Gigabyte Z790 UD

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 924977 Tuotekoodi: Z790 UD
Voidaan tilata 1 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 3 vuotta
413,00 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 31.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Sarja: Gigabyte Ultra Durable
  • CPU-kanta: LGA 1700
  • Piirisarja: Intel Z790
  • Muotoilutekijä: ATX
  • Tyyppi: DDR5
  • RAM-paikat: 4
  • Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi: Ei ole
Sarja : Gigabyte Ultra Durable
CPU-kanta LGA 1700
Suorittimen kanta on tärkeä tekijä levyn valinnassa; suorittimen kannan on oltava täsmälleen yhteensopiva sen suorittimen kanssa, jonka haluat asentaa levyn kanssa. Riippumatta siitä, että prosessori sopii emolevyn kantaan, on otettava huomioon myös kyseisen prosessorin tuki. Sen tarkistamiseksi, mitä suorittimia valittu emolevy tukee, sinun on käytävä emolevyn valmistajan verkkosivustolla, etsittävä kyseisen emolevyn suorittimen tukiosio ja tarkistettava, että kyseisen emolevyn tekniset tiedot tukevat valitsemaasi suorittinta.
Piirisarja Intel Z790

Piiriväylä on tärkein kriteeri emolevyn valinnassa (järjestelmän logiikkapiirit tai jännitemuuntajat). Piiriväylä määrittää suorittimet, muistiportit ja muut parametrit, joita emolevy tukee.

Kukin piirisarja liittyy suoraan tiettyyn suorittimen alustaan, jotka jaetaan suorittimen perheen tai suorittimen liitäntäpisteen perusteella.

sen tarkistamiseksi, mikä piiriväylä sopii suorittimellesi jne. sinun kannattaa kysyä johtajiltamme.
Muotoilutekijä ATX

Emolevyn fyysinen koko. tarjoaa ATX- (täysikokoinen emolevy), mATX- (micro ATX) (pienikokoinen emolevy) ja miniATX-kokoisia emolevyjä. ATX-kokoisen tietokoneen koteloon on mahdollista sijoittaa sekä ATX- että mATX-emolevy, mutta mATX-koteloon ei voi sijoittaa ATX-emolevyä.

ATX-piirilevyssä on vähintään 3 muistipaikkaa ja vähintään 5 paikallista PCI-paikkaa, mikä tarkoittaa, että tälle levylle voidaan rakentaa hyvin toimiva tehokas tietokone. Koti- tai toimistotietokone ei kuitenkaan tarvitse näin suurta määrää korttipaikkoja, joten myös microATX-kortti sopii.

Emolevyn virtalähteen liitin on virtalähdepistorasia, jotka ovat nykyisin ATX- ja ATX2.0-standardia. ATX on vanhempi standardi, jossa on 20-nastainen liitin (20 "nastaa"), ja ATX2.0:ssa on 4 lisänastaa (20+4). ATX-standardin emolevyt voivat toimia ATX2.0-virtalähteellä (PSU), mutta ATX2.0-standardin emolevy vaatii ATX2.0-virtalähteen.

Form-factor on pikemminkin suositus. Ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa kuitenkin tarkistaa kotelon koon yhteensopivuus emolevyn koon ja sen virtalähteen liittimen kanssa.

Satunnaiskäyttömuisti (RAM)
Tyyppi : DDR5
RAM-paikat 4
Käytettävissä olevien muistipaikkojen määrä osoittaa emolevyyn asennettavien muistimoduulien (levyjen) määrän.
Muistituki DDR5 5600 (OC 7600)

RAM-väylä määrittää, minkä tyyppistä RAM-muistia kyseinen emolevy tukee.

Väylämerkintä sisältää muistityypin DDRII tai DDRIII sekä emolevyn tukeman muistin enimmäiskellotaajuuden. Muistin tyyppi on tärkein indeksi, eri tyyppiset muistit ovat fyysisesti erilaisia, joten DDRIII-muistia ei voi liittää emolevyyn, joka tukee DDRII-muistia (lukuun ottamatta tapauksia, joissa emolevy tukee molempia muistityyppejä). Emolevy, joka tukee 800 MHz:n DDRII-muistia, voi kuitenkin toimia muistinopeuksilla DDII667 ja DDRII533. Emolevy, jonka muistiväylän nopeus on pienempi kuin muistimoduulin nopeus, pystyy toimimaan vain määritellyn väylänopeuden verran, eli jos emolevyn muistiväylä on DDRII667 ja siihen on asennettu DDRII800-muisti, se toimii DDRII667-nopeudella.

