Teltonika RUTX11

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ID: 340010 Tuotekoodi: RUTX11
Voidaan tilata 26 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
301,57 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 16.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Laitteen tyyppi: LTE Router
  • Nopeusindeksi: 867
  • Wi-Fi-standardi: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Laitteen tyyppi LTE Router

Liitäntäpiste - Langaton liitäntäpiste, joka tarjoaa langallisen verkon laajennuksen langattoman verkon kautta käyttäen yhtä LAN-porttia. Access Point ei ole reititin, eikä se voi jakaa yhtä Internet-osoitetta useille tietokoneille, joten tämä laite tulisi kytkeä vain olemassa olevan kaapelireitittimen taakse.

Reititin- Langaton yhteyspiste, jonka avulla yksi Internet-yhteys voidaan jakaa useille tietokoneille joko langallisen tai langattoman verkon kautta. Tyypillisesti langattomassa reitittimessä on yksi langallinen Internet-portti, neljä tietokoneporttia (joita voidaan täydentää kytkimellä) ja antennit, jotka lähettävät lähetyksiä tietokoneille ja muille WiFi-laitteille.

Range Extender - Langattoman verkon kantaman laajentaja. Suunniteltu vahvistamaan olemassa olevaa signaalia kaappauksen ja siirtoetäisyyden lisäämiseksi.

Wifi-sovitin - Langaton verkkokortti, joka on suunniteltu tietokoneen liittämiseen langattomaan WiFi-reitittimeen tai tukiasemaan. PCI- ja PCI-E-sovittimet on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, PCMCIA- ja USB-sovittimet kannettaviin tietokoneisiin. On huomattava, että useimmissa kannettavissa tietokoneissa on jo tehtaalla langattomat verkkosovittimet.

USB-verkkosovitin on viimeinen vaihtoehto, sillä USB2.0:n läpäisykyky on suhteellisen alhainen, ~22 Mt/s, mikä tarkoittaa, että langattoman verkon suurinta mahdollista nopeutta ei käytetä. Jos mahdollista, on parempi valita jokin muu yhteysmenetelmä.

Nopeusindeksi : 867
Wi-Fi-standardi : Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
3G/4G-tuki SIM-korttipaikka

Mahdollisuus asettaa matkaviestinoperaattoreiden SIM-kortti tai USB Dongle -sovitin reitittimeen, joka tarjoaa pääsyn 3G-mobiilinternetiin.

Ennen 3G-tuella varustetun reitittimen hankkimista sinun on tarkistettava valmistajan verkkosivuilta, tukeeko laite tietyn matkaviestinoperaattorin 3G USB Dongle -vastaanotinta.

Ethernet 100/1000

LAN- tai ethernet-kaapeleiden liitäntäpaikat toimintatilassa.

10/100 MB.s on lähes kaikkien reitittimien vakionopeusominaisuus.

10/100/1000 MB.s eli GigaBit on kymmeniä kertoja nopeampi standardi, joka yhdessä GigaBit LAN-verkkokorttien kanssa tarjoaa suuria etuja tiedonsiirtonopeudessa sisäverkkoon liitettyjen tietokoneiden välillä. Tätä ratkaisua tarvitaan yleensä toimistoissa, joissa kopioidaan suuria tietomääriä tietokoneiden välillä tai käytetään nopeaa Internet-yhteyttä (ei ~30 MB/s) samanaikaisesti useissa tietokoneissa.

Kaistatila Single Band

SingleBand on kaikille nykyaikaisille langattomille laitteille ominainen langaton standarditekniikka.

DualBand on 2,4 GHz:n taajuusalue, jossa on ylimääräinen 5,0 GHz:n kanava, joka tarjoaa paremman signaalin vastaanoton ja vakaamman nopean toiminnan. Tämän toiminnon käyttäminen edellyttää, että molemmat laitteet eli reititin ja langaton verkkokortti tukevat DualBand-tilaa.

