Devia Xqisit True Wireless Compact

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 550510 Tuotekoodi: XQ-TWS-42-BK
Varastossa 21 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
22,77 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 02.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 02.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Mikrofoni: Ja
  • Satama: Bluetooth
  • Tyyppi: In-Ear
  • Väri: Musta
Kaikki parametrit
Aktiivinen melunvaimennus (ANC) : Ei ole
Herkkyys, dB : N/A
Kanavien määrä : Stereo
Liitäntätyyppi : Todellinen langaton
Mikrofoni : Ja
Mikrofonin tyyppi : Korjattu
Paino, g : 42
Satama Bluetooth

Kuulokkeiden liitäntä tietokoneeseen. Kaapeli pitkäaikaista ja vakaata äänikokemusta varten on suosituin liitäntätyyppi.

Jos haluat nauttia langattomasta vapaudesta, valitse langattomat tai bluetooth-kuulokkeet, mutta tässä tapauksessa sinun on silti hyväksyttävä paristojen säännöllinen vaihtaminen tai akun lataaminen. Tietokoneen äänikortti tarvitaan kuulokkeiden liittämiseen tietokoneeseen. Ennen bluetooth-kuulokkeiden ostamista sinun on varmistettava, että tietokoneessasi on bluetooth-vastaanotin. Jos vastaanotinta ei ole, kysy johtajiltamme, sisältyykö vastaanotin valitun kuulokemallin toimitukseen.

Taajuusalue max, Hz : N/A
Taajuusalue min, Hz : N/A
Tyyppi In-Ear
Kuulokkeiden käyttötarkoitus. Jos kuulokkeita käytetään vain Skype-, ICQ- tai muun viestintäverkon kautta tapahtuvaan chattailuun, suosittelemme ostamaan kuulokkeet, joissa on mikrofoni.
Valaistuksen väri : Ei ole
Valaistus : Ei ole
Vastus, Ω : N/A
Väri : Musta
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
category_en - Audio, photo and video > Audio > Headphones > Headphones (TWS)
category_lv - Audio, foto un video > Audiotehnika > Austiņas > Austiņas (TWS)
category_ru - Audio, foto un video > Audiotehnika > Austiņas > Austiņas (TWS)
description_en - These stylish and ergonomic earbuds are comfortable and come in an ultracompact charging case – an ideal pick for your travelling companion. The intelligent charging case will auto turn off and charge when you close the base, and it takes only 1.5 hours to get fully charged with which it can provide charges for the earbuds up to three times. The smart earbuds are fully compatible with Siri and Google Assistant, so you can adjust the volume up and down or switch between forward and back controls all with voice assistant, while listening to music or making calls. Extra compact charging case – Only 19 mm Voice control – Use Siri or Google Assistant to adjust volume up/down and switch forward/back control Stylish and comfortable – Ergonomic aluminium earbuds built for comfort Auto turn on/off – For pairing and charging Bluetooth: 4.2, works up to 10 m Talk time: Up to 2.5 hours Playtime: Up to 2 hours Case charging time: Up to 1.5 hours, with which the earbuds can be charged up to three times
description_lv - These stylish and ergonomic earbuds are comfortable and come in an ultracompact charging case – an ideal pick for your travelling companion. The intelligent charging case will auto turn off and charge when you close the base, and it takes only 1.5 hours to get fully charged with which it can provide charges for the earbuds up to three times. The smart earbuds are fully compatible with Siri and Google Assistant, so you can adjust the volume up and down or switch between forward and back controls all with voice assistant, while listening to music or making calls. Extra compact charging case – Only 19 mm Voice control – Use Siri or Google Assistant to adjust volume up/down and switch forward/back control Stylish and comfortable – Ergonomic aluminium earbuds built for comfort Auto turn on/off – For pairing and charging Bluetooth: 4.2, works up to 10 m Talk time: Up to 2.5 hours Playtime: Up to 2 hours Case charging time: Up to 1.5 hours, with which the earbuds can be charged up to three times
description_ru - These stylish and ergonomic earbuds are comfortable and come in an ultracompact charging case – an ideal pick for your travelling companion. The intelligent charging case will auto turn off and charge when you close the base, and it takes only 1.5 hours to get fully charged with which it can provide charges for the earbuds up to three times. The smart earbuds are fully compatible with Siri and Google Assistant, so you can adjust the volume up and down or switch between forward and back controls all with voice assistant, while listening to music or making calls. Extra compact charging case – Only 19 mm Voice control – Use Siri or Google Assistant to adjust volume up/down and switch forward/back control Stylish and comfortable – Ergonomic aluminium earbuds built for comfort Auto turn on/off – For pairing and charging Bluetooth: 4.2, works up to 10 m Talk time: Up to 2.5 hours Playtime: Up to 2 hours Case charging time: Up to 1.5 hours, with which the earbuds can be charged up to three times
EAN - 4029948083698
gross_weight - 0.095 kg
Model - XQ-TWS-42-BK
Producer - XQISIT
title_en - XQISIT Airpods Bluetooth Stereo Headset with Microphone
title_lv - XQISIT Airpods Bluetooth Stereo Austiņas ar Mikrofonu
title_ru - XQISIT Airpods Bluetooth Стерео Гарнитура с Микрофоном
weight - 0.042 kg
22,77 €
Devia Xqisit True Wireless Compact
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat