Samsung 980, 250GB, M.2 Gen3 x4

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 688301 Product code: MZ-V8V250BW
In stock >50 units
Warranty: 2 years
51.93 €
Delivery options
  • Delivery to Smartpost 6.99 €: on Monday, 31.03.2025
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: on Monday, 31.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Capacity: 250 GB
  • Type: NVMe
  • Read speed (sequential): 2900 MB/s
  • Write speed (sequential): 1300 MB/s
  • Form factor: M.2 80mm (2280)
  • Interface: PCIe 3.0 x4

This Samsung brand SSD has a 250 GB capacity and a M.2 80mm (2280) format.

This disc uses the latest generation compact M.2 port.

This SSD drive uses the latest NVME standard with PCIe interface, which allows simultaneous data transmission across multiple data lines. Thanks to this technology, the drive is ideally suited for those who work with large files, play computer games or deal with video editing.

The read speed for this SSD drive reaches 2900 MB/s. However, it's crucial to note - if the "fast" drives are not provided with adequate cooling, they may not be able to operate at the speed indicated by the manufacturer.

1300 MB/s - this SSD drive is capable of achieving such data writing speed. The speed parameters promised by the manufacturer may not be reached if the "fast" disk is not provided with an appropriate cooling system.

The format of this SSD drive (physical size of the drive) is M.2 80mm (2280).

This SSD drive interface is PCIe 3.0 x4. If you insert this drive into an older interface slot, the speed of the drive will decrease, as the drive will not have sufficient data transfer speed (Bandwidth).

Basic information
Capacity 250 GB
The HDD capacity in Gigabytes indicates how much information can be stored by the HDD. The capacity of the HDD is fixed and cannot be increased after buying the HDD. Therefore, upon buying the HDD you should verify its compliance with your current volume requirements and provides a reserve for future needs.
Type : NVMe
Read speed (sequential) 2900 MB/s

Sequential read speed or the mean data reading speed is the most important criterion of the high-speed operation of the SSD. The data from the SSD will be read much more often than written to it because the operating system stores the processed data in the RAM in most cases.

If you want the reading speed of the purchased SSD to exceed the speed of the classic HDD considerably you should choose the SSD with the reading speed of 200 MB/s or above. The additional increase in the performance will be achieved on the account of the data search (SeekTime) which is of much higher level with SSDs than any HDD.

Write speed (sequential) 1300 MB/s

The writing speed is almost as important as the reading speed. Also this parameter determines the performance of the SSD, however, as the writing to the disc happens not as often as the data reading and average user will find it subjectively difficult to distinguish between any speed above 100 MB/s and higher indices, except the cases when the SSD is used in a server, for audio/video recording, etc.

Radiators : Nav
Lighting : Nav
Ports and equipment
Form factor M.2 80mm (2280)

Thanks to the small size provided by the SSD technology the standard size of the discs is 2.5", and it is suitable for an average portable computer. It is possible to install the 2.5" disc in the desktop computer if the transition 2.5" -> 3.5" is used, and this transition can be bought at a low cost at section"Adapteri". The discs with the format 2.5" + 3.5" have this transition included.

1.8" discs are intended for the ultra-compact class portable computers.

PCI-Express SSDs are intended for desktop computers with a free PCI-Express plug available. This technology in most cases is used for ensuring the performance that exceeds the possibilities of other types of connections.

Interface : PCIe 3.0 x4
Interface M.2

SSDs with SATAII and SATAIII connection are compatible with the connections of both types in the motherboard. Still, it has to be taken into account that the motherboard SATAII connection can provide maximum about 300 MB/s transmission capacity which can reduce the actual transmission capacity of the SSDs whose reading and/or writing speed exceeds this level to the capacity limits of the SATAII.

The situation is similar with the PCI-Express and SATAIII connection slots. Although the SATAIII standard can provide up to 600 MB/s data transmission capacity there are SSDs with the speed exceeding this limit, in this case the manufacturer chooses the PCI-Express connection slot with a higher transmission capacity. The PCI-Express discs cannot be connected to the portable computer.

