TP-LINK Archer MR200

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ID: 128509 Tuotekoodi: ARCHERMR200
Varastossa 11 yksiköt
Takuu: 3 vuotta
74,30 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: maanantaina, 31.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: maanantaina, 31.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Laitteen tyyppi: Router
  • Nopeusindeksi: 750
  • Wi-Fi-standardi: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Laitteen tyyppi Router

Liitäntäpiste - Langaton liitäntäpiste, joka tarjoaa langallisen verkon laajennuksen langattoman verkon kautta käyttäen yhtä LAN-porttia. Access Point ei ole reititin, eikä se voi jakaa yhtä Internet-osoitetta useille tietokoneille, joten tämä laite tulisi kytkeä vain olemassa olevan kaapelireitittimen taakse.

Reititin- Langaton yhteyspiste, jonka avulla yksi Internet-yhteys voidaan jakaa useille tietokoneille joko langallisen tai langattoman verkon kautta. Tyypillisesti langattomassa reitittimessä on yksi langallinen Internet-portti, neljä tietokoneporttia (joita voidaan täydentää kytkimellä) ja antennit, jotka lähettävät lähetyksiä tietokoneille ja muille WiFi-laitteille.

Range Extender - Langattoman verkon kantaman laajentaja. Suunniteltu vahvistamaan olemassa olevaa signaalia kaappauksen ja siirtoetäisyyden lisäämiseksi.

Wifi-sovitin - Langaton verkkokortti, joka on suunniteltu tietokoneen liittämiseen langattomaan WiFi-reitittimeen tai tukiasemaan. PCI- ja PCI-E-sovittimet on tarkoitettu pöytätietokoneisiin, PCMCIA- ja USB-sovittimet kannettaviin tietokoneisiin. On huomattava, että useimmissa kannettavissa tietokoneissa on jo tehtaalla langattomat verkkosovittimet.

USB-verkkosovitin on viimeinen vaihtoehto, sillä USB2.0:n läpäisykyky on suhteellisen alhainen, ~22 Mt/s, mikä tarkoittaa, että langattoman verkon suurinta mahdollista nopeutta ei käytetä. Jos mahdollista, on parempi valita jokin muu yhteysmenetelmä.

Nopeusindeksi : 750
Wi-Fi-standardi : Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
3G/4G-tuki SIM-korttipaikka

Mahdollisuus asettaa matkaviestinoperaattoreiden SIM-kortti tai USB Dongle -sovitin reitittimeen, joka tarjoaa pääsyn 3G-mobiilinternetiin.

Ennen 3G-tuella varustetun reitittimen hankkimista sinun on tarkistettava valmistajan verkkosivuilta, tukeeko laite tietyn matkaviestinoperaattorin 3G USB Dongle -vastaanotinta.

Ethernet 10/100

LAN- tai ethernet-kaapeleiden liitäntäpaikat toimintatilassa.

10/100 MB.s on lähes kaikkien reitittimien vakionopeusominaisuus.

10/100/1000 MB.s eli GigaBit on kymmeniä kertoja nopeampi standardi, joka yhdessä GigaBit LAN-verkkokorttien kanssa tarjoaa suuria etuja tiedonsiirtonopeudessa sisäverkkoon liitettyjen tietokoneiden välillä. Tätä ratkaisua tarvitaan yleensä toimistoissa, joissa kopioidaan suuria tietomääriä tietokoneiden välillä tai käytetään nopeaa Internet-yhteyttä (ei ~30 MB/s) samanaikaisesti useissa tietokoneissa.

Kaistatila Dual-Band

SingleBand on kaikille nykyaikaisille langattomille laitteille ominainen langaton standarditekniikka.

DualBand on 2,4 GHz:n taajuusalue, jossa on ylimääräinen 5,0 GHz:n kanava, joka tarjoaa paremman signaalin vastaanoton ja vakaamman nopean toiminnan. Tämän toiminnon käyttäminen edellyttää, että molemmat laitteet eli reititin ja langaton verkkokortti tukevat DualBand-tilaa.

