EZVIZ H8C 4mm, 1080p Full HD, 2MP, AI Powered, App, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 948703 Product code: CS-H8C
Can be ordered 38 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years
52.79 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 02.04.2025
All parameters
Aperture : F2.0
Atmiņas kartes ligzda : microSD
Colour : Balta
Encoding : H.264, H.265
Feeding : 12V adapteris
FPS at maximum resolution : 30
Microphone : Ir
Network connections : Ir, Nav
Number of cameras per set : 1
Operating temperature MAX (°C) : 50
Operating temperature MIN (°C) : -30
Resolution : 1920x1080
SIM card socket : Nav
Use : Indoor/Outdoor
Viewing angle : 89°
Water resistance : N/A
Weight (g) : 420
More detailed specification
Audio - Audio system - 2-way
Audio - Built-in loudspeaker - Yes
Audio - Built-in microphone - Yes
Audio - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
Audio - Two-way talk - Yes
Brand - EZVIZ
BrandCode - EZVIZ
BrandPartCode - CS-H8C(4MM)
Camera - built-in lights
Camera - built-in speaker
Camera - human detection
Camera - int. microphone
Camera - night vision
Camera - Camera pan control - Yes
Camera - Camera tilt control - Yes
Camera - camera type - outdoor camera
Camera - effective pixels - 2
Camera - Lens viewing angle, diagonal - 104°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, horizontal - 89°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, vertical - 46°
Camera - Minimum illumination - 0 lx
Camera - Minimum illumination - 0.05 lx
Camera - Pan range - 0 - 350°
Camera - Tilt angle range - 0 - 80°
Camera - Viewing angle - 360°
Camera - Viewing angle, horizontal - 89°
Camera - Viewing angle, vertical - 46°
Category - Security Cameras
Climate - operating temperature - -30 - 50
Design - Adhesive type - Wall
Design - Form factor - Spherical
Design - Mounting type - Ceiling/Wall/Pole
Design - Mounting type - M12
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Weatherproof - Yes
dimensionalWeight - 764
Dimensions - depth - 12.919
Dimensions - height - 14.975
Dimensions - weight - 420
Dimensions - width - 10.005
DSLR lenses - viewing angle - 89
EAN - 6941545613284
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - live view
Functions - motion detection
Functions - siren
Functions - two-way talk
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - EZVIZ
GrossWeight - 0.7550
GTIN - 6941545613284
GTIN - 6941545614939
Height - 0.1950
Image sensor - Number of sensors - 1
Image sensor - Optical sensor size - 25.4 / 2.7 mm (1 / 2.7")
Image sensor - Progressive scan - Yes
Image sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45)
Interfaces - WiFi
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
Length - 0.1400
Lens system - Fixed focal length - 4 / 6 mm
Lens system - Fixed focal length - 4 mm
Lens system - Maximum aperture number - 2
Lens system - Number of lenses - 1
LongDesc - 360-degree protection that’s simply smartInheriting the core technologies from EZVIZ’s award-winning outdoor pan & tilt camera series, the H8c puts loads of smart features into a compact unit for simply smart home protection. This trusted, accessible camera is reliable in any weather and operates steadily on residential internet platforms.Crisp, 360-degree vision means no gray areasCan’t get a wide enough picture with your current security camera? Hesitant about the huge investment on a multi-camera security system? The motorized H8c reduces blind spots in monitoring so you see every corner that matters. It renders sharp images in 1080p resolution, too. With only one affordable H8c, you can stay informed with both the bigger picture and the small details.Detect and track the crucial momentsThe H8c distinguishes people from pets or insignificant moving objects. When human activity gets detected, the camera will lock on the target and automatically rotate to follow the movement. Nothing will easily escape your attention.A vigilant guard who works around the clockThe camera features the active defense function to provide an extra layer of protection. Upon detection of intruders, the camera will set off a loud siren and flash two dazzling spotlights³ to let uninvited visitors know they have been detected.Pin down the spots that matter to you mostNo matter how complicated the tracking is, the camera always knows it’s way back to your preferred viewing angle. You can pinpoint up to 12 angles via the EZVIZ App. Just click on your pre-set dots and the camera will automatically resume its place.Hear and speak with visitors as if you were thereWith the H8c, you can simply use your smartphone to hear and speak to a deliveryman, greet guests, or ask strangers to leave your property – even if you’re not home.Elegant design with reliable Wi-Fi connectionCompact in design to go under the eaves or on an exterior wall, the H8c comes equipped with high-performance, built-in dual antennas to ensure stable, strong camera connection.Sturdy and durable for everyday useEZVIZ designed the H8c to bring simple, long-lasting, and worry-free protection to every family. Its weatherproof enclosure stands strong even in harsh weather.Detachable mount plate makes installation easyThe H8c facilitates the setup process. Its mounting base can be detached from the camera body to get installed first, eliminating the need to hold the whole camera in place while you search for the best installation spot.Extra-Large, safe storage options that you can trustYou can secure your recorded videos on a local microSD card of up to 512 GB, or subscribe to EZVIZ CloudPlay for fully-encrypted cloud storage.Enhanced viewing pleasure with smaller video filesCompared to the prevailing H.264 video compression technology, H.265 creates a more fluid viewing experience with recorded videos. Meanwhile, you won’t have to worry about large video files taking up too muchof your storage space – H.265 technology reduces their sizes by up to 50%.We do our best to protect data and privacyEZVIZ has been awarded by DNV for information security (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), personal data protection (ISO/IEC 27701:2019), cloud security (CSA STAR) and more.
