Tefal HT460138, White/Grey

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 1106790 Product code: HT460138
Can be ordered 16 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
51.47 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 21.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Ātrumi: 5
  • Color: White / Grey
  • Container capacity (l): Nav informācijas
  • Frother nozzle: Is
  • Maximum power (W): 500 W
  • Nozzle for dough blend: Is
All parameters
Ātrumi : 5
Color : White / Grey
Container capacity (l) : Nav informācijas
Frother nozzle : Is
Maximum power (W) : 500 W
Nozzle for dough blend : Is
Nozzle of hand blender : N/A
Rotating dish rack : Not
Turbo mode : Ir
More detailed specification
Brand - Tefal
BrandCode - TEFAL
BrandPartCode - HT460138
Category - Mixers
Dimensions - depth - 20.5
Dimensions - height - 15
Dimensions - weight - 1.39
Dimensions - width - 9
EAN - 3016667243930
Features - Control panel colour - Black
Features - Cord storage - No
Features - Dishwasher-proof parts - Yes
Features - Number of speeds - 5
Features - Product colour - White
Features - Turbo - Yes
Features - Type - Hand mixer
Features - Variable speed - Yes
General parameters - manufacturer - Tefal
GrossWeight - 1.6500
GTIN - 3016667243930
Height - 0.2200
Length - 0.1150
LongDescription ET - Võimsa 500 W mootoriga saad kasutada viit erinevat kiirust ja turbonuppu, et leida valmistatava toidu jaoks sobiv kiirus. Metallvisplitega saad vahustada munavalgeid, vahukoort või segada koogitainast. Tainakonksud võimaldavad segada leiva- või pitsatainast.
LongSummaryDescription - Tefal Prep'Mix+ HT4601. Type: Hand mixer, Product colour: White, Control panel colour: Black. Blade material: Metal. Power: 500 W. Width: 90 mm, Height: 150 mm, Weight: 1.39 kg. Package width: 114 mm, Package depth: 222 mm, Package height: 222 mm
Material - Blade material - Metal
MediumDescription EN - • Light and heavy preparations - a robust hand mixer that's the ideal companion for all your baking needs, tackling light and heavy preparations with total ease,
• Powerful motor - a high-performance 500W motor ensuring excellent results even on heavy dough,
• Versatile performance - ideal for a wide variety of recipes thanks to 5-speed control and turbo setting,
• High-performance whisks - two stainless steel whisks produce perfect results on egg whites, whipped cream, cake dough, mayonnaise and other light preparations,
• Robust dough hooks - two stainless steel dough hooks tackle heavy doughs and batters like breads, brioche, pizza dough, and more,
• Comfortable - hand mixer with ergonomic textured handle and stable rest position to keep your countertop clean and tidy,
• Convenient: Dishwasher-safe accessories for fast, easy clean-up
MediumDescription ET - • Kerged ja rasked valmistised – vastupidav saumikser, mis on ideaalne kaaslane kõigi teie küpsetamisvajaduste jaoks, mis tuleb lihtsalt toime nii kergete kui keeruliste roogadega
• Võimas mootor – suure jõudlusega 500 W mootor, mis tagab suurepärased tulemused ka raske taigna puhul,
• Mitmekülgne jõudlus – tänu 5-käigulisele juhtimisele ja turbo seadistusele sobib ideaalselt paljude erinevate retseptide jaoks,
• Suure jõudlusega visplid – kaks roostevabast terasest visplit annavad täiuslikud tulemused munavalgete, vahukoore, koogitaina, majoneesi ja muude kergete valmististe puhul,
• Tugevad taignakonksud – kaks roostevabast terasest taignakonksu tulevad raskete tainastega, nagu leiva, briochi, pitsa tainas ja palju muud, lihtsalt toime
• Mugav – ergonoomilise tekstuuriga käepideme ja stabiilse puhkeasendiga saumikser, mis hoiab teie tööpinna puhta ja korras,
• Mugav: nõudepesumasinas pestavad tarvikud kiireks ja lihtsaks puhastamiseks
MediumDescription LV - • Vieglas un smagas sagataves – izturīgs rokas mikseris, kas ir ideāls pavadonis visām Jūsu gatavošanas vajadzībām, viegli tiekot galā gan ar vieglām, gan smagām sagatavēm;
• Jaudīgs motors – augstas veiktspējas 500 W motors nodrošina izcilus rezultātus pat ar smagu mīklu;
• Daudzpusīga veiktspēja – ideāls plašam recepšu klāstam, pateicoties 5 ātrumu kontrolei un turbo iestatījumam;
• Augstas veiktspējas putotāji – divi nerūsējošā tērauda putotāji nodrošina perfektus rezultātus olu baltumiem, putukrējumam, kūkas mīklai, majonēzei un citām vieglām sagatavēm;
• Izturīgi mīklas āķi – divi nerūsējošā tērauda mīklas āķi tiek galā ar smagu mīklu un mīklas masu, piemēram, maizēm, brioche, picas mīklu un citām;
• Ērts – rokas mikseris ar ergonomisku, teksturētu rokturi un stabilu atpūtas pozīciju, lai Jūsu darba virsma būtu tīra un kārtīga;
• Trauku mazgājamā mašīnā mazgājami piederumi ātrai un vieglai tīrīšanai.
Mixer - turbo function
Mixer - functions - dough kneading
Mixer - functions - mixing
Mixer - functions - whipping
Mixer - nozzles - dough kneading nozzle
Mixer - nozzles - whisk
Mixer - number of speeds - 5
Name EN - Hand mixer Tefal, Prep'Mix+ 500W
Name ET - Käsimikser Tefal, 500W, valge
NameInWeb EN - Tefal Prep'Mix, 500 W, white - Hand mixer
NameInWeb ET - Tefal Prep'Mix, 500 W, valge - Käsimikser
NameInWeb LV - Tefal Prep'Mix, 500 W, melna/balta - Rokas mikseris
Name LV - Rokas mikseris Tefal, Prep'Mix+ 500W
NetWeight - 1.3900
Other features - Country of origin - China
Packaging content - Dough hooks - Yes
Packaging content - Mini chopper - No
Packaging content - Whisk - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 222 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 222 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 1.74 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 114 mm
Power - Power - 500 W
Power - total power - 500
ProductCode - HT460138
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - HT4601
ShortSummaryDescription - Tefal Prep'Mix+ HT4601, Hand mixer, White, Black, Metal, 500 W, 90 mm
TariffNo - 85094000
Title - Tefal Prep'Mix+ HT4601 Hand mixer 500 W White
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00556600
Weight & dimensions - Height - 150 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 1.39 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 90 mm
Width - 0.2200
51.47 €
Tefal HT460138, White/Grey
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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