Cooler Master MWE Gold 850 V2, 850W, 80PLUS Gold

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ID: 671763 Tuotekoodi: MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
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Takuu: 2 vuotta
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Tuottaja: Cooler Master
  • Teho: 850W
  • 80 PLUS -sertifiointi: 80 PLUS Gold
  • Puhaltimen koko: 120 mm
  • Modulaariset kaapelit: Fully-Modular
  • Prosessori-liitännäinen: 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
  • PCI-E: 4 X 6+2pin
Samanlaisia tuotteita
Tämä tuote Cooler Master MWE Gold 850 V2, 850W, 80PLUS Gold
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Suositeltu Gigabyte UD850GM PG5, 850W, 80PLUS Gold, PCIe 5.0
Näytä vastaavat tiedot. Piilota samanlaiset tiedot.
182,51 €
175,70 €
118,07 €
121,50 €
102,38 €
Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi Cybenetics Standard + Cybenetics A - Nav Cybenetics Standard + Nav
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi Cybenetics Gold Cybenetics Gold Nav Cybenetics Platinum Nav
Virtalähteen tyyppi ATX ATX ATX ATX ATX
Teho 850W 850W 850W 850W 850W
80 PLUS -sertifiointi 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) 70.8A 70.8A 70A 70.5A 70.8A
Puhaltimen koko 120 mm 140 mm 120 mm 120 mm 120 mm
Kaapelin väri Musta Musta Musta Musta Musta
Valaistus Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole
Väri Musta Musta Musta Musta Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit Fully-Modular Fully-Modular Semi-Modular Fully-Modular Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 Nav 1 x 600W 12VHPWR Nav 1 x 600W 12VHPWR 1 x 600W 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta 24-pin 24-pin 20+4-pin 24-pin 20+4-pin
PCI-E 4 X 6+2pin 4 X 6+2pin 3 x 6+2pin 4 X 6+2pin 4 X 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet 12 12 6 8 8
4pin Molex 4 8 3 4 3

Saatavilla ostettavaksi Cooler Master Tuotteelle on myönnetty 80 PLUS Gold -energiatehokkuussertifikaatti.

850W virtalähde on suunniteltu korkean suorituskyvyn työasemaan tai pelitietokoneeseen. Se antaa virtaa useille kiintolevyille (SSD/HDD), vesijäähdytykselle, huippuluokan näytönohjaimille (kuten RTX 4070 Ti SUPER) ja huippuluokan prosessorille (mahdollisesti ylikellotettu).

120 mm120 mm uuletin, joka on alan standardi hiljaisen toiminnan takaamiseksi keskivertotietokoneissa. Jos haluat erittäin hiljaisen virtalähteen, etsi 135 mm:n tai 140 mm:n tuulettimen halkaisijalla varustettu virtalähde.

80 PLUS Gold -energiatehokkuussertifikaatti, joka takaa vähintään 90 prosentin hyötysuhteen 50 prosentin kuormituksella. Tämä tarkoittaa, että virtalähteen verkosta saamasta 100 W:n tehosta vähintään 90 W toimitetaan tietokoneen komponentteihin, ja loput 10 W häviää lämpönä.

Melna Kaapeleiden väri on Melna ja ne ovat litteitä.

Tämä virtalähde on ATX 2.0 -standardin mukainen. Tämä tarkoittaa, että virtalähteessä on vain 6-nastainen ja 8-nastainen portti, jotka tuottavat vastaavasti 75W ja 150W tehoa. ATX 2.0 -virtaportteja ei ole suunniteltu käsittelemään nykyaikaisten näytönohjainten suuria tehovaatimuksia. Jos rakennat järjestelmää, jossa on erittäin tehokas näytönohjain, kuten RTX 4070, tarvitaan ATX 3.* -standardin mukainen virtalähde.

Cybenetics Standard +, mikä tarkoittaa, että sen melutaso on 35-40 dB.