Memory type : TLC (Triple-Level Cell)
Random Read IOPS : 230K
Random Write IOPS : 320K
Endurance (TBW) : 150 TB
More detailed specification
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.95 kg
Brand - Samsung
BrandPartCode - MZ-V8V250BW
BufferSize - -
Category - Datortehnika :: Datoru komponentes :: SSD diski
Category - Internal Solid State Drives
category - PC Components|Drives|Solid State Drives (SSDs)|M.2
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Hard drives
Category 1 - SSDs
Category 2 - Interne SSDs
Category Code - SSU
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Internal SSD - M.2
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > Hard Drives > SSD
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
Code - MZ-V8V250BW
code - MZ-V8V250BW
Color - Black
Compliant Storage Standards - S.M.A.R.T.
Depth - 2.38 mm
Depth - 22.15 mm
Depth (mm) - 80.15 mm
Desc - Tips: SSD, Apjoms: 250 GB, Izmērs: M.2, Savietojamība: PCIe NVMe 3.0 x4, Rakstīšanas ātrums: 1300 Mb/s, Lasīšanas ātrums: 2900 Mb/s, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - Przygotuj się na wbijającą w fotel prędkość NVMe
Czas na maksymalne wykorzystanie potencjału swojego komputera. Niezależnie od tego, czy potrzebujesz sprawniejszego działania podczas grania, czy płynności podczas pracy z plikami o bogatej grafice, dysk SSD 980 zapewni Ci wyjątkową wydajność, a do tego interfejs NVMe i technologię PCIe 3.0. Oszałamiająca prędkość
Natychmiastowe działanie. 980 wykorzystuje niemal wszystkie korzyści, jakie w odniesieniu do szybkości zapewnia PCIe 3.0 poprzez technologię HMB i doskonałą wydajność NVMe. Pozbawiony DRAM design oferuje wyjątkowe parametry, w efekcie czego urządzenie osiąga zapierającą dech prędkość sekwencyjnego odczytu/zapisu wynoszącą do 3500/3000 MB/s, a zatem ponad 6,2x większą niż dyski SSD SATA. Nigdy już nie musisz zwalniać dzięki Full Power Mode
Spraw, że SSD będzie bezustannie pracował z maksymalną, niezmienną wydajnością za sprawą trybu Full Power Mode. Włącz go, korzystając z oprogramowania Samsung Magician, a Twój dysk zawsze będzie aktywny. Teraz możesz natychmiast rozpocząć pracę na ogromnych plikach czy powrócić do bogatej w grafikę gry, jak również kontynuować zwykłe użytkownie komputera. Trwałość na lata
Bezpieczeństwo plików dzięki dyskowi SSD stworzonemu z myślą o wieloletnim działaniu. Nawet 600 TBW i 5-letnia ograniczona gwarancja zapewniają optymalną niezawodność i wytrzymałość 980, a to za sprawą opracowanych w Samsung rozwiązań: od supernowoczesnego kontrolera po V-NAND i najnowsze oprogramowanie układowe. Niezawodna kontrola termiczna
Wysokowydajne dyski SSD zwykle wymagają wysokowydajnej kontroli termicznej. Aby zapewnić stabilną wydajność, w 980 wykorzystano pokrycie z niklu, które pomaga zarządzać poziomem nagrzania kontrolera, jak również warstwę rozpraszającą ciepło, która z kolei umożliwia kontrolę termiczną chipu NAND. Inteligentne rozwiązanie termiczne
Za sprawą opracowanego przez Samsung, przełomowego algorytmu kontroli termicznej 980 sam zarządza poziomem nagrzania, by zagwarantować trwałą, niezawodną jakość pracy. Aby zapobiec wahaniom wydajności dysku, technologia Dynamic Thermal Guard firmy Samsung utrzymuje jego temperaturę na optymalnym poziomie. Oprogramowanie Magician firmy Samsung
Odkryj pełną moc 980 dzięki intuicyjnym, a jednocześnie zaawansowanym narzędziom optymalizacyjnym oferowanym przez Samsung Magician. Monitoruj stan dysku, optymalizuj jego wydajność, chroń cenne dane i otrzymuj ważne aktualizacje, by mieć pewność, że Twój SSD zawsze pracuje na 100% swoich możliwości. Pamięć flash nr 1 na świecie
Doświadcz nadzwyczajnej wydajności i niezawodności, którą gwarantuje wyłącznie marka zajmująca od 2003 r. pozycję światowego lidera w dziedzinie pamięci flash. Całe oprogramowanie układowe i wszystkie komponenty, w tym światowej sławy DRAM i NAND Samsung, produkowane są wewnętrznie, co przekłada się na całkowitą kontrolę nad jakością.
