MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 II, 850W, 80PLUS Gold

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ID: 1185149 Tuotekoodi: MAG A850GL PCIE5 II
Varastossa >50 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
122,20 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: keskiviikkona, 19.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Tuottaja: MSI
  • Teho: 850W
  • 80 PLUS -sertifiointi: 80 PLUS Gold
  • Puhaltimen koko: 120 mm
  • Modulaariset kaapelit: Fully-Modular
  • Prosessori-liitännäinen: 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
  • PCI-E: 4 X 6+2pin

Tarjoamme ostettavaksi MSI virtalähteen, jonka teho on 850W ja joka on saanut 80 PLUS Gold energiatehokkuusluokituksen.

850W virtalähdeyksikkö, joka on suunniteltu korkean suorituskyvyn pelitietokoneelle tai työasemalle. Se pystyy virtalähdentämään huippuluokan prosessorin (mahdollisesti ylikellotettu), huipputason näytönohjaimen (esimerkiksi RTX 4070 Ti SUPER), useita kiintolevyjä (SSD/HDD) ja vesijäähdytyksen.

Tämän virtalähteen tuuletin halkaisija on 120 mm, mikä takaa hiljaisen toiminnan keskitason tietokoneissa. Erityisen hiljaista virtalähdetoimintaa varten suosittelemme valitsemaan tuulettimen, jonka halkaisija on 135 mm tai 140 mm.

Virtalähteelle on myönnetty 80 PLUS Gold -energiankäyttösertifikaatti, joka tarjoaa vähintään 90% hyötysuhteen 50% kuormalla. Tämä tarkoittaa, että vähintään 90 W 100 W:sta virtalähteen sähköverkosta ottamasta tehosta toimitetaan tietokoneen komponenteille, ja loput 10 W menee hukkaan lämpönä.

Tämä virtalähde on varustettu 1 x 600W 12VHPWR liittimellä, joka on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi nykyaikaisten näytönohjaimien kanssa – Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 ja uudempien kanssa. RTX 4060 käyttää tavallista 8-pinnistä liitintä.

Lohkon väri on Melna. Lohkossa on tasaiset kaapelit, joiden väri on Melna.

Tämä virtalähde vastaa ATX 3.0 -standardia. Siinä on 16-pinninen (12VHPWR) liitin, joka voi syöttää virtaa uusimman sukupolven (RTX 30- ja 40-sarja) PCIe 5.0 -näytönohjaimille jopa 600 W:iin asti. Jotta komponentteihin saataisiin vakaampi virta, ATX 3.0 sallii myös virran kasvattamisen 200%:iin yhden millisekunnin ajaksi.

Virtalähteellä on Cybenetics Standard + melutason sertifikaatti, mikä tarkoittaa, että sen melutaso on 35-40 dB.

Koska tässä virtalähteessä on modulaariset kaapelit, voit lisätä kiintolevyjä, näytönohjaimia ja muita komponentteja tarpeen mukaan, käyttämällä pakkaukseen sisältyviä eri kaapeleita. Näin tietokoneessa on vähemmän johtoja, mikä parantaa ilmanvaihtoa ja ulkonäköä (erityisen hyödyllistä niille, jotka valitsevat osittain läpinäkyvän kotelon).

Tämän virtalähteen valmistaja on MSI. Voit katsoa kaikki MSI virtalähteet täältä.

Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi : Cybenetics Standard +
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi : Cybenetics Platinum
Virtalähteen tyyppi : ATX
Teho 850W
Virtalähteen kapasiteetti watteina. Suurempi kapasiteetti tarkoittaa tietokoneen toiminnan vakaampaa toimintaa. Nykyaikaisen keskiverto tietokoneen virtalähteen suositeltu kapasiteetti on vähintään 500 W. Jos käytät useita kiintolevyjä, tehokasta näytönohjainta ja prosessoria, on suositeltavaa ostaa virtalähde, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 600 W.
80 PLUS -sertifiointi : 80 PLUS Gold
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) : 70.5A
Puhaltimen koko : 120 mm
Kaapelin väri : Musta
Valaistus : Ei ole
Väri : Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit : Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 : 1 x 600W 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen : 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta : 24-pin
PCI-E : 4 X 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet : 8
4pin Molex : 4
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included -
Brand - MSI
BrandPartCode - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II
Category - Power Supply Units
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/PC power supply units
Category Code - PSU
Certificates 80+ - 80 PLUS Gold
Colour - Black
Cooling System - 12cm fan
Description - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II ATX 3.1 ready, native PCIe 5.1 connector Supports NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series graphics cards Full modular design,Flat cables 80 Plus Gold certified for high efficiency with Active PFC design Industrial level protection with OVP, OCP, OPP, OTP, SCP, UVP 120 mm Fluid Dynamic Bearing Fan LLC Full Bridge Topology with DC-DC module design The MAG series fights alongside gamers in pursuit of honor. With added military-inspired elements in these gaming products, they were reborn as the symbol of sturdiness and durability. ATX 3.1 Ready
It has an output port that is compliant with PCIe 5.1 and Intel PSDG(Power Supply Design Guide) ATX 3.1, also the power supply can hold up to 2x total power excursion and 3x GPU power excursion. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CERTIFICATION
The efficiency of your power supply directly influences your systems performance and your power consumption. The 80 PLUS Gold and Cybenetics Gold certification promises lower energy consumption and higher efficiency. COMPACT SIZING
Smaller than typical PSUs on the market, this power supply unit that can save space and make it easier to organize cables in the computer case by freeing up more room inside. ONLY WHAT YOU NEED
The connectors that required by the build need to be used, significantly reducing cable clutter and simplifying the system's overall build. Additionally, the included cable pack provides a storage solution for any unused cables. ALL THE MORE ORGANIZED
Organizing cables is often the most bothersome part of building a PC. The flat cables make cable management easier and less of headache! Thanks to the flat cables, the entire system can be more organized and has more room for unobstructed airflow. FLUID DYNAMIC BEARING
The power supply's fan sports a fluid dynamic bearing that perfectly balances cooling performance and noise level. DC to DC & Full bridge
DC to DC and Full bridge be combined to achieve higher conversion efficiency, stable output voltage, and quick voltage adjustment for different usage scenarios, thus providing a stable power supply design. THE POWER YOU HAVE
The single rail supply of power can properly deliver the power you need. For high-performance graphics cards and CPUs, this power supply's CPU & PCIe connectors are more than plenty. PROTECTION MECHANISMS
To make sure the entire system can operate safely and stably at all times, the power supply comes with a number of protection mechanisms to give you the best peace of mind.
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Fan diameter - 12 cm
Design - Number of fans - 1 fan(s)
Design - On/off switch - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 1813
dimension depth - 300 mm
dimension height - 125 mm
Dimensions - 140 x 150 x 86 mm
dimension weight - 3200 g
dimension width - 223 mm
ean - 4711377246682
Eans - 4711377246682
Efficiency - 80 PLUS GOLD
Fan - 12 cm
Filters / protection - Circuit
Filters / protection - Current too high
Filters / protection - Overload
Filters / protection - Surge
Filters / protection - Thermal
Filters / protection - Voltage drop
Floppy power connectors - 1
Full Description Line - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II|For gaming|ATX 3.1|850 Watts|Cooling System 12cm fan|80 PLUS GOLD|PFC Active|Colour Black
GTIN - 4711377246682
guarantee - 84
guarantee_type - normal
LongDesc - ATX 3.1 ReadyIt has an output port that is compliant with PCIe 5.1 and Intel PSDG(Power Supply Design Guide) ATX 3.1, also the power supply can hold up to 2x total power excursion and 3x GPU power excursion.ENERGY EFFICIENCY CERTIFICATIONThe efficiency of your power supply directly influences your system’s performance and your power consumption. The 80 PLUS Gold and Cybenetics Gold certification promises lower energy consumption and higher efficiency.COMPACT SIZINGSmaller than typical PSUs on the market, this power supply unit that can save space and make it easier to organize cables in the computer case by freeing up more room inside.ONLY WHAT YOU NEEDThe connectors that required by the build need to be used, significantly reducing cable clutter and simplifying the system’s overall build. Additionally, the included cable pack provides a storage solution for any unused cables.ALL THE MORE ORGANIZEDOrganizing cables is often the most bothersome part of building a PC. The flat cables make cable management easier and less of headache! Thanks to the flat cables, the entire system can be more organized and has more room for unobstructed airflow.FLUID DYNAMIC BEARINGThe power supply’s fan sports a fluid dynamic bearing that perfectly balances cooling performance and noise level.DC to DC & Full bridgeDC to DC and Full bridge be combined to achieve higher conversion efficiency, stable output voltage, and quick voltage adjustment for different usage scenarios, thus providing a stable power supply design.THE POWER YOU HAVEThe single rail supply of power can properly deliver the power you need. For high-performance graphics cards and CPUs, this power supply's CPU & PCIe connectors are more than plenty.PROTECTION MECHANISMSTo make sure the entire system can operate safely and stably at all times, the power supply comes with a number of protection mechanisms to give you the best peace of mind.
