Be Quiet Dark Power Pro 13, 1300W, ATX 3.0, 80PLUS Titanium

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ID: 967773 Tuotekoodi: BN331
Voidaan tilata 7 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
407,96 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 28.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 28.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Tuottaja: Be Quiet
  • Teho: 1300W
  • 80 PLUS -sertifiointi: 80 PLUS Titanium
  • Puhaltimen koko: 135 mm
  • Modulaariset kaapelit: Fully-Modular
  • Prosessori-liitännäinen: 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
  • PCI-E: 6 x 6+2pin

Tässä Be Quiet virtalähteessä on 80 PLUS Titanium -energiatehokkuussertifikaatti ja 1300W teho.

tuulettimen suuri halkaisija tekee tästä virtalähteestä huomattavasti keskimääräistä hiljaisemman. Tuulettimen suuremman siipipinta-alan ansiosta tuuletin tuottaa tarvittavan ilmavirran pienemmillä tuulettimen nopeuksilla, mikä vähentää melua ja tärinää kokonaisuudessaan.

Tälle virtalähteelle myönnetty energiatehokkuussertifikaatti takaa vähintään 94 prosentin hyötysuhteen 50 prosentin kuormituksella. Toisin sanoen jokaista 100 W:n tehoa kohden, jonka virtalähde ottaa verkosta, vähintään 94 W menee tietokoneen komponentteihin ja 6 W lämpöön.

2 x 600W 12VHPWR2 x 600W 12VHPWR-pistoke, jolla tämä virtalähde on varustettu, on suunniteltu käytettäväksi nykyaikaisten näytönohjainten, kuten Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070:n ja sitä uudempien näytönohjainten kanssa (RTX 4060:n ja sitä uudempien näytönohjainten kanssa käytetään tavallista 8-nastaista porttia).

Melna Kaapeleiden väri on Melna ja ne ovat litteitä.

Tämä virtalähde on ATX 3.0 -standardin mukainen. Tämä tarkoittaa, että virtalähteessä on 16-nastainen (12VHPWR) portti, joka tarjoaa jopa 600 W tehon uusimman sukupolven (RTX 30- ja 40-sarjan) PCIe 5.0 -näytönohjaimille. ATX 3.0 -standardi tukee myös 200 %:n virrankorotusta millisekunnissa, jotta komponenteille saadaan vakaampi virta.

Tässä virtalähteessä on modulaariset kaapelit, joiden avulla voit lisätä näytönohjaimia, kiintolevyjä jne. tarpeen mukaan mukana toimitetuista kaapeleista. Tämä vähentää johdotuksen määrää tietokoneessa, mikä parantaa ilmanvaihtoa ja esteettisyyttä (erityisen tärkeää niille, jotka hankkivat puoliksi läpinäkyvän kotelon).

Be Quiet Kaikki Be Quiet virtalähteet löydät täältä.

Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi : Nav
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi : Nav
Virtalähteen tyyppi : ATX
Teho 1300W
Virtalähteen kapasiteetti watteina. Suurempi kapasiteetti tarkoittaa tietokoneen toiminnan vakaampaa toimintaa. Nykyaikaisen keskiverto tietokoneen virtalähteen suositeltu kapasiteetti on vähintään 500 W. Jos käytät useita kiintolevyjä, tehokasta näytönohjainta ja prosessoria, on suositeltavaa ostaa virtalähde, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 600 W.
80 PLUS -sertifiointi : 80 PLUS Titanium
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) : 260A
Puhaltimen koko : 135 mm
Kaapelin väri : Musta
Valaistus : Ei ole
Väri : Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit : Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 : 2 x 600W 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen : 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta : 20+4-pin
PCI-E : 6 x 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet : 16
4pin Molex : 5
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
8-pin 12V power connectors - 1
Accessories included - Speed screws Screws Cable ties Velcro cable ties User manual in CN, DE, EN, ES, FR, JP, PL, RU, TW, KR OCK switch on the spleen
Brand - be quiet!
BrandPartCode - BN331
category - PC Components|Power Supplies|PCIe 5.0
Category - Power Supply Units
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/PC power supply units
Category 1 - Netzteile
Category Code - PSU
Category_1 - Power
Category_2 - Computer Power Supplies
Certificates 80+ - 80 PLUS Titanium
code - BN331
Colour - Black
Cooling System - 13.5cm fan
Description - DARK POWER PRO 13 1300W CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES AND PERFORMANCE The be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 1300W offers 80 PLUS® Titanium efficiency, world-class performance and ATX 3.0 compliance for next-gen GPU compatibility. - 80 PLUS Titanium efficiency (up to 94.4%) - ATX 3.0 PSU with full support for PCIe 5.0 GPUs and GPUs with 6+2 pin connectors - Handles massive power excursions - Fully digital control and Active Rectifier + full bridge LLC technology for unmatched signal stability - Improved and patented frameless Silent Wings fan for virtually inaudible operation at ordinary loads - Overclocking key switches between six 12V rails and one massive 12V rail - Aluminum case and modular individually sleeved cables for magnificent appearance
Description - Dark Power Pro 13 1300W Titanium CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE The be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 1300W power supply offers 80 PLUS Titanium efficiency, world-class performance and ATX 3.0 compatibility for next-generation GPUs. 80 PLUS Titanium efficiency (up to 94.4%) ATX 3.0 power supply with full support for PCIe 5.0 graphics cards and with PCIe 6+2 connectors Supports high power surges Fully digital control and full LLC bridge for unmatched signal stability Virtually inaudible operation due to patented Silent Wings frameless fan Overclocking key switches between 6 12V lines and one power line Aluminium chassis and modular single braided cabling for a great look 10-year manufacturer's warranty
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Fan diameter - 13.5 cm
Design - Number of fans - 1 fan(s)
Design - Product colour - Black
dimensionalWeight - 3276
dimension depth - 150 mm
dimension height - 255 mm
Dimensions - 200 x 150 x 86 mm
Dimensions - 200 x 150 x 86mm
dimension weight - 6500 g
dimension width - 420 mm
ean - 4260052189368
EAN - 4260052189368
Eans - 4260052189368
EAN_code - 4260052189368
Efficiency - 80 PLUS TITANIUM
Fan - 13.5 cm
Fan speed (max) - 2400 rpm
Floppy power connectors - 0
Full Description Line - Dark Power Pro 13 1300W|ATX 3.0|1300 Watts|Cooling System 13.5cm fan|80 PLUS TITANIUM|PFC Active|MTBF 100000 hours|Colour Black
GTIN - 4260052189368
guarantee - 120
guarantee_type - normal
Logistics data - Products per shipping (inner) case - 2 pc(s)
Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case height - 28.3 cm
Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case length - 44 cm
Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case net weight - 14.4 kg
Logistics data - Shipping (inner) case width - 32.5 cm
LongDesc - CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGIES AND PERFORMANCEThe be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 1300W offers 80 PLUS® Titanium efficiency and world-class performance due to fully digital control and a frameless fan concept. With the latest PCIe 5.0 compatibility it is predetermined as the ATX 3.0 power supply for your next-gen graphics card.
LongProductName - 1300W, 80 PLUS Titanium, ATX 3.0, PCIe 5.0, 6+2 pin, 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, Black
LongSummaryDescription - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 | 1300W. Total power: 1300 W, AC input voltage: 115 - 240 V, Peak power: 1400 W. Motherboard power connector: 20+4 pin ATX, Motherboard power cable length: 60 cm, SATA power cable length: 500,600,750,800,900,950,1050 mm. Purpose: PC, Power supply unit (PSU) form factor: ATX, 80 PLUS certification: 80 PLUS Titanium. Product colour: Black, Cooling type: Active, Fan diameter: 13.5 cm. Cables included: CPU, PCIe, Peripheral (Molex), SATA
Manufacturer - Be quiet
Manufacturer - Be Quiet!
Manufacturer_code - BN331
MB power connector - 20 + 4 pin
Model - BN331
Model name - Dark Power Pro 13 1300W
Modular power supply - Yes
MOLEX power connectors - 0
MPN - BN331
MTBF - 100000 hours
Name - 1300W be quiet! Dark Power PRO 13 | 80+ Titanium ATX 3.0
Name - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 1300W
Name - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 1300W, PC power supply (black, 1300 watts)
name - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 Netzteil 80 PLUS Titanium, ATX 3.0, PCIe 5.0 - 1300 Watt
name - Dark Power Pro 13 1300W Titanium
Number of connectors PATA - 5
Number of power connectors 12VHPWR - 2
Number of power connectors PCI-E 16-pin Gen 5 - 0
