Outdoor Tech Outdoor Club trail camera Night Vision 4K

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 637971 Product code: 8718127092212
In stock 5 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
186.62 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 31.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Camera type: Wild Camera
  • Display size: 2.4"
  • Power source: AA Batteries
  • Resolution: 20.0 Mpix
  • Sensors: PIR
  • Optiskais zoom: Zoom 0x
  • Type of memory card: microSD
All parameters
Built-in flashlight : Nav
Camera equipment : with fixed lens
Camera type : Wild Camera
Color : Kamuflāža
Display size 2.4"
The size of the digital camera screen used for searching images, viewing and editing taken photos. A bigger display is convenient at use, however, it has to be taken into account that the bigger the display the shorter the battery life of the camera. If the battery life time is more important than the viewing convenience we recommend to buy a camera with a smaller display and a separate image searcher.
Hot Shoe : Nav
Lens mount : Not changeable
Power source AA Batteries
The power supply source of a digital camera can be both batteries or accumulator. The advantage of batteries is that they are widely available in stores and the advantage of the accumulator is that it can be charged and used without the need to buy an extra battery. Prior to buying a digital camera you should verify whether its power supply complies with your needs.
Resolution 20.0 Mpix
The matrix resolution of a digital camera determines the amount of information that the camera can "record" within a single photo. A higher index of resolution means a more detailed image and a higher quality of the image. Cameras with higher resolution require more space on the memory card for storing their photos, therefore we recommend to buy a corresponding capacity memory card with a high resolution camera, for example, a 2Gb card for 8Mpix camera.
Sensors : PIR
Video resolution : 4K10
Optiskais zoom Zoom 0x
Optical zoom or zooming-in by means of the optical devices is an important index for taking photos of remote items. For close-ups 3x optical zoom is sufficient, for taking photos of more remote items this index has to be higher.
Type of memory card microSD
The type of the memory card that can be placed in the digital camera for increasing the space for storing photos. When you buy a photo camera you should take into account that one or two types of memory cards are compatible with each camera. SD (Secure Digital) and CF (Compact Flash) are the most popular formats of memory cards.
External HDD storage for pictures
More detailed specification
barcode - 8718127092212
brand - Outdoor Tech
Camera - Megapikseļi - 8 megapikseļi
Camera - Megapixels - 8 megapixels
category_en - Cameras
category_et - Kaamerad
category_lv - Kameras
category_ru - Камеры
description_en - Image sensor: 8MP Video quality: 4K (3840 x 2160 / 10fps) Photo quality: 20MP (5200 x 3900) PIR sensors: 3 sensors with a range of 20 meters and 125° Recording speed: 0.2 second trigger Three sensitivity modes: Low, Medium and High IRDA LED's: 40 pieces, range 20 meters Recording time adjustable Time lapse: from 1 second to 24 hours Audio recording: adds audio to video recordings. (With optional microphone) Time display on the recordings possible Optionally secured with a PIN code Memory card: expandable to max. 256GB Micro SD card (Class 6 or higher) 2,4" TFT LCD screen for reviewing video and photos Operating temperature: -7°C to +40°C IP66 protection: Protected against ingress of dust and resistant to downpours. Standby: 12 months battery life (with 8 AA batteries) Power supply: 8xAA batteries or 6V power adapter
description_et - Outdoor Club Night Vision 4K suudab jäädvustada 20-megapiksliseid fotosid ja videoklipid on 4K UHD kvaliteedis. Night Vision kaamera on mõeldud jälgimaks loomade liikumist looduses, kuid sobib suurepäraselt ka turvakaamerana kasutamiseks. Kaamera ilmastikukindel korpus kaitseb seda niiskuse ja mustuse eest, võimaldades seda kasutada mitmesuguste ilmastikutingimuste käes. Diskreetne disain jääb seejuures looduses märkamatuks. Night Vision 4K on kompaktne ning seda on lihtne kasutada. Lisaks on kaameral olemas märkamatu 40 LED-iga välk ja integreeritud 2,4-tolline TFT LCD ekraan. Night Vision 4K kasutab toiteks 8 × AA patareid või 6 V vooluadapterit. Seade toetab kuni 256 GB mahutavusega microSD-mälukaarti. Videosalvestus: 4K (3840 x 2160 10 fps) Fotosalvestus: 20-megapikslit (5200 x 3900) PIR sensorid: 3 sensorit, raadius 20 meetrit ja 125° Reageerimisaeg: 0.2 sekundit Kolm tundlikkuse režiimi: madal, keskmine ja kõrge IRDA LED välk: 40 LEDi, raadius 20 meetrit Salvestuse kestvus muudetav Time lapse: 1 sekund kuni 24 tundi Salvestuse kellaaja lisamise võimalus Lisaturvalisus tänu PIN koodile Sobivad mälukaardid: kuni 256GB microSD card (Class 6 või kiirem) Integreeritud 2,4" TFT LCD ekraan Töötemperatuur: -7°C kuni +40°C IP66 ilmastikukindel Aku kestvus ooterežiimil: 12 kuud Toide: 8 x AA patareid või 6V vooluadapter