Description - SAMSUNG 980 NVMe M.2 SSD 250GB Labakais atrums jebkuram darbam Pieklustiet tam. Izmantojot HMB tehnologiju un dramatisko NVMe efektivitati, 980 izmanto gandriz visas PCIe 3.0 atruma priekšrocibas. DRAM nesaturošs dizains nodrošina izcilu vertibu, sasniedzot parsteidzošu secigu lasišanas / rakstišanas atrumu lidz 3500/3000 MB / s *, kas parsniedz SATA SSD disku atrumu 6,2 reizes. Elpu aizraujošs atrums ar NVMe Ir laiks izbaudit Tava datora labako sniegumu ar 980. Lai ari kam Tu to izmantotu – videospelem, lielam grafikam vai jebkam citam – 980 ir teicama SSD veiktspejai, turklat to atbalsta NVMe interfeiss un PCIe 3.0 tehnologija. Darbojies bez apstajas ar Full Power Mode Saglaba nemainigi labu SSD veiktspeju ar FullPower Mode. Atstaj SSD aktivaja rezima, izmantojot Samsung Magician programmaturu. Nezaude ne mirkli, lai atgriezos pie darba ar liela apjoma failiem, speletu iespaidigas grafikas videospeles vai izmantotu datoru jebkuram citam uzdevumam. Radits parliecinošam sniegumam ilgtermina Ar SSD neuztraucies par savu dokumentu drošibu ari ilgtermina. Ar lidz pat 600 TBW un 5 gadu garantiju, 980 ir ne tikai uzlabota izturiba, bet ari nemainigi uzticams sniegums. Tas piemit ikvienam Samsung raditajam risinajumam jau no paša izstrades sakuma – vadibas pultis, V-NAND sistema un ka ari jaunakas programmaparaturas. Uzticama termiska vadiba Augstas veiktspejas SSD diskiem parasti ir nepieciešama labakas veiktspejas termiska vadiba. Lai nodrošinatu stabilu darbibu un NAND mikrosistemas termisko kontroli, 980 izmanto nikela parklajumu, kas parvalda kontroliera siltuma limeni un siltuma izkliedetaju. Vieds termiskais risinajums Izmantojot Samsung vismodernako termiskas vadibas algoritmu, 980 pats parvalda siltumu un nodrošina izturigu un uzticamu veiktspeju. Lai samazinatu iespejamas svarstibas ilgtermina, Samsung Dynamic Thermal Guard tehnologija uztur 980 temperaturu optimala limeni. . Visu laiku labaka zibatmina Izcila veiktspeja un uzticamiba, ko var sniegt tikai augstaka limena zibatminas zimols, kurš atzits par pasaule labako jau kopš 2003. gada. Visa programmaparatura un komponenti, ieskaitot pasaule atzito Samsung DRAM un NAND, tiek razoti pie mums, nodrošinot nepartrauktu iesaisti, lai raditu uzticamu kvalitati.
description_en - Samsung 980
SSD capacity: 250 GB
Teurobody drive form factor: M.2
Read speed: 1300 MB/s
Write speed: 2900 MB/s
Accessories for: PC/laptop
description_lv - Samsung 980
SSD ietilpība: 250 GB
Teurobody piedziņas formas koeficients: M.2
Lasīšanas ātrums: 1300 MB/s
Rakstīšanas ātrums: 2900 MB/s
Piederumi: PC/klēpjdators
description_ru - Samsung 980
Объем SSD: 250 GB
форм-фактор тевродотельного диска: M.2
Скорость считывания: 1300 MB/s
Скорость записи: 2900 MB/s
Комплектующие для: ПК/ноутбук
Design > SSD form factor - M.2 2280
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - Plug-in Card
dimensionalWeight - 58
dimension depth - 20 mm
dimension height - 140 mm
Dimensions - 80.15 x 22.15 x 2.38 mm
dimension weight - 76 g
dimension width - 95 mm
Disk type - SSD
Drive thickness - 2.38mm
Drive type - Internal
EAN - 8806090572234
ean - 8806090572234
EAN Code - 8806090572234
Eans - 8806090572234
EAN_code - 8806090572234
External Color - Melna
Features - Component for - PC/Laptop
Features - Controller type - Samsung Pablo
Features - Hardware encryption - Yes
Features - Interface - PCI Express 3.0
Features - M.2 SSD size - 2280 (22 x 80 mm)
Features - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 1500000 h
Features - Memory type - V-NAND
Features - NVMe - Yes
Features - NVMe version - 1.4
Features - PCI Express interface data lanes - x4
Features - Random read (4KB) - 230000 IOPS
Features - Random write (4KB) - 320000 IOPS
Features - Read speed - 1300 MB/s
Features - S.M.A.R.T. support - Yes
Features - Security algorithms - 256-bit AES
Features - SSD capacity - 250 GB
Features - SSD form factor - M.2
Features - Write speed - 2900 MB/s
Flash Memory Cell Technology - Multi-Level Cell
Form Factor - M.2
FormFactor - M.2
Form Factor - M.2 22x80mm
Form factor (width) - M.2 2280
Full Description Line - SSD series 980|250GB|Form Factor M.2|PCIE|NVMe|Technology MLC|Write speed 1300 MBytes/sec|Read speed 2900 MBytes/sec|Drive thickness 2.38mm|TBW 150 TB|MTBF 1500000 hours
GrossWeight - 0.200 kg
Gross Weight Kg - 0,1
gross_weight - 0.08 kg
GTIN - 0887276437248
GTIN - 887276437248
GTIN - 8806090572234
guarantee - 60
