MikroTik hAP ax²

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ID: 886577 Tuotekoodi: C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Toimistossa 1 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
87,04 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: perjantaina, 28.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: perjantaina, 28.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Laitteen tyyppi: Router
  • Nopeusindeksi: 1800
  • Wi-Fi-standardi: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Laitteen tyyppi Router

Liitäntäpiste - Langaton liitäntäpiste, joka tarjoaa langallisen verkon laajennuksen langattoman verkon kautta käyttäen yhtä LAN-porttia. Access Point ei ole reititin, eikä se voi jakaa yhtä Internet-osoitetta useille tietokoneille, joten tämä laite tulisi kytkeä vain olemassa olevan kaapelireitittimen taakse.

Reititin- Langaton yhteyspiste, jonka avulla yksi Internet-yhteys voidaan jakaa useille tietokoneille joko langallisen tai langattoman verkon kautta. Tyypillisesti langattomassa reitittimessä on yksi langallinen Internet-portti, neljä tietokoneporttia (joita voidaan täydentää kytkimellä) ja antennit, jotka lähettävät lähetyksiä tietokoneille ja muille WiFi-laitteille.

Range Extender - Langattoman verkon kantaman laajentaja. Suunniteltu vahvistamaan olemassa olevaa signaalia kaappauksen ja siirtoetäisyyden lisäämiseksi.

Wifi-sovitin - Langaton verkkokortti, joka on suunniteltu tietokoneen liittämiseen langattomaan WiFi-reitittimeen tai tukiasemaan. PCI- ja PCI-E-sovittimet on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, PCMCIA- ja USB-sovittimet kannettaviin tietokoneisiin. On huomattava, että useimmissa kannettavissa tietokoneissa on jo tehtaalla langattomat verkkosovittimet.

USB-verkkosovitin on viimeinen vaihtoehto, sillä USB2.0:n läpäisykyky on suhteellisen alhainen, ~22 Mt/s, mikä tarkoittaa, että langattoman verkon suurinta mahdollista nopeutta ei käytetä. Jos mahdollista, on parempi valita jokin muu yhteysmenetelmä.

Nopeusindeksi : 1800
Wi-Fi-standardi : Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
3G/4G-tuki Ei ole

Mahdollisuus asettaa matkaviestinoperaattoreiden SIM-kortti tai USB Dongle -sovitin reitittimeen, joka tarjoaa pääsyn 3G-mobiilinternetiin.

Ennen 3G-tuella varustetun reitittimen hankkimista sinun on tarkistettava valmistajan verkkosivuilta, tukeeko laite tietyn matkaviestinoperaattorin 3G USB Dongle -vastaanotinta.

Ethernet 100/1000

LAN- tai ethernet-kaapeleiden liitäntäpaikat toimintatilassa.

10/100 MB.s on lähes kaikkien reitittimien vakionopeusominaisuus.

10/100/1000 MB.s eli GigaBit on kymmeniä kertoja nopeampi standardi, joka yhdessä GigaBit LAN-verkkokorttien kanssa tarjoaa suuria etuja tiedonsiirtonopeudessa sisäverkkoon liitettyjen tietokoneiden välillä. Tätä ratkaisua tarvitaan yleensä toimistoissa, joissa kopioidaan suuria tietomääriä tietokoneiden välillä tai käytetään nopeaa Internet-yhteyttä (ei ~30 MB/s) samanaikaisesti useissa tietokoneissa.

Kaistatila Dual-Band

SingleBand on kaikille nykyaikaisille langattomille laitteille ominainen langaton standarditekniikka.

DualBand on 2,4 GHz:n taajuusalue, jossa on ylimääräinen 5,0 GHz:n kanava, joka tarjoaa paremman signaalin vastaanoton ja vakaamman nopean toiminnan. Tämän toiminnon käyttäminen edellyttää, että molemmat laitteet eli reititin ja langaton verkkokortti tukevat DualBand-tilaa.

