Asus USB-AX56, Dual Band AX1800 USB WiFi Adapter

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ID: 789405 Tuotekoodi: USB-AX56
Voidaan tilata 12 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 3 vuotta
56,42 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 28.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 28.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Laitteen tyyppi: WiFi Adapter USB
  • Nopeusindeksi: 1800
  • Wi-Fi-standardi: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Laitteen tyyppi WiFi Adapter USB

Liitäntäpiste - Langaton liitäntäpiste, joka tarjoaa langallisen verkon laajennuksen langattoman verkon kautta käyttäen yhtä LAN-porttia. Access Point ei ole reititin, eikä se voi jakaa yhtä Internet-osoitetta useille tietokoneille, joten tämä laite tulisi kytkeä vain olemassa olevan kaapelireitittimen taakse.

Reititin- Langaton yhteyspiste, jonka avulla yksi Internet-yhteys voidaan jakaa useille tietokoneille joko langallisen tai langattoman verkon kautta. Tyypillisesti langattomassa reitittimessä on yksi langallinen Internet-portti, neljä tietokoneporttia (joita voidaan täydentää kytkimellä) ja antennit, jotka lähettävät lähetyksiä tietokoneille ja muille WiFi-laitteille.

Range Extender - Langattoman verkon kantaman laajentaja. Suunniteltu vahvistamaan olemassa olevaa signaalia kaappauksen ja siirtoetäisyyden lisäämiseksi.

Wifi-sovitin - Langaton verkkokortti, joka on suunniteltu tietokoneen liittämiseen langattomaan WiFi-reitittimeen tai tukiasemaan. PCI- ja PCI-E-sovittimet on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, PCMCIA- ja USB-sovittimet kannettaviin tietokoneisiin. On huomattava, että useimmissa kannettavissa tietokoneissa on jo tehtaalla langattomat verkkosovittimet.

USB-verkkosovitin on viimeinen vaihtoehto, sillä USB2.0:n läpäisykyky on suhteellisen alhainen, ~22 Mt/s, mikä tarkoittaa, että langattoman verkon suurinta mahdollista nopeutta ei käytetä. Jos mahdollista, on parempi valita jokin muu yhteysmenetelmä.

Nopeusindeksi : 1800
Wi-Fi-standardi : Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
3G/4G-tuki Ei ole

Mahdollisuus asettaa matkaviestinoperaattoreiden SIM-kortti tai USB Dongle -sovitin reitittimeen, joka tarjoaa pääsyn 3G-mobiilinternetiin.

Ennen 3G-tuella varustetun reitittimen hankkimista sinun on tarkistettava valmistajan verkkosivuilta, tukeeko laite tietyn matkaviestinoperaattorin 3G USB Dongle -vastaanotinta.

Ethernet N/A

LAN- tai ethernet-kaapeleiden liitäntäpaikat toimintatilassa.

10/100 MB.s on lähes kaikkien reitittimien vakionopeusominaisuus.

10/100/1000 MB.s eli GigaBit on kymmeniä kertoja nopeampi standardi, joka yhdessä GigaBit LAN-verkkokorttien kanssa tarjoaa suuria etuja tiedonsiirtonopeudessa sisäverkkoon liitettyjen tietokoneiden välillä. Tätä ratkaisua tarvitaan yleensä toimistoissa, joissa kopioidaan suuria tietomääriä tietokoneiden välillä tai käytetään nopeaa Internet-yhteyttä (ei ~30 MB/s) samanaikaisesti useissa tietokoneissa.

Kaistatila Dual-Band

SingleBand on kaikille nykyaikaisille langattomille laitteille ominainen langaton standarditekniikka.

DualBand on 2,4 GHz:n taajuusalue, jossa on ylimääräinen 5,0 GHz:n kanava, joka tarjoaa paremman signaalin vastaanoton ja vakaamman nopean toiminnan. Tämän toiminnon käyttäminen edellyttää, että molemmat laitteet eli reititin ja langaton verkkokortti tukevat DualBand-tilaa.