guarantee_type - normal
HardDrive - 250 GB
HDD capacity - 250 GB
HDD interface - PCI-Express
Height - 2.38 mm
Height - 22.15 mm
Height (mm) - 2.38 mm
Image -
ImageUrl -
LargeDescHTML - Upgrade to breathtaking NVMe speedIts time to maximise your PCs potential with the 980. Whether you need a boost for gaming or a seamless workflow for heavy graphics, the 980 is the smart choice for outstanding SSD performance, and its all backed by an NVMe interface and PCIe 3.0 technology.* The NVM Express design mark is a registered trademark of NVM Express, Inc.Packed with speedGet right to it. The 980 harnesses nearly all the speed advantages of PCIe 3.0 through HMB technology and dramatic NVMe efficiency. The DRAM-less design delivers exceptional value, achieving breakneck sequential read/write speeds up to 3,500/3,000 MB/s*, over 6.2x the speed of SATA SSDs.* Performance may vary depending on the SSDs firmware version, system and hardware configuration. Performance measurements are based on IOmeter 1.1.0. The write performances were measured with Intelligent TurboWrite technology activated. Intelligent TurboWrite operates only within a specific data transfer size. For detailed information, please contact your local service center. * Test system configuration: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz,DDR4 2133MHz 8GBx2 OS-Windows 10 Pro 64bit Asrock Z-170 Extreme7+ * Results are based on a comparison with Samsung SATA SSDs. * HMB (Host Memory Buffer) technology enables the SSD to use the DRAM of the host system for read/write caching and buffering.Keep moving with Full Power ModeKeep your SSD running at peak level for nonstop, consistent high performance with Full Power Mode. Switch it on through Samsung Magician software to always keep your SSD in active mode. Instantly jump right back to intensive work with huge files, graphics-heavy games, or even normal PC usage.Built for the long runKeep your files safe with an SSD thats in it for the long haul. With up to 600 TBW* and a 5-year* limited warranty*, the 980s optimized endurance comes with proven reliability thanks to Samsungs in-house solutions, from the state-of-the-art controller to V-NAND and the latest firmware.*TBW : Terabytes written* Warrantied TBW for 980: 150 TBW for 250GB model, 300 TBW for 500GB model, 600 TBW for 1TB model.* 5 years or TBW, whichever comes first. For more information on the warranty, please find the enclosed warranty statement in the package.Reliable thermal controlHigh-performance SSDs usually require high-performance thermal control. To ensure stable performance, the 980 uses nickel coating to help manage the controllers heat level and a heat spreader label to deliver effective thermal control of the NAND chip.Smart thermal solutionEmbedded with Samsungs cutting-edge thermal control algorithm, the 980 manages heat on its own to deliver durable and reliable performance. To minimize performance fluctuations in the long haul, Samsungs Dynamic Thermal Guard technology maintains the 980s temperature at optimal levels.Samsung Magician softwareUnlock the full power of the 980 with Samsung Magicians intuitive yet advanced optimization tools. Monitor drive health, optimize performance, protect valuable data, and receive important updates with Magician to ensure youre always getting the best performance out of your SSD.Worlds No. 1* Flash MemoryExperience superior performance and reliability that you can only get from the worlds number one brand for flash memory since 2003. All firmware and components, including Samsungs world-renowned DRAM and NAND, are produced in-house, allowing end-to-end integration for quality you can trust.
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84717070
LongDesc -