Satamat ja laitteet
LAN-portti : 3
Langaton kortti
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
1 WAN Fixed ports - Yes
4G - Yes
10/100M LAN Ports - 3
64, 128-bit WEP Security - Yes
Accessories included -
Antenna - Built-in
Antenna - Fixed external
Antenna - Antenna design - External
Antenna - Antennas quantity - 2
Antenna - Detachable antenna(s) - Yes
Antenna - Transmit power - 0 dBmW
Antenna > Antenna type - 2xDetachable antennas
Available bandwidth - 733 Mbps
Brand - TP-Link
BrandCode - TPLINK
BrandPartCode - ARCHER MR200
BrandPartCode - ARCHER MR200 V3
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Routers
Category - Tīkla produkti, Gudrā māja :: Mobīlo tīklu (4g un 5g) rūteri un modemi
Category - Wireless Routers
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Router
Category Code - WRO
Category_1 - Network and Servers
Category_2 - Network - Routers
Certificates - Certification - CE, FCC, RoHS
Certificates - Certification - CE, RoHS
Code - ARCHER MR200
Code - Archer MR200
Color - Black
Colour - Black
Data exchange - WiFi - Wi-Fi 5 (ac)
Desc - Frekvence: 800/900/1800/2300/2500/2600 MHz, Pieslēgšanas tips: LAN/Wifi, WiFi ātrums: 300Mb/s, Šifrēšanas tipi: WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, WiFi protokoli: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - Archer MR200
Dwupasmowy, bezprzewodowy router 4G LTE, AC750.
Description - TP-LINK AC750 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE Router + Shares your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices and enjoy download speeds of up to 150Mbps + Powerful, integrated antennas provide stable wireless connections and better coverage + Requires no configuration, just insert a SIM card and turn it on to enjoy a fast wireless connection + Creates simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi networks, with maximum speeds of up to 300Mbps on the 2.4GHz band and 433Mbps on the 5GHz band + Offers options and flexibility with the LAN/WAN port, allowing you to choose your connection type
Take full advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network with the Archer MR200, which can achieve download speeds of up to 150Mbps. The Archer MR200 allows you to share your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads, and video chats that won't freeze up. Share Your 4G LTE Network Take full advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network with the Archer MR200, which allows you to share network with multiple devices so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads that won't freeze up. It is also fully compatible with FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE, which are supported by most operators around the world. Got SIM Card? Then Plug and Play! With an integrated 4G LTE modem and a built-in SIM card slot, all you need to do insert a SIM card and turn on the Archer MR200. Enjoying fast, stable Wi-Fi on a 4G LTE network has never been easier. Internet Access for up to 64 Devices Simultaneously The Archer MR200 can easily share a 3G/4G connection with up to 64 wireless devices like tablets, laptops and mobile phones at the same time. It can also provide internet access for desktop computers via the LAN ports. Wi-Fi Where You Need It The Archer MR200 offers unmatched convenience and versatility. The ability to quickly establish powerful wireless networks can be tremendously important. The Archer MR200 is the perfect solution whether you're at home or working in a remote location. Just plug it in to boost on-site productivity and stay connected in a diverse range of environments. From the exhibition center to the RV, the Archer MR200 has you covered.
Design - LED indicators - LAN, Power, WAN, WLAN
Design - On/off switch - Yes
Design - Product colour - Black
Design - Product type - Tabletop router
Designation - CE+WEEE
DHCP Networking features - Yes
dimensionalWeight - 985
dimension depth - 305 mm
dimension height - 70 mm
Dimensions - 202 x 141 x 33.6 mm
dimension weight - 720 g
dimension width - 225 mm
EAN - 6935364086855
EAN - 6935364092740
ean - 6935364092740
EANCode - 6935364086855
Eans - 6935364092740
EAN_code - 6935364086855
Features - Built-in processor - Yes
Features - Certification - CE, RoHS
Features - Plug and Play - Yes
Features - Processor model - Qualcomm Atheros
Features > Mesh Support - No