LongDescription ET - 360-kraadine nutikas kaitse
H8c kasutab EZVIZi auhinnatud välikaamerate seeria põhitehnoloogiaid, mis koondavad sellesse kompaktsesse kaamerasse palju nutikaid funktsioone, et nutikas kodu oleks kaitstud. See usaldusväärne hõlpsasti kasutatav kaamera töötab iga ilmaga ja katkematult elamute internetiplatvormidel. Selge 360-kraadine vaateväli, kus puuduvad pimealad
Teie praegune valvekaamera ei võimalda piisavalt laia pilti jäädvustada? Mitme kaameraga valvesüsteemi kõrge hind paneb teid kahtlema? Mootoriga H8c kaameraga näete igasse nurka, mis teile olulised on. Lisaks renderdab see teravaid pilte 1080p resolutsiooniga. Taskukohane H8c kaamera hoiab teid kursis tänu oma laiale vaateväljale, kus väikesed detailid ei jää märkamata. Tuvastage ja jälgige olulisi hetki
H8c suudab eristada inimesi lemmikloomadest ja ebaolulistest liikuvatest objektidest. Kui tuvastatakse inimeste liikumine, hakkab kaamera sihtmärki jälgima ja pöörab automaatselt, et liikumist jäädvustada. Miski ei jää teil märkamata.
• Tehisintellekti abil inimese kuju tuvastamine
• Inimeste liikumise automaatne tuvastamine
• Tellimistasu puudub Valvas valvur, kes töötab 24/7
Kaameral on aktiivne kaitsefunktsioon, et pakkuda täiendavat kaitset. Kui sissetungijad tuvastatakse, väljastab kaamera valju helisignaali ning vilgutab kahte prožektorit, et anda kutsumatutele külalistele teada, et neid on nähtud. Määrake kõige olulisemad vaatekohad
Ükskõik kui keeruline jälgimine ka poleks, leiab kaamera alati tee tagasi teie soovitud vaatenurka. Saate EZVIZi rakenduse kaudu täpselt määrata kuni 12 vaatekohta. Klõpsake lihtsalt eelseadistatud punktidel ja kaamera asub automaatselt uuesti oma kohale. Kuulake ja rääkige külalistega täpselt nii, nagu oleksite ise seal
H8c abil saate kasutada oma nutitelefoni, et kuulata ja rääkida kulleriga, tervitada külalisi või paluda võõrastel lahkuda oma kinnistult – isegi kui teid ei ole kodus. Loodud selleks, et oleksite terve öö kaitstud
Muljetavaldav, kaugeleulatuv öövaatlus
H8c kaamera hoolitseb selle eest, et keegi ei saaks pimeduse katte all sisse hiilida.
See võimaldab teil näha piisavalt kaugele, et oleksite kursis sellega, mis teie kodu ümbruses toimub. Kolm kasulikku öörežiimi vastavad kõigi vajadustele
Värviline öörežiim
Lülitage öösel sisse kaks sisseehitatud prožektorit, et saaksite nautida elavat värvilist pilti koos lisavalgustusega, mis hoiab teie kodu turvalisemana. Mustvalge öörežiim
Kui te ei soovi, et valgustus häiriks teie naabreid, kasutage lihtsalt infrapuna öönägemist, lülitades see EZVIZi rakendusest sisse. Nutikas öörežiim
Või laske kaameral otsustada. Nutikas režiimis valgustab kaamera automaatselt ümbruskonda, kui tuvastab inimeste liikumise. Elegantne disain ja usaldusväärne Wi-Fi võrguga ühendamine
H8c kaameral on kompaktne disain, mis mahub katuseräästa alla või välisseina külge ja millel on kaks väga töökindlat integreeritud antenni, et tagada stabiilne ja hea ühendus kaameraga. Tugev ja vastupidav igapäevaseks kasutamiseks
EZVIZ arendas H8c kaamera, et pakkuda igale perele lihtsat, pikaajalist ja muretut kaitset. Selle ilmastikukindel korpus peab vastu ka karmides ilmastikuoludes. Paigaldusalus on eemaldatav, et paigaldamine oleks lihtsam
H8c muudab paigaldamise protsessi lihtsaks.
Kaamera paigaldusaluse saab korpuse küljest eemaldada ja eraldi paigalda, et ei oleks vaja tervet kaamerat paigal hoida, kui otsite parimat asukohta paigaldamiseks. Täiustatud vaatamisnauding väiksemate videofailidega
Võrreldes valitseva H.264 videotihendustehnoloogiaga loob H.265 salvestatud videotega sujuvama vaatamiskogemuse.
Samal ajal ei pea te muretsema selle pärast, et suured videofailid teie salvestusruumist liiga suurt osa hõivaks – H.265 tehnoloogia vähendab nende suurust kuni 50%. Ülisuured ja turvalised salvestusvõimalused, mida võite usaldada!
Salvestatud videoid saate kaitsta kohaliku MicroSD-kaardiga, mille maht on kuni 512 GB, või tellida EZVIZ CloudPlay täielikult krüpteeritud pilvesalvestusruumi (tasuline teenus) jaoks. Kaitseme andmeid ja privaatsust
EZVIZ on saanud DNV auhinna infoturbe (ISO/IEC 27001:2013), isikuandmete kaitse (ISO/IEC 27701:2019), pilveturbe (CSA STAR) ja muu eest. EZVIZ rakendus ja keskkond
Olemas on rakendus nii android kui ka iPhone OS nutitelefonidele. Rakendus on loodud võimalikult kasutajasõbralikuks ja sobib kõikidele vanusegruppidele. EZVIZ on olemas ka arvutipõhine keskkond millele saab ligi läbi www.ezvizlife.com ametliku veebilehe.
LongProductName - 1/2.7", CMOS, 4mm, F2.0, M12, 3D DNR, DWDR, 30 m IR, 1920 x 1080px, 802.11b/g/n, 1 x RJ-45, MicroSD, 420 g
LongSummaryDescription - EZVIZ H8c. Type: IP security camera, Placement supported: Indoor & outdoor, Connectivity technology: Wired & Wireless. Mounting type: Ceiling/Wall/Pole, Product colour: White, Form factor: Spherical. Lens viewing angle, horizontal: 89°, Lens viewing angle, vertical: 46°, Lens viewing angle, diagonal: 104°. Sensor type: CMOS, Optical sensor size: 25.4 / 2.7 mm (1 / 2.7"). Fixed focal length: 4 mm
Management features - Reset button - Yes
Management features - Web-based management - Yes
MediumDescription EN - 360-degree protection that’s simply smart
Inheriting the core technologies from EZVIZ’s award-winning outdoor pan & tilt camera series, the H8c puts loads of smart features into a compact unit for simply smart home protection. This trusted, accessible camera is reliable in any weather and operates steadily on residential internet platforms.
MediumDescription ET - EZVIZ H8C koduvalve kaamera mis näitab 24/7 värvilist pilti. Kaamera tööle panekuks on teil vaja ainult Wi-Fi ühendust, EZVIZ rakendust ja vooluvõrku. Kaameraga tuleb kaasa tasuta EZVIZ rakendus, mille abil on võimalik jälgida kaamera pilte reaalajas või järel salvestusi. Rakenduse eeliseks on see, et teie ei pea midagi lisaks tegema, kui tahate jälgida enda kaameraid kodust eemal olles. Kaamerasse on ka sisseehitatud infrapuna, mis võimaldab näha pimedas kuni 30 meetrit. Kõlari ja mikrofoni abil on võimalik teha kahepoolset suhtlust. • 2MP FullHD Resolutsioonis video salvestus (1920 x 1080)
• Lai kaamera vaatenurk: 89°
• IR-LED ja valge valgustus: 30m
• Kõlar ja mikrofon
• Inimese tuvastus
• Personaalne häireteavitus
• Aktiivne kaitse (helisireen ja vilkuv valgus)
• Sissehitatud Wi-FI
• MicroSD kuni 512GB
• Ilmastikukindel
• Seadistamiseks kõik vajalik komplektis
MediumDescription LV - 360 grādu aizsardzība, kas ir vienkārši gudra
Aprīkota ar pamata tehnoloģijām, no godalgotās EZVIZ āra pagriežamo kameru sērijas, H8c apvieno daudzas viedās funkcijas kompaktā ierīcē, lai vienkārši aizsargātu jūsu gudro māju. Šī izdevīgā IP kamera ir uzticama jebkuros laikapstākļos un stabili darbojas majas interneta platformās.