Satamat ja laitteet
LAN-portti : 0
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included -
Antenna - Fixed external
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90IG06H0-MO0R00
BrandPartCode - 90IG06H0-MO0R10
Category - Network Cards
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Network interface cards
Category_1 - Network and Servers
Category_2 - Network - Network Accessories
Chipset type -
Code - 90IG06H0-MO0R00
Description -
Design - Antenna - Yes
Design - Antenna design - External
Design - Component for - PC
Design - Internal - No
Design - Plug and Play - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black, Gold
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimension depth - 60 mm
dimension height - 145 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 306 g
dimension width - 135 mm
EAN - 4718017998253
ean - 4718017998253
Eans - 4718017998253
EAN_code - 4718017998253
Features > Mesh Support - No
Features > MU-MiMO - Yes
GTIN - 0195553565288
GTIN - 195553565288
GTIN - 4711081565284
GTIN - 4718017998253
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
I/O ports - 1 x USB 3.0
Interface - USB
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - Instant Upgrade toWiFi 6The WiFi 6 standard delivers efficient connectivity that meets the demands of the growing number of connected personal and IoT devices. The USB-AX56 USB adapter gives your laptop or PC an instant plug-and-play upgrade to WiFi 6.Ultrafast WiFi SpeedUSB-AX56 is a 2x2 dual-band WiFi 6 client that lets you take full advantage of WiFi 6 routers. It offers a total wireless bandwidth of up to 1800 Mbps — 574 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 1201 Mbps on the 5 GHz band. That makes USB-AX56 up to 1.5X faster than a WiFi 5 client!** Comparing the speed of 2x2 802.11ax on 5 GHz / 80 MHz channels with 1024QAM modulation to speed of 2x2 802.11ac on 5 GHz / 80 MHz channels with 256QAM modulation.4X More Efficient ConnectionsOFDMA and MU-MIMO greatly increase connection efficiency, giving improved network capacity.** A WiFi 6-compatible router is required to enjoy all the benefits of the WiFi 6 standard.80% Longer RangeOFDMA divides frequency channels into smaller sub-channels, which means they can travel further.****Refers to uplink OFDMA performance.7X Better Power SavingsTarget Wake Time allows devices to sleep when they are not active, reducing power consumption.******Compared to WiFi 5. Power savings vary according to the scenario.The Benefits of WiFi 6Beamforming Boosts WiFi RangeWith beamforming, your router can locate USB-AX56 in order to direct a stronger signal in the direction of your device. Beamforming improves signal strength and hence gives the device better range.Enhanced WPA3 Network SecurityThe successor to the well-established WPA2 protocol, WPA3 adds new features that simplify WiFi security, while making your connections much more secure.Plug-And-PlayUSB-AX56 can be plugged easily into laptops or PCs with a USB port to give it full WiFi 6 speed capabilities. USB-AX56 supports a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows 10/8.1/8/7 and Linux, making it the perfect choice for any laptop or PC.
LongDesc - Instant Upgrade to WiFi 6The WiFi 6 standard delivers efficient connectivity that meets the demands of the growing number of connected personal and IoT devices. The USB-AX56 USB adapter gives your laptop or PC an instant plug-and-play upgrade to WiFi 6.Ultrafast WiFi SpeedUSB-AX56 is a 2x2 dual-band WiFi 6 client that lets you take full advantage of WiFi 6 routers. It offers a total wireless bandwidth of up to 1800 Mbps — 574 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band and 1201 Mbps on the 5 GHz band. That makes USB-AX56 up to 1.5X faster than a WiFi 5 client!4X More Efficient ConnectionsOFDMA and MU-MIMO greatly increase connection efficiency, giving improved network capacity.80% Longer RangeOFDMA divides frequency channels into smaller sub-channels, which means they can travel further.7X Better Power SavingsTarget Wake Time allows devices to sleep when they are not active, reducing power consumption.The Benefits of WiFi 6Beamforming Boosts WiFi RangeWith beamforming, your router can locate USB-AX56 in order to direct a stronger signal in the direction of your device. Beamforming improves signal strength and hence gives the device better range.Enhanced WPA3 Network SecurityThe successor to the well-established WPA2 protocol, WPA3 adds new features that simplify WiFi security, while making your connections much more secure.Plug-And-PlayUSB-AX56 can be plugged easily into laptops or PCs with a USB port to give it full WiFi 6 speed capabilities. USB-AX56 supports a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows 10/8.1/8/7 and Linux, making it the perfect choice for any laptop or PC.
LongProductName - IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax, 1201 + 574 Mbps, 2.4/5 GHz, 40.3 g
LongProductName - IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax, 1201+574 Mbps, 2.4/5 GHz
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS USB-AX56. Connectivity technology: Wireless, Host interface: USB, Interface: WLAN. Maximum data transfer rate: 1775 Mbit/s, Wi-Fi band: Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz). USB powered
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS USB-AX56. Connectivity technology: Wireless, Host interface: USB, Interface: WLAN. Maximum data transfer rate: 1775 Mbit/s, Wi-Fi band: Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz). USB powered. Product colour: Black, Gold
Manufacturer - Asus
Manufacturer_code - 90IG06H0-MO0R00
Name - ASUS USB-AX56
Name - Asus USB-AX56 AX1800
name - WiFi Adapter USB-AX56 USB WiFi 6 AX1800
Name - Wireless Dual-band | USB-AX56 AX1800 | 802.11ax | 1201+574 Mbit/s | Mesh Support No | MU-MiMO Yes
Network - Maximum data transfer rate - 1775 Mbit/s
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ax, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Network - Security algorithms - WPA3
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi band - Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Network - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 11,54,400,574,867,1200 Mbit/s
Number of antennas - 2
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Other features - Prędkość transmisji danych:  802.11a: do 54 Mbps 802.11b: do 11 Mbps 802.11g: do 54 Mbps WiFi 4 (802.11n): do 400 Mbps WiFi 5 (802.11ac): do 867 Mbps WiFi 6 (802.11ax) (2.4GHz): do 574 Mbps WiFi 6 (802.11ax) (5GHz): do 1201 Mbps
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 142 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 335 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 135 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 315 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 68 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 290 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 6 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 20 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 1120 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 61 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 2 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.063 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.52 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00130356 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 1201+574 Mbit/s
Ports & interfaces - Connectivity technology - Wireless
Ports & interfaces - Host interface - USB
Ports & interfaces - Interface - WLAN
Ports & interfaces > Interface - USB-A
Power - USB powered - Yes
producer - Asus
Producer - Asus
ProducerCode - USB-AX56
Producer product family - Wireless Dual-band
Producer product name - USB-AX56 AX1800
ProductName - USB-AX56
Security - WPA3
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS USB-AX56, Wireless, USB, WLAN, 1775 Mbit/s
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS USB-AX56, Wireless, USB, WLAN, 1775 Mbit/s, Black, Gold
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11ax
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
System Requirements -
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.3 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.237 kg
Technical details > Other features - Dual band 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Technical details > Producer - Asus
Title - ASUS USB-AX56 WLAN 1775 Mbit/s
Type - WiFi
vendpn - USB-AX56
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0,29
Weight - 40.3 g
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 40.3 g
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 44 g
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ax
56,42 €
Asus USB-AX56, Dual Band AX1800 USB WiFi Adapter
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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