TP-LINK M7650, 600Mbps LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi

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ID: 150935 Tuotekoodi: M7650
Varastossa 1 yksiköt
Takuu: 2 vuotta
150,87 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: torstaina, 03.04.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: torstaina, 03.04.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Laitteen tyyppi: 3G/4G/5G Modem
  • Nopeusindeksi: 600
  • Wi-Fi-standardi: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Laitteen tyyppi 3G/4G/5G Modem

Liitäntäpiste - Langaton liitäntäpiste, joka tarjoaa langallisen verkon laajennuksen langattoman verkon kautta käyttäen yhtä LAN-porttia. Access Point ei ole reititin, eikä se voi jakaa yhtä Internet-osoitetta useille tietokoneille, joten tämä laite tulisi kytkeä vain olemassa olevan kaapelireitittimen taakse.

Reititin- Langaton yhteyspiste, jonka avulla yksi Internet-yhteys voidaan jakaa useille tietokoneille joko langallisen tai langattoman verkon kautta. Tyypillisesti langattomassa reitittimessä on yksi langallinen Internet-portti, neljä tietokoneporttia (joita voidaan täydentää kytkimellä) ja antennit, jotka lähettävät lähetyksiä tietokoneille ja muille WiFi-laitteille.

Range Extender - Langattoman verkon kantaman laajentaja. Suunniteltu vahvistamaan olemassa olevaa signaalia kaappauksen ja siirtoetäisyyden lisäämiseksi.

Wifi-sovitin - Langaton verkkokortti, joka on suunniteltu tietokoneen liittämiseen langattomaan WiFi-reitittimeen tai tukiasemaan. PCI- ja PCI-E-sovittimet on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, PCMCIA- ja USB-sovittimet kannettaviin tietokoneisiin. On huomattava, että useimmissa kannettavissa tietokoneissa on jo tehtaalla langattomat verkkosovittimet.

USB-verkkosovitin on viimeinen vaihtoehto, sillä USB2.0:n läpäisykyky on suhteellisen alhainen, ~22 Mt/s, mikä tarkoittaa, että langattoman verkon suurinta mahdollista nopeutta ei käytetä. Jos mahdollista, on parempi valita jokin muu yhteysmenetelmä.

Nopeusindeksi : 600
Wi-Fi-standardi : Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
3G/4G-tuki SIM-korttipaikka

Mahdollisuus asettaa matkaviestinoperaattoreiden SIM-kortti tai USB Dongle -sovitin reitittimeen, joka tarjoaa pääsyn 3G-mobiilinternetiin.

Ennen 3G-tuella varustetun reitittimen hankkimista sinun on tarkistettava valmistajan verkkosivuilta, tukeeko laite tietyn matkaviestinoperaattorin 3G USB Dongle -vastaanotinta.

Ethernet N/A

LAN- tai ethernet-kaapeleiden liitäntäpaikat toimintatilassa.

10/100 MB.s on lähes kaikkien reitittimien vakionopeusominaisuus.

10/100/1000 MB.s eli GigaBit on kymmeniä kertoja nopeampi standardi, joka yhdessä GigaBit LAN-verkkokorttien kanssa tarjoaa suuria etuja tiedonsiirtonopeudessa sisäverkkoon liitettyjen tietokoneiden välillä. Tätä ratkaisua tarvitaan yleensä toimistoissa, joissa kopioidaan suuria tietomääriä tietokoneiden välillä tai käytetään nopeaa Internet-yhteyttä (ei ~30 MB/s) samanaikaisesti useissa tietokoneissa.

Kaistatila Dual-Band

SingleBand on kaikille nykyaikaisille langattomille laitteille ominainen langaton standarditekniikka.

DualBand on 2,4 GHz:n taajuusalue, jossa on ylimääräinen 5,0 GHz:n kanava, joka tarjoaa paremman signaalin vastaanoton ja vakaamman nopean toiminnan. Tämän toiminnon käyttäminen edellyttää, että molemmat laitteet eli reititin ja langaton verkkokortti tukevat DualBand-tilaa.

