Logitech C930e HD Webcam

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 88618 Tuotekoodi: 960-000972
Varastossa 3 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
129,15 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 28.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 28.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Satama: USB
  • Suurin videon resoluutio: 1920 x 1080
FPS maksimiresoluutiolla : 30
Satama USB
Verkkokameroita ohjataan tietokoneen yhteyden kautta. Ennen web-kameran ostamista on syytä tarkistaa, onko tietokoneessa sopiva liitäntätyyppi kameran liittämistä varten.
Sisäänrakennettu mikrofoni : Ja
Suurin videon resoluutio : 1920 x 1080
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - C930e Business Webcam External Shutter Cover Quick Reference Guide
Audio - -
barcode - 097855095985
barcode - 97855095985
barcode - 5099206045200
Box Height (mm) - 600 mm
Box Length (mm) - 426 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 7.76 kg
Box Width (mm) - 290 mm
brand - Logitech
Built-in Devices - Stereo Microphone
Camera Type - Web Camera
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Web Kameras
Category 1 - Multimedia
Category 2 - WebCams
Category Code - WCA
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Web cams
category_en - Peripherals
category_et - Lisaseadmed
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Web Kameras
category_lv - Papildus ierīces
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Web Kameras
category_ru - Дополнительные устройства
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Privacy cover
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - USB kabelis
Citi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Webcam
Citi - Kabeļa garums - 150 cm
Citi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Citi - Piemērotas ierīces - Brīva USB 2.0 pieslēgvieta
Citi - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Chrome OS
Citi - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Mac OS 10.7 vai jaunāka
Citi - Piemērotas operētājsistēmas - Windows 10 / 8 / 7
Citi - Savienojums - USB 2.0
Citi - Stiprinājums - Notebook
Citi - Stiprinājums - Pie monitora
Citi - Stiprinājums - Table
Citi - Stiprinājums - Tripod
Code - 960-000972
Color - Black
Color - Silver
ColourDepth - -
Data Link Protocol Supports - USB 2.0
depth - 13
Depth - 24 mm
Desc - Video izšķirtspēja: 1920 x 1080, Foto izšķirtspēja: 3.0 Mpx, Pieslēgums: USB 2.0, OS savietojamība: MacOS/Windows, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - Business Camera C930e 960-000972 Advanced 1080p business webcam with H.264 support. ELEVATE YOUR VIDEO MEETINGS TO BUSINESS CLASS The C930e is an advanced 1080p HD webcam that delivers high-resolution video in virtually any environment, including low-light and harsh lighting conditions. With H.264 video compression and a wide 90° field of view, the C930e delivers an experience almost identical to being in person at a meeting. PROFESSIONAL VIDEO MEETINGS START HERE The C930e delivers professional and reliable video conferencing quality. HD 1080p video at 30 fps enhanced with RightLight 2 technology and a high-precision lens delivers rich, high-resolution images in any environment. The high-performance image sensor delivers consistent HD quality without aliasing or blurring, even when zoomed in. YOU. IN THE PERFECT FRAME. Frame yourself and your workspace perfectly with a large 90° field of view, HD autofocus, pan, tilt and 4x HD zoom. An unobstructed, wide field of view combined with versatile digital zoom allows the C930e to capture board details and display physical objects with ease. The 90° field of view is also ideal for capturing multiple participants on camera while adhering to proper physical spacing protocols. COMMUNICATION WITH EXCEPTIONAL CLARITY The C930e features dual integrated omnidirectional microphones that capture audio from up to one metre away, so conversations always sound natural and clear. HIGH QUALITY, NARROW BANDWIDTH Boost meeting productivity with a consistently smooth video stream, even with limited bandwidth. The C930e supports the H.264 encoding standard with Scalable Video Coding (SVC) and UVC 1.5 codecs, ensuring minimal device dependency on computer and network resources, always generating exceptionally clear video. FULL CONTROL WITH TUNE DESKTOP The Logi Tune Desktop application simplifies the operation of personal devices and allows you to customise them to your needs on selected models, including the C930e. The mini app allows unobtrusive operation so as not to interfere with video collaboration, provides zoom in/out, colour presets, colour fine-tuning, manual focus, and allows easy downloading of firmware updates.
