB 3.0, must
name_lv - Silicon Power zibatmiņa 32GB Blaze B30 USB 3.0, melna
name_ru - Silicon Power флешка 32GB Blaze B30 USB 3.0, черный
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 70 °C
Packaging content - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Performance - Capacity - 32 GB
Performance - Device interface - USB Type-A
Performance - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
Performance - Mac compatibility - Yes
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan
Performance - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
Performance - USB version - 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1)
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Home Premium x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Professional x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Starter x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 Pro x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8 x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Business
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Business x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Enterprise
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Enterprise x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Basic
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Basic x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Premium
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Ultimate
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista Ultimate x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Home x64
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP Professional x64
producer - Silicon Power
producerCode - SP032GBUF3B30V1K
productName - Silicon Power Blaze B30 USB flash drive 32 GB USB Type-A 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1) Black
productSize - Normal
Security - Fingerprint reader - No
Security - Password protection - No
Security - PIN-secured access - No
Security - Security algorithms - 256-bit AES
sizeX - 175
sizeY - 85
sizeZ - 10
Specifications - Capacity - 32 GB
Specifications - Connectivity - USB 2.0
Specifications - Connectivity - USB 3.1 Gen 1
Specifications - Operating temperature - 0 – 70 °C
Specifications - Suitable operating systems - Linux 2.6.0 or newer
Specifications - Suitable operating systems - Mac OS 10.3 or newer
Specifications - Suitable operating systems - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Specifikācijas - Darba temperatūra - 0 – 70 °C
Specifikācijas - Ietilpība - 32 GB
Specifikācijas - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Linux 2.6.0 vai jaunāks
Specifikācijas - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Mac OS 10.3 vai jaunāks
Specifikācijas - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Specifikācijas - Savienojamība - USB 2.0
Specifikācijas - Savienojamība - USB 3.1 Gen 1
Supported operating systems - Linux
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows Vista
Supported operating systems - Windows XP
vendpn - SP032GBUF3B30V1K
Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 53,7
Vispārīgi - Dziļums (mm) - 10,3
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 18
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 14,8
warrantyType - W
Weight - 8.3 g
weight - 15
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 53.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 10.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 14.8 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 18 mm
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 14,8
Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 53,7
Üldine - Laius (mm) - 18
Üldine - Sügavus (mm) - 10,3
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Общее - Вес (г) - 14,8
Общее - Высота (мм) - 53,7
Общее - Глубина (мм) - 10,3
Общее - Цвет - Черный
Общее - Ширина (мм) - 18
Спецификации - Емкость - 32 GB
Спецификации - Рабочая температура - 0 – 70 °C
Спецификации - Совместимые оп-системы - Linux 2.6.0 или новее
Спецификации - Совместимые оп-системы - Mac OS 10.3 или новее
Спецификации - Совместимые оп-системы - Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Спецификации - Соединения - USB 2.0
Спецификации - Соединения - USB 3.1 Gen 1
22.00 €
Silicon Power Blaze B30, 32GB, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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