Satamat ja laitteet
LAN-portti : 5
Langaton kortti
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
10/100/1000M LAN Ports - 5
Accessories included - hAP housing base K-47 wall mounting kit 24V 1.2A power supply (straight plug)
Antenna - Antenna gain level (max) - 4 dBi
Antenna Gain - 4.5 dB
Antenna gain - 4.5 dBi
Available bandwidth - 1800 Mbps
brand - MikroTik
category - MikroTik > Wi-Fi mājai un ofisam > hAP
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Routers
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Accesspoints
Category Code - WRO
Certificates - CE, FCC, IC, EAC, ROHS
Certificates > Certification - CE, FCC, IC, EAC, ROHS
Code - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Color - Black
Description - hAP ax2 C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC router It's time to supercharge your home network with 6th Generation wireless and our newest addition to the hAP series. hAP ax2 has everything you could need in your main home access point and more! The wireless signal is now stronger than ever. Here are the two main ingredients of hAP ax's success: a state-of-the-art dual-band, dual-chain 4-4.5 dBi radio and the 802.11ax standard with Wave2 support. Compared to the previous generation, this means up to 40% faster speeds in the 5 GHz band and up to 90% faster speeds in the 2.4 GHz spectrum! A modern quad-core processor running at 864MHz combined with a solid GB of RAM gives you plenty of power when it comes to heavy operations like complex firewall rules, IPsec hardware encryption, using more threads or experimenting with the most advanced RouterOS features. And with support for advanced WPA3 encryption, you're safer than ever before. Like previous models, the hAP ax can be mounted vertically, horizontally or even on a wall without losing a strong signal.
Description - hAP ax² A Generation 6 version of the legendary hAP ac². With PoE-in and PoE-out, much faster wireless, more RAM, and a modern CPU. The smallest fully-fledged AX router on the market! It’s time to supercharge your home network with the Generation 6 wireless network and our latest addition to the beloved hAP series. hAP ax² has everything you might need in a primary home access point – and more! Forget endless reviews and comparisons – this is the perfect device for 99% of homes. Wireless signal is now stronger than ever. Here are the two main ingredients of hAP ax’s success: a state-of-the-art dual-band, dual-chain 4-4.5 dBi radio, and the 802.11ax standard with Wave2 support. Let’s compare it to the previous generation: depending on your overall setup, that means up to 40% higher speed in the 5 GHz and up to 90% higher speed in the 2.4 GHz spectrum! The modern quad-core CPU running at 864 MHz combined with a solid GB of RAM packs a hefty punch when it comes to heavy operations like complex firewall rules, IPsec hardware encryption, using more threads or experimenting with the most advanced RouterOS features. And with the addition of WPA3 advanced encryption support, you’re safer than ever before.
Design - LED indicators - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Product type - Tabletop router
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 217
dimension depth - 50 mm
dimension height - 190 mm
Dimensions - 120 x 101 x 37 mm
dimension weight - 470 g
dimension width - 130 mm
EAN - 4752224007124
ean - 4752224007124
Eans - 4752224007124
Environment requirements -
Features - Built-in processor - Yes
Features - Certification - CE, FCC, IC, EAC
Features - Flash memory - 128 MB
Features - Internal memory - 1000 MB
Features - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 100000 h
Features - Operating system installed - RouterOS
Features - Processor cores - 4
Features - Processor frequency - 864 MHz
Features > Mobile Broadband - No mobile broadband
Full Description Line - HAP AX2|Wireless Router|Available bandwidth 1800 Mbps|Wi-Fi 6|IEEE 802.11 b/g|IEEE 802.11n|IEEE 802.11ac|IEEE 802.11ax|5x10/100/1000M|Antenna Gain 4.5 dB|Wireless Frequency Range 2.4 GHz/5 GHz|Included Accessories 24 V 1.2 A power adapter, Fastening set, Case base|Power supply requirements 2 (DC jack, PoE-IN); 12-28 V; 27 W|Dimensions 120 x 101 x 37 mm
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - normal
Hard drive > Storage capacity - 128 MB, NAND MB
height - 0.06 m
I/O ports - 5 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
IEEE 802.11 b/g Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11ac Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11ax Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11n Network standard - Yes
Included Accessories - 24 V 1.2 A power adapter, Fastening set, Case base
length - 0.19 m
Link - https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=111346044
Link - https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=141197388
Link - https://mikrotik.com/product/hap_ax2#fndtn-downloads
Link - https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:TOC
Management, monitoring, configuration -
Management features - Reset button - Yes
Manufacturer - MikroTik
Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 100000 h
Model - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Model name - HAP AX2
mpn - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
MPN - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Name - MikroTik C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Name - MikroTik C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC - hAP ax² | hAP ax² | C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC | 802.11ax | 1200 Mbit/s (5 GHz)/ 574 Mbit/s (2.4 GHz) Mbit/s | Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports 5 | No mobile broadband | 0
Name - MikroTik hAP ax2
name - MikroTik router hAP ax2 C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100/1000Base-T(X)
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 100
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 1000
Network - Ethernet LAN interface type - Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11ax
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11g
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11n
Network architecture - GigabitEthernet
Network Device Type - Wireless Router
Networking > PoE in - Passive PoE
