FSP Hydro G PRO, 1000W, 80PLUS Gold, ATX 3.0

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ID: 1007332 Tuotekoodi: PPA10A2413
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Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Tuottaja: FSP
  • Teho: 1000W
  • 80 PLUS -sertifiointi: 80 PLUS Gold
  • Puhaltimen koko: 120 mm
  • Modulaariset kaapelit: Fully-Modular
  • Prosessori-liitännäinen: 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
  • PCI-E: 6 x 6+2pin
Samanlaisia tuotteita
Tämä tuote FSP Hydro G PRO, 1000W, 80PLUS Gold, ATX 3.0
Suositeltu Super Flower Leadex VII XG, 1000W, 80PLUS Gold, ATX 3.0, PCIe 5.0
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Näytä vastaavat tiedot. Piilota samanlaiset tiedot.
158,73 €
173,68 €
202,56 €
115,83 €
257,19 €
Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi Cybenetics A - Cybenetics Standard ++ Nav Nav Nav
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi Cybenetics Gold Cybenetics Platinum Nav Nav Nav
Virtalähteen tyyppi ATX ATX ATX ATX ATX
Teho 1000W 1000W 1000W 1000W 1200W
80 PLUS -sertifiointi 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Gold
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) 83.33A 83.3A 83A 83.3A 100A
Puhaltimen koko 120 mm 140 mm 120 mm 120 mm 135 mm
Kaapelin väri Musta Musta Musta Musta Musta
Valaistus Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole RGB
Väri Musta Musta Musta Musta Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit Fully-Modular Fully-Modular Fully-Modular Fully-Modular Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 1 x 12VHPWR 1 x 600W 12VHPWR 1 x 600W 12V-2X6 Nav 1 x 600W 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta 20+4-pin 20+4-pin 20+4-pin 20+4-pin 20+4-pin
PCI-E 6 x 6+2pin 4 X 6+2pin 3 x 6+2pin 6 x 6+2pin 4 X 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet 14 12 10 8 5
4pin Molex 5 4 1 3 4

Tarjoamme ostettavaksi FSP, jossa on 1000W virtalähde, joka on saanut 80 PLUS Gold -energiatehokkuussertifikaatin.

virtalähde täyttää parhaankin peli-PC:n vaatimukset. Teho riittää ylikellotetulle huippuluokan prosessorille, useille huippuluokan näytönohjaimille, laajalle vesijäähdytysjärjestelmälle ja useille kiintolevyille.

120 mm120 mm uuletin, joka on alan standardi hiljaisen toiminnan takaamiseksi keskivertotietokoneissa. Jos haluat erittäin hiljaisen virtalähteen, etsi 135 mm:n tai 140 mm:n tuulettimen halkaisijalla varustettu virtalähde.

80 PLUS Gold -energiatehokkuussertifikaatti, joka takaa vähintään 90 prosentin hyötysuhteen 50 prosentin kuormituksella. Tämä tarkoittaa sitä, että jokaista virtalähteen verkosta saamaa 100 W:n tehoa kohden vähintään 90 W toimitetaan tietokoneen komponentteihin, kun taas loput 10 W häviää lämpönä.

1 x 12VHPWR nykyaikaisille näytönohjaimille (Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 ja uudemmat). Alemman tason näytönohjaimille (esim. RTX 4060) riittää tavallinen 8-nastainen liitäntä.

Melna Kaapeleiden väri on Melna ja ne ovat litteitä.

Tämä on ATX 3.0 -yhteensopiva virtalähde. Tämä tarkoittaa, että siinä on 16-nastainen (12VHPWR) portti, joka voi syöttää virtaa uusimman sukupolven (RTX 30- ja 40-sarjan) PCIe 5.0 -näytönohjaimille jopa 600 W:n teholla. Lisäksi ATX 3.0 mahdollistaa 200 %:n lisäyksen ampeerimäärään millisekunnissa, mikä mahdollistaa tasaisemman virransiirron komponenteille.

Cybenetics A -.

Tässä virtalähteessä on modulaariset kaapelit, joiden avulla voit lisätä näytönohjaimia, kiintolevyjä jne. tarpeen mukaan mukana toimitetuista kaapeleista. Tämä vähentää johdotuksen määrää tietokoneessa, mikä parantaa ilmanvaihtoa ja esteettisyyttä (erityisen tärkeää niille, jotka hankkivat puoliksi läpinäkyvän kotelon).