Satamat ja laitteet
LAN-portti : 0
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included - - M7650
- Kabel micro USB
- Adapter Nano SIM->Micro SIM
- Bateria 3000mAh
- Instrukcja szybkiej instalacji
Antenna - Built-in
Antenna Type - Built-in
Brand - TP-Link
BrandPartCode - M7650
Breite - 0.1
Card reader - microSD
Category - Cellular Network Devices
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Routers
Category - Tīkla produkti, Gudrā māja :: Mobīlo tīklu (4g un 5g) rūteri un modemi
Category Code - WR3
Category_1 - Network and Servers
Category_2 - Network - Routers
Certificates - Certification - CE, RoHS
Code - M7650
Color - Black
Color - Gray
Data transmission - EDGE
Data transmission - GPRS
Data transmission - HSPA
Data transmission - HSPA+
Data transmission - LTE
Data transmission - UMTS
Desc - Frekvence: 800/900/1800/1900/2100/2300/2500/2600 Mhz, Pieslēgšanas tips: Micro USB/WiFi, WiFi ātrums: 1167 Mb/s, Šifrēšanas tipi: WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, WiFi protokoli: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - - Supports 4G LTE cat11 technology, download speed up to 600Mb / s, upload speed up to 50Mb / s.
- Supports up to 32 wireless connections simultaneously
- All practical information visible on the screen
- Battery 3000mAh, operating up to 15 hours
- Dual band wireless network - 2.4GHz or 5GHz band to choose from
- Equipped with a micro SD slot, with the ability to use cards up to 32GB
- Easy management with tpMiFi application
Description - TP-Link M7650 4G LTE Cat11 Mobile WiFi Hotspot
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Device type - Cellular network router
Design - Display diagonal - 3.66 cm (1.44")
Design - Display type - TFT
Design - LED indicators - Yes
Design - Market positioning - Portable
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Product colour - Black, Grey
Design - Product colour - Grey
Design - Reset button - Yes
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 187
dimension depth - 60 mm
dimension height - 150 mm
Dimensions - 112,5*66,5*16mm
dimension weight - 280 g
dimension width - 100 mm
EAN - 6935364080556
ean - 6935364080556
EANCode - 6935364080556
Eans - 6935364080556
EAN_code - 6935364080556
Ethernet LAN features - DHCP client - Yes
Ethernet LAN features - DHCP server - Yes
Ethernet LAN features - Ethernet LAN - No
Features > Mesh Support - No
Features > Mobile Broadband - No mobile broadband
Features > MU-MiMO - No
Full Description Line - Type Wireless Router|IEEE 802.11b|IEEE 802.11g|IEEE 802.11n|IEEE 802.11ac|Antenna Type Built-in
Gewicht - 0.27
GRUPPE1 - Mobility
GRUPPE2 - Wwan
GSM network - 850 MHz
GSM network - 900 MHz
GSM network - 1800 MHz
GSM network - 1900 MHz
GTIN - 6935364080556
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Hoehe - 0.06
I/O ports - 1 x micro USB
IEEE 802.11ac Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11b Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11g Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11n Network standard - Yes
ImageUrl -
Laenge - 0.15
LargeDescHTML -
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - - LTE-Advanced cat11 supported with up to 600Mbps download and 50Mbps upload speeds- Supports up to 32 devices simultaneously- Selectable 300Mbps at 2.4GHz or 867Mbps at 5GHz dual band Wi-Fi- All useful information at a glance with screen display- 3000mAh battery for up to 15 hours of working- Equipped with a micro SD card slot for up to 32GB of optional storage- Easy management with the tpMiFi AppFastest Mobile Connection up to 600MbpsThe M7650 supporting the 4G LTE network LTE-A Cat.11, which is used Carrier Aggregation. This advanced technology merges the fragmented LTE band into a "virtual" wider band to increase the data rate, with the 256-QAM, to provide fast 4G speeds of up to 600Mbps.Do more with a Fast ConnectionWith the fastest 4G speed of up to 600Mbps, you can enjoy HD movies without interruption, downloading files in seconds, and smooth online gaming. Truly fastest, smoothest, most efficient data transmission.Your Perfect Daily Wi-Fi PartnerThe M7650 provides selectable dual band Wi-Fi, 867Mbps at 5GHz or 300Mbps at 2.4GHz. With this convenient companion, you can share your Wi-Fi with your friends everywhere.Advanced Screen & Menu for Easy UsingThe intuitive screen display of M7650 makes it easy to stay within your data budget and avoids going over the monthly data cap. The screen also displays other much more information of battery life, signal strength, Wi-Fi status, connected users and more.Internet Access for up to 32 Devices SimultaneouslyThe M7650 can easily share a 4G/3G connection with up to 32 wireless devices like tablets, laptops, and mobile phones at the same time. It can also provide internet access for desktop computers via the integrated USB port.Power to Keep Working All-day-longM7650 is equipped with a powerful 3000mAh battery. On its own, it can work effortlessly up to 15 hours at full capacity and stand by for over 900 hours. M7650 can be recharged via a micro USB cable connected to a laptop, portable charger or adapter for endless hours of 4G sharing.Spread Your Wings with an Elegant Wi-Fi CompanionThe smooth curves and elegant, compact design make the lightweight M7650 perfect for personal travel, business trips, outdoor activities, and everywhere else life takes you.Wireless Media Sharing from Micro SD CardIt's now easier than ever to share photos, music, videos and more in your mobile network from a micro SD Storage - supports optional storage of up to 32G.Easy Management with tpMiFi AppWith the tpMiFi App, you can easily access and manage the M7650 from your connected iOS/Android devices. The tpMiFi app allows you to establish data limits, control which devices can access your Wi-Fi, send messages, and share media files to/from a removable Micro SD card.
LongProductName - LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link M7650. Device type: Cellular network router, Product colour: Black, Grey, Market positioning: Portable. Wi-Fi standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), WLAN data transfer rates supported: 867 Mbit/s, Wi-Fi frequency: 5 GHz. Data network: 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, 2G standards: Edge, GPRS, GSM, 3G standards: DC-HSPA+, HSPA, UMTS. Compatible memory cards: MicroSD (TransFlash). Security algorithms: WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
LTE network - 800 MHz
LTE network - 900 MHz
LTE network - 1800 MHz
LTE network - 2100 MHz
LTE network - 2300 MHz
LTE network - 2500 MHz
LTE network - 2600 MHz
Manufacturer - TP-Link
Manufacturer_code - M7650
Max download speed - 600 MB/s
Max upload speed - 50 MB/s
Mobile network - 2G bands supported - 850,900,1800,1900 MHz
