Speedlink Event

Picture may differ from actual product, there can be accessories and parts not supplied with the actual product.
ID: 632319 Product code: SL-8004-BK
In stock 40 units
Warranty: 2 years (Warranty for business entities 1 year)
24.60 €
Delivery options
  • Courier delivery 11.99 €: 18.03.2025
Main product parameters All parameters
  • Connection Type: Cable
  • Speakers: 2.0 (Stereo)
All parameters
Color : Black
Connection Type : Cable
Frequency range max, Hz : N/A
Frequency range min, Hz : N/A
Lighting : Nav
Lighting Colour : N/A
Power supply : USB
Resistance, Ω : N/A
RMS Jauda (W) : 5W
Sensitivity, dB : N/A
Speaker type : Aktīvais
Speakers 2.0 (Stereo)

The number of speakers in the acoustic system determines the volume of sound of the system you have selected. If you want to just listen to music and watch films or want to place speakers on the computer table you should choose 2.0 Stereo or 2.1 (stereo+subwoofer) speakers. If you want to enjoy the Dolby digital spatial sound when you are watching DVD films or playing EAX games you should buy the system of speakers 5.1 or above.

Volume control : Built in
Weight, kg : N/A
More detailed specification
barcode - 4027301955156
brand - SpeedLink
category_en - Audio
category_et - Audio
category_lv - Audio
category_ru - Аудио
description_en - The Event Stereo Speakers are the ideal loudspeakers for the desk. Thanks to their narrow shape, they don't take up much space, but still have perfect stability. The design not only gives them a modern look that perfectly matches flat screens, but also a pleasant sound. The set's USB cable, which supplies the speakers with power, is also extremely contemporary. The Event loudspeakers also have a 3.5 mm jack for headphones, a PC or an MP3 player. The special highlight: the volume of the connected headphones can be controlled directly via the volume control of the speaker set. 5W RMS power output Powered by USB, no power adapter required with its slim design, it is the perfect addition to flat screens volume control headphone jack that can be adjusted directly on the speaker 3.5mm jack plug for the PC or smartphone Dimensions: 70x80x185mm
description_et - Event stereokõlarid on ideaalne valik lauaarvutile. Tänu kitsale kujule ei võta need palju ruumi, kuid on siiski täiusliku stabiilsusega. Lisaks modernsele disainile on nende põhitugevuseks loomulikult suurepärane helikvaliteet. Kõlarid saavad toite USB pesa kaudu ning lisaks on neil ka 3,5 mm pesa kõrvaklappide, arvuti või MP3-mängija jaoks. Ühendatud kõrvaklappide helitugevust saab juhtida otse kõlarikomplekti helitugevuse nupu kaudu. 5 W RMS väljundvõimsus Toiteallikaks on USB pesa – vooluadapterit pole vaja Õhukese, modernne disain Helitugevuse reguleerimine Kõrvaklapipesa 3,5 mm pesa arvuti või nutitelefoni jaoks Mõõtmed: 70 × 80 × 185 mm
description_lv - Kompakti skaļruņi, kas aizņem maz vietas un ir stabili novietojami. Vēl viena lieliska funkcija ir USB kabelis, kas nodrošina skaļruņu barošanu. Šo skaļruņu modernais dizains teicami papildinās jebkuru platekrāna monitoru, turklāt tie atveido izcilu skaņu.
description_ru - Благодаря своей узкой форме комплект не занимает много места, но отличается идеальной устойчивостью. Дизайн придает ему не только современный, подходящий к плоским мониторам внешний вид, но и обеспечивает приятное звучание. Очень современным является и USB-кабель комплекта динамиков, через который на них подается питание. Свойства: Питание через USB, блок питания не нужен Благодаря стройному дизайну идеальное дополнение к плоским мониторам Регулятор громкости с практичным выключателем Громкость наушников регулируется прямо на динамиках Разъем на 3,5 мм для ПК или MP3-плейера
description_short_en - Stereo computer speakers Power: 5 W RMS Control buttons & headphone jack on the front Powered via USB Compact, modern design
description_short_et - Stereo arvutikõlarid Võimsus: 5 W RMS Esipaneelil juhtnupud & kõrvaklapipesa Toide USB kaudu Kompaktne, modernne disain
description_short_lv - Laba skaņa par pieejamu cenu Stilīgs un mūsdienīgs dizains Ideāli piemēroti spēlēm, mūzikai un filmām Skaļuma regulators 3,5 mm ieeja austiņām
description_short_ru - Неплохой звук по бюджетной цене Стильный современный дизайн Отличны для игр, музыки и фильмов Регулятор громкости Вход 3,5 мм для наушников
feature_group_en - Speakers
feature_group_et - Kõlarid
feature_group_lv - Skaļruņi
feature_group_ru - Колонки
Kõlar - Komplekti sisu - Kõlarid
Kõlar - Võimsus - 5 W RMS
Kõlar - Ühendus - 3,5 mm kõrvaklapiväljund
Kõlar - Ühendus - USB 2.0
manufacturer_code - SL-8004-BK
name_en - Speedlink speakers Event (SL-8004-BK)
name_et - Speedlink kõlarid Event (SL-8004-BK)
name_lv - Speedlink skaļruņi Event SL8004-BK
name_ru - Speedlink колонки Event (SL-8004-BK)
Speaker - Connector - 3.5 mm headphones output
Speaker - Connector - USB 2.0
Speaker - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Skaļruņi
Speaker - Izejas jauda - 5 W RMS
Speaker - Package contents - Speakers
Speaker - Power output - 5 W RMS
Speaker - Savienojums - 3,5 mm austiņu izeja
Speaker - Savienojums - USB 2.0
Колонк - Комплектация - Колонки
Колонк - Мощность - 5 W RMS
Колонк - Соединение - 3.5 мм выход наушников
Колонк - Соединение - USB 2.0
24.60 €
Speedlink Event
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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