Cybenetics Melutason sertifiointi : Cybenetics A -
Cybeneticsin tehokkuuden sertifiointi : Cybenetics Gold
Virtalähteen tyyppi : ATX
Teho 1000W
Virtalähteen kapasiteetti watteina. Suurempi kapasiteetti tarkoittaa tietokoneen toiminnan vakaampaa toimintaa. Nykyaikaisen keskiverto tietokoneen virtalähteen suositeltu kapasiteetti on vähintään 500 W. Jos käytät useita kiintolevyjä, tehokasta näytönohjainta ja prosessoria, on suositeltavaa ostaa virtalähde, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 600 W.
80 PLUS -sertifiointi : 80 PLUS Gold
Kokonaisvirta (+12V) : 83.33A
Puhaltimen koko : 120 mm
Kaapelin väri : Musta
Valaistus : Ei ole
Väri : Musta
Modulaariset kaapelit : Fully-Modular
Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-E 5.0 : 1 x 12VHPWR
Prosessori-liitännäinen : 2 x 8-pin(4+4) EPS
Emolevyn virta : 20+4-pin
PCI-E : 6 x 6+2pin
SATA-liittimet : 14
4pin Molex : 5
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Brand - FSP
BrandPartCode - PPA10A2413
Category - Power Supply Units
Category 1 - Netzteile
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Fan diameter - 12 cm
Design - Fan location - Top
Design - Number of fans - 1 fan(s)
Design - On/off switch - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
EAN - 4713224527418
GTIN - 4713224527418
LongDesc - New ATX PSU SpecificationsUpdated ATX 3.0 specifications for the next-generation hardware power demands and ensure users get the most stable and cost-optimized performance possible with the highest power efficiency.More Powerful with Compact SizeNew HYDRO G Pro series upgrades from original HYDRO G, took the best features of HYDRO G series and made them even better. With smaller size, improves performance and more powerful output give you ultra-performance.Keep in Compliance IEC/EN 62368FSP Group features the latest in green power technology, and provide a full kinds of additional safety approvals to keep designs ahead of the changing regulations. FSP has upgraded the majority of power supplies to the new IEC/EN 62368 standard for your gaming rigs.80 Plus® Gold CertificationHYDRO G Pro series is a power supply with 80 PLUS® Gold Certification that guarantees to operate at a minimum of 90% efficiency at 50% load of PSU rated power and as a result to reduce lots of electricity cost.ECO Switch, Quieter and Longer Lasting FanYou can adjust the button to suit your needs, when Eco Button is switched on, making it easier to run on lower consumption and whisper silent. The fan in the power supply will not operate when the power supply is under 30% loading for silent state.Compatible with Latest PC-technologyCorresponds exactly to a variety of the latest CPU platform. Complies with Intel ATX12V V3.0 Power supply design guide and make sure the peak power in 12V supports for the latest Intel and AMD platform and delivers full power to your PC system.The ATX 12V CPU power connector is able to support CPUs for enough watt. HYDRO G PRO series from 850W to 1000W packages 2 x 4+4 pins power connectors more than regular PSUs and provide the stable and peakoutput to your new config willFully Modular Design for Quick and Easy InstallationFully modular design simplifies installation and allows you to use only the cables you need, for a neater and cleaner build.REVIEWDOWNLOADFAQNew ATX PSU SpecificationsUpdated ATX 3.0 specifications for the next-generation hardware power demands and ensure users get the most stable and cost-optimized performance possible with the highest power efficiency.Click here to know more details.More Powerful with Compact SizeNew HYDRO G Pro series upgrades from original HYDRO G, took the best features of HYDRO G series and made them even better. With smaller size, improves performance and more powerful output give you ultra-performance.Keep in Compliance IEC/EN 62368FSP Group features the latest in green power technology, and provide a full kinds of additional safety approvals to keep designs ahead of the changing regulations. FSP has upgraded the majority of power supplies to the new IEC/EN 62368 standard for your gaming rigs.80 Plus® Gold CertificationHYDRO G Pro series is a power supply with 80 PLUS® Gold Certification that guarantees to operate at a minimum of 90% efficiency at 50% load of PSU rated power and as a result to reduce lots of electricity cost.ECO Switch, Quieter and Longer Lasting FanYou can adjust the button to suit your needs, when Eco Button is switched on, making it easier to run on lower consumption and whisper silent. The fan in the power supply will not operate when the power supply is under 30% loading for silent state.Compatible with Latest PC-technologyCorresponds exactly to a variety of the latest CPU platform. Complies with Intel ATX12V V3.0 Power supply design guide and make sure the peak power in 12V supports for the latest Intel and AMD platform and delivers full power to your PC system.Multiple-unit ConnectorsThe ATX 12V CPU power connector is able to support CPUs for enough watt. HYDRO G PRO series from 850W to 1000W packages 2 x 4+4 pins power connectors more than regular PSUs and provide the stable and peakoutput to your new config will require.Fully Modular Design for Quick and Easy InstallationFully modular design simplifies installation and allows you to use only the cables you need, for a neater and cleaner build.Off_Wet TechnologyHydro G Pro is covered with conformal coatings to guarantee reliable performance in a harsh environment. It can work perfectly with 95%RH while others cannot.REVIEWDOWNLOADFAQNew ATX PSU SpecificationsUpdated ATX 3.0 specifications for the next-generation hardware power demands and ensure users get the most stable and cost-optimized performance possible with the