description_lv -
description_ru - Сенсор: 8 мегапикселей Запись видео: 4K (3840 x 2160 / 10fps) Запись фото: 20 мегапикселей (5200 x 3900) PIR сенсоры: 3 сенсора, радиус 20 метров и 125° Время реагирования: 0.2 секунды Три режима чувствительности: низкий, средний и высокий Вспышка IRDA LED: 40 LED, радиус 20 метров Длительность записи можно изменять Time lapse: 1 секунда до 24 часов Возможность добавления времения Дополнительная безопасность благодаря PIN коду Подходящие карты памяти: до 256GB microSD card (Class 6 или быстрее) Встроенный 2,4" TFT ЖК-экран Температура работы: -7°C до +40°C Устойчивость к погоде IP66 Работа аккумулятор в режиме ожидания: 12 месяцев Питание: 8 x AA батареек или адаптер питания 6V
description_short_en - 20 MP photos & 4K UHD video clips 0.2-second trigger time Hardly visible 40 LED flash 20-meter range Weatherproof body
description_short_et - 20-megapikslised fotod, 4K UHD videoklipid 0,2-sekundiline reageerimisaeg Märkamatu 40 LEDiga välk 20-meetrine tööraadius IP66 ilmastikukindel korpus
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - 20-мегапиксельные фото, 4K UHD видеоклипы Время реагирования 0,2 секунды Незаметная вспышка с 40 LED 20-метровый радиус работы Устойчивый к погоде корпус
feature_group_en - Trail cameras
feature_group_et - Rajakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Meža/medību kameras
feature_group_ru - Фотоловушки для животных
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP66
Functions - Display size (inches) - 2.4
Functions - Display type - TFT LCD
Functions - Displeja izmērs (collas) - 2,4
Functions - Ekrāna tips - TFT LCD
Functions - Nakts režīms - Jā
Functions - Night mode - Yes
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 20 m
Functions - Trigger time - 0.2 s
Functions - Weather sealing - IP66
General - Color - Camouflage
General - Darba temperatūra - -7 – 40 °C
General - Krāsa - Kamuflāža
General - Operating temperature - -7 – 40 °C
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 8 megapikslit
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 256 GB)
name_en - Outdoor Club trail camera Night Vision 4K
name_et - Outdoor Club rajakaamera Night Vision 4K
name_lv - Outdoor Club trail camera Night Vision 4K
name_ru - Outdoor Club камера-ловушка Night Vision 4K
Power - Enerģijas avots - 6 V power adapter
Power - Enerģijas avots - 8 × AA batteries või NiMH rechargable batteries
Power - Power source - 6 V power adapter
Power - Power source - 8 × AA batteries või NiMH rechargable batteries
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani mõõt (tolle) - 2,4
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ekraani tüüp - TFT LCD
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP66
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 20 m
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Reageerimisaeg - 0,2 s
Rajakaamera funktsioonid - Öörežiim - Jah
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Toide - Vooluallikas - 6 V vooluadapter
Toide - Vooluallikas - 8 × AA patareid või NiMH akud
Video & audio - Foto funkcija - Jā
Video & audio - Foto izšķirtspēja - 20 MP
Video & audio - Photo function - Yes
Video & audio - Photo resolution - 20 MP
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Foto funktsioon - Jah
Video & heli - Foto lahutusvõime - 20 MP
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -7 – 40 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Kamuflaaž
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Разрешение фото - 20 MP
Видео & звук - Функция фото - Да
Камера - Мегапиксели - 8 мегапикселей
Общее - Рабочая температура - -7 – 40 °C
Общее - Цвет - Камуфляж
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 256 GB)
Питание - Питание - 6 V power adapter
Питание - Питание - 8 × AA батарейки или аккумуляторы NiMH
Функции камеры-ловушки - Видимость в темноте - До 20 м
Функции камеры-ловушки - Время реагирования - 0.2 s
Функции камеры-ловушки - Ночной режим - Да
Функции камеры-ловушки - Погодная устойчивость - IP66
Функции камеры-ловушки - Размер экрана (дюймы) - 2,4
Функции камеры-ловушки - Тип экрана - TFT LCD
186.62 €
Outdoor Tech Outdoor Club trail camera Night Vision 4K
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