Western Digital 12TB, 7200rpm, 256MB, SataIII, Red Plus, CMR

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 669036 Product code: WD120EFBX
In stock 21 units
Warranty: 3 years
299.77 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 07.04.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 07.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Capacity: 12 TB
  • Data Interface: SATA III
  • Spindle rotation speed: 7200 rpm
  • Data buffer: 256 MB
All parameters
Capacity 12 TB
The HDD capacity in Gigabytes indicates how much information can be stored by the HDD. The capacity of the HDD is fixed and cannot be increased after buying the HDD. Therefore, upon buying the HDD you should verify its compliance with your current volume requirements and provides a reserve for future needs.
Use : NAS
Data Interface SATA III
The connection of the HDD to the computer. The current industry standard is SATA connection. IDE connection is available with older computers. Prior to buying the HDD you should verify whether the motherboard has a free connection slot and the support for the chosen disc capacity.
Spindle rotation speed 7200 rpm
The HDD rotations. The HDDs of most desktop computers have 7200rpm and this has already become the industry standard. If you want to achieve a higher speed you should buy the HDD of 10000rpm. The operation noise, temperature and power consumption of 10000rpm HDDs are much higher than these of the 7200rpm HDDs parameters, therefore, prior to buying a 10000rpm HDD you should verify the compliance of the enclosure, power supply unit and the cooling with the technical requirements of this HDD.
Data buffer 256 MB
Data buffer is a high-speed memory built-in the HDD and allowing the disc to receive data at a smooth speed irrespective of the level of loading the physical memory of the disc at the particular time. If you work with a high number of small volume files (documents, photos, etc.) we recommend to buy an HDD with 8Mb or higher data buffer.
More detailed specification
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 13.2 kg
Buffer - 256 MB
Buffer memory size - 256 MB
category - PC Components|Drives|Hard Drives (HDDs)
Category 1 - Festplatten
Category 2 - Interne Festplatten
Category Code - HDS
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Internal Hard Drives - SATA - 3.5 inch
code - WD120EFBX
Color - Not applicable
Depth - 147 mm
Depth (mm) - 147 mm
Depth Unit Dimensions - 147 mm
Description - Dysk 3,5 cala WD Red Plus 12TB CMR 256MB/7200RPM Class Dyski twarde WD Red są przeznaczone specjalnie do systemów NAS wyposażonych w 1 do 16 kieszeni dyskowych. Dyski te zostały zaprojektowane i przetestowane pod względem zgodności z unikatowymi wymaganiami systemu NAS i mogą pracować w systemie ciągłym 24/7. Technologia NASware
Zaawansowana technologia oprogramowania układowego dysków twardych WD Red umożliwia bezproblemową integrację, niezawodne zabezpieczenie danych oraz optymalne funkcjonowanie w systemach operacyjnych środowisk NAS i RAID. Oszczędność energii
Dyski twarde WD Red obniżą rachunki za energię elektryczną, a więc i emisję gazów cieplarnianych. Innowacyjna technologia umożliwia obniżenie poziomu zużycia energii i temperatury pracy, zapewniając solidniejsze i tańsze rozwiązanie dla środowisk NAS pracujących w systemie ciągłym. Wysoki poziom niezawodności
Systemy NAS pracują stale, a więc niezawodny dysk twardy to kwestia najwyższej wagi. Dysk twardy WD Red to rozwiązanie najwyższej jakości średni czas bezawaryjnej pracy jest o 35% dłuższy niż w przypadku standardowych dysków typu desktop. Aktywne wyważenie w trójwymiarze
Lepsza technologia kontroli wyważenia w dwóch płaszczyznach znacząco poprawia ogólne funkcjonowanie i niezawodność dysku. Nieprawidłowo wyważone dyski twarde mogą w systemie wielodyskowym powodować nadmierne wibracje i hałas. Skutkuje to pogorszeniem funkcjonowania dysków i skróceniem ich żywotności.