highest power efficiency.Click here to know more details.More Powerful with Compact SizeNew HYDRO G Pro series upgrades from original HYDRO G, took the best features of HYDRO G series and made them even better. With smaller size, improves performance and more powerful output give you ultra-performance.Keep in Compliance IEC/EN 62368FSP Group features the latest in green power technology, and provide a full kinds of additional safety approvals to keep designs ahead of the changing regulations. FSP has upgraded the majority of power supplies to the new IEC/EN 62368 standard for your gaming rigs.80 Plus® Gold CertificationHYDRO G Pro series is a power supply with 80 PLUS® Gold Certification that guarantees to operate at a minimum of 90% efficiency at 50% load of PSU rated power and as a result to reduce lots of electricity cost.ECO Switch, Quieter and Longer Lasting FanYou can adjust the button to suit your needs, when Eco Button is switched on, making it easier to run on lower consumption and whisper silent. The fan in the power supply will not operate when the power supply is under 30% loading for silent state.Compatible with Latest PC-technologyCorresponds exactly to a variety of the latest CPU platform. Complies with Intel ATX12V V3.0 Power supply design guide and make sure the peak power in 12V supports for the latest Intel and AMD platform and delivers full power to your PC system.Multiple-unit ConnectorsThe ATX 12V CPU power connector is able to support CPUs for enough watt. HYDRO G PRO series from 850W to 1000W packages 2 x 4+4 pins power connectors more than regular PSUs and provide the stable and peakoutput to your new config will require.Fully Modular Design for Quick and Easy InstallationFully modular design simplifies installation and allows you to use only the cables you need, for a neater and cleaner build.Off_Wet TechnologyHydro G Pro is covered with conformal coatings to guarantee reliable performance in a harsh environment. It can work perfectly with 95%RH while others cannot.LLC Half Bridge Topology with DC-DC Module DesignNew HYDRO G Pro series features extremely tight voltage regulation to make the output voltage regulation under +/- 1% at any load change and offer you supreme efficiency and voltage stability.
LongProductName - 1000 W, ATX, PCIe5.0, Gold, 100 - 240 V, 16-6 A, 50/60 Hz, Active PFC
LongSummaryDescription - FSP Hydro G PRO ATX3.0(PCIe5.0) 1000W. Total power: 1000 W, AC input voltage: 100 - 240 V, AC input frequency: 50 - 60 Hz. Motherboard power connector: 20+4 pin ATX, Motherboard power cable length: 60 cm, SATA power cable length: 500 mm. Purpose: PC, Power supply unit (PSU) form factor: ATX, 80 PLUS certification: 80 PLUS Gold. Product colour: Black, Cooling type: Active, Fan diameter: 12 cm. Cables included: CPU, PCIe, Peripheral (Molex), SATA
Manufacturer - FSP
MPN - PPA10A2413
Name - 1000W FSP Hydro G PRO ATX 3.0 80+Gold
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 50 °C
Packaging content - Cables included - CPU, PCIe, Peripheral (Molex), SATA
Packaging content - Cable tie(s) included - Yes
Performance - 80 PLUS certification - 80 PLUS Gold
Performance - ATX version - 3.0
Performance - Bearing technology - FDB
Performance - EPS version - 2.92
Performance - Power supply unit (PSU) form factor - ATX
Performance - Purpose - PC
Ports & interfaces - Cabling type - Fully-Modular
Ports & interfaces - CPU power cable length - 70 cm
Ports & interfaces - CPU power connector (4+4 pin) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Floppy disk drive connector - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Floppy drive power connector - 1
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power cable length - 60 cm
Ports & interfaces - Motherboard power connector - 20+4 pin ATX
Ports & interfaces - Number of SATA power connectors - 14
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (6+2 pin) - 6
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (12+4 pin) - 1
Ports & interfaces - PCI Express power connectors (12+4 pin) cable length - 700 mm
Ports & interfaces - Peripheral (Molex) power connectors (4-pin) - 5
Ports & interfaces - SATA power cable length - 500 mm
Power - AC input frequency - 50 - 60 Hz
Power - AC input voltage - 100 - 240 V
Power - Combined power (+3.3V) - 120 W
Power - Combined power (+5V) - 120 W
Power - Combined power (+5Vsb) - 12.5 W
Power - Combined power (+12V) - 1000 W
Power - Combined power (-12V) - 3.6 W
Power - Efficiency - 90%
Power - Maximum input current (@110V) - 6 A
Power - Maximum input current (@220V) - 16 A
Power - Max output current (+3.3V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5V) - 20 A
Power - Max output current (+5Vsb) - 2.5 A
Power - Max output current (+12V) - 83.33 A
Power - Max output current (-12V) - 0.3 A
Power - Power protection features - Over current, Over power, Over voltage, Overheating, Short circuit
Power - Total power - 1000 W
ProductName - Hydro G PRO ATX3.0(PCIe5.0) 1000W
ShortSummaryDescription - FSP Hydro G PRO ATX3.0(PCIe5.0) 1000W, 1000 W, 100 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz, 6 A, 16 A, 120 W
Technical details - Warranty period - 10 year(s)
Title - FSP Hydro G PRO ATX3.0(PCIe5.0) 1000W power supply unit 20+4 pin ATX ATX Black
URL - https://www.fsplifestyle.com/en/product/HYDROGPRO1000W_GEN5.html
WarrantyInfo - 10-Year Warranty
Weight - 3.42
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 150 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 86 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 150 mm
158,73 €
FSP Hydro G PRO, 1000W, 80PLUS Gold, ATX 3.0
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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