Description - Logitech’s most advanced HD webcam yet – with first-ever features that have been finely-tuned to enhance desktop collaboration.
description_en - Easily use the same webcam for meetings, webinars and vlogs. The Logitech HD Pro C930e performs great in all conditions. Place the webcam where you want and start recording your video or start your meeting. This webcam with integrated microphone ensures that you can be seen and heard with HD quality.
Webcam with HD camera
The Logitech Webcam HD Pro C930e has an HD camera with a Carl Zeiss lens. This camera records in HD format in 1080p at 30 frames per second. In combination with the Logitech RightLight technology and autofocus, you are ensured to be always sharp in the frame. In addition, it is a significant improvement over most integrated webcams in laptops. Naturally, this webcam can be used as standard with frequently used meeting applications such as Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom. The webcam comes with a cap to close the lens. This guarantees your privacy outside meetings.
Place the webcam where you want
With this webcam you simply choose freedom. The USB-A connection cable has a length of 1.8 meters, which gives you space to put it in a place that suits you. You can place the foot on a flat surface, clamped to a screen or screwed to a tripod. So use this camera with the same ease for meetings, webinars and vlogs. Most video software also gives you the option to digitally pan, tilt and zoom the camera. So always record from the ideal angle.
Integrated microphone
If you show a good image at a meeting, the sound cannot be left behind. That is why the Logitech C930e is equipped with two microphones that ensure that you are clearly audible. Make sure that your interlocutors see and hear you from your best side.
Specifications Logitech C930e HD HD 1080p at 30 frames per second with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels
Double integrated microphone
Suitable for almost all meeting software such as Teams, Skype and Zoom
Easy mounting on monitor or tripod
USB-A connection cable of 1.8 meters What's in the box Logitech C930e HD Pro webcam
Privacy lens cover
Quick start manual
description_en - Upgrade video meetings to business-class
C930e is an advanced HD 1080p webcam that delivers beautiful video in virtually any environment, including low-light and harshly backlit settings. H.264 video compression and a generously wide 90° field of view help make C930e the next best thing to being there in person. Better video meetings start here
C930e delivers better video meetings. HD 1080p/30 fps video enhanced by RightLight™ 2 and a high-precision lens deliver rich, beautiful video quality in any environment. The premium image sensor consistently delivers HD quality without jaggies or blur, even when zoomed in. You. Perfectly framed.
Frame yourself and your workspace perfectly with a generous 90° diagonal field of view, HD autofocus, pan, tilt, and 4x HD zoom. The undistorted wide field of view combined with the versatile digital zoom enable C930e to capture white board details and display physical objects with ease. The 90° dFOV is also ideal for including multiple participants on camera while observing appropriate physical distancing protocols. Communicate with exceptional clarity
C930e features dual integrated omnidirectional mics that capture audio clearly from up to one meter away so conversations always sound natural and clear. High quality, low bandwidth
Elevate meeting productivity with a consistently smooth video stream, even when bandwidth is limited. C930e supports H.264 with Scalable Video Coding (SVC) and UVC 1.5 encoding to minimize dependence on computer and network resources to produce remarkably clear video at all times. Certified for business
C930e is Certified for Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams®. Certifications and compatibility with other popular applications include BlueJeans, Cisco Webex™, Fuze, Google Meet™, GoToMeeting®, Lifesize Cloud, Pexip, RingCentral Video, Vidyo, and Zoom®.