LongDesc - Upgrade to breathtaking NVMe™ speedIt's time to maximise your PC's potential with the 980. Whether you need a boost for gaming or a seamless workflow for heavy graphics, the 980 is the smart choice for outstanding SSD performance and it's all backed by an NVMe™ interface and PCIe 3.0 technology.Packed with speedGet right to it. The 980 harnesses nearly all the speed advantages of PCIe 3.0 through HMB technology and dramatic NVMe efficiency. The DRAM-less design delivers exceptional value, achieving breakneck sequential read/write speeds up to 3,500/3,000 MB/s[1] , over 6.2x the speed of SATA SSDs.Keep moving with Full Power ModeKeep your SSD running at peak level for nonstop, consistent high performance with Full Power Mode. Switch it on through Samsung Magician software to always keep your SSD in active mode. Instantly jump right back to intensive work with huge files, graphics-heavy games or even normal PC usage.Built for the long runKeep your files safe with an SSD that's in it for the long haul. With up to 600 TBW and a 5-year limited warranty, the 980's optimised endurance comes with proven reliability thanks to Samsung's in-house solutions, from the state-of-the-art controller to V-NAND and the latest firmware.Reliable thermal controlHigh-performance SSDs usually require high-performance thermal control. To ensure stable performance, the 980 uses nickel coating to help manage the controller's heat level and a heat spreader label to deliver effective thermal control of the NAND chip.Smart thermal solutionEmbedded with Samsung's cutting-edge thermal control algorithm, the 980 manages heat on its own to deliver durable and reliable performance. To minimise performance fluctuations in the long haul, Samsung's Dynamic Thermal Guard technology maintains the 980's temperature at optimal levels.Samsung Magician softwareUnlock the full power of the 980 with Samsung Magician's intuitive yet advanced optimisation tools. Monitor drive health, optimise performance, protect valuable data, and receive important updates with Magician to ensure you're always getting the best performance out of your SSD.World's No. 1 Flash MemoryExperience superior performance and reliability that you can only get from the world's number one brand for flash memory since 2003. All firmware and components, including Samsung's world-renowned DRAM and NAND, are produced in-house, allowing end-to-end integration for quality you can trust.
LongProductName - MZ-V8V250BW
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung 980. SSD capacity: 250 GB, SSD form factor: M.2, Read speed: 1300 MB/s, Write speed: 2900 MB/s, Component for: PC/Laptop
Manufacturer - Samsung
Manufacturer - SAMSUNG
Manufacturer Code - MZ-V8V250BW
Manufacturer Name - Samsung
Manufacturer_code - MZ-V8V250BW
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 70 °C
Maximum Power Consumption - 5.6 W
Maximum Random Read Rate - 230000 IOPS
Maximum Random Write Rate - 320000 IOPS
Maximum Sequential Read Rate - 2900 MB/s
Maximum Sequential Write Rate - 2300 MB/s
Mean Time Between Failures - 1500000 hr
Memory Technology - NAND Flash
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 0 °C
Minimum Power Consumption - 45 mW
Model - 980
Model - MZ-V8V250BW
MTBF - 1.5e+006 hours
name - Disc SSD 980 250GB Gen3.0x4 NVMeMZ-V8V250BW
Name - M.2 250GB Samsung 980 NVMe PCIe 3.0 x 4 retail
Name - Samsung 980 250GB MZ-V8V250BW
Name - Samsung 980 M.2 PCIe NVMe 250GB
name - Samsung 980 NVMe SSD, PCIe 3.0 M.2 Typ 2280 - 250 GB
Name - Samsung SSD 250GB 1.3 / 2.9G 980 M.2 SAM - NVMe
Name - Samsung | V-NAND SSD | 980 | 250 GB | SSD form factor M.2 2280 | Solid-state drive interface M.2 NVME | Read speed 2900 MB/s | Write speed 1300 MB/s
NAND flash technology - MLC
Nominal Supply Voltage - 3.3 V
Nominal Weight - 8 g
NVMe - Yes
OperatingSystems - -
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 70 °C
Operational conditions - Operating vibration - 1500 G
Other features -
PackageContents - -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 460 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 145 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 280 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 20 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 395 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 4.56 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 60 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1980 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 23 g