Tässä virtalähteessä on täysin modulaariset kaapelit - kaikki mukana toimitetut kaapelit voidaan liittää ja irrottaa tarpeen mukaan, mikä vähentää epäjärjestystä ja parantaa ilmanvaihtoa. Tämä on hyödyllistä niille, joilla on puoliksi läpinäkyvä PC-kotelo ja esteettisiä näkökohtia.

Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi : Cybenetics Standard +
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi : Cybenetics Gold
Virtalähteen tyyppi : ATX
Teho 850W
Virtalähteen kapasiteetti watteina. Suurempi kapasiteetti tarkoittaa tietokoneen toiminnan vakaampaa toimintaa. Nykyaikaisen keskiverto tietokoneen virtalähteen suositeltu kapasiteetti on vähintään 500 W. Jos käytät useita kiintolevyjä, tehokasta näytönohjainta ja prosessoria, on suositeltavaa ostaa virtalähde, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 600 W.
80 PLUS -sertifiointi : 80 PLUS Gold
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) : 70.8A
Puhaltimen koko : 120 mm
Kaapelin väri : Musta
Valaistus : Ei ole
Väri : Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit : Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 : Nav
Prosessori-liitännäinen : 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta : 24-pin
PCI-E : 4 X 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet : 12
4pin Molex : 4
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
8-pin 12V power connectors - 1
Accessories included - Kabel zasilający
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/PC power supply units
Category_1 - Power
Category_2 - Computer Power Supplies
Certificates 80+ - 80 PLUS Gold
Certificates > Certification - 80 PLUS Gold
Code - MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
Description - Power Supply MWE Gold V2 850W modular 80+ Gold POWER UP
The MWE Gold - V2 (Full Modular) is the next step in the evolution of Cooler Master's entry level 80 PLUS Gold power supply unit line. The original MWE Gold series was created in order to offer a simpler and more affordable Gold rated option in order to help users make the transition from 80 PLUS White and Bronze power supply units more accessible. While there is still demand for White and Bronze units, the global standard has been shifting to Gold. Some countries have even begun to legislate 80 PLUS Gold efficiency as the legal minimum to purchase. This is why bringing affordable options like the MWE Gold is so important to Cooler Master. The MWE Gold - V2 improves upon the original version in the places where users will see the most immediate benefit.
Efficiency has always been one of the most important factors for users when choosing their power supply unit. While there are a range of efficiency options, 80 PLUS Gold has been the ideal choice for the last several years and continues to be seen as the standard for much of the world. The MWE Gold - V2 delivers an 80 PLUS Gold certification, guaranteeing a typical minimum efficiency of 90%.
All MWE Gold - V2 models come standard with 2 EPS connectors in order to ensure universal compatibility with all current gen motherboards. Whether you get the minimum wattage level at 550W or the maximum at 850W, you never have to worry if you'll have enough connectors to use your ideal components.
The MWE Gold - V2 has been upgraded with an HDB fan. This fan bearing delivers quiet and effective cooling with a long lifespan, allowing users to get the most out of their PSU for years to come. A number of additional measures have been applied to the original MWE Gold in order to reduce sound output and ripple noise for a demonstrably quieter user experience.
While the original MWE Gold had a maximum operating temperature of only 45 degrees Celsius, the MWE Gold - V2 has improved upon this by delivering an additional 5 degrees to that limit. With this model, users will be able to push their power supply to 50 degrees Celsius safely. Such a high threshold greatly improves what's possible to accomplish with your PSU and your system in general. Overclocking and other high intensity applications become way more accessible when the system's power supply can take the heat.
The full modular version of the MWE Gold - V2 comes with a set of flat black cables that can be customized to each user's individual needs. With a full modular setup, each system only needs to include the cables required for its individual components. The rest of the cables can be put aside for future upgrades and maintenance. This unused space within the chassis allows for reduced clutter and better airflow, thereby improving your system's overall cooling. Full modular cables carry an aesthetic benefit as well by reducing the amount of space needed within the case when powering the system.
The MWE Gold - V2 comes with a standard 5 year manufacturing warranty from the date of purchase.
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Fan diameter - 12 cm
Design - Fan speed - 0 - 1500 RPM
Design - Number of fans - 1 fan(s)
Design - Product colour - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 1413
dimension depth - 120 mm
dimension height - 310 mm
Dimensions - 160 x 150 x 86 mm
dimension weight - 2780 g
dimension width - 195 mm
EAN - 4719512106310
ean - 4719512106310
Eans - 4719512106310
EAN_code - 4719512106310
Fan - 12 cm
Floppy power connectors - 0
guarantee - 60
guarantee_type - normal
