Arenti VBELL1, 2K Resolution, App, Black

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ID: 943084 Product code: VBELL1-32
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Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
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Aperture Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts Nav norādīts
Atmiņas kartes ligzda microSD microSD microSD microSD SD
Colour Melna Balta Balta Balta Balta
Encoding H.264 H.264 H.265 Nav Minēts H.264 H.264
Feeding Baterijas Baterijas Saules Panelis Tīkls 5V adapteris 5V adapteris N/A
FPS at maximum resolution Nav Minēts Nav Minēts Nav Minēts Nav Minēts Nav Minēts
Microphone Ir Ir Ir Ir Ir
Network connections Ir Ir Nav Nav Ir Ir
Number of cameras per set 1 1 1 1 1
Operating temperature MAX (°C) N/A 50 N/A 50 50
Operating temperature MIN (°C) N/A -20 N/A -20 -20
Resolution N/A N/A N/A 2560x1440 3840x2160
SIM card socket Nav Nav Nav Nav Nav
Use Indoor/Outdoor Indoor/Outdoor Indoor only Indoor only Indoor/Outdoor
Viewing angle 130° N/A 360° 100° N/A
Water resistance IP65 IP65 N/A N/A IP65
Weight (g) N/A 740 300 191 N/A
All parameters
Aperture : Nav norādīts
Atmiņas kartes ligzda : microSD
Colour : Melna
Encoding : H.264
Feeding : Baterijas
FPS at maximum resolution : Nav Minēts
Microphone : Ir
Network connections : Ir
Number of cameras per set : 1
Operating temperature MAX (°C) : N/A
Operating temperature MIN (°C) : N/A
Resolution : N/A
SIM card socket : Nav
Use : Indoor/Outdoor
Viewing angle : 130°
Water resistance : IP65
Weight (g) : N/A
More detailed specification
barcode - 6972055683832
brand - Arenti
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
description_en - 2K Ultra HD Aluminum-Framed Design 145° Wide Angle Lens Tamper Detection AI Human Motion Detection Equipped with PIR Sensor 6700mAh Rechargeable Battery Share Camera Full Duplex Two-Way Audio IP65 Weatherproof 32 GB memory card included Compact and modern design from Italy
WLAN IP Camera uses dark grey metal frame and black body, bringing a unique technical and high-quality sense. Thanks to anodized alumina technology, it achieves the perfect balance between lightweight and rugged durability. 2K / 3MP Ultra HD Day and Night
Outdoor surveillance camera with 2K / 3MP Ultra HD resolution display clear, crisp video during the day. Combined with advanced night vision technology, you can always keep an eye on your house at night, even in low light conditions. Two-way Audio & Works with Alexa and Google Assistant
Built-in Mic and speaker offers you a smooth communication with anyone at your door through the "Arenti" App. You can comfortably lie on your sofa and get access to your VBELL1 camera via Alexa or Google Assistant. With a voice command like “ Hey Alexa/ Google, show me my camera,” then you can see a live feed on your Echo Show or Chromecast-enabled TVs. SD Card Storage(Max. 256GB) & 3-Month Free Cloud Storage
Enjoy 3-month free trial of Cloud storage at no extra cost. The VBELL1 camera records a 30-second video clip which is longer than most other cameras on the market, ensuring you see the whole event when motion or sound is detected. The video will be saved to the cloud for 72 hours if cloud storage service is enabled. The camera is compatible with FAT32 microSD cards (sold separately) from 8GB, 16GB, 32GB... to 256GB. Videos can be exported by MP4 format from the SD card. 100% Wire-Free & Easy to Install and Use
Equipped with powerful and long-lasting rechargeable batteries (Total 6700mAh), VBELL1 can work for 2-5 months with a single full charge. 100% Wire-Free design allows you to place it without worrying about annoying wires. Comes with screws and other installation tools, VBELL1 can be easily connected and installed in minutes. User-friendly App offers customized settings to get you started easily. IP65 Weatherproof & PIR Motion Detection
With the durable and long-lasting waterproof design, VBELL1 outdoor video doorbell camera can last for years even in harsh weather conditions. When detects the motion, the video doorbell will rapidly wake up and push alert notifications to your phone. There's no limit to access to the doorbell with a smartphone, so you could invite whole family members to monitor your home.
