Asus ROG Loki SFX-L Platinum, 850W, ATX 3.0, 80PLUS Platinum, White

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 963540 Tuotekoodi: 90YE00N2-B0NA00
Voidaan tilata 2 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
237,27 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 14.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Tuottaja: Asus
  • Teho: 850W
  • 80 PLUS -sertifiointi: 80 PLUS Platinum
  • Puhaltimen koko: 120 mm
  • Modulaariset kaapelit: Fully-Modular
  • Prosessori-liitännäinen: 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
  • PCI-E: 3 x 6+2pin

Saatavilla ostettavaksi Asus Tuotteelle on myönnetty 80 PLUS Platinum -energiatehokkuussertifikaatti.

850W virtalähde on suunniteltu korkean suorituskyvyn työasemaan tai pelitietokoneeseen. Se antaa virtaa useille kiintolevyille (SSD/HDD), vesijäähdytykselle, huippuluokan näytönohjaimille (kuten RTX 4070 Ti SUPER) ja huippuluokan prosessorille (mahdollisesti ylikellotettu).

120 mm uuletin, jolla tämä virtalähde on varustettu, takaa hiljaisen toiminnan alan standardien mukaisesti. Jotta virtalähde toimisi erityisen hiljaisesti, suosittelemme halkaisijaltaan 135 tai 145 mm:n tuuletinta.

Tälle virtalähteelle myönnetty energiatehokkuussertifikaatti takaa vähintään 92 prosentin hyötysuhteen 50 prosentin kuormituksella. Toisin sanoen jokaista 100 W:n tehoa kohden, jonka virtalähde ottaa verkosta, vähintään 92 W menee tietokoneen komponentteihin, kun taas loput 8 W menevät lämmöksi.

1 x 600W 12VHPWR2 x 600W 12VHPWR-pistoke, jolla tämä virtalähde on varustettu, on suunniteltu käytettäväksi nykyaikaisten näytönohjainten, kuten Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070:n ja sitä uudempien näytönohjainten kanssa (RTX 4060:n ja sitä uudempien näytönohjainten kanssa käytetään tavallista 8-nastaista porttia).

Balta Se on varustettu lattakaapeleilla, joiden väri on BaltaBalta

Tämä virtalähde on ATX 3.0 -standardin mukainen. Tämä tarkoittaa, että virtalähteessä on 16-nastainen (12VHPWR) portti, joka tarjoaa jopa 600 W tehon uusimman sukupolven (RTX 30- ja 40-sarjan) PCIe 5.0 -näytönohjaimille. ATX 3.0 -standardi tukee myös 200 %:n virrankorotusta millisekunnissa, jotta komponenteille saadaan vakaampi virta.

Cybenetics A.

Tässä virtalähteessä on täysin modulaariset kaapelit - kaikki mukana toimitetut kaapelit voidaan liittää ja irrottaa tarpeen mukaan, mikä vähentää epäjärjestystä ja parantaa ilmanvaihtoa. Tämä on hyödyllistä niille, joilla on puoliksi läpinäkyvä PC-kotelo ja esteettisiä näkökohtia.

Virtalähteessä on RGB-valaistus.

Tämä on SFX (Small Form Factor eXtended) -tyyppinen virtalähde. Se jää kooltaan ja teholtaan AFX-virtalähteitä jälkeen, mutta se on ihanteellinen pienikokoisissa (SFF) tietokoneissa, joissa tilaa on rajoitetusti. Siinä on pienemmät tuulettimet, ja se on yhteensopiva Mini-ITX:n kaltaisten järjestelmäkorttien kanssa.

Asus Kaikki Asus valmistamat virtalähteet löydät täältä.

Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi : Cybenetics A
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi : Cybenetics Platinum
Virtalähteen tyyppi : SFX-L
Teho 850W
Virtalähteen kapasiteetti watteina. Suurempi kapasiteetti tarkoittaa tietokoneen toiminnan vakaampaa toimintaa. Nykyaikaisen keskiverto tietokoneen virtalähteen suositeltu kapasiteetti on vähintään 500 W. Jos käytät useita kiintolevyjä, tehokasta näytönohjainta ja prosessoria, on suositeltavaa ostaa virtalähde, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 600 W.
80 PLUS -sertifiointi : 80 PLUS Platinum
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) : 70.8A
Puhaltimen koko : 120 mm
Kaapelin väri : Valkoinen
Valaistus : RGB
Väri : Valkoinen
Modulaariset kaapelit : Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 : 1 x 600W 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen : 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta : 20+4-pin
PCI-E : 3 x 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet : 6
4pin Molex : 4
Lahjapeli Monster Hunter Wilds
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
8-pin 12V power connectors - 0
Accessories included - Power cord Motherboard power cable (450 mm) 2 x CPU Cable (550 mm) PCI-E 16-pin Gen 5 cable (450 mm) PCI-E cable (16-pin to 8-pin-8-pin)(450 mm) PCI-E 1 to 1 cable (450 mm) 2 x SATA Cable 1 to 3 (300+200+100 mm) Peripheral cable 1 to 4 (300+100+100+100 mm) RGB addressable cable (800 mm) ATX to SFX adapter bracket User manual
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
category - PC Components|Power Supplies|PCIe 5.0
Category - Power Supply Units
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/PC power supply units
Category_1 - Power
Category_2 - Computer Power Supplies
Certificates - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Certificates 80+ - 80 PLUS Platinum
code - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
Description - Rog Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum 80+ Aura ATX 3.0 power supply white The quietest SFX-L power unit Based on the ROG Thor, the ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White Edition power unit offers the same enthusiast-grade components and features, all in an SFX-L form factor. Offering quiet operation and high performance, the Loki power unit is ideal for powering your next small form factor (SFF) system. ROG heatsinks They also stay cool under pressure ROG heatsinks ensure lower temperatures, longer component life, and extended operating time in 0dB mode. Axial-tech fan Better, faster, stronger The Axial-tech fan has a smaller hub with longer blades and a locking ring to increase downward air pressure. For ROG Loki power supplies, we've modified this design to 120mm, so they provide efficient cooling at low RPM while producing less noise. Fan with double ball bearings 2x longer service life The fan blade is mounted on a double ball bearing, which guarantees twice as long service life compared to solutions with flange bearings. 0dB technology Silence intelligently ensured To reduce noise levels, the PWM-controlled fan turns off completely when the power supply load is 40% or less. Lambda A Certification Surprisingly quiet operation ROG Loki emits an average of less than 25 dB of noise, which allowed it to achieve the sought-after Cybenetics Lambda A certification. 80 PLUS Platinum certification High performance Low ESR capacitors made in Japan further improve efficiency and reduce heat generation. Thanks to this, ROG Loki is ready to reliably power your system for many years. Compatible with ATX 3.0 Direction: future The latest power solutions are now available. ATX 3.0 introduces more stringent voltage and current regulation guidelines for the latest generation of hardware, and ROG Loki is ahead of the competition in this respect, ensuring full compliance with this standard. The power unit comes with a 16-pin PCIe cable that allows power to be delivered up to 600W to PCIe Gen 5.0-connected graphics cards, providing great performance in small form factor (SFF) systems.
Fan with ARGB lighting and Aura Sync Magic glow The 120mm fan installed in the Loki power supply is equipped with eight addressable LEDs that can be customized via the Aura Sync app to create consistent lighting effects throughout the system. * If no connecting cable is used, the default color effect is rainbow. * To use Aura Sync, an Aura Sync-compatible ASUS or ROG motherboard is required. Likewise, the Intelligent Mode lighting effect, which reflects GPU temperature, requires the use of a compatible ASUS or ROG graphics card. 10 years warranty A decade of power We are so confident in the reliability of the ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White Edition power supply that we provide it with a 10-year warranty. *The main functionality of the product is guaranteed for a period of 10 years. RGB LEDs are covered by a 3-year warranty.
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Fan diameter - 12 cm
Design - Illumination - Yes
Design - Number of fans - 1 fan(s)
Design - On/off switch - Yes
Design - Product colour - White
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 4065
dimension depth - 100 mm
dimension height - 310 mm
Dimensions - 125 x 125 x 63,5 mm
dimension weight - 2053 g
dimension width - 370 mm
ean - 4711081722229
Eans - 4711081722229
EAN_code - 4711081722229
Fan - 12 cm
Floppy power connectors - 0
GTIN - 4711081722229
guarantee - 120
guarantee_type - normal
LongDesc - The Quietest SFX-L PSUTaking after the ROG Thor, the ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White Edition brandishes the same enthusiast-grade components and features, all packed into an SFX-L form factor. Boasting quiet operation and high performance, the Loki is primed to power your next SFF build.COOLINGROG HeatsinksCool under pressureROG heatsinks facilitate lower temperatures, longer component lifespan, and extended 0dB operation.Axial-tech Fan DesignBetter, faster, strongerAxial-tech fan design features a smaller fan hub that facilitates longer blades and a barrier ring that increases downward air pressure. For ROG Loki PSUs, we've scaled that design to 120mm so it keeps things cool at low RPMs while producing less noise.Dual Ball Fan Bearings2x longer lifespanThe fan impeller spins on a dual ball bearing setup that will last up to twice as long as a sleeve bearing design.0dB TechnologyQuiet intelligenceTo reduce noise output, the PWM-controlled fan shuts off