Moza Racing R12 Direct Drive Wheelbase (12 Nm)

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ID: 1020398 Tuotekoodi: RS048
Voidaan tilata 50 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
572,83 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 02.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Voiman palaute: Ja
  • Yhteys: Ei ole
Kaikki parametrit
Alusta : N/A
Paino, kg : N/A
Tyyppi Ohjaa
Jokaisella tietokonepelien genrellä on omat erityispiirteensä, miten pelaamisesta voidaan tehdä helpompaa, joten ajopeleissä on ohjauspyörät, lentosimulaattoreissa ja 3D-FPS-peleissä on Joystick, ja on myös klassinen RumblePad, jolla voi nauttia mukavasti kaikenlaisista peleistä sohvalla. Valitse mieleisesi peliohjaimen tyyppi.Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Valaistus : Nav
Valaistus Väri : N/A
Voiman palaute Ja
Voimapalaute on loistava lisä pelien nauttimiseen, sillä sen avulla voit tuntea erilaiset esteet ja pinnat peleissä tärinän avulla. Jos olet vaativa pelaaja suosittelee ostamaan ForceFeedbackilla varustetun peliohjaimen.
Väri : Melna
Yhteys Ei ole
Langattomat peliohjaimet eivät vaadi langallista yhteyttä, joten ne tarjoavat huomattavan liikkumisvapauden ja upean kokemuksen pelien upeudesta.USB-muistitikusta on tullut yhtä suosittu matkapuhelimen lisävaruste, joten suosittelemme ostamaan suuren kapasiteetin muistitikun. Tavallinen mitta flash-levyn tilavuudesta on noin 1,3 Gt:n DivX-elokuva, joten suosittelemme ostamaan vähintään 2 Gt:n flash-levyn elokuvien kuljettamista varten. Jos haluat kuljettaa DVD-levyn sisällön taskussa, kannattaa ostaa vähintään 8 Gt:n flash-levy.
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Moza Racing
BrandPartCode - RS048
Category - Flight/Racing Simulator Accessories
category - Gaming|Simracing|Steering wheels & Wheelbases|Wheelbases
code - RS048
ean - 6973137270209
Features - Drive type - Direct drive
Features - Firmware upgradeable - Yes
Features - Material - Aluminium
Features - Peak torque - 12 N⋅m
Features - Polling rate - 1000 Hz
Features - Product colour - Black
Features - Product type - Racing wheel base
Features - Quick release system - Yes
GTIN - 0723497239769
GTIN - 723497239769
GTIN - 0850062761056
GTIN - 850062761056
GTIN - 6973137270209
LongDesc - 12Nm DD PowerThe 12 Nm servo direct drive system is tailor-made for simulating race cars, delivering a stable and realistic torque output of 12 Nm. It flawlessly replicates the steering force found in road and race cars, providing detailed and immersive feedback from the virtual vehicle and track surface directly to your hands.Direct Drive Servo MotorSlanted-pole DesignThe R12 motor incorporates cutting-edge technology derived from the R21 base, utilizing a unique slanted-pole design. The rotor is intelligently segmented into three sections with precisely calculated angles, resulting in a revolutionary motor design that significantly reduces cogging torque, torque ripple, electromagnetic vibration, and noise levels compared to conventional motors. With its innovative design, the R12 motor runs seamlessly and quietly, offering unparalleled smoothness and minimal noise and vibration during operation.The Maximum & Minimum Design PhilosophyThe R12 DD base is designed with a high-slot fill rate, utilizing high-permeability magnetic cores and high-strength neodymium iron boron magnets to achieve high energy and low current density characteristics. With its compact body and low power consumption, it delivers maximum torque output, significantly enhancing convenience and temperature control performance.Ultra-low Torque RippleThe motor in the R12 DD base utilizes a 18-slot, 16-pole high-slot design, which features the highest number of poles in its class. This design results in ultra-low torque ripple and exceptional shock absorption performance, delivering a smooth and seamless steering experience.Wide High-torque Speed RangeThe R12 DD base utilizes a low back-electromotive force design, which allows for a broad speed range even during high-torque operation. This feature enables high torque output at high speeds and eliminates torque dropouts when quickly correcting direction, ensuring a smooth and consistent steering experience.Ultra-low FFB Latency & Steering ResponseEnjoy ultra-low force feedback latency and steering response with our system's 280MHz processor chip and optimized algorithms. This advanced technology makes it easy for drivers to control their vehicles with precision and ease, delivering an immersive and responsive driving experience.NexGen 3.0 FFB AlgorithmThis advanced algorithm eliminates swaying during straight-line driving and refines the natural inertia of the vehicle, creating a smoother and more realistic racing experience. Additionally, the algorithm introduces Hand-off Protection Mode 2, enhancing safety without compromising the thrill of drifting. With its improved force feedback response speed, the NexGen 3.0 provides a more dynamic and responsive driving sensation, offering racers unmatched precision and control.Aviation-grade AluminumExperience unrivaled quality and durability with the MOZA R12. Its entire housing is constructed from aviation-grade aluminum alloy utilizing automotive-grade painting and laser etching, providing a long-lasting and extremely durable finish.Intelligent Temperature Control SystemOur advanced system continuously monitors the temperature of the motor and electronic components in real-time, employing intelligent temperature control strategies to deliver stable and reliable performance in all circumstances.Industrial Conductive Slip RingThe base and the steering wheel are connected through a automotive-grade conductive slip ring with a life span of over 5 million revolutions. The unique patented design has extremely high stability and durability while achieving infinite high-speed rotation.Compact DesignThe integrated motor design results in a compact size that still retains a standard 4 hole bottom mount pattern. It can be easily installed onto the vast majority of dedicated rigs and floorstands. In smaller spaces the base can be assembled with a desktop clamp, saving space whilst providing a convenient and enjoyable driving experience anytime, anywhere.Cloud-based Mobile App ControlEnjoy on-the-fly changes using the MOZA app! Force feedback, pedal settings, and more can all be changed in real-time. One-click importing allows easy hassle free setup transfers to new devices.Hand-off ProtectionThis function can effectively avoid the risk of injury and quickly help restore control by detecting that hands are off the wheel. Once activated, it will quickly stop any oscillation and safely center the wheel. The NextGen3.0 also introduces Hand-off Protection Mode 2, providing protection without disrupting drifting. Additionally, it enhances force feedback response speed and overall driving sensations.
LongProductName - 12 Nm, 216 W, 1000 Hz, 225.87 x 156.68 x 123.99 mm, 7.5 kg
LongSummaryDescription - Moza Racing R12. Product type: Racing wheel base, Product colour: Black, Material: Aluminium. Width: 156.7 mm, Depth: 225.9 mm, Height: 124 mm. Cables included: USB. Input voltage: 110 - 220 V, Peak power: 216 W
name - MOZA R12 Direct Drive Wheelbase (12 Nm)
Packaging content - Cables included - USB
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Power - Input voltage - 110 - 220 V
Power - Peak power - 216 W
ProductName - R12
ShortSummaryDescription - Moza Racing R12, Racing wheel base, Black, Aluminium, 1000 Hz, 12 N⋅m, Direct drive
Title - Moza Racing R12 Racing wheel base
WarrantyInfo -
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 225.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 124 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 7.5 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 156.7 mm
572,83 €
Moza Racing R12 Direct Drive Wheelbase (12 Nm)
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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