Description - Packed with power to handle the small- to medium-sized business NAS environments and increased workloads1 for SOHO customers, WD Red™ Plus is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on systems using ZFS and other file systems. Built and tested for up to 8-bay NAS systems, these drives give you the flexibility, versatility, and confidence in storing and sharing your precious home and work files.
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - Internal
dimensionalWeight - 75
dimension depth - 25 mm
dimension height - 120 mm
Dimensions - depth - 2.62
Dimensions - height - 14.7
Dimensions - weight - 660
Dimensions - width - 10.16
dimension weight - 600 g
dimension width - 160 mm
Disk type - HDD
Drive type - Internal
ean - 0718037886190
ean - 718037886190
EAN - 0718037886190
EAN - 718037886190
EANCode - 0718037886190
EAN_code - 0718037886190
External Data Bit Rate - 6 Gbps
Features - HDD capacity - 12 TB
Features - HDD interface transfer rate - 6 Gbit/s
Features - HDD size - 3.5"
Features - HDD speed - 7200 RPM
Features - Interface - Serial ATA III
Features - Mean time to failure (MTTF) - 1000000 h
Features - Noise level (idle) - 20 dB
Features - Workload rate limit - 180 TB/year
Form Factor - 3,5"
Form Factor - 3.5"
Form factor (width) - 3,5'' (LFF)
Full Description Line - Red Plus|12TB|SATA 3.0|Buffer 256 MB|7200 rpm|3,5"
General parameters - colour - red
General parameters - manufacturer - Western Digital
Gewicht - 0.68
GrossWeight - 0.6760
Gross Weight Kg - 0,83
GRUPPE1 - Hard Drive/Optical
GRUPPE2 - Hard Drive Sata
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
Hard Drive Features - 24/7Advanced Format (AF)
HDD capacity - 12 TB
HDD Capacity - 12TB
HDD Family name - Red Plus
HDD interface - SATA III - 6 Gb/s
Height - 0.0420
Height - 26.1 mm
Height (mm) - 26.1 mm
Height Unit Dimensions - 26.1 mm
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/210303090010876856.jpg
Installed Cache Memory Storage Capacity - 256 MB
Internal Data Bit Rate - 196 MB/sec
Length - 0.1100
Manufacturer - Western Digital
Manufacturer Code - WD120EFBX
Manufacturer Name - Western Digital
Manufacturer_code - WD120EFBX
Maximum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - 70 °C
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 65 °C
Maximum Power Consumption - 6.3 W
Mean Time Between Failures - 1000000 hr
Memory / storage - form factor - 3,5"
Memory / storage - storage type - data disks
Memory / storage - transfer rate - 196
Minimum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - -40 °C
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 0 °C
Minimum Power Consumption - 0.6 W
Model - WD Red Plus
Name - 12TB WD WD120EFBX RED PLUS 7200RPM 256MB
name - Drive 3,5 inches WD Red Plus 12TB CMR 256MB/7200RPM Class
Name - Western Digital 12TB WD120EFBX Red Plus 7200 SA3
name - Western Digital Red Plus, SATA 6G, Intellipower, 3,5 Zoll - 12 TB
Name EN - HDD WD Red 12TB, 7200rpm, 3,5"
Name ET - HDD WD Red 12TB, 7200rpm, 3,5"
NameInWeb EN - Western Digital WD Red Plus NAS, 12 TB, 5400rpm, 3,5" - Hard-drive
NameInWeb ET - Western Digital WD Red Plus NAS, 12 TB, 5400rpm, 3,5" - HDD kõvaketas
NameInWeb LV - Western Digital WD Red Plus NAS, 12 TB, 5400 rpm, 3,5" - HDD cietais disks
Name LV - HDD WD Red 12TB, 7200rpm, 3,5"
NetWeight - 0.5000
Noise - 29 dB
Nominal Weight - 0.66 kg
Non-Recoverable Errors - 1 per 10^14
Operational conditions - Non-operating shock - 300 G
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 65 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 70 °C
Other features - Średni czas między awariami MTBF 1,000.000 godzin Wskaźnik obciążenia pracą 180 TB/rok
Package Type - Box
Packs in Box - 20
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.66 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0 kg
Pieces in pack - 1
Power - Power consumption (idle) - 2.9 W
Power - Power consumption (read) - 6.3 W
Power - Power consumption (standby) - 0.6 W
