barcode - 6971008027624
brand - Boya
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
depth - 6
description_en - For USB Recording at Home Record Line-Level, Instruments, or Mics Combination XLR-1/4" Inputs 1/4" Headphone Output Sample Rate Support up to 192 kHz Supplies 48V Phantom Power Includes USB Cable 1/4" to 3.5mm Adapter for Headphones
description_et - Mugav USB ühendusega helimikser Salvesta erinevaid mikrofone või instrumente Kombineeritud XLR ja 1/4'' sisendid 1/4'' kõrvaklapiväljund + 3,5 mm adapter Lülitatav 48 V fantoomvool
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Dual channel audio mixer Combination XLR-1/4" Inputs Supplies 48V Phantom Power USB connection for PC
description_short_et - Kahe kanaliga helimikser Kaks XLR ja 1/4'' mikrofonisisendit Lülitatav 48V fantoomvool USB ühendusega arvutitele
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Двухканальный звуковой микшерДва входа для микрофона XLR и 1/4''Включаемый фантомный ток 48V Соединение USB для компьютеров
feature_group_en - Portable mixers
feature_group_et - Helimikserid
feature_group_lv - Portatīvie mikseri
feature_group_ru - Звуковые микшеры
gross_weight - 0.585
height - 19.8
manufacturer_code - BY-AM1
name_en - Boya audio adapter BY-AM1
name_et - Boya audio adapter BY-AM1
name_lv - Boya audio adapter BY-AM1
name_ru - Boya аудио адаптер BY-AM1
net_weight - 0.409
width - 18.3