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84733020
Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 220 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 620 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 325 mm
Logistics data - Products per master (outer) case - 5 pc(s)
Logistics data - Products per pallet - 16 pc(s)
Manufacturer - Cooler Master
Manufacturer_code - MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
MB power connector - 24 pin
Modular power supply - Yes
MOLEX power connectors - 4
Name - Cooler Master MWE Gold 850 - V2, PC power supply (black, 4x PCIe, cable management, 850 watts)
Name - Cooler Master MWE Gold V2 850W 80+ Gold modularny
Name - Cooler Master | MPE-8501-AFAAG | 850 W
name - Power Supply MWE Gold V2 850W modular 80+ Gold
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 1
Number of power supply connector 4-pin 12V - 0
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 4
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 50 °C
Other features -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 260.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 110.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 190.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 318 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 300.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 100.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.40 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.01 m³
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Packaging data - Package depth - 310 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 120 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 2.57 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 194 mm
PCI-E 6-pin power connectors - 0
PCI-E 8-pin power connectors - 0
Performance - 80 PLUS certification - 80 PLUS Gold
Performance - ATX version - 2.41
Performance - Bearing technology - HDB
Performance - Certification - ErP 2014 Lot 3, TUV, CE, CCC, EAC, RCM, cTUVus, FCC, BSMI
Performance - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 100000 h
Performance - Noise level - 25.9 dB
Performance - Power supply unit (PSU) form factor - ATX
Performance - Purpose - PC/Server
PFC - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Cabling type - Fully-Modular
Ports & interfaces - EPS power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power cable length - 61 cm
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 24-pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Number of SATA power connectors - 12
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power cable length - 67 cm
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (6+2 pin) - 4
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 500 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 620
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 740
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 860 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power connectors (4-pin) - 4
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 500 mm
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 620
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 740
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 860
Power - AC input frequency - 47 - 63 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 90 -264 V
Power - Combined power (+3.3V) - 100 W
Power - Combined power (+5V) - 100 W
Power - Combined power (+5Vsb) - 15 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 849.6 W
Power - Combined power (-12V) - 3.6 W
Power - Efficiency - 90%
Power - Hold time - 16 ms
Power - Input current - 6 - 12 A
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5Vsb) - 3 A
Power - Max output current (+12V) - 70.8 A
Power - Max output current (-12V) - 0.3 A
Power - Power Factor Correction (PFC) type - Active
Power - Power Good signal delay range - 100 - 500 ms
Power - Power protection features - Over current
Power - Power protection features - Overheating
Power - Power protection features - Over power
Power - Power protection features - Over voltage
Power - Power protection features - Short circuit
Power - Power protection features - Under voltage
Power - Total power - 850 W
Power > Nominal power - 850 W
Power supply - 850 W
producer - Cooler Master
Producer - CoolerMaster
producerCode - MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
ProducerCode - MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
Producer product name - MPE-8501-AFAAG
productName - Cooler Master MWE Gold 850 - V2 Full Modular power supply unit 850 W 24-pin ATX ATX Black
productSize - Normal
SATA power connectors - 12
ShortDescription - 850 | ATX | 120mm | 24 pin | 150mm x 160mm x 86mm | 80 Plus Gold | modularny
sizeX - 120
sizeY - 310
sizeZ - 190
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.90 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 1.50 kg
Technical details > Producer - Cooler Master
vendpn - MPE-8501-AFAAG-EU
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
Weight - 2,77
weight - 2750
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 160 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 2.17 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 150 mm
182,51 €
Cooler Master MWE Gold 850 V2, 850W, 80PLUS Gold
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