Satamat ja laitteet
LAN-portti : 4
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - RUTX11 router 18W power supply 2 x LTE antenna (rotatable, SMA male) 2 x WiFi antennas (swivel, RP-SMA male) GNSS antenna (glued, SMA male, 3 m cable) Bluetooth antenna (magnetic mounting, RP-SMA male, 1.5 m cable) Ethernet cable (1.5 m) SIM Adapter kit Quick Start Guide RMS leaflet
Aero2 support - No
Antenna - Detachable external
Antenna - Antenna design - External
Antenna > Antennas quantity - 4
Antenna > Antenna type - 2xSMA for LTE, 2xRP-SMA for WiFi, 1xRP-SMA for Bluetooth, 1xSMA for GNSS
Bluetooth - Yes
Bluetooth version - 4.0
Card reader - None
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Routers
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Router
Certificates -
Code - RUTX11000000
Color - Aluminium
Connections - Ethernet (RJ-45)
Connections - USB-A
Data transmission - Bluetooth
Data transmission - LTE
Data transmission - UMTS
Description - RUTX11 router The RUTX11 router is an extremely efficient device with dual SIM slots, automatic switching, backup WAN and many software features. A wide range of interfaces allows this product to be used in energy-intensive industrial solutions where high Internet speeds and device reliability are expected. 4G LTE (CAT6) download speeds of up to 300 Mbps combined with four Gigabit Ethernet ports ensure smooth data transfer with automatic switching and WAN backup. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensors can be connected directly to the router, thus simplifying the ecosystem solution.
Design - Indication light - Yes
Design - LED indicators - Power, Status, WLAN
Design - Product colour - Grey
Design > Indication light - Yes
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 749
dimension depth - 60 mm
dimension height - 355 mm
Dimensions - 115 x 44 x 95 mm
Dimensions W x D x H, mm - 115 x 95.1 x 44.2
dimension weight - 944 g
dimension width - 175 mm
EAN - 4779027312378
ean - 4779027312378
Eans - 4779027312378
Environment requirements - Operating temperature: -40 C to 75 C Humidity during operation: 10% to 90% non-condensing
Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports quantity - 4
Ethernet LAN data transfer rates, Mbit/s - 10/100/100
Features - Built-in processor - Yes
Features - Certification - CE, EAC
Features - Flash memory - 256 MB
Features - Internal memory - 256 MB
Features - Processor architecture - ARM Cortex A7
Features - Processor frequency - 717 MHz
Features > Mesh Support - No
Features > Mobile Broadband - 4G
Features > MU-MiMO - Yes
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 60.000000
I/O ports - 1 x USB 2.0
I/O ports - 2 x SIM card slot
I/O ports - 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
Internal memory - 256 MB
LED indicators - 4 x WAN type, 2 x Connection type, 5 x Signal strength, 2 x WiFi, 8 x Ethernet, 1 x Power
Length - 360.000000
Link -
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LTE network - 700 MHz
LTE network - 800 MHz
LTE network - 850 MHz
LTE network - 900 MHz
LTE network - 1500 MHz
LTE network - 1800 MHz
LTE network - 2100 MHz
LTE network - 2300 MHz
LTE network - 2500 MHz
LTE network - 2600 MHz
Management, monitoring, configuration - Mobile features: Multiple PDN, Auto APN, Band lock, SIM switch, Operator black/white list, Data/SMS limits Network: Failover (Network backup), VLAN, QoS, Load Balancing Routing: Static routes, Dynamic routes (BGP, OSPFv2, RIPv1/v2, EIGRP, NHRP), Routing rules VPN and tunneling: OpenVPN, IPsec, GRE, PPTP, L2TP, Stunnel, DMVPN, SSTP, WireGuard, ZeroTier Cloud solutions: RMS, FOTA, Telenor, Azure IoT Hub, Cloud of Things, Cumulocity, ThingWorx Hotspot: External/Internal Radius, SMS OTP, MAC authentication, Walled Garden NTP: NTP Server, NTP Client, Sync with: External NTP server, GNSS, Mobile operator GNSS: NMEA forwarding, AVL, Geofencing
Management features - Reset button - Yes
Management features > Quality of Service (QoS) support - Traffic priority queuing by source/destination, service, protocol or port, traffic priority quening by source/destination, service, protocol or port, WMM, 802.11e
Manufacturer - TELTONIKA
Manufacturer - Teltonika
ManufacturerPartNumber - RUTX11000000
Mobile network - 3G - Yes
Mobile network - 3G standards - DC-HSDPA
Mobile network - 3G standards - WCDMA
Mobile network - 4G - Yes
Mobile network - 4G standard - LTE
Mobile network - Mobile network generation - 4G
Mobile networking > 3G - Yes
Model - RUTX11
MPN - RUTX11000000
Name - Industrial Router 4G LTE Cat6 DualSIM | RUTX11 | 802.11ac | 867 Mbit/s | 10/100/1000 Mbit/s | Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports 4 | Mesh Support No | MU-MiMO Yes | 4G | Antenna type 2xSMA for LTE, 2xRP-SMA for WiFi, 1xRP-SMA for Bluetooth, 1xSMA for GNSS | 1 | 24 month(s)
name - Router LTE RUTX11 (Cat 6), WiFi, BLE
Name - Teltonika RUTX11
Name - Teltonika RUTX11 LTE Cat6 Dual Band Wifi Industrial Router
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 100
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 1000 Mbit/s
Network - Ethernet LAN interface type - Gigabit Ethernet
Networking > IP routing - Static routing, Dynamic routing (Optional - BGP, OSPF v2, RIP v1/v2)
Number of antennas - Six connectors
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operating system provided - RutOS (OpenWrt based Linux OS)
Operating temperature range (T-T), °C - -40 - 75
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -40 - 75 °C
Other features - Network support: Mobile 4G/LTE (Cat 6), 3G CPU: Qualcomm, 4 x ARM Cortex A7, 717 MHz Memory: 256 MB Flash, 256 MB RAM GNSS: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS Bluetooth: 4.0 BLE LED signaling: 4 x WAN, 2 x network type, 5 x signal strength, 2 x WiFi, 8 x Ethernet, power supply Housing: Aluminum, can be mounted on a DIN rail and can be grounded