Mobile network - 2G standards - Edge
Mobile network - 2G standards - Edge, GPRS, GSM
Mobile network - 2G standards - GPRS
Mobile network - 2G standards - GSM
Mobile network - 3G bands supported - 900
Mobile network - 3G bands supported - 900,2100 MHz
Mobile network - 3G bands supported - 2100 MHz
Mobile network - 3G standards - DC-HSPA+
Mobile network - 3G standards - DC-HSPA+, HSPA, UMTS
Mobile network - 3G standards - HSPA
Mobile network - 3G standards - UMTS
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 800
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 800,900,1800,2100 MHz
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 900
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 1800
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 2100
Mobile network - 4G standard - LTE
Mobile network - Data network - 2G
Mobile network - Data network - 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE
Mobile network - Data network - 3G
Mobile network - Data network - 4G
Mobile network - Data network - LTE
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 850
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 850,900,1800,1900 MHz
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 900
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 1800 MHz
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 1900 MHz
Mobile network - SIM card type - MicroSIM
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 900
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 900,2100 MHz
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 2100 MHz
Model - M7650
name - M7650 mobile Hot Spot LTE
Name - TP-LINK 600Mbps 4G LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi | M7650 | 802.11ac | Mesh Support No | MU-MiMO No | No mobile broadband
Name - TP-Link M7650
Name - TP-Link M7650 600Mbps LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi
Name - TP-Link M7650, Portable Router
Network Device Type - Wireless Router
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 35 °C
Operational conditions - Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 90%
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -20 - 60 °C
Other features - Battery with a capacity of 3000mAh
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 149.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 60.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 101.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 957 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - Micro-USB
Packaging data - Package depth - 101 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 60 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 260 g
Packaging data - Package width - 149 mm
Packaging data - User guide - Yes
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows XP
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista
Performance - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP
Ports & interfaces - Card reader integrated - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Power - Battery capacity - 3000 mAh
Power - Power source type - AC
Power supply -
producer - TP-LINK
Producer - TP-Link
producerCode - M7650
ProducerCode - M7650
ProductName - M7650
productName - TP-Link M7650 cellular network device Cellular network router
productSize - Normal
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not dismantle the unit yourself, there is a risk of electric shock.
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not expose the device to water or moisture.
Security - MAC Address Filtering, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK Encryption
Security - Security algorithms - WPA-PSK
Security - Security algorithms - WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK
Security - Security algorithms - WPA2-PSK
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 6 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.27 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.2 cm
ShortDescription - zasilanie sieciowo-bateryjne, wbudowany modem 4G LTE . 600Mb/s
ShortSummaryDescription - TP-Link M7650, Cellular network router, Black, Grey, Portable, TFT, 3.66 cm (1.44"), 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
SIM card - Standard
sizeX - 104
sizeY - 150
sizeZ - 60
Software -
Special functions -
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Stck_Kart - 30
Stck_Pal - 0
Storno - N
Supported operating systems - Android
Supported operating systems - Mac OS
Supported operating systems - Windows 7
Supported operating systems - Windows 8
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows Phone
Supported operating systems - Windows Vista
Supported operating systems - Windows XP
System Requirements -
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.36 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.26 kg
Technical details > Producer - TP-LINK
Technical details > Producer product family - 600Mbps 4G LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi
Technical details > Producer product name - M7650
Technical_details - Modem: GSM (850/?900/?1800/?1900), UMTS (900/?2100), LTE (B1/?B3/?B7/?B8/?B20/?B38/?B40/?B41) Network: GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, HSPA+, LTE-A Bandwidth: 600Mbps/?50Mbps (LTE) Interfaces: micro USB 2.0, WLAN 802.11a/?b/?g/?n/?ac Dimensions: 112.5x66.5x16mm SIM-Form factor: micro SIM Special features: microSD slot, display, Hotspot (32 units), rechargeable battery operation (3000mAh)
Title - TP-Link M7650 cellular network device Cellular network router
Type - GSM 3G/4G
UMTS network - 900 MHz
UMTS network - 2100 MHz
Unit Box Height - 0.06
Unit Box Length - 0.15
Unit Box Width - 0.102
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.000918 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.27 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.2 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - M7650
Warranty - 24 months
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
WarrantyInfo - 3 year
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0,26
weight - 273
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 66 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 16 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 106 mm
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi - Yes
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi frequency - 5 GHz
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 867
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rates supported - 867 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ac
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
150,87 €
TP-LINK M7650, 600Mbps LTE-Advanced Mobile Wi-Fi
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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