HyperX Cloud III, Wireless, Black/Red

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 1001596 Tuotekoodi: 77Z46AA
Varastossa 11 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
200,70 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Mikrofoni: Ja
  • Satama: USB
  • Satama: Wireless USB
  • Tyyppi: Over-Ear
  • Väri: Musta
  • Väri: Punainen
Kaikki parametrit
Aktiivinen melunvaimennus (ANC) : Ei ole
Herkkyys, dB : 111
Kanavien määrä : Stereo
Liitäntätyyppi : Langaton
Mikrofoni : Ja
Mikrofonin tyyppi : Irrotettava
Paino, g : 330
Satama USB, Wireless USB

Kuulokkeiden liitäntä tietokoneeseen. Kaapeli pitkäaikaista ja vakaata äänikokemusta varten on suosituin liitäntätyyppi.

Jos haluat nauttia langattomasta vapaudesta, valitse langattomat tai bluetooth-kuulokkeet, mutta tässä tapauksessa sinun on silti hyväksyttävä paristojen säännöllinen vaihtaminen tai akun lataaminen. Tietokoneen äänikortti tarvitaan kuulokkeiden liittämiseen tietokoneeseen. Ennen bluetooth-kuulokkeiden ostamista sinun on varmistettava, että tietokoneessasi on bluetooth-vastaanotin. Jos vastaanotinta ei ole, kysy johtajiltamme, sisältyykö vastaanotin valitun kuulokemallin toimitukseen.

Taajuusalue max, Hz : 21000
Taajuusalue min, Hz : 10
Tyyppi Over-Ear
Kuulokkeiden käyttötarkoitus. Jos kuulokkeita käytetään vain Skype-, ICQ- tai muun viestintäverkon kautta tapahtuvaan chattailuun, suosittelemme ostamaan kuulokkeet, joissa on mikrofoni.
Valaistuksen väri : Ei ole
Valaistus : Ei ole
Vastus, Ω : 32
Väri : Musta, Punainen
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Battery - Rechargeable
Battery - Battery technology - Lithium Polymer (LiPo)
Battery - Battery type - Built-in battery
Battery run time up to - 120 hours
Brand - HP
Brand-specific features - HP GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 197029611734
BrandPartCode - 77Z46AA
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Austiņas datoriem
Category - Headphones & Headsets
Category Code - HST
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Headphones
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Austiņas
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Austiņas
Code - 77Z46AA
Colour - Black / Red
Desc - Vadu/Bezvadu: Bezvadu, Tips: Pilnizmēra austiņas, Kategorija: Datorspēlēm, Krāsa: Sarkana, Vada garums: Bezvadu, Mikrofons: Noņemams, Vadība: Ir, Savienojums: Wireless USB Receiver / USB-C, Pretestība: Nav zināms, Jutīgums: Nav zināms, Frekvenču diapazons: 10 - 21000 Hz, Trokšņu slāpēšana: Nav, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset The HyperX Cloud III Wireless is a new wireless evolution that builds upon the soul of the Cloud II Wireless with new tech and a bold new look. Settle in for cozy all-day gaming with the Cloud III’s luxurious comfort and up to 120 hours of battery life. Enjoy upgraded audio immersion from retuned 53mm drivers and a lifetime activation of DTS® Headphone:X® Spatial Audio . Get crystal-clear communication from the improved 10mm microphone and internal pop filter. Compatible with PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and mobile.
description_en - The HyperX Cloud III Wireless is a new chapter in the legend of the Cloud II. This wireless evolution builds upon the soul of the Cloud II Wireless while incorporating new tech and a bold new look. Comfort is king and the Cloud III’s fit for royalty, delivering luxurious comfort for all-day gaming or marathon streams. You’ll get a huge amount of battery life, up to 120 hours, for uninterrupted gaming joy. It also features retuned 53mm angled drivers and a lifetime activation of DTS Headphone:X Spatial Audiofor premium quality audio and sound localization. Fast, reliable 2.4GHz connectivity allows you to get rid of the cables, but not important audio. The upgraded 10mm microphone will enable crystal-clear communication when you’re calling out orders to your squad, chatting with friends, or taking calls. Simple audio controls on the headset earcup allow you to have quick, direct access to mute your mic or adjust audio volume. Compatible with PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch, it’s the ideal wireless headset for comfortable gaming audio however you play.
