Logitech G733 Lightspeed, Blue

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 624583 Tuotekoodi: 981-000943
Varastossa 6 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
146,43 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 02.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Mikrofoni: Ja
  • Satama: Wireless USB
  • Tyyppi: Over-Ear
  • Väri: Sininen
Kaikki parametrit
Aktiivinen melunvaimennus (ANC) : Ja
Herkkyys, dB : 87
Kanavien määrä : Stereo
Liitäntätyyppi : Langaton
Mikrofoni : Ja
Mikrofonin tyyppi : Korjattu
Paino, g : 279
Satama Wireless USB

Kuulokkeiden liitäntä tietokoneeseen. Kaapeli pitkäaikaista ja vakaata äänikokemusta varten on suosituin liitäntätyyppi.

Jos haluat nauttia langattomasta vapaudesta, valitse langattomat tai bluetooth-kuulokkeet, mutta tässä tapauksessa sinun on silti hyväksyttävä paristojen säännöllinen vaihtaminen tai akun lataaminen. Tietokoneen äänikortti tarvitaan kuulokkeiden liittämiseen tietokoneeseen. Ennen bluetooth-kuulokkeiden ostamista sinun on varmistettava, että tietokoneessasi on bluetooth-vastaanotin. Jos vastaanotinta ei ole, kysy johtajiltamme, sisältyykö vastaanotin valitun kuulokemallin toimitukseen.

Taajuusalue max, Hz : 20000
Taajuusalue min, Hz : 20
Tyyppi Over-Ear
Kuulokkeiden käyttötarkoitus. Jos kuulokkeita käytetään vain Skype-, ICQ- tai muun viestintäverkon kautta tapahtuvaan chattailuun, suosittelemme ostamaan kuulokkeet, joissa on mikrofoni.
Valaistuksen väri : RGB
Valaistus : Ja
Vastus, Ω : 39
Väri : Sininen
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Audio Output Mode - Stereo
Audio System Type - Gaming Headset
Battery - Rechargeable
Battery - battery life up to - 29
Battery Average Run Time - 29 hr
Bluetooth Wireless connections - Yes
Box Height (mm) - 235 mm
Box Length (mm) - 433 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 3.04 kg
Box Width (mm) - 218
BrandCode - LOGITECH
Breite - 0.21
Cable Included - USB Type A to Type C Cable
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/GSM accessories/Headset
Category 1 - Multimedia
Category 2 - Headsets Consumer
Category Code - HST
CnCode CnCode - 85183000
Color -
  • Blue
  • RGB lighting

  • Connection - compatibility - Gaming console
    Connection - compatibility - Mac
    Connection - compatibility - PC
    Connection - connector type - USB-A
    Connectivity - Wireless
    Connectivity Technology - Wireless
    Depth - 83 mm
    Destination - Home Audio System PC Multimedia
    Dimensions - 194x190x83mm
    Dimensions - weight - 278
    Driver Diameter - 40 mm
    EAN - 5099206091788
    EAN Code - 5099206091788
    EANCode - 5099206091788
    Eans - 5099206091788
    External Color - Blue
    Features - RGB LightingDTS Headphone:X v2.0
    Fixing kind - Head-Band
    Form Factor - Full Size (over-ear)
    Frequency -
  • Speaker: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
  • Microphone: 100 Hz - 10 kHz