Other features > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 4
Other features > Special features - Bluetooth, Antennas: 1x Bluetooth, 1x GNSS, 2x WiFi, 2x LTE
Other features > USB ports quantity - 1
Other features > Wi-Fi - Yes
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 355 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 370 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 60 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 197 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.967 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 175 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 320 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 4.835 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 5 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 370 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 100 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.1 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.397 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0037275 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Manual - Yes
Packaging content - Quick installation guide - Yes
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Performance > Built-in processor - Yes
Performance > Ethernet LAN data rates - 10/100/1000 Mbit/s
Performance > Firmware upgradeable - Yes
Performance > Flash memory - 256 MB
Performance > Internal memory - 256 MB
Performance > Processor frequency - 550 MHz
Performance > VLAN support - Tag based VLAN separation
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 867 Mbit/s
PeriodofWarranty - 2 Y
Ports & interfaces - DC-in jack - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 4
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - Power source type - DC
Power supply - 4pin connector, 9-50 VDC
producer - TELTONIKA
Producer - Teltonika
ProducerCode - RUTX11
producerCode - RUTX11000000
Producer product family - Industrial Router 4G LTE Cat6 DualSIM
Producer product name - RUTX11
productName - Teltonika RUTX11 wireless router Gigabit Ethernet Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) 4G Grey
productSize - Normal
Protocols - DHCP client - Yes
Protocols - Supported network protocols - TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, NTP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, SSL v3, TLS, ARP, PPPoE, UPNP, SSH, Telnet
Protocols - Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Yes
Protocols > DHCP client - Static and dynamic IP allocation
Protocols > Supported network protocols - TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, NTP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, SSL v3, TLS, ARP, VRRP, PPP, PPPoE, UPNP, SSH, DHCP, Telnet, SMPP, MQTT (optional)
Security - Authentication: Pre-shared key, digital certificates, X.509 certificates Firewall: Pre-configured firewall rules can be enabled via WebUI, unlimited firewall configuration via CLI; DMZ; NAT; NAT-T Attack prevention: DDOS prevention (SYN flood protection, SSH attack prevention, HTTP/HTTPS attack prevention), port scan prevention (SYN-FIN, SYN-RST, X-mas, NULL flags, FIN scan attacks) VLAN: Port and tag based VLAN separation Mobile quota control: Custom data limits for both SIM cards WEB filter: Blacklist for blocking out unwanted websites, Whitelist for specifying allowed sites only Access control: Flexible access control of TCP, UDP, ICMP packets, MAC address filter WiFi security: WPA3-EAP, WPA3-SAE, WPA2-Enterprise-PEAP, WPA2-PSK, WEP; AES-CCMP, TKIP, Auto Cipher modes, client separation
Security - Firewall - Yes
Security - Security algorithms - SSH
Security - Security algorithms - SSL/TLS
Security > Firewall - Pre-configured firewall rules via web-ui
ShortDescription - Teltonika RUTX11 Router 4G LTE Cat6, WiFi Dual Band 802.11ac, 1x WAN/LAN + 3x LAN Gigabit, 2x SIM, BT, GPS, VPN
SIM card - Mini
sizeX - 357
sizeY - 60
sizeZ - 175
Software - RutOS (OpenWrt based Linux OS)
Software > Operating system installed - RutOS (OpenWrt based linux OS)
Special functions -
Standards - 802.3
Standards - 802.3az
Standards - 802.3u
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11e
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Standards - 802.11r
System Requirements -
Technical details > Net weight - 0.867 kg
Technical details > Producer - Teltonika
Technical details > Software type - RutOS (OpenWrt based Linux OS)
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
Total storage capacity - 256 MB
Type - GSM 3G/4G
UMTS network - 850 MHz
UMTS network - 900 MHz
UMTS network - 1800 MHz
UMTS network - 2100 MHz
vendpn - RUTX11 000000
WAN connection - Ethernet WAN - Yes
WAN connection - SIM card slot - Yes
WAN connection - WAN connection type - RJ-45
WAN port - 1
Warranty - 24
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0.935
Weight - 0.930000
Weight - 456 g
weight - 973
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 95 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 44 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 456 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 115 mm
Weight, g - 456
Width - 175.000000
Wireless LAN features - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi band - Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz)
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (max) - 867 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ac
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi standards - IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b
Wireless standard - 802.11 a
Wireless standard - 802.11 ac
Wireless standard - 802.11 b
Wireless standard - 802.11 g
Wireless standard - 802.11 n
301,57 €
Teltonika RUTX11
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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