description_lv - HyperX Cloud III Wireless IR jauna nodaļa The legend of the Cloud II. Šī bezvadu evolūcija balstās uz Cloud II Wireless dvēseli, vienlaikus iekļaujot jaunas tehnoloģijas un drosmīgu jaunu izskatu. Komforts ir karalis, un Cloud III ir piemērots honorāriem, nodrošinot greznu komfortu visu dienu Spēļu vai maratona plūsmām. Jūs saņemsiet milzīgu akumulatora darbības laiku līdz 120 stundām, lai nodrošinātu nepārtrauktu spēļu prieku. Tajā ir arī atkārtoti noregulēti 53 mm leņķveida draiveri un DTS austiņu:X telpiskā Audio aktivizēšana visu mūžu augstākās kvalitātes audio un skaņas lokalizācijai. Ātra, uzticama 2,4 GHz savienojamība ļauj atbrīvoties no kabeļiem, bet ne svarīga audio. Modernizētais 10 mm Mikrofons ļaus kristāldzidru saziņu, kad izsaucat pasūtījumus savai komandai, tērzējat ar draugiem vai zvanāt. Vienkārša audio kontrole uz austiņu earcup ļauj jums ir ātra, tieša piekļuve, lai izslēgtu savu mikrofonu vai pielāgot audio skaļumu. Savietojams ar datoru, PS5 un Nintendo Switch, tā ir ideāla bezvadu austiņa ērtai spēļu audio atskaņošanai.
description_ru - Беспроводная сеть HyperX Cloud III - это новая глава в легенде о Cloud II. Эта беспроводная эволюция основана на сути Cloud II Wireless, вобрав в себя новые технологии и новый смелый внешний вид. Комфорт - это король, а Cloud III подходит для королевской семьи, обеспечивая роскошный комфорт во время игр в течение всего дня или трансляций марафонов. Вы получите огромное время автономной работы, до 120 часов , для непрерывного удовольствия от игры. Он также оснащен перенастроенными динамиками с углом наклона 53 мм и пожизненной активацией функции DTS Headphone: X Spatial Audioдля высококачественного звука и локализации звука. Быстрое и надежное подключение на частоте 2,4 ГГц позволяет избавиться от кабелей, но не от важного звука. Усовершенствованный 10-миллиметровый микрофон обеспечит кристально чистую связь, когда вы отдаете приказы своему отделению, общаетесь в чате с друзьями или принимаете звонки. Простые элементы управления звуком на наушнике гарнитуры обеспечивают быстрый прямой доступ к отключению микрофона или регулировке громкости звука. Совместимая с ПК, PS5 и Nintendo Switch, эта идеальная беспроводная гарнитура обеспечивает комфортное воспроизведение звука в играх, независимо от того, во что вы играете.
EAN - 197029611734
Fixing kind - Head-Band
Full Description Line - HyperX Cloud III Wireless|Type Gaming/Wireless|Head-Band|1xUSB-C|Volume control|Battery Rechargeable|Included Accessories Detachable Microphone, Wireless Dongle, USB-C to USB-A Adapter, USB Charge Cable, Quick Start Guide.|Colour Black / Red|Weight 0.342 kg
gross_weight - 0.45 kg
GTIN - 0197029611734
GTIN - 197029611734
Headphones - Acoustic system - Closed
Headphones - Driver unit - 5.3 cm
Headphones - Ear coupling - Circumaural
Headphones - Headphone frequency - 10 - 21000 Hz
Headphones - Headphone sensitivity - 111.94 dB
Headphones - Impedance - 64 Ω
Headphones - Magnet type - Neodymium
Headphones - Noise canceling - Yes
Headphones - Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) - 2%
Headset features - Gaming/Wireless
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_110156_1.png
Impedance - 64 ohm
Included Accessories - Detachable Microphone, Wireless Dongle, USB-C to USB-A Adapter, USB Charge Cable, Quick Start Guide.