description_et - Too oma videokohtumised äriklassi
Logitech C930e veebikaamera tagab viimasepeal videokvaliteedi ja heli. See on sertifitseeritud ärikasutuseks ja disainitud igapäevaseks kasutuseks. See toetab H.264 (SVC) ja UVC 1.5 koodekeid, mis vähendavad kaamera sõltuvust arvuti või võrgu võimekusest, nii et videopilt on sujuv ka siis kui internetiühendus on piiratud. Paremad videokõned algavad siit
Logitech C930e kaudu näed igas videokõnes parim välja. FullHD 1080p 30 kaadrit/sek videokvaliteet hoolitseb selle eest, et videopilt näeks välja võimalikult tõetruu ja naturaalne. Lisaks on see varustatud RightLight 2 tehnoloogiaga, mis kohandab video valgust automaatselt, nii et Su vestluskaaslane näeb Sind alati selgelt ja kontrastselt isegi kui oled hämarates valgustingimustes. Ideaalselt kadreeritud
Kadreeri videopilt täpselt kaamera 90° vaatevälja, HD autofookuse, pööratava ja kallutatava disaini ja 4-kordse HD suumiga. Lai vaateväli koos digitaalse suumiga võimaldab C930e veebikaameraga videopilti mahutada nii taustal oleva kirjutustahvli kui muid esemeid. Lisaks võimaldab see kaadrisse mahutada ka mitu inimest isegi kui peate hoidma distantsi. Selge helipilt
Kaks integreeritud ringsuunalist mikrofoni hoolitsevad selle eest, et kvaliteetse videopildiga koos kõlaks ka Su hääl iga nurga alt selgelt ja puhtalt. Lihtne kinnitada
Logitech C930e HD veebikaameral on universaalne klamberkinnitus, mille saad hõlpsalt sülearvuti ekraani külge klõpsata, statiivile kinnitada või lihtsalt riiulile asetada. Lisa privaatsust
Kui veebikaamera parasjagu kasutuses ei ole, saad sellele privaatsustkatte kinnitada ning objektiivile katte ette libistada – võid kindel olla, et Su privaatsus on kaitstud. Ärikasutuseks sertifitseeritud
C930e on sertifitseeritud Skype for Business ja Microsoft Teams kasutamiseks. Lisaks ühildub see teiste levinud videoteenustega nagu Zoom®, Google Meet™, BlueJeans, Cisco Webex™, Fuze, GoToMeeting®, Lifesize Cloud, Pexip, RingCentral Video ja Vidyo.
description_lv -
description_lv - Ērti izmantojiet to pašu tīmekļa kameru sapulcēm, tīmekļa semināriem un video žurnāliem. Logitech HD Pro C930e lieliski darbojas visos apstākļos. Novietojiet tīmekļa kameru, kur vēlaties, un sāciet ierakstīt video vai sāciet sapulci. Šī tīmekļa kamera ar integrētu mikrofonu nodrošina, ka jūs varat redzēt un dzirdēt HD kvalitātē.
Web kamera ar HD kameru
Logitech Webcam HD Pro C930e ir HD kamera ar Carl Zeiss objektīvu. Šī kamera ieraksta HD formātā 1080p ar 30 kadriem sekundē. Kombinācijā ar Logitech RightLight tehnoloģiju un autofokusu jūs vienmēr esat asums kadrā. Turklāt tas ir būtisks uzlabojums salīdzinājumā ar lielāko daļu klēpjdatoros integrēto tīmekļa kameru. Protams, šo tīmekļa kameru var izmantot standarta komplektācijā ar bieži lietotām sapulču programmām, piemēram, Microsoft Teams, Skype un Zoom. Tīmekļa kamerai ir vāciņš, lai aizvērtu objektīvu. Tas garantē jūsu privātumu ārpus sanāksmēm.
Novietojiet tīmekļa kameru, kur vēlaties
Izmantojot šo tīmekļa kameru, jūs vienkārši izvēlaties brīvību. USB-A savienojuma kabeļa garums ir 1,8 metri, kas ļauj to novietot sev piemērotā vietā. Pēdu var novietot uz līdzenas virsmas, piestiprināt pie ekrāna vai pieskrūvēt pie statīva. Tāpēc tikpat ērti izmantojiet šo kameru sapulcēm, tīmekļa semināriem un video emuāriem. Lielākā daļa video programmatūras sniedz arī iespēju digitāli panoramēt, noliekt un tuvināt kameru. Tāpēc vienmēr ierakstiet no ideālā leņķa.
