Kingston FURY Impact 16GB DDR4-3200 CL20 SO-DIMM Gaming Arbeitsspeicher

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ID: 733534 Tuotekoodi: KF432S20IB/16
Varastossa 48 yksiköt
Takuu: 3 vuotta
36,11 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 24.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • CL: 20
  • Enimmäistaajuus: 3200 MHz
  • Kapasiteetti: 16 GB
  • KIT: Yksittäinen moduuli
  • Tyyppi: DDR4
Kaikki parametrit
CL 20
CL - muistisyklien viive millisekunteina. On suositeltavaa sijoittaa identtiset CL-muistit samalle emolevylle. Pienempi CL-aika tarkoittaa suurempaa toimintanopeutta, mutta kaikki emolevyt eivät kuitenkaan pysty takaamaan vakaata toimintaa nopeilla muisteilla. Ennen muistin ostamista kannattaa tarkistaa, tukeeko emolevy valitsemaasi CL-aikaa.
Enimmäistaajuus 3200 MHz
Muistin suurin nopeus megahertseinä. Korkeamman kellotaajuuden muisti takaa vakaan toiminnan alemman kellotaajuuden tilassa, esimerkiksi DDRII800-muisti toimii DDRII667- ja DDRII533-tiloissa. Kun DDRII667-muisti asennetaan yhdessä DDRII800-muistin kanssa, emolevy kuitenkin näyttää ja toimii DDRII667-tilassa. Ennen nopean muistin ostamista on tarkistettava, tukeeko emolevy vastaavaa kellotaajuutta (nopeutta).
Kapasiteetti 16 GB

Muistikapasiteetti megatavuina.

Nykyaikaiset käyttöjärjestelmät vaativat vähintään 1 gigatavun RAM-muistia, jotta tietokoneen toiminta olisi vakaata ja nopeaa. MS Windows 7:n (64-bittinen) käyttö edellyttää vähintään 2 Gt RAM-muistia, jotta se toimii täydellisesti.
Kaksoismuistitukea varten on asennettava muistipareja, joissa molemmissa muistimoduuleissa on sama kapasiteetti.

KIT : Yksittäinen moduuli
Tyyppi DDR4

RAM-muistin tyyppi. Yhdessä emolevyssä voidaan käyttää vain yhtä tyyppisiä RAM-moduuleja.

Parametrin standardit:

*Ennen RAM-muistin ostamista on tarkistettava, onko emolevyllä vastaava muistipaikka ja tuki kyseiselle muistityypille .

Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - Kingston Technology
BrandPartCode - KF432S20IB/16
CAS Latency - CL20
Category - Memory Modules
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/RAM
Category Code - MEB
Category_1 - Computer Memory
Category_2 - DDR4-3000+
Chip Organization - 2048Mx64
CL - 20
Code - KF432S20IB/16
Description - 16GB 2G x 64-Bit DDR4-3200 CL20 260-Pin SODIMM Kingston FURY KF432S20IB/16 is a 2G x 64-bit (16GB) DDR4-3200 CL20 SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) 1Rx8, memory module, based on eight 2G x 8-bit FBGA components per module. Each module kit supports Intel® Extreme Memory Profiles (Intel® XMP) 2.0. Each module has been tested to run at DDR4-3200 at a low latency timing of 20-22-22 at 1.2V.
Description - Pamięć Kingston FURY Impact DDR4 Mały format, duża wydajność Wyposaż swój notebook lub komputer SFF w najnowszą pamięć Kingston FURY Impact DDR4 SODIMM, aby zminimalizować opóźnienia systemu. Przystosowana do obsługi profili XMP AMD Ryzen i Intel pamięć Plug N Play FURY Impact DDR4 o pojemności do 64GB automatycznie przetaktowuje się do najwyższej dostępnej częstotliwości (nawet do 3200MHz*), umożliwiając korzystanie z najnowszych technologii procesorów Intel i AMD. Nie musisz zmieniać ustawień BIOS-u - wystarczy wsunąć elegancki czarny moduł do gniazda pamięci, aby korzystać z wyższej wydajności systemu. Dzięki niskiemu napięciu zasilania pamięci FURY Impact DDR4, które wynosi 1,2V, system przyspieszy, nie zwiększając emisji ciepła i hałasu ani zużycia energii. Potężna wydajność pamięci SODIMM Funkcja automatycznego przetaktowania Plug N Play*   Profile Intel XMP-Ready Przystosowanie do współpracy z procesorami AMD Ryzen Wyższa wydajność przy niskim zużyciu energii Smukła konstrukcja i elegancki wygląd * Pamięć FURY Plug N Play działa w systemach DDR4 z częstotliwością taktowania dopuszczoną przez BIOS systemu danego producenta. Funkcja PnP nie pozwala uzyskać wyższej prędkości pamięci systemowej niż dopuszczona przez BIOS producenta. Produkty Kingston FURY Plug N Play DDR4 obsługują standard XMP 2.0, co oznacza, że można je również przetaktować, aktywując wbudowany profil XMP.
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 18
dimension depth - 15 mm
dimension height - 170 mm
dimension weight - 30 g
dimension width - 60 mm
EAN - 740617318395
ean - 740617318395
EANCode - 0740617318395
Eans - 0740617318395
EAN_code - 0740617318395
ECC support - No
Features - Backlight - No
Features - Buffered memory type - Unregistered (unbuffered)
Features - CAS latency - 20
Features - Component for - Laptop
Features - Cooling type - Heatsink
Features - Country of origin - China, Taiwan
Features - ECC - No
Features - Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) - Yes
Features - Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) version - 2.0
Features - Internal memory - 16 GB
Features - Internal memory type - DDR4
Features - JEDEC standard - Yes
Features - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
Features - Memory clock speed - 1600 MHz
Features - Memory clock speed - 3200 MHz
Features - Memory data transfer rate - 3200 MT/s
Features - Memory layout (modules x size) - 1 x 16 GB
Features - Memory ranking - 1
Features - Memory voltage - 1.2 V
Features - Module configuration - 2048M x 64
Features - Programming power voltage (VPP) - 2.5 V
Features - Refresh row cycle time - 350 ns
Features - Row active time - 26.25 ns
Features - Row cycle time - 45.75 ns
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Yes
Frequency speed - 3200 MHz
Full Description Line - Fury|Performance Gaming|DDR4|16GB|Number of modules 1|3200 MHz|260-pin SO DIMM|CL 20|Nominal voltage 1.2 V|Chip Organization 2048Mx64
GRUPPE1 - Memory & Processors
GRUPPE2 - Generic Memory
GTIN - 740617318395
GTIN - 0740617318395
guarantee - 0
guarantee_type - perpetual
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84733020
Logistics data - Master (outer) case gross weight - 780.45 g
Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 61 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 311.1 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 196.8 mm
Logistics data - Products per master (outer) case - 25 pc(s)