LongProductName - 850W, 47-63Hz, ATX 3.1, 120 mm, 80 PLUS Gold, 140 x 150 x 86 mm
LongSummaryDescription - MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 II. Total power: 850 W, AC input voltage: 100 - 240 V, AC input frequency: 47 - 63 Hz. Motherboard power connector: 20+4 pin ATX, Motherboard power cable length: 60 cm, SATA power cable length: 150,500 mm. Purpose: PC, Power supply unit (PSU) form factor: ATX, 80 PLUS certification: 80 PLUS Gold. Product colour: Black, Cooling type: Active, Fan diameter: 12 cm. Width: 150 mm, Depth: 140 mm, Height: 86 mm
MB power connector - 20 + 4 pin
Model name - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II
Modular power supply - Yes
MOLEX power connectors - 4
name - Power supply MAG A850GL PCIE5 II 850 W 80 Plus Gold Full Modular
Number of power connectors PCI-E 16-pin Gen 5 - 1
Number of power supply connector 4+4-pin 12V - 2
Number of power supply connectors PCI-E 6 +2 pin - 4
Other features -
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Performance - 80 PLUS certification - 80 PLUS Gold
Performance - ATX version - 3.1
Performance - Bearing technology - FDB
Performance - Power supply unit (PSU) form factor - ATX
Performance - Purpose - PC
PFC - Active
PFC - Yes
Ports & interfaces - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Cabling type - Fully-Modular
Ports & interfaces - CPU power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - EPS power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Floppy disk drive connector - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power cable length - 60 cm
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 20+4 pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 24-pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Number of SATA power connectors - 8
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (6+2 pin) - 4
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (16-pin) - 1
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power cable length - 500 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power connectors (4-pin) - 4
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 150,500 mm
Power - AC input frequency - 47 - 63 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Combined power (+3.3V) - 110 W
Power - Combined power (+5V) - 110 W
Power - Combined power (+5Vsb) - 12.5 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 846 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 850 W
Power - Combined power (-12V) - 3.6 W
Power - Efficiency - 90%
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 22 A
Power - Max output current (+5V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5Vsb) - 2.5 A
Power - Max output current (+12V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+12V) - 70.5 A
Power - Max output current (-12V) - 0.3 A
Power - Power Factor Correction (PFC) type - Active
Power - Power protection features - Over current
Power - Power protection features - Over current, Over power, Over voltage, Overheating, Short circuit, Under voltage
Power - Power protection features - Over power
Power - Power protection features - Over voltage
Power - Power protection features - Short circuit
Power - Power protection features - Under voltage
Power - Total power - 850 W
Power supply - 850 W
producer - MSI
Producer - MSI
producerCode - 306-7ZP8D11-CE0
ProducerCode - 306-7ZP8D11-CE0
ProductName - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II
productName - MSI MAG A850GL 850W PCIE5 II 80+ Gold Power Supply (306-7ZP8D11-CE0)
productSize - Normal
PSU - ATX 3.1
PSU features - For gaming
PSU Output Power - 850 Watts
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not open the case - risk of electric shock.
SATA power connectors - 8
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 46.6 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 31.9 cm
Shipping box quantity - 6
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 17.8 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 39.5 cm
ShortDescription - 850 | ATX | 120 mm | 20 + 4 pin |140 x 150 x 86 mm | 80PLUS GOLD | modularny |
ShortSummaryDescription - MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 II, 850 W, 100 - 240 V, 47 - 63 Hz, Active, 110 W, 846 W
sizeX - 226
sizeY - 132
sizeZ - 304
Title - MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 II power supply unit 850 W 20+4 pin ATX ATX Black
Unit Box Height - 0.301
Unit Box Length - 0.224
Unit Box Width - 0.127
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.009786 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 2.97 kg
Unit Net Weight - 2.2 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - MAG A850GL PCIE5 II
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 84
warrantyType - G
weight - 2780
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 140 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 150 mm
122,20 €
MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 II, 850W, 80PLUS Gold
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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