Power - Power consumption (write) - 6.3 W
producer - Western Digital
producerCode - WD120EFBX
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=210129134637064484&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Cietie diski
ProductCode - WD120EFBX
ProductDescription - HDD NAS WD Red Plus (3.5'', 12TB, 256MB, 7200 RPM, SATA 6 Gb/s)
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - Western Digital WD Red Plus 3.5" 12000 GB Serial ATA III
productSize - Normal
ProductType - HDD NAS
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
Rotational Speed - 7200 rpm
Rotational Speed - 7200 RPM
Rotation speed - 7200 rpm
SATA 3.0 Interface - Yes
Sector Capacity - 512 B
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 14.6 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 2.7 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.639 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.3 cm
Shock Tolerance Operating - 30G @ 2ms
Shock Tolerance Storage - 300G
Short description - WD HD3.5" SATA3 12TB WD120EFBX / 24x7 / NAS (Di) 256MB / 7200rpm / CMR
ShortDescription EN - Packed with power to handle the small- to medium-sized business NAS environments and increased workloads1 for SOHO customers, WD Red™ Plus is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on systems using ZFS and other file systems. Built and tested for up to 8-bay NAS systems, these drives give you the flexibility, versatility, and confidence in storing and sharing your precious home and work files.
ShortDescription ET - WD Red™ Plus on loodud spetsiaalselt väikestele ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele, kes kasutavad NAS-keskkondi, ning SOHO-klientidele, kellel on suurenenud töökoormus. See on ideaalne lahendus failide arhiveerimiseks ja jagamiseks, samuti RAID-massiivide taastamiseks süsteemides, mis kasutavad ZFS-i ja muid failisüsteeme. WD Red™ Plus on hoolikalt ehitatud ja testitud kuni 8-ketta suurustele NAS-süsteemidele, tagades paindlikkuse, mitmekülgsuse ja kindluse vajalike kodu- ja tööfailide salvestamisel ja jagamisel.
ShortDescription LV - WD Red™ Plus ir aprīkots ar jaudu, lai apstrādātu mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu NAS vidi un palielinātu darba slodzi SOHO klientiem, tas ir ideāli piemērots arhivēšanai un koplietošanai, kā arī RAID masīva atjaunošanai sistēmās, kurās tiek izmantotas ZFS un citas failu sistēmas.
sizeX - 150
sizeY - 100
sizeZ - 25
Start / Stop Cycles - 600000 cycles
Stck_Kart - 20
Stck_Pal - 280
Storage Capacity - 12 TB
Storage device - HDD / Flash memory capacity - 12000
Storage device - HDD cache - 256
Storage device - HDD spin speed - 7200
Storage device - type - hard drive
Storno - Y
Supports Data Channel - SATA III-600
TariffNo - 84717050
Transfer rate (internal) - 196 MB/s
Unit Box Height - 0.027
Unit Box Length - 0.146
Unit Box Width - 0.103
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.000406 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.639 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.62 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage - shop.westerndigital.com/en-ie/products/internal-drives/wd-red-plus-sata-3-5-hdd#WD10EFRX
vendpn - WD120EFBX
Volume - 0.00078540
Warranty - 36L months
warrantyLength - 36
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 36 mēneši
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,64
Weight - 0.65 kg
Weight - 0.622
weight - 640
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 147 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 26.1 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 660 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 101.6 mm
Width - 0.1700
Width - 101.6 mm
Width (mm) - 101.6 mm
Width Unit Dimensions - 101.6 mm
299.77 €
Western Digital 12TB, 7200rpm, 256MB, SataIII, Red Plus, CMR
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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