Integrēts mikrofons
Ja sapulcē rādāt labu attēlu, skaņa nevar palikt aiz muguras. Tāpēc Logitech C930e ir aprīkots ar diviem mikrofoniem, kas nodrošina, ka esat skaidri dzirdams. Pārliecinieties, ka jūsu sarunu biedri redz un dzird jūs no labākās puses.
Specifikācijas Logitech C930e HD HD 1080p ar 30 kadriem sekundē ar 1280x720 pikseļu izšķirtspēju
Dubults integrēts mikrofons
Piemērots gandrīz visai sapulču programmatūrai, piemēram, Teams, Skype un Zoom
Vienkārša uzstādīšana uz monitora vai statīva
USB-A savienojuma kabelis 1,8 metru garumā Kas ir kastē Logitech C930e HD Pro tīmekļa kamera
Privātuma objektīva vāciņš
Ātrās palaišanas rokasgrāmata
description_ru -
description_ru - Легко используйте одну и ту же веб-камеру для встреч, вебинаров и видеоблогов. Logitech HD Pro C930e отлично работает в любых условиях. Разместите веб-камеру в нужном месте и начните запись видео или начните встречу. Эта веб-камера со встроенным микрофоном гарантирует, что вас будет видно и слышно в HD-качестве.
Веб-камера с HD-камерой
Logitech Webcam HD Pro C930e оснащен HD-камерой с объективом Carl Zeiss. Эта камера записывает в формате HD в разрешении 1080p со скоростью 30 кадров в секунду. В сочетании с технологией Logitech RightLight и автофокусировкой вы всегда будете в кадре чёткими. Кроме того, это значительное улучшение по сравнению с большинством встроенных в ноутбуки веб-камер. Естественно, эту веб-камеру можно использовать в стандартной комплектации с часто используемыми приложениями для совещаний, такими как Microsoft Teams, Skype и Zoom. Веб-камера поставляется с крышкой, закрывающей объектив. Это гарантирует вашу конфиденциальность вне встреч.
Разместите веб-камеру там, где вы хотите
С этой веб-камерой вы просто выбираете свободу. Соединительный кабель USB-A имеет длину 1,8 метра, что позволяет разместить его в удобном для вас месте. Вы можете поставить ногу на плоскую поверхность, прикрепить к экрану или прикрутить к штативу. Так что с такой же легкостью используйте эту камеру для встреч, вебинаров и видеоблогов. Большинство видеопрограмм также предоставляют возможность цифрового панорамирования, наклона и масштабирования камеры. Поэтому всегда записывайте с идеального ракурса.
Встроенный микрофон
Если на встрече вы продемонстрируете хорошее изображение, звук не останется без внимания. Вот почему Logitech C930e оснащен двумя микрофонами, которые гарантируют, что вас будет хорошо слышно. Убедитесь, что ваши собеседники видят и слышат вас с лучшей стороны.
Технические характеристики Logitech C930e HD HD 1080p при 30 кадрах в секунду с разрешением 1280x720 пикселей
Двойной встроенный микрофон
Подходит практически для всех программ для совещаний, таких как Teams, Skype и Zoom.