  • Frequency response - 20 Hz-20 KHz
    Frequency Response - 20Hz-20kHz
    Full Description Line - G733|Type Gaming/Wireless|Head-Band|1xUSB 2.0|Bluetooth|Sensitivity 87.5 dB(a)|Weight 0.278 kg
    Functions - lighting - RGB
    General parameters - colour - blue
    General parameters - manufacturer - Logitech
    General parameters - type - Over-ear
    Gewicht - 0.61
    GrossWeight - 0.3920
    GRUPPE1 - Multimedia & Games
    GRUPPE2 - Computer Headsets
    Headphones features - Headset
    Headphones features - Wireless headphones
    Headphones features - acoustics - Closed back headphones
    Headphones features - distortion -
    Headphones features - frequency response - 20 - 20000
    Headphones features - impedance - 39
    Headphones features - sensitivity - 87.5
    Headphones Technology - Dynamic
    Headset features - Gaming/Wireless
    Height - 0.2140
    Height - 190 mm
    Hoehe - 0.11
    HSTNUMMER - 981-000943
    Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/200914160019355685.jpg
    Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/200914160019385511.jpg
    Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/200914160019396902.jpg
    Impedance - 39 ohm
    Impedance - 39 Ω
    Included Accessories - USB Receiver Īsa lietotāja rokasgrāmata
    Interface - USB 2.0
    Laenge - 0.21
    LED - Yes
    Length - 0.1050
    LongDesc -
    LongDescription EN - WIRELESS FREEDOM
    LIGHTSPEED wireless technology gives you 29+ hours of battery life and up to 20 meters of reliable wireless freedom. May vary based on user and computing conditions. Battery life is based on headset volume set to 50% and lighting turned off. Play without getting tangled up in a cable. Unwind and immerse yourself in the game, the music, the movie, or whatever your thing is. Be free and play your way. LIGHT ‘EM UP
    About 16.8 M colors, two zones to customize lighting to make it your very own. Personalize colors, visualize your audio, integrate into your gaming world—or just go crazy with preset and custom animations. Program it all with free G HUB gaming software. Advanced features require Logitech G HUB software. IMMERSIVE AUDIO
    Hear it all with our own PRO-G drivers designed for precise and full-range sound. Get into the game more than ever with next-gen DTS Headphone:X 2.0 surround sound. Advanced features like DTS Headphone:X 2.0, Blue VO!CE, and LIGHTSYNC RGB are not available on PlayStation 4. Sound amazing and crystal-clear communication with Discord Certified audio. ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT
    Just 278 grams, a little more than half a pound. That’s the weight of two small cheeseburgers or 250 jelly beans. It’s very light and the suspension strap is designed to relieve and distribute the weight, so you can keep playing like it’s not even there.
    LongDescription ET - VABADUS JUHTMETEST
    LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba tehnoloogia annab Sulle 29+ tundi aku vastupidavust ning kuni 20 meetrit liikumisruumi. Kõik muidugi sõltub kasutajast, aga igatahes on numbrid rohkem kui märkimisväärsed. Sukeldu mängumaailma, muusikasse, filmidesse või surfa niisama Internetis - G733 saad seda teha täiesti vabalt! LÜLITA VALGUS SISSE
    Kaks värvitsooni ja 16.8 miljonit värvi - see on pea lõputu arv võimalusi kõrvaklappide isikupärastamiseks. Seda kõike saad juhtida tasuta allalaetava Logitech G HUB tarkvaraga. IMMERSIIVNE HELI
    See on heli, mida peab kuulma! G733 PRO-G draiverid lausa tõmbavad Su mängu, sest järgmise põlvkonna DTS Headphone:X 2.0 ruumiline heli koos Blue VO!CE tehnoloogiaga loob täiesti uskumatu helikogemuse. Parima helikogemuse saad PC kasutades, sest kahjuks DTS Headphone:X 2.0, Blue VO!CE, ja LIGHTSYNC RGB pole PlayStation poolt toetatud. VÄGA KERGED
    Peakomplekt kaalub kõigest 278 grammi, mis on umbes sama palju nagu kaks juustuburgerit või 250 jelly beans kommi. Kerget peakomplekti on kergem kanda!
    Manufacturer - Logitech
    MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.logitechg.com/en-eu/products/gaming-audio/g733-rgb-wireless-headset.981-000864.html
    Max. Range Indoors - 20 m
    MediumDescription EN - Finally, a headset that can be as expressive as you. G733 is wireless and designed for comfort. And it’s outfitted with all the surround sound, voice filters, and advanced lighting you need to look, sound, and play with more style than ever. • WIRELESS AND LIGHTWEIGHT - RELIABLE LIGHTSPEED® CONNECTIVITY
    MediumDescription ET - G733 on tõeliselt unikaalne juhtmevaba peakomplekt, mis aitab Sul end väljendada täpselt nii nagu soovid. Peakomplekti on mugav kanda ning sel on silmatorkav RGB valgustus. • Juhtmevaba ja kerge - kindel LIGHTSPEED® ühendus
    • Ettepoole suunatud valgustus - Kõik LIGHTSYNC® RGB värvid
    MediumDescription LV - Beidzot, jūsu austiņas var kļūt par oriģinālu pašizpausmes līdzekli. Bezvadu G733 austiņas ir paredzēts ērtākai spēlēšanai. Apjomīga skaņa, balss filtri un uzlabots apgaismojums. Šīs austiņas nodrošina ne tikai kristāldzidru skaņu un nepārspējamu spēļu kvalitāti, bet arī kalpo kā ļoti stilīgs aksesuārs. Priekšējais apgaismojums - LIGHTSYNC® pilna spektra RGB apgaismojums.
    Microphone - frequency response - 100 - 10000
    Microphone - sensitivity -
    Microphone Form Factor - Detachable
    Microphone Frequency Response - 100Hz - 10kHz
    MicrophoneType -
  • Detachable
  • Uni-directional