Videokorttiportti PCI-EXPRESS
VGA-portti tai näytönohjaimen pistoke. VGA-portin on oltava valitsemasi näytönohjainportin eritelmän mukainen. Vanhemmissa näytönohjaimissa on AGP-portti, uusien korttien valmistajissa on PCI-EXPRESS (PCI-X) -portti.AGP- ja PCI-Xpress-näytönohjaimet eivät ole keskenään yhteensopivia. Ennen emolevyn ostamista sinun on tarkistettava sekä emolevyn että näytönohjaimen näytönohjainportin yhteensopivuus.
Integroitu grafiikka Vain iGPU-valmiilla suorittimella

Parametri, joka määrittää, onko näytönohjain integroitu emolevyyn. Integroitu näytönohjain soveltuu toimisto-ohjelmistojen, Internetin, elokuvien katseluun ja yksinkertaisten pelien pelaamiseen. Jos haluat käyttää grafiikkasovelluksia, pelata 3D-pelejä ja katsella 3D-animaatioita, tarvitset lisänäytönohjaimen.

Integroitu näytönohjain käyttää murto-osan emolevyn muistista, joten jos emolevyssäsi on 1 Gt muistia ja emolevyn näytönohjaimen asetuksissa ilmoitetaan, että se vie 256 Mt, käyttöjärjestelmä näyttää käytettävissä olevan muistin määräksi noin 700 Mt.
Ennen kuin ostat emolevyn, jossa on sisäänrakennettu näytönohjain, sinun on tarkistettava, onko siinä ylimääräinen näytönohjainportti, jotta voit tarvittaessa päivittää sitä.

Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-portit 0
PCI-portit ovat suosituin tapa täydentää tietokoneen toimintoja lisäkorteilla (ääni, verkko, viestintä, videovalvonta jne.). Uudemmissa emolevyissä on PCI-Express-standardin ansiosta pieni määrä PCI-laajennusportteja, joten ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa tarkistaa, että PCI-porttien määrä mahdollistaa kaikkien tarvitsemiesi PCI-korttien liittämisen.
D-Sub : 0
DVI : 0
HDMI : 1
DisplayPort : 1
Integroitu äänikortti : Realtek Audio CODEC
Langattomat yhteydet
Sisäänrakennettu Bluetooth : Nav
Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi : Ei ole
Ulkoiset portit
Ulkoinen USB Type-C : 1
Ulkoinen USB 2.0 : 4
Ulkoinen USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) : 4
Ulkoinen USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 2
Sisäiset portit
Sisäinen A-RGB 5V (3-nastainen) : 2
Sisäinen RGB 12V (4-nastainen) : 2
Sisäinen USB 2.0 : 2
Sisäinen USB 3.0 : 1
Sisäinen USB Type-C : 1
M.2-portti : 3
SATA3-portti : 6
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included -
Audio port Input/Output connectors - 3
Battery - Battery technology - Lithium-Manganese Dioxide (LiMnO2)
Battery - Battery type - CR2032
Battery - Battery weight - 3 g
Battery - Lithium weight per battery - 0.07 g
Battery - Number of battery cells - 1
BIOS - 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0
BIOS - ACPI version - 5.0
BIOS - BIOS memory size - 256 Mbit
BIOS - Clear CMOS jumper - Yes
BIOS - Desktop Management Interface (DMI) version - 2.7
BIOS - System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) version - 2.7
BrandCode - GIGABYTE
BrandPartCode - Z790 UD
Category - Motherboards
category - PC Components|Mainboards|Intel Mainboards|Sockel 1700
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Motherboards
Category Code - MBI
Category_1 - Motherboards
Category_2 - Motherboards - Intel 1700
Chipset - Intel Z790
Chipset manufacturer - Intel
Chipset type - Intel Z790 Express Chipset
CnCode CnCode - 84733020
code - Z790 UD
Code - Z790 UD
COM connector / port - No
CPU socket - LGA1700
Description - Intel Socket LGA 1700: Support for 13th and 12th generation processors Unrivaled performance: digital VRM solution with two phases 16*+1+* Dual-channel DDR5 memory: 4*SMD DIMMs with support for XMP 3.0 memory modules Next Generation Storage: 3*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Advanced thermal design and M.2 thermal shield: to ensure VRM power stability and M.2 SSD performance EZ Latch: PCIe 5.0 x16 slot with quick release feature and screwless design Fast networks: 2.5 GbE LAN Enhanced connectivity: DP, HDMI, USB-C 5Gbps front, USB-C 20Gbps rear Smart Fan 6: includes multiple temperature sensors, hybrid fan connectors with FAN STOP function Q-Flash Plus: BIOS update without installing CPU, memory and graphics card *Parallel 8+8 phase power supply design
Description - Intel® Socket LGA 1700:Support 13th and 12th Gen Series Processors Unparalleled Performance:Twin 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM Solution Dual Channel DDR5:4*SMD DIMMs with XMP 3.0 Memory Module Support Next Generation Storage:3*PCIe 4.0 x4 M.2 Connectors Advanced Thermal Design & M.2 Thermal Guard: To Ensure VRM Power Stability & M.2 SSD Performance EZ-Latch:PCIe 5.0 x16 Slot with Quick Release & Screwless Design Fast Networks:2.5GbE LAN Extended Connectivity:DP, HDMI, Front USB-C® 5Gb/s, Rear USB-C® 20Gb/s Smart Fan 6:Features Multiple Temperature Sensors, Hybrid Fan Headers with FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus:Update BIOS Without Installing the CPU, Memory and Graphics Card
Desktop - motherboard type - ATX
Detailed data on disk/drive interfaces - CPU 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 5.0 and running at x16 (PCIEX16) * If you are installing a single PCI Express graphics card, please ensure that the card is connected to the PCIEX16 connector for optimal performance. Chipset 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 4.0 and running at x4 (PCIEX4) 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_4) 2 x PCI Express x1 slots, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 (PCIEX1_2, PCIEX1_3) Support for AMD CrossFire technology (PCIEX16 and PCIEX4) CPU 1 x M.2 connector (Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2A_CPU) Chipset 2 x M.2 connectors (Socket 3, M key, type 2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSD support) (M2Q_SB, M2P_SB) 6 x SATA 6Gb/s connectors RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices
dimensionalWeight - 1474
dimension depth - 80 mm
dimension height - 270 mm
Dimensions - 30.5 x 24.4cm
dimension weight - 1730 g
dimension width - 335 mm
DisplayPort Input/Output connectors - 1
EAN - 4719331850364
ean - 4719331850364
Eans - 4719331850364
EAN_code - 4719331850364
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x 1
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x 4
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 5.0 x 16
Expansion slots - 2 x PCIe 3.0 x 1
Expansion slots - Number of M.2 (M) slots - 3
Expansion slots - PCI Express x1 slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 slots - 4
External connectors - 1 x DisplayPort
External connectors - 1 x HDMI
External connectors - 1 x Line In
External connectors - 1 x Line Out
External connectors - 1 x MIC
External connectors - 1 x RJ-45
External connectors - 1 x USB 3.1
External connectors - 1 x USB 3.1 Type-C
External connectors - 4 x USB 2.0
External connectors - 4 x USB 3.0
