Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2, Wireless, White

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 995638 Product code: 910-006638
Can be ordered 5 units Availability: 14 days after order approval
Warranty: 2 years
146.52 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: 12.02.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 12.02.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Use: Gaming
  • Color: White
  • Connection type: Wireless
  • Connection type: USB cable
  • Connection type: USB Wireless
  • Type: Optical
Basic information
Use Gaming

The application is a guide to determine whether the mouse is more suitable for a desktop or a laptop.

Notebook mice are small in size and therefore suitable for working on the move.

If you will be using your laptop mostly at a specific workstation, it is advisable to buy a desktop mouse, which has a standard size, so it is more comfortable for long periods of time at the computer. Standard mice are connected to the laptop with a cord for long-lasting stable operation. Wireless mice, on the other hand, require periodic battery changes.

Gaming mice have more buttons, more precise optics and better resolution. For more advanced gaming, TopPC.fi recommends a gaming mouse with wired data transmission.

For everyday use, TopPC.fi recommends a laser mouse with PS/2 or USB connectivity.

Color White
The colour of the mouse surface. This parameter is approximate and can slightly differ from the actual colour of the mouse.
Number of buttons : 5
Lighting : Nav
Illumination colour : Nav
Ports and equipment
Connection type Wireless

Datu pārraide nosaka, kā pele savienota ar datoru.

Vada savienojums ir klasisks, ātrs un pārbaudīts veids (elektriskais kabelis ar USB vai PS/2 kontaktu).

Savukārt bezvadu savienojums prasa periodisku bateriju maiņu, vai akumulatora uzlādi, toties piedāvā brīvību lietot peli neraizējoties par brīžiem traucējošo vadu. Šādas peles ir ideālas darbam ar portatīvo datoru, pie kura tās tiek pievienotas ar bluetooth vai infrared palīdzību. Taču jāņem vērā, ka parasti tās sver nedaudz vairāk par vadu pelēm, tām ne vienmēr ir stabils savienojums.

Connection type : USB cable, USB Wireless
Manufacturer of switches : Logitech
Switch model : Logitech LIGHTFORCE optical-mechanical
Weight (g) : 60
Cord length (m) : N/A
Type Optical

There are optical and laser mice.

A laser mouse has a higher accuracy and low energy consumption, they can also operate on glass and mirror surfaces.

Optic mice are currently used most often due to their attractive quality/price ratio. They do not have any mechanical parts, therefore they are fast and accurate.