  • Model name - G733
    MPN - 981-000943
    Multimedia - Headset - Miscellaneous - EMEA
    Name - Logitech G733 Lightspeed Niebieskie
    Name - Logitech Headset G733
    Name EN - Wireless Headset Logitech G733 RGB, blue
    Name ET - Juhtmevaba Peakomplekt Logitech G733 RGB, sinine
    NameInWeb EN - Logitech G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless RGB, blue - Wireless headset
    NameInWeb ET - Logitech G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless RGB, sinine - Juhtmevaba peakomplekt
    NameInWeb LV - Logitech G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless RGB, zila - Bezvadu austiņas ar mikrofonu
    Name LV - Wireless Headset Logitech G733 RGB, blue
    NetWeight - 0.2780
    Networking Type - USB Adapter
    NoiseCancellation - No
    Nominal Weight - 278 g
    OperatingRange - 20 m
    OperatingTime - 29 h
    PackageContents -
  • G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless RGB Gaming Headset
  • Reversible soft headband (attached)
  • Detachable microphone
  • LIGHTSPEED wireless receiver (USB-A)
  • USB-C to USB-A charging cable

  • PackageDimensions - -
    Package Type - Retail
    PackageWeight - 0.630 kg
    Pack Height (mm) - 210 mm
    Pack Length (mm) - 214 mm
    Packs in Box - 4
    Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.675 kg
    Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.392 kg
    Pack Width (mm) - 105 mm
    Pieces in pack - 1
    Power Device Location - External
    Power Port Connector Type - USB-C
    Power Port Quantity - 1
    ProdDesc - Logitech Lightspeed Gaming Headset G733 blue
    Producer - Logitech
    ProducerCode - 981-000943
    ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=200605101317371857&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
    ProductCategory - Gaming and Toys
    ProductCode - 981-000943
    ProductDescription - LOGITECH G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless RGB Gaming Headset - BLUE
    ProductionCountry - CN
    ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/981-000943-01.jpg
    ProductPicture2 -
    ProductPicture3 -
    ProductPicture4 -
    ProductType - Gaming Headset
    RechargeTime - -
    Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0.02 kg
    Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
    SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    Sensitivity - 87.5 dB
    Sensitivity - 87.5 dB(a)
    Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 21 cm
    Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 21 cm
    Shipping box quantity - 1
    Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.633 kg
    Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.5 cm
    ShortDescription -
    SpeakerDiameter - 40 mm
    StandbyTime - -
    Stck_Kart - 4
    Stck_Pal - 88
    Storno - Y
    System Components - 2 Speakers
    SystemRequirements -
  • USB 2.0 port (type A port)
  • PC with Windows 7 or later
  • macOS X 10.12 or later
  • PlayStation 4
  • Gaming console

  • TariffNo - 85183000
    Technology - Impedance: 39 Ohms (passive), 5k Ohms (active)
    Type - Headset
    Unit Box Height - 0.21
    Unit Box Length - 0.21
    Unit Box Width - 0.105
    Unit Brutto Volume - 0.004631 cubm
    Unit Gross Weight - 0.633 kg
    Unit Net Weight - 0.278 kg
    UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
    UnitsPerPackage - 1
    USB - 1 (USB Type-C)
    USB 2.0 Input/Output connectors - 1
    UserControls - -
    Vendor - LOGITECH
    Vendor Homepage - www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-audio/g733-rgb-wireless-headset.981-000942.html
    Volume - 0.00471870
    Warranty - -
    Warranty - 12/24 months
    Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
    Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
    Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
    Weight - 0.65
    Weight - 0.278 kg
    Width - 0.2100
    Width - 194 mm
    WirelessCompatibility - Yes
    Wireless Technology - RF
    146,43 €
    Logitech G733 Lightspeed, Blue
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    Kaikki luokat