Features > Mobile Broadband - 4G
Features > MU-MiMO - No
Full Description Line - Wireless Router|Available bandwidth 733 Mbps|IEEE 802.11a|IEEE 802.11b|IEEE 802.11g|IEEE 802.11n|IEEE 802.11ac|1 WAN|3x10/100M|64, 128-bit WEP|WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access|WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access|DHCP|Number of antennas 5|Wireless Frequency Range 2.4GHz and 5GHz|4G|Windows 8|Windows 7|Linux|MacOS|Windows 2000|Windows XP|Windows Vista|Included Accessories RJ45 Ethernet Cable,Power Adapter,Quick Installation Guide,Micro to Standard SIM Card Adapter,Nano to Standard SIM Card Adapter|Power supply requirements 12V/1A|Colour Black|Dimensions 202 x 141 x 33.6 mm
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - TP-Link
General parameters - type of networking device - 4G LTE router
GrossWeight - 0.6750
Gross Weight Kg - 0,77
GRUPPE1 - Network
GRUPPE2 - Wireless Lan Broadba
GTIN - 0738878316427
GTIN - 738878316427
GTIN - 6935364086855
GTIN - 6935364092740
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
Height - 0.0700
I/O ports - 1 x SIM card slot
I/O ports - 1 x WAN (RJ-45)
I/O ports - 3 x 10/100 Mbit/s
IEEE 802.11ac Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11a Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11b Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11g Network standard - Yes
IEEE 802.11n Network standard - Yes
ImageUrl -
Included Accessories - RJ45 Ethernet Cable,
Power Adapter,
Quick Installation Guide,
Micro to Standard SIM Card Adapter,
Nano to Standard SIM Card Adapter
Interfaces - 4G LTE
Interfaces - Wi-Fi
Interfaces - LAN (RJ45) - 10/100
Interfaces - LAN (RJ45) - 10/100/1000
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11a
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11b
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11g
Interfaces - WiFi standards - IEEE 802.11n
LargeDescHTML - Shares your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices and enjoy download speeds of up to 150MbpsPowerful, integrated antennas provide stable wireless connections and better coverageRequires no configuration, just insert a SIM card and turn it on to enjoy a fast wireless connectionCreates simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi networks, with maximum speeds of up to 300Mbps on the 2.4GHz band and 433Mbps on the 5GHz bandOffers options and flexibility with the LAN/WAN port, allowing you to choose your connection typeTake full advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network with the Archer MR200, which can achieve download speeds of up to 150Mbps. The Archer MR200 allows you to share your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads, and video chats that won't freeze up.
Length - 0.2250
Link -
Linux OS compatibility - Yes
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 85176990
LongDesc - AC750 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE RouterDual Band Wi-Fi Where You Need ItSuperfast 4G LTE Speed & Stream-Ready AC Wi-FiThe Archer MR200 uses 4G LTE technology to achieve speeds of up to 150Mbps download and 50Mbps upload. It also shares a simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi network with maximum speeds of 300Mbps on 2.4GHz and 433Mbps on 5GHz for gaming, streaming, file-sharing and more.Design for Maximum Network CoverageAdvanced high gain antennas make efficient and stable connections to every device. Power Amplifier and Low Noise Amplifier boost sending and receiving capabilities, creating a wide-coverage Wi-Fi network for your home.Plug and PlaySimply insert your 3G/4G SIM card into the built-in slot, turn on the MR200 and start surfing.More Devices, More StabilityConnect up to 64 wireless devices with ease, thanks to a powerful Qualcomm processor that boosts data transfer speeds while ensuring dependable network stability.