Легкая установка на монитор или штатив
Соединительный кабель USB-A длиной 1,8 метра Что в коробке Веб-камера Logitech C930e HD Pro
Защитная крышка объектива
Краткое руководство пользователя
description_short_en - Web camera for hiqh quality video calls FullHD 1080p 30 fps, 4× zoom & wide 90° fov Two built-in omnidirectional microphones Handy clip mount & attachable privacy shade Cerfitified for business
description_short_et - Tipptasemel veebikaamera videokõnedeks FullHD 1080p 30 fps, 4× suum ja suur 90° vaateväli Kaks integreeritud ringsuunalist mikrofoni Mugav klamberkinnitus & privaatsuskate Sertifitseeritud ärikasutuseks
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Веб-камера топ-уровня для видеозвонков FullHD 1080p 30 fps, 4× зум и большой обзор 90° Два встроенных микрофона с круговой направленностью Удобное крепление-прищепка & чехол для приватности Сертифиуирован для коммерческого использования
Design - Built-in flash - No
Design - Built-in microphone - Yes
Design - Cable length - 1.5 m
Design - Interface - USB
Design - Microphone direction type - Omnidirectional
Design - Mounting type - Clip
Design - Number of microphones - 2
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Tripod mounting supported - Yes
Design - Tripod thread - 1/4"
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 388
dimension depth - 80 mm
dimension height - 180 mm
Dimensions - 43 x 94 x 71 mm
Dimensions - With clip: 94 x 43.3 x 71mm
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 43
Dimensions & weight - Depth (mm) - 71
Dimensions & weight - Dziļums (mm) - 71
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 43
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 94
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 162
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 162
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 94
dimension weight - 354 g
dimension width - 130 mm
EAN - 5099206045200
ean - 5099206045200
EAN Code - 5099206045200
EANCode - 5099206045200
External Color - Black/Silver
Features and Functions - built-in microphone
feature_group_en - Webcams
feature_group_et - Veebikaamerad
feature_group_lv - Tīmekļkameras
feature_group_ru - Веб-камеры
FrameRate - 30 fps
Frames per second - 30
Full Description Line - Native resolution 1920x1080|USB 2.0|Windows 8|Windows 7|MacOS|Microphone Built-in|Dimensions With clip: 94 x 43.3 x 71mm
Gewicht - 0.35
Gross Weight Kg - 0,38
gross_weight - 0.04 kg
GRUPPE1 - Multimedia & Games
GRUPPE2 - Webcamera
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
height - 18
Height - 29 mm
Height (mm) - 29 mm
HSTNUMMER - 960-000972
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/221013160017381600.jpg
ImageCapture -
  • 1080p
  • 720p

  • ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_35627_1.jpg
    Interface - USB
    Interface - USB 2.0
    LargeDescHTML -
    Length (mm) - 24 mm
    Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85258900
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case gross weight - 7.76 kg
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 172 mm
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 495 mm
    Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 290 mm
    LongDesc -
    MacOS OS compatibility - Yes
    Manufacturer - Logitech
    Manufacturer Code - 960-000972
    Manufacturer Name - Logitech
    manufacturer_code - 960-000972
    MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/c930e-webcam#specification-tabular
    Max. Video Resolution - 1920x1080
    Mechanics - -
    Microphone - Built-in
    Microphone - Yes
    MicrophoneFeatures - 2 omni-directional mics
    Model - C930E
    Mounting Capability - Desktop
    MPN - 960-000972
    Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 162
    Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 43
    Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 94
    Mõõtmed & kaal - Sügavus (mm) - 71
    name - Business webcam C930e 960-000972
    Name - Logitech C930E Black/Silver
    Name - Logitech HD C930e 1920x1080
    name_en - Logitech veebikaamera C930e HD Pro
    name_et - Logitech veebikaamera C930e HD Pro
    name_lv - Logitech veebikaamera C930e HD Pro
    name_ru - Logitech веб-камера C930e HD Pro
    Native resolution - 1920x1080
    Optics -
  • 90° field of view
  • Zoom to 4X in 1080p
  • Autofocus

  • Other - Cable length - 150 cm
    Other - Color - Black
    Other - Connection - USB 2.0
    Other - Mount - Monitor
    Other - Mount - Notebook
    Other - Mount - Table
    Other - Mount - Tripod
    Other - Package contents - Privacy cover
    Other - Package contents - USB cable
    Other - Package contents - Webcam
    Other - Suitable devices - Devices with a free USB port
    Other - Suitable operating systems - Chrome OS
    Other - Suitable operating systems - Mac OS 10.7 or newer
    Other - Suitable operating systems - Windows 10 / 8 / 7
    Other features - 1080p/30 fps (up to 1920 × 1080 pixels) 720p/30 fps (up to 1280 × 720 pixels) with support for H.264 video compression clients Camera megapixels 3 Focusing: Auto focus Lens type: Glass Built-in microphone: Stereo, dual omnidirectional Microphone range: Up to 1 metre Diagonal field of view (dFoV): 90° Digital zoom: 4× USB connectivity: plug and play USB-A connection RightLight 2 technology for clear images in various lighting conditions, even in low light Optional Camera Settings app for pan, tilt and zoom control Attachable viewfinder cover
    PackageContents -
  • C930e Business Webcam
  • External privacy shutter
  • Quick Start Guide

  • PackageDimensions - -
    Package Type - Retail
    PackageWeight - 0.350 kg
    Packaging content - Box contents - Camera with attached 1.5 m (5 ft) USB-A cable
    Attachable privacy shutter
    User documentation
    Packaging content - Laptop clamp - Yes
    Packaging content - User guide - Yes
    Packaging data - Package depth - 142 mm
    Packaging data - Package height - 52 mm
    Packaging data - Package weight - 221.8 g
    Packaging data - Package width - 76 mm
    Packaging data - Quantity - 1
    Pack Height (mm) - 81 mm
    Pack Length (mm) - 180 mm
    Packs in Box - 30
    Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.2218 kg
    Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.162 kg
    Pack Width (mm) - 135 mm
    Performance - Auto focus - Yes
    Performance - Camera HD type - Full HD
    Performance - Digital zoom - 4x
    Performance - Maximum frame rate - 30 fps
    Performance - Maximum video resolution - 1920 x 1080 pixels
    Performance - Plug and Play - Yes
    Performance - Privacy camera - Yes
    Performance - Privacy type - Pop-up
    Performance - Resolution at capture speed - 1280x720@30fps
    Performance - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@30fps
    Performance - Supported video modes - 720p
    Performance - Supported video modes - 1080p
    Performance - Zoom capability - Yes
    Pieces in pack - 1
    Power - -
    ProdDesc - LOGITECH Webcam C930e (960-000972)
    producer - Logitech
    Producer - Logitech
    producerCode - 960-000972
    ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=150417135155500520&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
    ProductCategory - Other
    ProductCode - 960-000972
    ProductDescription - LOGITECH C930E WEBCAM - EMEA
    productName - Logitech C930e Business Webcam
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/960-000972-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    productSize - Normal
    ProductType - VC WebCams
    Requirements -
  • Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10
  • Mac OS X 10.7 or higher
  • Chrome OS Version 29.0.1547.70 and higher
  • <LI>2 GB RAM or more
  • Hard drive space for recorded videos
  • One USB 2.0 port

  • Resolution - Full HD 1080p
    Security - -
    Sensor -
    Sensor - -
    Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 18 cm
    Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 8 cm
    Shipping box quantity - 1
    Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.355 kg
    Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 13.5 cm
    Short description - Logitech Webcam C930E HD 1080p Externe Abdeckblende
    sizeX - 135
    sizeY - 180
    sizeZ - 80
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.12 Sierra
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.13 High Sierra
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.15.3 Catalina
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 11.0 Big Sur
    Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 12.0 Monterey
    Software - Other operating systems supported - ChromeOS
    Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
    Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
    Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1
    Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
    Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11
    Software included -
    Specifications - Digital zoom - 4×
    Specifications - Field of view - 90°
    Specifications - Focusing - Autofocus
    Specifications - Microphone - 2 × built-in omnidirectional microphone
    Specifications - Resolution - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080
    Specifications - Video resolution - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