LargeDescHTML -
LongDesc - A Legend Reborn.The HyperX Cloud III Wireless is a new chapter in the legend of the Cloud II. This wireless evolution builds upon the soul of the Cloud II Wireless while incorporating new tech and a bold new look. Comfort is king and the Cloud III’s fit for royalty, delivering luxurious comfort for all-day gaming or marathon streams. You’ll get a huge amount of battery life, up to 120 hours[1], for uninterrupted gaming joy. It also features retuned 53mm angled drivers and a lifetime activation of DTS Headphone:X Spatial Audio[2] for premium quality audio and sound localization. Fast, reliable 2.4GHz connectivity allows you to get rid of the cables, but not important audio. The upgraded 10mm microphone will enable crystal-clear communication when you’re calling out orders to your squad, chatting with friends, or taking calls. Simple audio controls on the headset earcup allow you to have quick, direct access to mute your mic or adjust audio volume. Compatible with PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch, it’s the ideal wireless headset for comfortable gaming audio however you play.
LongProductName - HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset
LongSummaryDescription - HP HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset. Product type: Headset. Connectivity technology: Wired & Wireless. Recommended usage: Gaming. Headphone frequency: 10 - 21000 Hz. Wireless range: 20 m. Cable length: 0.5 m. Weight: 330 g. Product colour: Black, Red
Microphone - Detachable microphone - Yes
Microphone - Microphone direction type - Unidirectional
Microphone - Microphone sensitivity - -21.5 dB
Microphone - Microphone type - Boom
Microphone - Number of microphones - 1
Model - 77Z46AA
Model name - HyperX Cloud III Wireless
Name - Austiņas HyperX Cloud III Wireless Black / Red
Packaging content - Cables included - USB Type-C to USB Type-A
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 210 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 115 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 726 g
Packaging data - Package width - 223 mm
Performance - Cable length - 0.5 m
Performance - Compatible products - PC, PS5™, PS4™, Nintendo Switch™
Performance - Country of origin - China
Performance - Headset type - Binaural
Performance - HP segment - Home
Performance - Product colour - Black, Red
Performance - Product type - Headset
Performance - Recommended usage - Gaming
Performance - Virtual surround - Yes
Performance - Virtual surround technology - DTS Headphone:X 2.0
Performance - Wearing style - Head-band
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wired & Wireless
Ports & interfaces - USB connectivity - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB connector - USB Type-A
Ports & interfaces - Wireless range - 20 m
Producer - HyperX
ProductName - HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 60 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 23.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 10
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 8.6 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 48.5 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - HP HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset, Wired & Wireless, Gaming, 10 - 21000 Hz, 330 g, Headset, Black, Red
Supplier features - Battery life - 7200 min
Technical details - General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) URL - https://kaas.hpcloud.hp.com/pdf-public/pdf_8666243_en-US-1.pdf
Technical details - Warranty period - 2 year(s)
Title - HP HyperX Cloud III Wireless - Gaming Headset
title_en - HyperX Cloud III Wireless Headphones
title_lv - HyperX Cloud III Bezvadu Austiņas
title_ru - HyperX Cloud III Беспроводные Наушники
Unit Box Height - 0.21
Unit Box Length - 0.22
Unit Box Width - 0.12
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.006838 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.86 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.342 kg
URL - https://www8.hp.com
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage - www.hp.com/ie-en/products/accessories/product-details/2101547734
Volume control - Yes
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo - 2 years
weight - 0.4 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 86.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 190 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 330 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 155 mm
200,70 €
HyperX Cloud III, Wireless, Black/Red
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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