Features - Audio output channels - 7.1 channels
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Motherboard chipset - Intel Z790 Express
Features - Motherboard chipset family - Intel
Features - Motherboard form factor - ATX
Features - PC health monitoring - Fan
Features - PC health monitoring - Fan, Temperature, Voltage, Water cooling
Features - PC health monitoring - Temperature
Features - PC health monitoring - Voltage
Features - PC health monitoring - Water cooling
Features - Product colour - Black
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64, Windows 11 x64
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 x64
FireWire (IEEE 1394) - No
Form Factor - ATX
Form factor - ATX
Frequency speed - 4000/4800/5200/5400/5600/5800/6000/6200/6400/6600/6800/7000/7200/7400/7600 MHz
Full Description Line - Intel Z790|LGA1700|ATX|DDR5|7600/7400/7200/7000/6800/6600/6400/6200/6000/5800/5600/5400/5200/4800/4000 MHz|Memory slots 4|2xPCI-Express 3.0 1x|1xPCI-Express 3.0 16x|1xPCI-Express 4.0 16x|1xPCI-Express 5.0 16x|3xM.2|1xHDMI|1xDisplayPort|4xUSB 2.0|5xUSB 3.2|1xUSB-C|1xRJ45|3xAudio port|SATA|USB 2.0|USB 3.2|Video Depending on CPU|LAN 2.5 Gigabit|Audio|RAID SATA 0, 1, 5, 10; NVMe 0, 1, 5, 10|TPM Header
General parameters - manufacturer - Gigabyte
Graphics - Integrated graphics processor - Intel HD graphics support 1 x HDMI port supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160 at 60 Hz * Support for HDMI 2.0 and HDCP 2.3 versions. 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2304 at 60 Hz * Support for DisplayPort 1.2 and HDCP 2.3. (Graphics specifications may vary depending on processor support.)
Graphics - DirectX version - 12.0
Graphics - HDCP - Yes
Graphics - Maximum resolution - 4096 x 2304 pixels
Graphics - Parallel processing technology support - Crossfire
Graphics - Parallel processing technology support - CrossFire
Gross weight - 1.56 kg
GrossWeight - 2.0000
Gross Weight Kg - 1,93
GTIN - 4719331850364
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
HDMI Input/Output connectors - 1
Height - 0.0800
Integrated audio - Yes
Integrated CPU - No
Integrated LAN - 2.5 Gigabit
Integrated video - Depending on CPU
Interfaces - DisplayPort
Interfaces - HDMI
Interfaces - headset connector
Interfaces - LAN (network, RJ45)
Interfaces - USB-A 2.0 - 4
Interfaces - USB-A 3.2 - 5
Interfaces - USB-C 3.2 - 1
Internal I/O - 12V power connector - Yes
Internal I/O - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - CPU fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel audio connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Number of SATA III connectors - 6
Internal I/O - RGB LED pin header - Yes
Internal I/O - S/PDIF out connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Serial port headers - 1
Internal I/O - Thunderbolt headers - 2
Internal I/O - Total number of SATA connectors - 6
Internal I/O - TPM connector - Yes
Internal I/O - USB 2.0 connectors - 2
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) connectors - 1
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) connectors - 1
Internal I/O > Number of SATA connectors - 6
Internal I/O > Supported hard disk drive interfaces - SATA, M.2
Length - 0.2800
Link -
Logistics data - Country of origin - China
Logistics data - Products per shipping (inner) case - 1 pc(s)
LongDesc - Elevate your computing experience with GIGABYTE's renowned motherboard series: AORUS, AERO, and GIGABYTE. Featuring innovative designs and advanced features, these boards offer exceptional performance and reliability. Whether you're a gamer, content creator, or professional, our series cater to your needs, ensuring uncompromising quality and cutting-edge technology.
LongProductName - Z790 UD Intel LGA 1700 ATX Motherboard, 4x DDR5, 3x PCI-E x16, 3x M.2, 6x SATA, 5x USB 3.2, 1x USB-C,4x USB 2.0
LongSummaryDescription - GIGABYTE Z790 UD Motherboard - Supports Intel Core 14th CPUs, 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5, 3xPCIe 4.0 M.2, 2.5GbE LAN , USB 3.2 Gen 2. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,.... Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 192 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 10. Parallel processing technology support: Crossfire, Maximum resolution: 4096 x 2304 pixels. USB connector type: USB Type-A, USB Type-C
LPT connector / port - No
M.2 Expansion slots - 3
Manufacturer - GigaByte
Manufacturer Code - Z790 UD
Manufacturer Name - Gigabyte
Manufacturer_code - Z790 UD
Max. number of ATA devices - 0
Max. number of SATA devices - 6
Max memory size - 192 GB
Memory - ECC сompatibility - ECC & Non-ECC
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 192 GB
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory slots type - DIMM
Memory - Number of memory slots - 4
Memory - Supported memory clock speed (max) - 7600 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4000
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4000,4800,5200,5400,5600,5800,6000,6200,6400,6600,6800,7000,7200,7400,7600 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4800
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5400
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5600
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5800
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6000
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6400
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6600
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6800
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7000
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7400