description_et - 2K Ultra HD videosalvestus Alumiiniumraamiga disain 145° lainurkobjektiiv AI inimese liikumise tuvastamine 6700 mAh laetav aku Kaamera jagamise funktsioon Kahesuunaline heli IP65 ilmastikukindel disain Komplektis 32 GB mälukaart Kompaktne & kaasaegne disain Itaaliast
Tumehall metallraam, must korpus – välimus on elegantne, luues ainulaadse tehnoloogia ja tipptasemel tunde. Saavutamaks täiuslik tasakaal kerge kaalu ja vastupidavuse vahel on video-uksekellas kasutatud anodeeritud alumiiniumitehnoloogiat. 2K Ultra HD päeval & öösel
2K Ultra HD eraldusvõime tagab selge ja terava video päeva jooksul. Koos täiustatud öörežiimiga saad alati oma majal silma peal hoida, isegi vähese valguse korral. Kahesuunaline kõne
Sisseehitatud kõlarid ja mikrofon võimaldavad Sul muretult suhelda oma pereliikme, sõbra või hoopis kutsumata külalisega. SD-kaardi salvestusruum & 3-kuuline tasuta pilvemälu
Naudi pilvesalvestuse 3-kuulist tasuta prooviperioodi ilma lisatasuta. VBELL1 kaamera salvestab 30-sekundilise videoklipi, mis on pikem kui enamik teisi turul olevaid kaameraid, tagades liikumise või heli tuvastamisel kogu sündmuse nägemise. Video salvestatakse pilve 72 tunniks, kui pilvesalvestusteenus on lubatud. Kaamera ühildub FAT32 microSD-kaartidega, mille mahutavus on kuni 256 GB. Videoid saab SD-kaardilt eksportida MP4-vormingus. Juhtmevaba & lihtne kasutada
Võimsate ja kauakestvate laetavate akudega (kokku 6700 mAh) varustatud VBELL1 suudab ühe täislaadimisega töötada 2–5 kuud. 100% juhtmevaba disain võimaldab Sul seda muretult paigaldada. Kasutajasõbralik rakendus pakub kohandatud sätteid, et saaksid hõlpsasti alustada. IP65 ilmastikukindel disain & liikumisandur
Vastupidava ja kauakestva veekindla disainiga video-uksekell võib kesta aastaid isegi karmides ilmastikutingimustes. Liikumise tuvastamisel ärkab video-uksekell kiiresti ja edastab Sinu telefoni märguande. Uksekellale nutitelefoniga ligipääs ei ole piiratud, nii et võid kutsuda terve pere kodu jälgima.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Smart video doorbell with WiFi 2304 × 1296 resolution, clear picture day & night Human detection & two-way talk Smart notifications IP65 weatherproof
description_short_et - WiFi ühendusega nutikas video-uksekell 2304 × 1296 lahutusvõime, selge pilt päeval & öösel Inimese tuvastus & kahesuunaline kõne Teavitused nutitelefoni rakendusse IP65 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умный дверной видеозвонок с подключением к Wi-FiРазрешение 2304 × 1296, четкое изображение днем ​​и ночьюРаспознавание людей и двусторонний разговорУведомления в приложении для смартфонаЗащита от атмосферных воздействий IP65
feature_group_en - Doorbells
feature_group_et - Uksekellad
feature_group_lv - Durvju zvani
feature_group_ru - Дверные звонки
manufacturer_code - VBELL1-32
name_en - Arenti Video Doorbell VBELL1 WiFi + 32GB memory card
name_et - Arenti video-uksekell VBELL1 WiFi + 32GB mälukaart
name_lv - Arenti Video Doorbell VBELL1 WiFi + 32GB memory card
name_ru - Arenti Video Doorbell VBELL1 WiFi + 32GB карта памяти
98.65 €
Arenti VBELL1, 2K Resolution, App, Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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