• Video izšķirtspēja 2 MP Full HD (1920 x 1080);
• Kameras leņķis: 89°;
• Nakts redzamība: līdz 30 m;
• Divvirzienu audio;
• Cilvēka noteikšana;
• Trauksmes paziņojumi;
• Aktīvā aizsardzība (sirēna un mirgojoša gaisma);
• Iebūvēts Wi-Fi;
• MicroSD atmiņas karte (līdz 512 GB);
• Laikapstākļu izturība.
Memory card reader - max. memory card capacity - 512
Memory card reader - supported memory cards - micro-SD
Name EN - EZVIZ H8C 2MP 352* outdoor camera
Name ET - EZVIZ H8C 2MP Color Night Vision pöördkaamera
NameInWeb EN - EZVIZ H8c, 2 MP, WiFi, human detection, night vision, white - Pan & Tilt WiFi Camera
NameInWeb ET - EZVIZ H8c, 2 Mpx, WiFi, inimese tuvastus, öörežiim, valge - Pöördkaamera
NameInWeb LV - EZVIZ H8c, 2 MP, WiFi, LAN, cilvēka noteikšana, nakts redzamība, balta - IP kamera
Name LV - EZVIZ H8C 2MP 352* outdoor camera
NetWeight - 0.4200
Network - Bandwidth - 20 MHz
Network - Bluetooth - No
Network - Channel bandwidth - 20 MHz
Network - Ethernet interface type - Fast Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Frequency band - 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz
Network - Live view - Yes
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11g
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11n
Network - Number of simultaneous live view channels - 2 channels
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 72 Mbit/s
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Night vision - LED type - IR
Night vision - Night vision - Yes
Night vision - Night vision distance - 30 m
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 0 - 95%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -30 - 50 °C
Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
Packaging content - Drilling template included - Yes
Packaging content - Number of cameras - 1
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging content - Screws included - Yes
Packaging content - Waterproof connector - Yes
Packaging data - Package weight - 730 g
Performance - Auto-tracking - Yes
Performance - Built-in light - Yes
Performance - Certification - CE / FCC / UKCA / UL / WEEE / RoHS / REACH
Performance - Connectivity technology - Wired & Wireless
Performance - Day/night mode - Yes
Performance - Infrared (IR) cut-off filter - Yes
Performance - Placement supported - Indoor & outdoor
Performance - Placement supported - Outdoor
Performance - Type - IP security camera
Performance - Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) - DWDR
Ports & interfaces - DC-in jack - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Power - DC output current - 1 A
Power - DC output voltage - 12
Power - Power consumption (max) - 12 W
Power - Power source type - DC
Power supply - power supply - mains
producerCode - CS-H8c
ProductCode - CS-H8C
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - H8c
productSize - Normal
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Security - Anti-flicker - Yes
Security - Built-in siren - Yes
Security - Configurable region - Yes
Security - Digital watermark - Yes
Security - Heartbeat - Yes
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection
Security - Password protection - Yes
Security - People detection - Yes
Security - Video motion detection - Yes
ShortSummaryDescription - EZVIZ H8c, IP security camera, Indoor & outdoor, Wired & Wireless, Ceiling/Wall/Pole, White, Spherical
sizeX - 195
sizeY - 140
sizeZ - 140
Storage - Built-in HDD - No
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Card reader slot - 1
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 512 GB
Sustainability - Compliance certificates - CE, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), REACH, RoHS, UKCA, WEEE
Sustainability - Sustainability compliance - Yes
TariffNo - 85258900
Technical details - Lens mount interface - M12
Title - EZVIZ H8c Spherical IP security camera Indoor & outdoor 1920 x 1080 pixels Ceiling/Wall/Pole
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
URL - https://www.ezviz.com/uk/product/h8c/46763
Video - Bit rate - 2 Mbps
Video - Digital Wide Dynamic Range (DWDR) - Yes
Video - Frame rate - 30 fps
Video - Maximum resolution - 1920 x 1080 pixels
Video - Noise reduction - Yes
Video - Noise reduction technology - 3D noise reduction
Video - Video compression formats - H.264
Video - Video compression formats - H.264, H.265
Video - Video compression formats - H.265
Video - Video streaming - Yes
Volume - 0.00395850
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
weight - 742
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 129 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 129.2 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 149.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 149.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package depth - 140 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package height - 192 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package weight - 730 g
Weight & dimensions - Package width - 140 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 420 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 100 mm
Width - 0.1450
52.79 €
EZVIZ H8C 4mm, 1080p Full HD, 2MP, AI Powered, App, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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