LongDesc - Share Your 4G LTE NetworkTake full advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network with the Archer MR200, which can achieve download speeds of up to 150Mbps. The Archer MR200 allows you to share your 4G LTE network with multiple Wi-Fi devices so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads, and video chats that won't freeze up.Great Coverage and Dual Band Wi-FiThe 4G LTE router creates a simultaneous dual band Wi-Fi network that can deliver data at speeds of up to 733Mbps. The two distinct wireless networks, utilizing the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, provide optimized performance and minimize signal interference. The incorporation of advanced antennas and the latest wireless technology allows you to enjoy stable connections and incredible coverage.No Configuration RequiredWith an integrated 4G LTE modem and a built-in SIM card slot, all you need to do insert a SIM card and turn on the Archer MR200. Enjoying fast, stable Wi-Fi on a 4G LTE network has never been easier.Wi-Fi Where You Need ItThe Archer MR200 offers unmatched convenience and versatility. The ability to quickly establish powerful wireless networks can be tremendously important. The Archer MR200 is the perfect solution whether you're at home or working in a remote location. Just plug it in to boost on-site productivity and stay connected in a diverse range of environments. From the exhibition center to the RV, the Archer MR200 has you covered.Available WAN ConnectionWith the inclusion of the WAN/LAN port, the Archer MR200 can also support a wide variety of connection types, including cable, fiber, and DSL modems.
LongDescription ET - 4G LTE jagamine
Jaga oma 4G LTE võrku mitmete Wi-Fi seadmetega ja nautige allalaadimiskiirust kuni 150 Mbps. Integreeritud antennid
Võimsad sisseehitatud antennid tagavad stabiilsed traadita ühendused ja parema katvuse. Plug and Play
Seadistamist pole vajalik. Aseta lihtsalt SIM-kaart sisse ja lülita seade sisse, et nautida kiiret traadita ühendust. Kahe sagedusala Wi-Fi
Loo samaaegselt kaks Wi-Fi võrku - kiirusega kuni 300 Mbps 2,4 GHz sagedusalas ja 433 Mbps 5 GHz sagedusalas. LAN/WAN valikuvabadus
Pakub võimalusi ja paindlikkust LAN/WAN pordi kaudu, võimaldades Sul valida oma ühenduse tüübi.
LongDescription LV - Plaša pārklājuma zona un divu joslu Wi-Fi
Archer MR200 4G LTE maršrutētājs darbojas divās frekvenču joslās, nodrošinot kopējo bezvadu savienojuma ātrumu līdz 733 Mb/s. Divas frekvences joslas 2,4 GHz un 5 GHz nodrošina optimālu ierīces darbību un samazina signāla traucējumus. Moderno bezvadu tehnoloģiju un uzlaboto antenu izmantošana nodrošinās uzticamu savienojumu un lielu tīkla pārklājuma zonu. Nav nepieciešama konfigurācija
Pateicoties iebūvētajam 4G LTE modemam un SIM kartes slotam, viss, kas Jums nepieciešams - ievietot SIM karti un ieslēgt maršrutētāju. Wi-Fi izmantošana 4G LTE tīklā nekad nav bijusi tik vienkārša. Wi-Fi ir tur, kur tas ir nepieciešams
Archer MR200 nodrošina nepārspējamu lietošanas ērtumu. Archer MR200 ir piemērots Wi-Fi risinājums dažādām darba vidēm: mājās, birojā, ārpus pilsētas vai ražošanas laukumā. WAN pieslēgvieta rezerves savienojumam
Pateicoties WAN / LAN portam Archer MR200 piedāvā dažādus pieslēguma veidus, tai skaitā, izmantojot savienojumu ar vadu un DSL-modemu.
LongProductName - 3x 10/100Mbps LAN, 1x 10/100Mbps LAN/WAN, 1x SIM Card, 3G/4G, 802.11ac/a/b/g/n, 433Mbps 5GHz + 300Mbps 2.4GHz
LongProductName - AC750 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE Router, 3x 10/100Mbps LAN, 1x 10/100Mbps LAN/WAN, 1x SIM Card, 3G/4G, 802.11ac/a/b/g/n, 433Mbps 5GHz + 300Mbps 2.4GHz
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link Archer MR200. WAN connection type: RJ-45. Wi-Fi band: Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz), Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), WLAN data transfer rate (max): 733 Mbit/s. Ethernet LAN interface type: Fast Ethernet, Ethernet LAN data rates: 10,100 Mbit/s, Cabling technology: 10/100Base-T(X). Mobile network generation: 4G, 3G standards: DC-HSPA+, HSPA, HSPA+, UMTS, 4G standard: LTE. Security algorithms: 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK
LongSummaryDescription - TP-Link Archer MR200. Wi-Fi band: Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz), Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), WLAN data transfer rate (max): 433 Mbit/s. Ethernet LAN interface type: Fast Ethernet, Ethernet LAN data rates: 10,100 Mbit/s, Cabling technology: 10/100Base-T(X). Mobile network generation: 4G, 2G standards: Edge, GPRS, GSM, 3G standards: DC-HSPA+, HSPA, HSPA+, UMTS. Security algorithms: 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, Firewall security: DoS, SPI Firewall, IP and MAC Address Binding. Data link protocols: IPv4, IPv6
MacOS OS compatibility - Yes
Management features - Quality of Service (QoS) support - Yes
Management features - Reset button - Yes
Management features - Web-based management - Yes
Management features - Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)/(WME) - Yes
Management features - WPS push button - Yes
Manufacturer - TP-Link
Manufacturer Code - ARCHER MR200
Manufacturer Name - TP-LINK
Manufacturer_code - Archer MR200
MediumDescription EN - Take full advantage of your cutting-edge 4G LTE network with the Archer MR200, which allows you to share network with multiple devices so you can enjoy uninterrupted HD movies, rapid file downloads that won't freeze up. It is also fully compatible with FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE, which are supported by most operators around the world.
MediumDescription ET - Kasuta ära oma tipptasemel 4G LTE võrku Archer MR200 abil, mis võimaldab jagada võrku mitme seadmega, et saaksite nautida katkestusteta HD-filme ja kiireid failide allalaadimisi ilma hangumiseta. Lisaks on see täielikult ühilduv nii FDD-LTE kui ka TDD-LTE'ga, mida toetavad enamik operaatoreid üle maailma.
MediumDescription LV - Izmantojiet 4G LTE iespējas ar pilnu jaudu un lejupielādējiet failus ar ātrumu līdz 150 Mb/s ar Archer MR200. Archer MR200 ļaus jums kopīgot 4G LTE tīklu vairākām Wi-Fi ierīcēm, ļaujot jums apskatīt video HD formātā, lejupielādēt failus un veikt video konferences bez atvienošanas un pārrāvumiem.• Kopīga piekļūve 4G LTE tīklam vairākām Wi-Fi ierīcēm - lejupielādes ātrums līdz 150 Mb/s
• 2 ārējās 4G antenas un 3 iebūvētās Wi-Fi antenas nodrošina stabilu savienojumu
• Nav nepieciešama konfigurācija - ievietojiet SIM karti un ieslēdziet maršrutētāju, lai piekļūt ātrgaitas internetam
• Ļauj vienlaicīgi izveidot divus Wi-Fi tīklus ar ātrumu līdz 300 Mbit/s (2,4 GHz) un 433 Mb/s (5 GHz).
• LAN / WAN ports ļauj jums izvēlēties savienojuma veidu
Mobile network - 2G standards - Edge, GPRS, GSM
Mobile network - 3G - Yes
Mobile network - 3G standards - DC-HSPA+
Mobile network - 3G standards - DC-HSPA+, HSPA, HSPA+, UMTS
Mobile network - 3G standards - HSPA
Mobile network - 3G standards - HSPA+
Mobile network - 3G standards - UMTS
Mobile network - 4G - Yes
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 800
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 800,900,1800,1900,2100,2300,2500,2600 MHz
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 800,900,1800,2100,2600 MHz
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 900
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 1800
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 1900
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 2100
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 2300
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 2500
Mobile network - 4G bands supported - 2600 MHz
Mobile network - 4G standard - LTE
Mobile network - GSM bands supported - 850,900,1800,1900 MHz
Mobile network - Mobile network generation - 4G
Mobile network - SIM card type - MicroSIM
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 900
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 900,2100 MHz
Mobile network - UMTS bands supported - 2100 MHz
Model - Archer MR200
Name - 4G LTE Router | Archer MR200 | 802.11ac | 300+433 Mbit/s | 10/100 Mbit/s | Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports 3 | Mesh Support No | MU-MiMO No | 4G | Antenna type 2xDetachable antennas
name - Archer MR200 Router AC750 4G LTE DualBand SIM
Name - TP-Link Archer MR200
Name - TP-Link Archer MR200 - AC750 Wireless Dual Band 4G LTE Router
Name - TP-LINK Archer MR200 AC750 Dual Bank 4G LTE
Name - TP-Link Archer MR200 V4, Router
Name EN - TP-Link AC750 4G LTE WiFi-5 Router
Name ET - WiFi ruuter TP-Link AC750 4G LTE
NameInWeb EN - TP-Link Archer MR200, black - WiFi router
NameInWeb ET - TP-Link Archer MR200, must - WiFi ruuter
NameInWeb LV - Bezvadu rūteris Archer MR200, TP-Link
Name LV - Rūteris TP-Link AC750 4G LTE WiFi-5 Router
NetWeight - 0.3760
Network - Cabling technology - 10/100Base-T(X)
Network - Dynamic DNS (DDNS) - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 10,100 Mbit/s
Network - Ethernet LAN data rates - 100
Network - Ethernet LAN interface type - Fast Ethernet
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11ac
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11b