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 1
Number of power supply connector 4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 6
Other features - OTP temperature protection OCP overcurrent protection OPP overload protection SCP short circuit protection OVP over-voltage protection UVP under-voltage protection SIP (protection against surge currents)
Packaging content - Cables included - CPU, PCIe, Peripheral (Molex), SATA
Packaging content - Cable tie(s) included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 417 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 152 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 6.8 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 253 mm
PCI-E 6-pin power connectors - 0
PCI-E 8-pin power connectors - 0
Performance - 80 PLUS certification - 80 PLUS Titanium
Performance - ATX version - 3.0
Performance - Bearing technology - FDB
Performance - EPS version - 2.92
Performance - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 100000 h
Performance - Noise level - 23.2 dB
Performance - Power supply unit (PSU) form factor - ATX
Performance - Purpose - PC
PFC - Active
Ports & interfaces - ATX power connector (20+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Cabling type - Fully-Modular
Ports & interfaces - CPU power cable length - 70 cm
Ports & interfaces - EPS power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power cable length - 60 cm
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 20+4 pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Number of PATA power connectors - 5
Ports & interfaces - Number of SATA power connectors - 16
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express connector - Yes
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power cable length - 60 cm
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (6+2 pin) - 6
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 600 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 600,750,900,1050 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 750 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 900
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 1050 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 500 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 500,600,750,800,900,950,1050 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 600 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 750
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 800
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 900
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 950 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 1050 mm
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 115 - 240 V
Power - Combined power (+3.3V) - 150 W
Power - Combined power (+5V) - 150 W
Power - Combined power (+5Vsb) - 17.5 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 1300 W
Power - Combined power (-12V) - 6 W
Power - Efficiency - 94.5%
Power - Hold time - 18 ms
Power - Input current - 15 - 9 A
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 25 A
Power - Max output current (+5V) - 25 A
Power - Max output current (+5Vsb) - 3.5 A
Power - Max output current (+12V1) - 35 A
Power - Max output current (+12V2) - 35 A
Power - Max output current (+12V3) - 40 A
Power - Max output current (+12V4) - 40 A
Power - Max output current (-12V) - 0.5 A
Power - Peak power - 1400 W
Power - Power factor - 0.99
Power - Power protection features - Over current
Power - Power protection features - Over current, Over power, Over voltage, Overheating, Short circuit, Under voltage
Power - Power protection features - Overheating
Power - Power protection features - Over power
Power - Power protection features - Over voltage
Power - Power protection features - Short circuit
Power - Power protection features - Under voltage
Power - Total power - 1300 W
Power supply - 1300 W
producer - Be quiet!
Producer - be quiet!
producerCode - BN331
ProducerCode - BN331
productName - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 | 1300W power supply unit 20+4 pin ATX ATX Black
ProductName - Dark Power Pro 13 | 1300W
productSize - Normal
PSU - ATX 3.0
PSU Output Power - 1300 Watts
PSU Peak Output Power - 1400 Watts
SATA power connectors - 16
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 42 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 25.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 6.6 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15.5 cm
ShortDescription - 1300 | ATX | 135 mm | 20 + 4 pin | 150mm x 86mm x 175mm | 80 PLUS Titanium | modularny |
ShortSummaryDescription - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 | 1300W, 1300 W, 115 - 240 V, 1400 W, 50 - 60 Hz, 15 - 9 A, 150 W
sizeX - 420
sizeY - 260
sizeZ - 150
Technical details - Compliance certificates - CCC, CE, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), UKCA
Technical details - Sustainability certificates - CCC
Technical details - Sustainability certificates - CE
Technical details - Sustainability certificates - Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Technical details - Sustainability certificates - UKCA
Technical details - Sustainability compliance - Yes
Technical details - Warranty period - 10 year(s)
Title - be quiet! Dark Power Pro 13 | 1300W power supply unit 20+4 pin ATX ATX Black
Unit Box Height - 0.255
Unit Box Length - 0.42
Unit Box Width - 0.155
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0166 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 6.6 kg
Unit Net Weight - 2.5 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - BN331
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo - 10-year manufacturer’s warranty
warrantyLength - 60
warrantyType - G
Weight - 2.41 kg
Weight - 6,57
Weight - 6.68
weight - 6700
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 200 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 2.41 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 150 mm
407,96 €
Be Quiet Dark Power Pro 13, 1300W, ATX 3.0, 80PLUS Titanium
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020