Susceptibility (DPI) : 32000
Sensor manufacturer : Logitech
Sensor model : Logitech Hero 2
Polling Rate (Hz) : 2000
More detailed specification
Battery - battery life up to - 98
Battery Average Run Time - 70 hr
Box Height (mm) - 188 mm
Box Length (mm) - 244 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 1.651 kg
Box Width (mm) - 147 mm
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Cable Included - Charge Cable
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
category - Peripherals|Input Devices|Mice|Wireless Mice
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
Code - 910-006638
code - 910-006639
Connection - connector type - USB-A
Connectivity Technology - Wireless
Depth (mm) - 40 mm
Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Savienojums: Bezvadu, Savienojuma veids: USB, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Pogu skaits: 5, Krāsa: Balta, Barošana: Akumulators, DPI jutība: 32 000 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Device Location - External
Dimensions - depth - 4
Dimensions - height - 12.5
Dimensions - weight - 60
Dimensions - width - 6.35
EAN - 5099206104549
ean - 5099206104556
EAN Code - 5099206104549
EANCode - 5099206104549
EANCode - 5099206104556
Eans - 5099206104549
External Color - Balta
Frequency - 2.4 GHz
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - device type - cordless mouse
General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
GrossWeight - 0.3500
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Mouse
Height - 0.1750
Height (mm) - 125 mm
HSTNUMMER - 910-006638
HSTNUMMER - 910-006639
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/230712100011753835.jpg
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/230712100011783081.jpg
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/230712100011808786.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_109128_1.png
Included Accessories - USB Receiver Īsa lietotāja rokasgrāmata
Interface - USB
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 0.0700
LongDescription EN - Lightforce Hybrid Switches
Lightforce hybrid switches combine the speed and reliability of optical switches with the low power consumption and satisfying click feel of traditional mechanical microswitches. They deliver the performance professionals need without compromising battery life. This is a significant advantage for gamers and professional users who require fast response times and extended battery longevity. HERO 2 Sensor
The HERO 2 sensor offers pro-level precision, being the most advanced sensor in gaming. Reliable tracking at over 500 IPS and up to 32,000 DPI ensures that every movement is accurate and responsive, critical for esports athletes and high-level gamers. LIGHTSPEED Wireless Connection
LIGHTSPEED wireless connectivity ensures reliability with an even faster reporting rate than the previous generation, giving users the confidence that their mouse is always quick and responsive. PRO Series Mouse
Pro-level technology makes this the most popular esports mouse, further enhanced. Features like a 2K polling rate, USB-C, 95-hour battery life, and POWERPLAY wireless charging compatibility make this mouse a desirable choice for serious gamers. Sensor Calibration
Precise sensor calibration allows for independent and accurate adjustment on the X and Y axes, adjustable lift-off distance tolerance to match your grip and movement, and easy synchronization with other mouse sensitivity settings, all through Logitech G HUB. This gives users extra control to ensure their mouse responds exactly as they desire.
LongDescription ET - Lightforce hübriidlülitid
Lightforce hübriidlülitid ühendavad endas optiliste lülitite kiiruse ja usaldusväärsuse ning tavaliste mehaaniliste mikrolülitite madala energiatarbimise ja rahuldust pakkuvad klikitunde. Saad proffidele vajaliku jõudluse ilma aku kestvust mõjutamata. See on märkimisväärne eelis mänguritele ja professionaalsetele kasutajatele, kes vajavad kiiret reageerimisaega ja pikka aku eluiga. HERO 2 sensor
HERO 2 sensor pakub pro-tasemel täpsust, olles mängunduse kõige arenenum sensor. Usaldusväärne jälgimine üle 500 IPS-i ja kuni 32 000 DPI-ga garanteerib, et iga liigutus on täpne ja reageerib kiirelt, mis on kriitiline e-sportlastele ja kõrgtasemel mänguritele. LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba ühendus
LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba ühenduvus tagab usaldusväärsuse nüüd veelgi kiirema raporteerimiskiirusega kui eelmisel põlvkonnal, andes kasutajatele kindlustunde, et nende hiir on alati kiire ja reageeriv. PRO seeria hiir
Pro-tasemel tehnoloogia teeb sellest populaarseima e-sportlaste hiire, mis on veelgi täiustatud. Omadused nagu 2K hääletamiskiirus, USB-C, 95-tunnine aku kestvus ja POWERPLAY juhtmevaba laadimise ühilduvus teevad selle hiire ihaldusväärseks valikuks tõsistele mänguritele. Sensori kalibreerimine