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7600
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 1GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 12GB, 16GB, 32GB, 48GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 2GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 4GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 8GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 12GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 16GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 32GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 48GB
Memory - Supported memory types - DDR5-SDRAM
Memory - Unbuffered memory - Yes
Memory > Memory slots - 4
Memory > Supported memory types - DDR5 DIMM
Memory bus frequency - 4000 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 4800 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5400 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5600 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5800 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6000 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6400 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6600 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6800 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7000 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7400 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7600 MHz
Memory slots - 4
Memory type - DDR5
Memory type - DDR5
Model - Z790 UD
Name - Gigabyte Z790 UD
name - GIGABYTE Z790 UD, Intel Z790 Mainboard, Sockel 1700, DDR5
Name - GIGABYTE Z790 UD, motherboard - 1700
Name - Gigabyte | Z790 UD 1.0 M/B | Processor family Intel | Processor socket LGA1700 | DDR5 DIMM | Memory slots 4 | Supported hard disk drive interfaces SATA, M.2 | Number of SATA connectors 6 | Chipset Intel Z790 Express | ATX
name - Z790 UD s1700 4DDR5 HDMI/DP ATX
Name EN - MB Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX
Name ET - MB Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX
NameInWeb EN - Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX - Mainboard
NameInWeb ET - Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX - Emaplaat
NameInWeb LV - Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX - Mātesplate
Name LV - MB Gigabyte, Intel Z790, LGA1700, DDR5, ATX
NetWeight - 1.5000
Network - Ethernet interface type - 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Network interface - 1 x 10/100/1000/2500 Mbit/s
Network interface - Realtek 2.5GbE LAN chip (2.5 Gbps/1 Gbps/100 Mbps)
Number of DDR5 slots - 4
Number of USB 3.0/USB 3.1 gen 1/USB 3.2 gen 1 ports - 7
Number of USB 3.1/USB 3.1 gen 2/USB 3.2 gen 2 ports - 2
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4-pin water-pump-fan
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4pin CPU/Water Pump Fan Connector
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4pin CPU fan
Onboard connectors - 1 x 24pin ATX zasilanie
Onboard connectors - 1 x Clear CMOS jumper
Onboard connectors - 1 x Front panel audio header
Onboard connectors - 1 x Q-Flash Plus button
Onboard connectors - 1 x Reset button
Onboard connectors - 1 x S/PDIF Out header
Onboard connectors - 1 x System panel header
Onboard connectors - 1 x TPM header
Onboard connectors - 1 x USB 3.0 header
Onboard connectors - 1 x USB C
Onboard connectors - 2 x 8pin 12V
Onboard connectors - 2 x Thunderbolt
Onboard connectors - 2 x USB 2.0/1.1 header
Onboard connectors - 3 x 4pin Chassis fan
Onboard connectors - 3 x M.2
Onboard connectors - 6 x SATA III 6Gb/s
Other information - Voltage detection Temperature detection Fan speed detection Cooling water flow rate detection Fan failure warning Fan speed control * Whether the fan (pump) speed control is supported depends on the fan (pump) installed.
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 335.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 80.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 270.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 119 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 180.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 20.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.01 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Packaging content - Batteries included - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - SATA
Packaging data - Package depth - 270 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 80 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 1.93 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 335 mm
PCI-Express 3.0 1x Expansion slots - 2
PCI-Express 3.0 16x Expansion slots - 1
PCI-Express 4.0 16x Expansion slots - 1
PCI-Express 5.0 16x Expansion slots - 1
Performance > Chipset - Intel Z790 Express
Performance > Motherboard form factor - ATX
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Celeron®
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9, Intel® Pentium® Gold
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Core™ i3
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Core™ i5
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Core™ i7
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Core™ i9
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Pentium® Gold
Processor - Maximum internal memory supported by processor - 192 GB
Processor - processor -
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Intel
Processor - Processor socket - LGA 1700
Processor - Supported processor sockets - LGA 1700
Processor > Compatible processor series - Supports 13th and 12th Gen Series Processors
