Tracer Rayder

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ID: 676811 Tuotekoodi: TRAJOY46765
Varastossa 3 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
50,77 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 07.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 07.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Voiman palaute: Ja
  • Yhteys: Wads
Kaikki parametrit
Alusta : PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox
Paino, kg : N/A
Tyyppi Ohjaa
Jokaisella tietokonepelien genrellä on omat erityispiirteensä, miten pelaamisesta voidaan tehdä helpompaa, joten ajopeleissä on ohjauspyörät, lentosimulaattoreissa ja 3D-FPS-peleissä on Joystick, ja on myös klassinen RumblePad, jolla voi nauttia mukavasti kaikenlaisista peleistä sohvalla. Valitse mieleisesi peliohjaimen tyyppi.Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Valaistus : Nav
Valaistus Väri : N/A
Voiman palaute Ja
Voimapalaute on loistava lisä pelien nauttimiseen, sillä sen avulla voit tuntea erilaiset esteet ja pinnat peleissä tärinän avulla. Jos olet vaativa pelaaja suosittelee ostamaan ForceFeedbackilla varustetun peliohjaimen.
Väri : Melna
Yhteys Wads
Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included -
Cable length - 1.8 m
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Game controllers/Gaming steering wheels
Color - Black
Connection - Wired
D-pad - Yes
Description - Rayder 4in1 steering wheel for PC/PS3/PS4/Xone Do you dream of succeeding in virtual car racing? Or maybe dynamic driving in a simulator is your passion and you want to get maximum satisfaction from it? Regardless, the Tracer Rayder 4in1 steering wheel is one of the accessories you simply must have! Discover an amazing steering wheel created especially for racing, a high-class steering wheel that guarantees an amazing driving experience. The Trafer Rayder steering wheel belongs to the popular Gamezone series, created especially for gamers who value the combination of the highest quality workmanship with advanced functions of gaming equipment. Compatibility with PC, PS3, PS4 and Xbox ONE platforms. 12 buttons. Vibration function. Spring acceleration. Ready LED. Maximum steering wheel rotation is 180 degrees. Spring pedals. Long cable 180 cm. Compact size Dynamic driving Thanks to the Tracer Rayder steering wheel, you will experience gameplay realism that cannot be provided by a computer keyboard or even the best console controller. The device has 12 buttons, thanks to which it is possible to intuitively control and precisely react to every situation on the virtual road. The ergonomically designed wheel has an adjustable rotation angle of up to 180 degrees, which will allow you to adjust the steering wheel to various types of races and rallies. The vibration system is designed to provide you with additional stimuli through a series of vibrations and shocks imitating movement on a specific surface. The spring accelerator pedals included in the set will additionally give you the impression of real control over the vehicle. This will make you feel like a rally driver taking part in a real race. Comfort of use The Tracer Rayder steering wheel is made of durable material, making its operation realistic and precise. All elements are well adjusted so that you can make smooth movements while playing. The buttons are arranged in an intuitive way, which allows for comfortable gameplay. The stable mounting system ensures that your steering wheel will always remain solidly attached to the tabletop and nothing will spoil your enjoyment of the game. Additional accessories in the form of gas and brake pedals will make you feel like you are in the cockpit of a real racing car. Universal solution Take part in exciting competitions regardless of platform. Your Tracer Rayder steering wheel is compatible with both PC and PS3, PS4 and Xbox One consoles. Do you have more than one gaming platform? Or maybe you are just planning to buy a console? With the Tracer steering wheel, you no longer have to worry about matching the device to the platform - you can freely switch between solutions. Attention! To connect the PS4 pad to the steering wheel, use a classic 4-wire USB cable (not included), a two-wire USB cable for powering portable devices is not suitable for use with the steering wheel.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 2856
dimension depth - 230 mm
dimension height - 230 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 1100 g
dimension width - 270 mm
ean - 5907512866030
Eans - 5907512866030
Ergonomics - Cable length - 1.8 m
Ergonomics - LED indicators - Yes
Ergonomics - Product colour - Black
Force feedback - No
Gas and brake pedals - Yes
Gear lever - No
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Input device - Buttons quantity - 12
Input device - Device type - Steering wheel
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - PC
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Playstation 3
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - PlayStation 4
Input device - Gaming platforms supported - Xbox One
Input device - Reflex vibration - Yes
Input device - Steering wheel rotation angle - 180°
Interface - USB
name - Steering wheel Tracer R ayder PC/PS3/PS4/Xone
Name - Tracer Rayder 4 in 1 PC/PS3/PS4/Xone
No. of buttons - 12
Other features -
Platform - PC
Platform - PlayStation 2
Platform - PlayStation 3
Platform - PlayStation 4
Platform - PlayStation 4 Pro
Platform - PlayStation 5
Platform - Xbox
Platform - Xbox 360
Platform - Xbox One
Platform - Xbox One S
Platform - Xbox One X
Platform - Xbox Series S
Platform - Xbox Series X
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired
Ports & interfaces - Cord length - 1.8 m
Power - USB 5V
Power - Power source - Cable
producer - Tracer
Producer - Tracer
producerCode - TRAJOY46765
ProducerCode - TRAJOY46765
productName - Tracer Rayder 4 in 1 Black Steering wheel PC, PlayStation 4, Playstation 3, Xbox One
productSize - Normal
Rotation angle (max) - 180 °
ShortDescription - kierownica PC/PS3/PS4/Xone / 12 przycisków / 180 st. skręt kół / pedały
sizeX - 230
sizeY - 270
sizeZ - 230
vendpn - TRAJOY46765
Vibrations - Yes
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - R
weight - 1610
50,77 €
Tracer Rayder
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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