    Specifications - Video resolution - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
    Specifikācijas - Digitālā tālummaiņa - 4
    Specifikācijas - Fokusēšana - Autofokuss
    Specifikācijas - Izšķirtspēja - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080
    Specifikācijas - Mikrofons - 2 × built-in omnidirectional microphone
    Specifikācijas - Redzes lauks - 90°
    Specifikācijas - Video izšķirtspēja - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
    Specifikācijas - Video izšķirtspēja - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
    Stck_Kart - 1
    Stck_Pal - 1080
    Storno - Y
    SupportedFormats - -
    Supported Formats - H.264
    System requirements - Minimum RAM - 2048 MB
    Tehnilised andmed - Digitaalne suum - 4×
    Tehnilised andmed - Lahutusvõime - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080
    Tehnilised andmed - Mikrofon - 2 × integreeritud ringsuunaline mikrofon
    Tehnilised andmed - Teravustamine - Autofookus
    Tehnilised andmed - Vaateväli - 90°
    Tehnilised andmed - Video lahutusvõime - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
    Tehnilised andmed - Video lahutusvõime - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
    title_en - Logitech C930e Business Webcam
    title_lv - Logitech C930e Business Webcam Tīmekļa kamera
    title_ru - Logitech C930e Business Webcam
    Type of Video Conference Solution - Web Camera
    Unit Box Height - 0.08
    Unit Box Length - 0.18
    Unit Box Width - 0.135
    Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001944 cubm
    Unit Gross Weight - 0.355 kg
    Unit Net Weight - 0.162 kg
    USB 2.0 Interface - Yes
    Use - Personal communication
    Vendor - LOGITECH
    Vendor Homepage - www.logitech.com/en-us/product/webcam-c930e-business
    vendpn - 960-000972
    VideoCapture - 1080/720p
    Warranty - 2 years
    Warranty - 24 months
    warrantyLength - 24
    Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
    Warranty Term (month) - 36 mēneši
    warrantyType - F
    Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
    Web Cam Features - Auto Focus4x Digital Zoom
    Weight - -
    weight - 0.038 kg
    Weight - 0.2
    Weight - 162 g
    weight - 219
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 71 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 43 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 162 g
    Weight & dimensions - Weight (with stand) - 162 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 94 mm
    width - 8
    Width - 94 mm
    Width (mm) - 94 mm
    Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows 8 OS compatibility - Yes
    WirelessInterface - No
    Üldine - Juhtme pikkus - 150 cm
    Üldine - Kinnitus - Lauale
    Üldine - Kinnitus - Monitorile
    Üldine - Kinnitus - Statiivile
    Üldine - Kinnitus - Sülearvutile
    Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Privaatsuskate
    Üldine - Komplekti sisu - USB kaabel
    Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Veebikaamera
    Üldine - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Chrome OS
    Üldine - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Mac OS 10.7 või uuem
    Üldine - Sobivad operatsioonisüsteemid - Windows 10 / 8 / 7
    Üldine - Sobivad seadmed - Vaba USB pesaga seadmed
    Üldine - Värvus - Must
    Üldine - Ühendus - USB 2.0
    Общее - Длина кабеля - 150 см
    Общее - Комплектация - USB кабель
    Общее - Комплектация - Веб-камера
    Общее - Комплектация - Чехол для приватности
    Общее - Крепление - Для ноутбука
    Общее - Крепление - На монитор
    Общее - Крепление - На стол
    Общее - Крепление - На штатив
    Общее - Совместимые оп-системы - Chrome OS
    Общее - Совместимые оп-системы - Mac OS 10.7 или новее
    Общее - Совместимые оп-системы - Windows 10 / 8 / 7
    Общее - Совместимые устройства - Свободный USB 2.0 порт
    Общее - Соединение - USB 2.0
    Общее - Цвет - Черный
    Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 162
    Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 43
    Размеры & вес - Глубина (мм) - 71
    Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 94
    Спецификации - Микрофон - 2 встроенных микрофона с круговой направленностью
    Спецификации - Поле зрения - 90°
    Спецификации - Разрешение - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080
    Спецификации - Разрешение видео - [FullHD] 1920 × 1080 30p
    Спецификации - Разрешение видео - [HD] 1280 × 720 30p
    Спецификации - Фокусировка - Автофокус
    Спецификации - Цифровой зум - 4
    129,15 €
    Logitech C930e HD Webcam
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    Kaikki luokat