Täpne sensori kalibreerimine võimaldab iseseisvat ja täpset kohandamist X- ja Y-telgedel, reguleeritavat tõstmistolerantsi, et sobituda sinu haarde ja liikumisega ning see on lihtne sünkroniseerida teise hiire tundlikkusseadetega – kõik Logitech G HUB-i kaudu. See annab kasutajatele täiendava kontrolli, et tagada nende hiir reageerib täpselt nii, nagu nad seda soovivad.
Max&Min Movement Resolution - 100dpi25600dpi
Max. Movement Speed - 400 in/sec
Maximum Acceleration - 40 G
MediumDescription EN - Logitech PRO X Superlight 2 Wireless is the perfect choice for esports athletes and dedicated gamers who demand ultimate precision and quick responsiveness. Lightforce hybrid switches and the HERO 2 sensor ensure speed and reliability, while LIGHTSPEED technology allows for lag-free connectivity, providing a competitive edge in every game. • Lightforce Hybrid Switches – Optical speed, mechanical feel
• HERO 2 Sensor – 500 IPS / 32,000 DPI
• PRO Series – 2K polling rate, USB-C, 95-hour battery, POWERPLAY compatibility
• Sensor Calibration – X/Y axis adjustment, lift-off tolerance, Logitech G HUB integration
MediumDescription ET - Logitech PRO X Superlight 2 Wireless on täiuslik valik e-sportlastele ja entusiastlikele mänguritele, kes vajavad ülimat täpsust ja kiiret reageerimist. Lightforce hübriidlülitid ja HERO 2 sensor tagavad kiiruse ja usaldusväärsuse, samal ajal kui LIGHTSPEED tehnoloogia lubab viivituseta ühenduvust, pakkudes konkurentsieelist igas mängus. • Lightforce hübriidlülitid – optiline kiirus, mehaaniline tunnetus
• HERO 2 sensor – 500 IPS / 32 000 DPI
• LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba
• PRO seeria – 2K hääletuskiirus, USB-C, 95h aku, POWERPLAY ühilduvus
• Sensori kalibreerimine – X/Y telje kohandamine, tõstmistolerants, Logitech G HUB
MediumDescription LV - Logitech PRO X Superlight 2 Wireless ir lieliska izvēle esporta sportistiem un mērķtiecīgiem spēlētājiem, kuri pieprasa izcilu precizitāti un ātru atsaucību. Lightforce hibrīdslēdži un HERO 2 sensors nodrošina ātrumu un uzticamību, savukārt LIGHTSPEED tehnoloģija, nodrošina savienojamību bez kavēšanās, sniedzot priekšrocības katrā spēlē. • Lightforce hibrīda slēdži – optiskais ātrums, mehāniska sajūta;
• HERO 2 sensors – 500 IPS / 32 000 DPI;
• Bezvadu LIGHTSPEED tehnoloģija;
• PRO sērija — 2K pieprasījumu skaits, USB-C, 95 stundu akumulators, saderība ar POWERPLAY;
• Sensora kalibrēšana — X/Y ass regulēšana, pacelšanas pielaide, Logitech G HUB integrācija.
Mouse - mouse connection type - Lightspeed
Mouse - sensitivity - 32000
Mouse - sensor - optical
Mouse Features - Built-in memoryARM 32-bit ProcessorPOWERPLAY CompatibleLIGHTSPEED Wireless TechnologyClick Tensioning System
Mouse Sensor - HERO
Name - Datorpele Logitech G Pro X 2 Superlight White
Name - Logitech G Pro X 2 Superlight Biały
name - Logitech G PRO X Superlight 2 Gaming Maus - weiß
Name EN - Wireless Mouse Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2, white
Name ET - Juhtmeta Hiir Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2, valge
NameInWeb EN - Logitech G PRO X Superlight 2, white - Wireless mouse
NameInWeb ET - Logitech G PRO X Superlight 2, valge - Juhtmevaba hiir
NameInWeb LV - Logitech G PRO X Superlight 2, balta - Bezvadu datorpele
Name LV - Wireless Mouse Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2, white
NetWeight - 0.0630
Nominal Weight - 0.063 kg
Number of Buttons - 5
Package Type - Box
Pack Height (mm) - 172 mm
Pack Length (mm) - 115 mm
Packs in Box - 4
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.371 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.2968 kg
Pack Width (mm) - 68 mm
Pieces in pack - 1
Producer - Logitech
ProducerCode - 910-006638
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=230712071557254180&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Gaming and Toys
ProductCode - 910-006638
ProductDescription - LOGITECH G PRO X SUPERLIGHT 2 LIGHTSPEED Gaming Mouse - WHITE - 2.4GHZ - EER2
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductType - Gaming Mouse
Requires Operating System - Apple Mac OS 10.11 or Later Microsoft Windows 8 or Later
Response Rate - 1000 Hz
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription -
Software - additional software -
Stck_Kart - 0
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - Y
TariffNo - 84716070
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Volume - 0.00144550
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Width - 0.1180
Width (mm) - 63.5 mm
Wireless Technology - RF
146.52 €
Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2, Wireless, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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