Package features > PET - 20.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.023 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.509 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00029 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Package Type - Retail
Packs in Box - 10
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.0756 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.008 kg
PCIE Interface - Yes
Performance > Read speed - 2900 MB/s
Performance > Solid-state drive capacity - 250 GB
Performance > Solid-state drive interface - M.2 NVME
Performance > Write speed - 1300 MB/s
Pieces in pack - 1
PortConnector - -
Ports & interfaces > Interface - PCIe Gen 3.0 x 4
Power - Operating voltage - 3.3 V
Power - Power consumption (average) - 3.7 W
Power - Power consumption (max) - 5.6 W
PowerSupply - -
ProdDesc - SSD M.2 (2280) 250GB Samsung 980 (PCIe/NVMe)
producer - Samsung
Producer - Samsung
producerCode - MZ-V8V250BW
ProducerCode - MZ-V8V250BW
Producer product family - V-NAND SSD
Producer product name - 980
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - SSD
ProductCode - MZ-V8V250BW
ProductDescription - Samsung SSD 980 Evo 250GB M.2 PCIE Gen 3.0 NVME PCIEx4, 2900/2300 MB/s, 150TBW, 5yrs
ProductName - 980
productName - Samsung 980 M.2 250 GB PCI Express 3.0 V-NAND NVMe
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ProductType - SSD Client
QuantityofDevices - 1
RaidController - -
RaidLevels - -
Random read IOPS (max) - 230 K
Random write IOPS (max) - 320 K
Reading speed - 2900 MB/s
ReadSeekTime - -
Read speed - 2900 MBytes/sec
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0.008 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0.008 kg
SeekTime - -
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 46 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 28 cm
Shipping box quantity - 60
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7.15 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 40 cm
Shock Tolerance Operating - 1500G @ 0.5ms
Short description - SSD M.2 (2280) 250GB Samsung 980 Basic (PCIe/NVMe) TCG Opal Encryption 2.0
ShortDescription - SSD | 250GB | 2900/1300 MB/s | M.2 | PCIe 3.0 x4 NVMe 1.4
ShortSummaryDescription - Samsung 980, 250 GB, M.2, 1300 MB/s
sizeX - 145
sizeY - 20
sizeZ - 100
Software - -
Solid State Drive Features - TRIM SupportAES 256-bit EncryptionAuto Garbage CollectionDEVSLP Mode
SSD Capacity - 250GB
SSD Controller - Samsung Pablo
SSD series - 980
Storage Capacity - 250 GB
StorageDeviceFeatures - NVMe
StorageDeviceInterface - PCIe
StorageDeviceSpeed - -
StorageDeviceType - SSD
Supports Data Channel - NVMe PCIe® Gen3
SystemRequirements - -
TBW - 150 TB
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.076 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.053 kg
Technical details > Producer - Samsung
Title - Samsung 980 250 GB M.2 PCI Express 3.0 NVMe V-NAND
title_en - Samsung 980 M.2 PCI Express 3.0 SSD Disk 250GB
title_lv - Samsung 980 M.2 PCI Express 3.0 SSD Disks 250GB
title_ru - Samsung 980 M.2 PCI Express 3.0 SSD Диск 250GB
Total Bytes Written (TBW) - 150 TB
TransmissionSpeed - 2900 MB/s
Type - Storage
Unit Box Height - 0.1
Unit Box Length - 0.145
Unit Box Width - 0.02
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0008587 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.119 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.008 kg
USBSpeed - -
Vendor - SAMSUNG
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - MZ-V8V250BW
Warranty - 2 years
Warranty - 60
Warranty - 60 month(s)
Warranty - 60L months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 60
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 60 mēneši
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,07
Weight - 0.008 kg
weight - 0.05 kg
Weight - 0.08
Weight - 8 g
weight - 76
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 22.1 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 2.38 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 8 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 80.2 mm
Width - 80.15 mm
Width - 80.15 mm
Width (mm) - 22.15 mm
Write speed - 1300 MBytes/sec
Writing speed - 1300 MB/s
51.93 €
Samsung 980, 250GB, M.2 Gen3 x4
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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