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -40 - 50 °C
Operational conditions > Operating temperature (T-T) - -40°C to +50°C °C
Other features -
Other features > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 5
Other features > Output power - 16.8 W
Other features > USB ports quantity - 0
Other features > Wireless standard - 2.4 GHz 802.11ax dual-chain, 5 GHz 802.11 802.11ax dual-chain
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 370.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 195.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 55.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 435 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 50.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.22 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
Packaging data - Screws included - Yes
PDF - https://www.blobs.lt/products/2/6/7/2/7/3/18daeac56f27815e480950a23587319e/original.pdf
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 1200 Mbit/s (5 GHz)/ 574 Mbit/s (2.4 GHz) Mbit/s
Ports & interfaces - DC-in jack - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 5
Power - External power adapter - Yes
Power - Output current - 0.6 A
Power - Output voltage - 12 - 28 V
Power - Power consumption (typical) - 12 W
Power - Power over Ethernet (PoE) - Yes
Power - Power source type - DC, PoE
Power > Power consumption (max) - 27 W W
Power over Ethernet (PoE) > Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports quantity - 1 Passive PoE, max out per port output (input < 30 V): 600mA
Power supply - Number of DC inputs: 2 (PoE-IN, DC socket) DC jack input Voltage: 1228 V Maximum power consumption: 27 W Maximum power consumption without accessories: 12 W Cooling type: Passive PoE in Passive PoE PoE in input Voltage: 18-28V
Power supply requirements - 2 (DC jack, PoE-IN); 12-28 V; 27 W
producer - MikroTik
Producer - MikroTik
producerCode - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
ProducerCode - C52IG-5HAXD2HAXD-TC
Producer product family - hAP ax²
Producer product name - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
productName - Mikrotik hAP ax2 wireless router Gigabit Ethernet Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) Black
productSize - Normal
Security -
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 19 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 12.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.464 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 5 cm
ShortDescription -
sizeX - 185
sizeY - 125
sizeZ - 47
Software -
Special functions -
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11ax
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Supported operating systems - RouterOS
System Requirements -
Technical details - Compliance certificates - RoHS
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.04 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.82 kg
Technical details > Other features - It’s time to supercharge your home network with the Generation 6 wireless network and our latest addition to the beloved hAP series. hAP ax² has everything you might need in a primary home access point – and more! Forget endless reviews and comparisons – this is the perfect device for 99% of homes. Wireless signal is now stronger than ever. Here are the two main ingredients of hAP ax’s success: a state-of-the-art dual-band, dual-chain 4-4.5 dBi radio, and the 802.11ax standard with Wave2 support. Let’s compare it to the previous generation: depending on your overall setup, that means up to 40% higher speed in the 5 GHz and up to 90% higher speed in the 2.4 GHz spectrum! Some might ask – why do we even need higher wireless speeds? Well, countless use cases have been previously impossible or difficult to pull off. For example, working with large media files over the wireless network – without the need to download and upload everything. Do you really have the time to wait? Grab a hAP ax² and save more time for the essential things in life! The modern quad-core CPU running at 864 MHz combined with a solid GB of RAM packs a hefty punch when it comes to heavy operations like complex firewall rules, IPsec hardware encryption, using more threads or experimenting with the most advanced RouterOS features. And with the addition of WPA3 advanced encryption support, you’re safer than ever before. Like the previous models, hAP ax² can be mounted vertically, horizontally, or even on the wall – without sacrificing the strong signal. With so many products and features on the market, even an experienced user can become confused. So it’s time for a simple truth for a simple choice: you can’t go wrong with a hAP ax² in most homes.
Technical details > Producer - MikroTik
Technical details > Software type - RouterOS, License level 4
title - MikroTik hAP ax2
Type - xDSL
Unit Box Height - 0.125
Unit Box Length - 0.19
Unit Box Width - 0.05
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001187 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.464 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.3 kg
Vendor Homepage - https://mikrotik.com/product/hap_ax2
vendpn - C52iG-5HaxD2HaxD-TC
WAN connection - Ethernet WAN - Yes
WAN connection - WAN connection type - RJ-45
Warranty - 12
Warranty - 12 month(s)
Warranty - 12 months
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0.5
weight - 0.5 kg
weight - 500
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 101 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 37 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 120 mm
Weight & dimensions > Depth - 0,37 cm
Weight & dimensions > Height - 12,0 cm
Weight & dimensions > Width - 10,1 cm
Wi-Fi 6 Network standard - Yes
width - 0.13 m
Wireless Frequency Range - 2.4 GHz/5 GHz
Wireless LAN features - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi band - Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (first band) - 574 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (max) - 1200 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (second band) - 1200 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features > Dual-band - Y
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ax
87,04 €
MikroTik hAP ax²
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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