LongDesc - Get your notebook or small-form-factor machine fully equipped with Kingston FURY™ Impact DDR4 SODIMM and minimise system lag. Ready for AMD Ryzen and Intel XMP-ready in capacities of up to 64GB, Plug N Play FURY Impact DDR4 automatically overclocks to the highest frequency published, up to 3200MT/s*, to support Intel and AMD’s latest CPU technologies. Slot in the sleek black PCB for a hassle-free boost, no need to tinker with the BIOS. Upgrade your system’s performance and still run coolly, quietly and efficiently, thanks to FURY Impact DDR4’s low 1.2 voltage.Powerful SODIMM performanceMaximise your memory and get a boost to your gaming, multitasking and rendering.Plug N Play automatic overclocking functionality*Impact DDR4 automatically overclocks itself to the highest published frequency.Intel XMP-ready profilesOur engineers have predefined Intel Extreme Memory Profiles designed to maximise the performance of our memory modules, reaching speeds of up to 3200MT/s.Ready for AMD RyzenGet memory that’s ready for AMD Ryzen and will seamlessly integrate with your AMD-based SODIMM-compatible system. A reliable, compatible performance boost for your build.Higher performance with low power consumptionRun your system cool and efficiently with Impact DDR4’s low 1.2V power draw. Slim form, sleek designThe black PCB and sleek thermal label deliver big style with a small footprint.
LongProductName - 16GB 3200MT/s DDR4 CL20 SODIMM FURY Impact
LongSummaryDescription - Kingston Technology FURY 16GB 3200MT/s DDR4 CL20 SODIMM Impact. Component for: Laptop, Internal memory: 16 GB, Memory layout (modules x size): 1 x 16 GB, Internal memory type: DDR4, Memory clock speed: 1600 MHz, CAS latency: 20
Manufacturer - Kingston
Manufacturer_code - KF432S20IB/16
Memory > CAS latency - CL20
Memory > Component for - Notebook
Memory > ECC - No
Memory > Internal memory type - DDR4
Memory > Memory clock speed - 3200 MHz
Memory > Memory form factor - 260-Pin SODIMM
Memory > Memory layout (modules x size) - 1x16 GB
Memory > Memory voltage - 1.2 V
Memory > Registered - No
Memory bus frequency - 3200 MHz
Memory module capacity - 16GB
Memory series - Fury
Memory type - DDR4
Memory type - SODIMM DDR4
Model - KF432S20IB/16
Module form factor - 260-pin SO DIMM
Name - Kingston DDR4 - 16GB - 3200 - CL - 20 Impact - Single
Name - Kingston FURY Impact 16GB [1x16GB 3200MHz DDR4 CL20 SODIMM]
Name - Kingston | 16 GB | DDR4 | 3200 MHz | Notebook | Registered No | ECC No
name - Memory DDR4 Fury Impact SODIMM 16GB(1*16GB)/3200 CL20
Nominal voltage - 1.2 V
Number of memory cards in set - 1
Number of modules - 1
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 85 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -55 - 100 °C
Other features -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 14 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 170 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 57 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 12738 pc(s)
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 1 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.001 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00013566 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 14 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 171.4 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 25.45 g
Packaging data - Package width - 57.1 mm
Performance - Gaming
Performance > Capacity - 16 GB
producer - Kingston
Producer - Kingston
producerCode - KF432S20IB/16
ProducerCode - KF432S20IB/16
Producer product name - Fury Impact
ProductName - 16GB 3200MT/s DDR4 CL20 SODIMM FURY Impact
productName - HyperX KF432S20IB/16 memory module 16 GB 1 x 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz
productSize - Normal
Radiator - No
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 31 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 6.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 25
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.81 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 19.5 cm
ShortDescription - 16GB | 1x16GB | 3200MHz | DDR4 | CL20 | SODIMM |
ShortSummaryDescription - Kingston Technology FURY 16GB 3200MT/s DDR4 CL20 SODIMM Impact, 16 GB, 1 x 16 GB, DDR4, 1600 MHz
sizeX - 170
sizeY - 55
sizeZ - 10
Stck_Kart - 0
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - Y
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.029 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.028 kg
Technical details > Producer - Kingston
Title - Kingston Technology FURY 16GB 3200MT/s DDR4 CL20 SODIMM Impact
Total capacity - 16GB
Total memory capacity - 16 GB
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0001572 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.032 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.01 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - KF432S20IB/16
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - X months
WarrantyInfo - Lifetime
warrantyType - W
Weight - 0,03
weight - 30
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 69.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 30 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 8.3 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 3.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 69.6 mm
36,11 €
Kingston FURY Impact 16GB DDR4-3200 CL20 SO-DIMM Gaming Arbeitsspeicher
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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