Nano Rs RS700 Wheel

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ID: 754718 Tuotekoodi: RS700
Voidaan tilata 25 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
82,48 €
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 24.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Voiman palaute: Ja
  • Yhteys: Wads
Kaikki parametrit
Alusta : PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox
Paino, kg : N/A
Tyyppi Ohjaa, Polkimet
Jokaisella tietokonepelien genrellä on omat erityispiirteensä, miten pelaamisesta voidaan tehdä helpompaa, joten ajopeleissä on ohjauspyörät, lentosimulaattoreissa ja 3D-FPS-peleissä on Joystick, ja on myös klassinen RumblePad, jolla voi nauttia mukavasti kaikenlaisista peleistä sohvalla. Valitse mieleisesi peliohjaimen tyyppi.Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Valaistus : Nav
Valaistus Väri : N/A
Voiman palaute Ja
Voimapalaute on loistava lisä pelien nauttimiseen, sillä sen avulla voit tuntea erilaiset esteet ja pinnat peleissä tärinän avulla. Jos olet vaativa pelaaja suosittelee ostamaan ForceFeedbackilla varustetun peliohjaimen.
Väri : Melna
Yhteys Wads
Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - Kierownica NanoRS RS700 Instrukcja obsługi Opakowanie producenta
Cable length - 1.8 m
Color - Black
Connection - Wired
D-pad - No
Description - NanoRS RS700 Our steering wheel is one of the technologically advanced devices for use in car, racing and simulation games. The use of a special non-slip material, the ergonomic solutions of the shape of the handles and buttons ensure high user comfort and allow you to fully enjoy the exciting pleasure. The undoubted advantage is the compatibility with PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, as well as with PCs, laptops and Android devices. Want to drive a real car! Two styles of gear change: manual with shifters like in an F1 car or gear lever. Precise analog spring pedals with acceleration and braking function. Non-slip steering wheel cover to minimize excessive hand sweating while playing. The steering wheel has twelve buttons, so you can easily assign the most important functions of various games to them. The device also features the popular "D-pad" and a 4-way Dual-Pad mini-toystick, thanks to which you can navigate the in-game menu without using the keyboard. The set also includes strong and precise analog pedals for acceleration and braking. Behind the steering wheel there are gear levers, thanks to which you can change gears manually quickly and comfortably. High quality and convenience! In addition to the paddles behind the steering wheel, we will also be using a classic lever to shift gears. A well thought-out mounting of the steering wheel on the table top does not damage its coating. Said mounting involves placing the steering wheel on the desk, since the steering wheel stabilization system is based on popular suction cups and a plastic holder. Once attached, the steering wheel is very firm and stable. Even during the strongest movements, it cannot move, so we can focus our attention on the game, not on improving the device. Play wherever you want! The RS700 steering wheel can be mounted in 2 ways: on a suction cup or directly on the table top. This solution ensures a comfortable game in all conditions. Play on a desk or table: Make sure the steering wheel is placed on a smooth surface such as glass or plastic. Do not use the product on an uneven surface. Playing on your knees: The steering wheel is designed so that it can be placed directly on your knees without any fixation. Once your game console is plugged in, just sit back in your favorite chair, turn it on, and go racing! Diameter: 22cm With our steering wheel you will play almost all the most popular games. WARNING! In some cases, buttons need to be set in in-game options. You need the original gamepad to connect the steering wheel and game console to PS4, XBOX ONE.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 8032
dimension depth - 250 mm
dimension height - 420 mm
Dimensions - 42 x 38 x 26 cm
dimension weight - 3681 g
dimension width - 375 mm
ean - 5902211120889
Ergonomics - Cable length - 1.8 m
Ergonomics - Housing material - Plastic
Ergonomics - Product colour - Black
Ergonomics - Product colour - Silver
Force feedback - Yes
Gas and brake pedals - Yes
Gear lever - Yes
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Input device - Buttons quantity - 10
Input device - Device type - Steering wheel
Input device - Gaming control function buttons - D-pad
Input device - Gaming control function buttons - Select button
Input device - Gaming control function buttons - Start button
Input device - Gaming control technology - Analogue / Digital
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Android
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Nintendo Switch
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - PC
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Playstation 3
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - PlayStation 4
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Xbox One
Input device - Pedal spacing - Fixed
Input device - Reflex vibration - Yes
Input device - Steering wheel rotation angle - 270°
Interface - PlayStation / PlayStation 2
Interface - USB
Interface - Xbox Series S/X
name - Steering wheel PS4/PS3 XBOX NanoRS RS700
Other features - - Connecting the steering wheel to the PS4, XBOX ONE console is only possible with the use of the original controller - Automatic identification with PC, PS3, and ANDROID - X-Input and Dirext X-Input mode on PC. - Spring pedals with acceleration and braking functions. - Double vibration to simulate shock and crash in a racing game. - Compatible rubber grip that improves touch - Strong and heavy structure and strong suction cup mount - Interface: Playstation 4 / Playstation 3 / PC (USB) / XBOX ONE / ANDROID - Wheel rotation: 270 degrees - Wheel diameter: 220 mm - Voltage: 5V DC at 120 mA - Steering cable length: 1.8m - Cable length of the pedal station: 1.8 m
Packaging content - Clamps included - Yes
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Platform - Android
Platform - PC
Platform - PlayStation 3
Platform - PlayStation 4
Platform - Xbox One
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired
Ports & interfaces - Device interface - USB
Power - Input voltage - 5 V
Power - Power source - Cable
producer - Audiocore
producerCode - RS700
productName - NanoRS RS700 Gaming Controller Black, Silver USB Steering wheel Analogue / Digital Android, PC, PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One.
productSize - Normal
Rotation angle (max) - 270 °
sizeX - 420
sizeY - 375
sizeZ - 255
vendpn - RS700
Vibrations - Yes
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - F
Weight - 3.6 kg
weight - 3685
82,48 €
Nano Rs RS700 Wheel
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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