Processor > Processor family - Intel
Processor > Processor socket - LGA1700
Processor family - Intel Celeron
Processor family - Intel Core
Processor family - Intel Pentium Gold
producer - Gigabyte
Producer - Gigabyte
producerCode - Z790 UD
ProducerCode - Z790 UD
Producer product name - Z790 UD 1.0 M/B
ProductCode - Z790UD
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - GIGABYTE Z790 UD Motherboard - Supports Intel Core 14th CPUs, 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5, 3xPCIe 4.0 M.2, 2.5GbE LAN , USB 3.2 Gen 2
ProductName - Z790 UD Motherboard - Supports Intel Core 14th CPUs, 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5, 3xPCIe 4.0 M.2, 2.5GbE LAN , USB 3.2 Gen 2
productSize - Normal
RAID - SATA 0, 1, 5, 10; NVMe 0, 1, 5, 10
RAID - Yes
Random-access memory - memory type - DDR5
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPort version - 1.2
Rear panel I/O ports - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI version - 2.0
Rear panel I/O ports - Headphone outputs - 3
Rear panel I/O ports - Microphone in - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 4
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity - 4
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-A ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB connector type - USB Type-A
Rear panel I/O ports - USB connector type - USB Type-A, USB Type-C
Rear panel I/O ports - USB connector type - USB Type-C
Rear panel I/O ports - WiFi-AP antenna jack - 2
RJ45 Input/Output connectors - 1
SATA Interface - Yes
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 34 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 8 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1.731 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 27 cm
Short description - GIGA Z790 UD S1700/DDR5/ATX
ShortDescription - Socket 1700| Chipset Intel Z790 | DDR5 |
ShortDescription EN - Intel Z790 | LGA1700 | ATX | DDR5 | 7600/7400/7200/7000/6800/6600/6400/6200/6000/5800/5600/5400/5200/4800/4000 MHz | Memory slots 4 | 2xPCI-Express 3.0 1x | 1xPCI-Express 3.0 16x | 1xPCI-Express 4.0 16x | 1xPCI-Express 5.0 16x | 3xM.2 | 1xHDMI | 1xDisplayPort | 4xUSB 2.0 | 5xUSB 3.2 | 1xUSB-C | 1xRJ45 | 3xAudio port | SATA | USB 2.0 | USB 3.2 | Video Depending on CPU | LAN 2.5 Gigabit | Audio | RAID SATA 0, 1, 5, 10; NVMe 0, 1, 5, 10 | TPM Header
ShortDescription ET - Intel Z790 | LGA1700 | ATX | DDR5 | Mälu pesad 4 | 2xPCI-Express 3.0 1x | 1xPCI-Express 3.0 16x | 1xPCI-Express 4.0 16x | 1xPCI-Express 5.0 16x | 3xM.2 | 1xHDMI | 1xDisplayPort | 4xUSB 2.0 | 5xUSB 3.2 | 1xUSB-C | 1xRJ45 | 3xAudio port | SATA | USB 2.0 | USB 3.2 | Video sõltuvalt CPU-st | LAN 2,5 Gigabit | Heli | RAID SATA 0, 1, 5, 10; NVMe 0, 1, 5, 10 | TPM pesa
ShortSummaryDescription - GIGABYTE Z790 UD Motherboard - Supports Intel Core 14th CPUs, 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5, 3xPCIe 4.0 M.2, 2.5GbE LAN , USB 3.2 Gen 2, Intel, LGA 1700, Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,..., LGA 1700, 192 GB, DDR5-SDRAM
sizeX - 335
sizeY - 275
sizeZ - 80
Socket - LGA1700
Software - Norton Internet Security (OEM version) LAN bandwidth management software
Sound card - Realtek audio codec High Definition Audio support Number of audio channels 2/4/5.1/7.1 * You can change the functionality of an audio jack using the audio software. To configure 7.1-channel audio, access the audio software for audio settings. Support for S/PDIF Out
Special functions - GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) Support *Apps available on GCC may vary depending on motherboard model. The supported features of each application may also vary depending on the motherboard specifications. Q-Flash support Support for Q-Flash Plus Smart backup support
Storage controllers - Number of HDDs supported - 6
Storage controllers - Number of storage drives supported - 9
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0, 1, 5, 10
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 1
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 5
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 10
Storage controllers - RAID support - Yes
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive types - HDD & SSD
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows 11
TariffNo - 84733020
Technical details - Warranty period - 3 year(s)
Technical details > Net weight - 1.36 kg
Technical details > Producer - Gigabyte
Title - GIGABYTE Z790 UD Motherboard - Supports Intel Core 14th CPUs, 16*+1+1 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5, 3xPCIe 4.0 M.2, 2.5GbE LAN , USB 3.2 Gen 2
TPM - Header
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.007344 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 1.73 kg
Unit Net Weight - 1.6 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
USB 2.0 Input/Output connectors - 4
USB 2.0 Interface - Yes
USB 3.2 Input/Output connectors - 5
USB 3.2 Interface - Yes
USB ports at back panel - 10
USB ports on motherboard - 7
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - Z790 UD
Volume - 0.00784000
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - 36 months
WarrantyInfo - 3 years
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
Weight - 1,73
weight - 1750
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 244 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 35 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 305 mm
Width - 0.3500
413,00 €
Gigabyte Z790 UD
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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