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11g
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11n
Network - Port forwarding - Yes
Network - Port triggering - Yes
Network - Receiver sensitivity - 5GHz: 11a 54M: -74dBm
11ac HT20: -67dBm
11ac HT40: -64dBm
11ac HT80 : -60dBm
11n HT20: -71dBm
11n HT40: -70dBm
2.4G: 11g 54M: -76dBm
11n HT20: -73dBm
11n HT40: -67dBm
Network - Receiver sensitivity - 5GHz: 11a 54M: -74dBm
11ac HT20: -67dBm
11ac HT40: -64dBm
11ac HT80: -60dBm
11n HT20: -71dBm
11n HT40: -70dBm
2.4G: 11g 54M: -73dBm
11n HT20: -73dBm
11n HT40: -67dBm
Network - VPN Passthrough - Yes
Network - VPN server - PPTP VPN, IPSec VPN , OpenVPN
Network - VPN support - PPTP, L2TP, IPSec
Network - VPN support - PPTP VPN, IPSec VPN, OpenVPN
Network - VPN tunnels quantity - 10
Network architecture - FastEthernet
Network Device Type - Wireless Router
Number of antennas - 4
Number of antennas - 5
Operating frequency - 2,4 GHz
Operating frequency - 5 GHz
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 10 - 90%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 40 °C
Operational conditions - Storage relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 90%
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -40 - 70 °C
Other features - 2 wewnętrzne anteny LTE 2 zintegrowane anteny Wi-fi
Other features > Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 3
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 310 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 470 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 225 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 380 mm
Package features > Gross weight - 0.65 kg
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 70 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 320 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 6.5 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 10 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 300 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 9 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 265 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.274 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.972 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0048825 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - LAN (RJ-45)
Packaging content - Quick installation guide - Yes
Packaging content - Quick start guide - Yes
Packaging data - Micro to standard SIM card adapter - Yes
Packaging data - Nano to standard SIM card adapter - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 223 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 70 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 670 g
Packaging data - Package width - 307 mm
Performance > Ethernet LAN data rates - 10/100 Mbit/s
Performance > Wi-Fi data rate (max) - 300+433 Mbit/s
Ports & interfaces - DC-in jack - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 4
Ports & interfaces - Memory card slot(s) - No
Ports & interfaces - USB port - No
Power - Output current - 1 A
Power - Output voltage - 12 V
Power - Power source type - AC
Power - Power source type - DC
Power supply - Power supply 12V/1A
Power supply requirements - 12V/1A
producer - TP-LINK
Producer - TP-Link
producerCode - Archer MR200
ProducerCode - Archer MR200
Producer product family - 4G LTE Router
Producer product name - Archer MR200
ProductCode - ARCHERMR200
ProductionCountry - CN
ProductName - Archer MR200
productName - TP-Link Archer MR200 wireless router Fast Ethernet Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) 4G Black
productSize - Normal
Protocols - Data link protocols - IPv4, IPv6
Protocols - DHCP client - Yes
Protocols - DHCP server - Yes
Protocols - Supported network protocols - IPv4, IPv6
Protocols - Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Yes
Router - WiFi speeds 2.4 GHz - 300
Router - WiFi speeds 5 GHz - 433
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Security - 64/128-bit WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
Security - Access Control List (ACL) - Yes
Security - DMZ support - Yes
Security - DoS attack prevention - Yes
Security - Filtering - Yes
Security - Firewall - Yes
Security - Firewall security - DoS, SPI Firewall, IP and MAC Address Binding
Security - Guest access - Yes
Security - IP address filtering - Yes