entirely when the PSU load is 40% or below.Lambda A CertificationQuietly deviantOn average, ROG Loki emits less than 25 dB of noise – earning a coveted Cybenetics Lambda A certification.ENGINEERING80 PLUS Platinum CertifiedEffortless outputLow-ESR Japanese capacitors further improve efficiency and reduce heat, readying ROG Loki to reliably fuel your build for years to come.ATX 3.0 CompatibleStep into the futureThe latest power specification updates have landed. ATX 3.0 ushers in tighter voltage and current regulation guidelines for next-gen hardware - and ROG Loki steps ahead of the curve by being fully compliant. A 16-pin PCIe cable ripe for piping up to 600W of power to PCIe Gen 5.0 graphics cards is bundled with the PSU, bringing large-scale capabilities to SFF rigs.EXPERIENCEARGB-illuminated Fan & Aura SyncMagical glowThe Loki's 120 mm fan features eight addressable LEDs ready to be customized with Aura Sync to create coordinated lighting patterns across your build.* If the connector cable is not used, the default color effect is rainbow.* To enjoy Aura Sync, you’ll need an Aura Sync-compatible ASUS or ROG motherboard. Similarly, the Smart Mode lighting effect, which reflects GPU temperature, requires use of a compatible ASUS or ROG graphics card.10-Year WarrantyA decade of powerWe're so confident about the reliability of the ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White Edition that we back it with a 10-year worldwide warranty.*Core product operation is guaranteed for 10 years. The RGB LEDs are subject to a 3-year warranty.
LongProductName - ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum power supply (fully modular power supply, 80+ Platinum, Lambda A certified, 120mm PWM ARGB fan, Aura Sync RGB lighting, ATX 3.0 compatible, PCIe 5.0 ready, white)
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White. Total power: 850 W, AC input voltage: 100 - 240 V, Combined power (+3.3V): 110 W. Motherboard power connector: 24-pin ATX, Motherboard power cable length: 45 cm, SATA power cable length: 600 mm. Purpose: PC, Power supply unit (PSU) form factor: SFX-L, 80 PLUS certification: 80 PLUS Platinum. Product colour: White, Cooling type: Active, Fan diameter: 12 cm. Compliance certificates: RoHS
Manufacturer - Asus
Manufacturer_code - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
MB power connector - 20 + 4 pin
Modular power supply - Yes
MOLEX power connectors - 4
name - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 80 PLUS Platinum netzteil, modular - 850 Watt - weiß
Name - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum, PC power supply (white, 4x PCIe, cable management, 850 watts)
name - Power supply Rog Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum 80+ Aura ATX 3.0 white
Number of connectors PATA - 0
Number of power connectors 12VHPWR - 0
Number of power connectors PCI-E 16-pin Gen 5 - 1
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 2
Number of power supply connector 4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 3
Other features -
Packaging data - Package depth - 190 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 100 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 2.5 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 285 mm
PCI-E 6-pin power connectors - 0
PCI-E 8-pin power connectors - 0
Performance - 80 PLUS certification - 80 PLUS Platinum
Performance - Bearing technology - Ball bearing
Performance - Power supply unit (PSU) form factor - SFX-L
Performance - Purpose - PC
Performance - Supported motherboard form factors - ATX
PFC - Active
Ports & interfaces - Cabling type - Fully-Modular
Ports & interfaces - CPU power cable length - 55 cm
Ports & interfaces - CPU power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power cable length - 45 cm
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 24-pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Number of SATA power connectors - 6
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power cable length - 45 cm
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (8-pin) - 3
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (16-pin) - 1
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 600 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power connectors (4-pin) - 4
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 600 mm
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Combined power (+3.3V) - 110 W
Power - Combined power (+5V) - 110 W
Power - Combined power (+5Vsb) - 12.5 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 850 W
Power - Combined power (-12V) - 9.6 W
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5Vsb) - 2.5 A
Power - Max output current (+12V) - 70.8 A
Power - Max output current (-12V) - 0.8 A
Power - Power protection features - Overcharge
Power - Power protection features - Overheating
Power - Power protection features - Over power
Power - Power protection features - Over power, Over voltage, Overcharge, Overheating, Short circuit, Under voltage
Power - Power protection features - Over voltage
Power - Power protection features - Short circuit
Power - Power protection features - Under voltage
Power - Total power - 850 W
Power supply - 850 W
producer - Asus
Producer - Asus
producerCode - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
ProducerCode - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
productName - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White power supply unit 24-pin ATX
ProductName - Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White
productSize - Normal
SATA power connectors - 6
ShortDescription - 850 | ATX | biały | 135mm | 20 + 4 pin | 80 Plus Platinum| 125 x 125 x 63.5 mm |
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White, 850 W, 100 - 240 V, 110 W, 850 W, 110 W, 9.6 W
sizeX - 280
sizeY - 330
sizeZ - 220
Technical details - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Technical details - Sustainability compliance - Yes
Title - ASUS ROG Loki SFX-L 850W Platinum White power supply unit 24-pin ATX
vendpn - 90YE00N2-B0NA00
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - G
Weight - 1,80
weight - 2400
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 125 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 63.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 1.81 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 125 mm
237,27 €
Asus ROG Loki SFX-L Platinum, 850W, ATX 3.0, 80PLUS Platinum, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020