Speedlink Gravity RGB

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 889204 Product code: SL-830200-BK
In stock 39 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
46.22 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 14.04.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection Type: Cable
  • Speakers: Soundbar
All parameters
Color : Black
Connection Type : Cable
Frequency range max, Hz : 18000
Frequency range min, Hz : 120
Lighting : Ir
Lighting Colour : RGB
Power supply : USB
Resistance, Ω : 4
RMS Jauda (W) : 12W
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Speaker type : Aktīvais
Speakers Soundbar

The number of speakers in the acoustic system determines the volume of sound of the system you have selected. If you want to just listen to music and watch films or want to place speakers on the computer table you should choose 2.0 Stereo or 2.1 (stereo+subwoofer) speakers. If you want to enjoy the Dolby digital spatial sound when you are watching DVD films or playing EAX games you should buy the system of speakers 5.1 or above.

Volume control : Built in
Weight, kg : 0.640
More detailed specification
barcode - 4027301813821
brand - SpeedLink
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
description_en - The GRAVITY RGB Stereo Soundbar brings demanding gaming soundscapes to life with breathtaking quality. The excellent stereo sound is accompanied by brightly coloured RGB lighting that creates a pleasant atmosphere for every session. Two connections on the front of the soundbar make it easier to use headphones and microphones, so you don’t have to switch cables on the computer. Smartphones and tablets can be connected to the GRAVITY RGB via Bluetooth®. This means you can enjoy numerous applications and media with the first-class acoustics of the compact sound system. Stereo soundbar with RGB lighting Bluetooth® connection to smartphone / Tablet / etc. Rotary control for adjusting the volume and switching the soundbar on/off Front panel headphone and microphone jack Output power (RMS): 2 × 3W, 12W peak power
description_et - Gravity RGB stereo ribakõlar äratab helimaastikud mängudes ellu hingematva kvaliteediga. Suurepärase stereoheliga kaasneb erksavärviline RGB valgustus, mis loob igaks mängusessiooniks meeldiva atmosfääri. Kaks esipaneelil olevat ühendust muudavad kõrvaklappide ja mikrofonide kasutamise lihtsamaks, nii et Sa ei pea pidevalt arvutis kaableid vahetama. Bluetoothi kaudu saab Gravity RGB kõlariga hõlpsalt ühendada ka nutitelefone ja tahvelarvuteid. See tähendab, et saad ka rakenduste ja meelelahutuse heli nautida esmaklassilise akustikaga. RGB valgustusega stereo ribakõlar Bluetooth nutitelefoni/tahvelarvutiga ühendamiseks Valgustatud nupp helitugevuse reguleerimiseks ja kõlari sisse/välja lülitamiseks Kõrvaklappide ja mikrofoni pesa esipaneelil Väljundvõimsus (RMS): 2 × 3 W, tippvõimsus 12 W
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Compact stereo speaker for your computer Power: 2 × 3 W RMS, 12 W peak power Volume control on the front panel Headphone and microphone jack Brightly colored RGB lighting
description_short_et - Kompaktne stereo ribakõlar arvutile Võimsus: 2 × 3 W RMS, tippvõimsus 12 W Helitugevuse juhtnupp esipaneelil Kõrvaklappide ja mikrofoni pesa Efektne värviline RGB valgustus
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Компактная стереоколонка для ПКМощность: 2 x 3 Вт RMS, пиковая мощность 12 ВтРегулятор громкости на передней панелиРазъем для наушников и микрофонаЭффективная красочная RGB-подсветка
feature_group_en - Speakers
feature_group_et - Kõlarid
feature_group_lv - Skaļruņi
feature_group_ru - Колонки
height - 11
Kõlar - Sagedusdiapasoon - 120 – 18 000 Hz
Kõlar - Tüüp - Ribakõlar
Kõlar - Võimsus - 12 W
manufacturer_code - SL-830200-BK
name_en - Speedlink soundbar Gravity RGB (SL-830200-BK)
name_et - Speedlink ribakõlar Gravity RGB (SL-830200-BK)
name_lv - Speedlink soundbar Gravity RGB (SL-830200-BK)
name_ru - Speedlink саундбар Gravity RGB (SL-830200-BK)
Speaker - Frekvenču diapazons - 120 – 18 000 Hz
Speaker - Frequency response - 120 – 18 000 Hz
Speaker - Izejas jauda - 12 W
Speaker - Power output - 12 W
Speaker - Tips - Soundbar
Speaker - Type - Soundbar
Колонк - Диапазон частот - 120 – 18 000 Гц
Колонк - Мощность - 12 W
Колонк - Тип - Саундбар
46.22 €
Speedlink Gravity RGB
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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