Security - MAC address filtering - Yes
Security - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP
Security - Security algorithms - 64-bit WEP, 128-bit WEP, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK
Security - Security algorithms - 128-bit WEP
Security - Security algorithms - WPA
Security - Security algorithms - WPA-PSK
Security - Security algorithms - WPA2
Security - Security algorithms - WPA2-PSK
Security - Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) - Yes
Security - URL filtering - Yes
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 30.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 7 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.675 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 22.5 cm
Short description - TP-LINK WLAN750-Router 4G/LTE Dualband 4xLAN AC +++
ShortDescription - Wykorzystaj pełne możliwości sieci 4G LTE dzięki routerowi Archer MR200
ShortSummaryDescription - TP-Link Archer MR200, Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz), Ethernet LAN, 3G, Black, Tabletop router
sizeX - 220
sizeY - 320
sizeZ - 70
Software -
Special functions -
Standards - 802.11a
Standards - 802.11ac
Standards - 802.11b
Standards - 802.11g
Standards - 802.11n
Stck_Kart - 10
Stck_Pal - 50
Storno - Y
System Requirements -
System requirements - Browser supported - Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 12.0, Chrome 20.0, Safari 4.0
System requirements - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Yes
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8.1
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 98SE, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows XP
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 98SE
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 2000
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows NT
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows Vista
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows XP
TariffNo - 85176200
Technical details > Net weight - 0.376 kg
Technical details > Other features - LTE cat 4
Technical details > Producer - TP-LINK
Title - TP-Link Archer MR200 wireless router Fast Ethernet Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz) 4G Black
Type - xDSL
Unit Box Height - 0.07
Unit Box Length - 0.305
Unit Box Width - 0.225
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.004804 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.675 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.6 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - Archer MR200
Volume - 0.00480375
WAN connection - 3G/4G USB modem compatibility - No
WAN connection - DSL WAN - No
WAN connection - Ethernet WAN - Yes
WAN connection - SIM card slot - Yes
WAN connection - WAN connection type - RJ-45
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - 36 months
WarrantyInfo -
WarrantyInfo - 3 year
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0,65
Weight - 0.77
weight - 635
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 141 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 145 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 33.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 34 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 202 mm
Width - 0.3050
Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 8 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows 2000 OS compatibility - Yes
Windows Vista OS compatibility - Yes
Windows XP OS compatibility - Yes
Wireless Frequency Range - 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Wireless LAN features - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi band - Dual-band (2.4 GHz / 5 GHz)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Wireless LAN features - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (first band) - 300 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (max) - 433 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (max) - 733 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features - WLAN data transfer rate (second band) - 433 Mbit/s
Wireless LAN features > Wi-Fi band - 802.11ac
WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
WPA2 - Wi-Fi Protected Access Security - Yes
74,30 €
TP-LINK Archer MR200
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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