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ID: 799588 Tuotekoodi: ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4
Voidaan tilata 1 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
266,11 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 25.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 25.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Sarja: ASUS ROG Strix
  • CPU-kanta: LGA 1700
  • Piirisarja: Intel B660
  • Muotoilutekijä: ATX
  • Tyyppi: DDR4
  • RAM-paikat: 4
  • Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi: Ja
Sarja : ASUS ROG Strix
CPU-kanta LGA 1700
Suorittimen kanta on tärkeä tekijä levyn valinnassa; suorittimen kannan on oltava täsmälleen yhteensopiva sen suorittimen kanssa, jonka haluat asentaa levyn kanssa. Riippumatta siitä, että prosessori sopii emolevyn kantaan, on otettava huomioon myös kyseisen prosessorin tuki. Sen tarkistamiseksi, mitä suorittimia valittu emolevy tukee, sinun on käytävä emolevyn valmistajan verkkosivustolla, etsittävä kyseisen emolevyn suorittimen tukiosio ja tarkistettava, että kyseisen emolevyn tekniset tiedot tukevat valitsemaasi suorittinta.
Piirisarja Intel B660

Piiriväylä on tärkein kriteeri emolevyn valinnassa (järjestelmän logiikkapiirit tai jännitemuuntajat). Piiriväylä määrittää suorittimet, muistiportit ja muut parametrit, joita emolevy tukee.

Kukin piirisarja liittyy suoraan tiettyyn suorittimen alustaan, jotka jaetaan suorittimen perheen tai suorittimen liitäntäpisteen perusteella.

sen tarkistamiseksi, mikä piiriväylä sopii suorittimellesi jne. sinun kannattaa kysyä johtajiltamme.
Muotoilutekijä ATX

Emolevyn fyysinen koko. tarjoaa ATX- (täysikokoinen emolevy), mATX- (micro ATX) (pienikokoinen emolevy) ja miniATX-kokoisia emolevyjä. ATX-kokoisen tietokoneen koteloon on mahdollista sijoittaa sekä ATX- että mATX-emolevy, mutta mATX-koteloon ei voi sijoittaa ATX-emolevyä.

ATX-piirilevyssä on vähintään 3 muistipaikkaa ja vähintään 5 paikallista PCI-paikkaa, mikä tarkoittaa, että tälle levylle voidaan rakentaa hyvin toimiva tehokas tietokone. Koti- tai toimistotietokone ei kuitenkaan tarvitse näin suurta määrää korttipaikkoja, joten myös microATX-kortti sopii.

Emolevyn virtalähteen liitin on virtalähdepistorasia, jotka ovat nykyisin ATX- ja ATX2.0-standardia. ATX on vanhempi standardi, jossa on 20-nastainen liitin (20 "nastaa"), ja ATX2.0:ssa on 4 lisänastaa (20+4). ATX-standardin emolevyt voivat toimia ATX2.0-virtalähteellä (PSU), mutta ATX2.0-standardin emolevy vaatii ATX2.0-virtalähteen.

Form-factor on pikemminkin suositus. Ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa kuitenkin tarkistaa kotelon koon yhteensopivuus emolevyn koon ja sen virtalähteen liittimen kanssa.

Satunnaiskäyttömuisti (RAM)
Tyyppi : DDR4
RAM-paikat 4
Käytettävissä olevien muistipaikkojen määrä osoittaa emolevyyn asennettavien muistimoduulien (levyjen) määrän.
Muistituki DDR4 3200 (OC 5333)

RAM-väylä määrittää, minkä tyyppistä RAM-muistia kyseinen emolevy tukee.

Väylämerkintä sisältää muistityypin DDRII tai DDRIII sekä emolevyn tukeman muistin enimmäiskellotaajuuden. Muistin tyyppi on tärkein indeksi, eri tyyppiset muistit ovat fyysisesti erilaisia, joten DDRIII-muistia ei voi liittää emolevyyn, joka tukee DDRII-muistia (lukuun ottamatta tapauksia, joissa emolevy tukee molempia muistityyppejä). Emolevy, joka tukee 800 MHz:n DDRII-muistia, voi kuitenkin toimia muistinopeuksilla DDII667 ja DDRII533. Emolevy, jonka muistiväylän nopeus on pienempi kuin muistimoduulin nopeus, pystyy toimimaan vain määritellyn väylänopeuden verran, eli jos emolevyn muistiväylä on DDRII667 ja siihen on asennettu DDRII800-muisti, se toimii DDRII667-nopeudella.

Videokorttiportti PCI-EXPRESS
VGA-portti tai näytönohjaimen pistoke. VGA-portin on oltava valitsemasi näytönohjainportin eritelmän mukainen. Vanhemmissa näytönohjaimissa on AGP-portti, uusien korttien valmistajissa on PCI-EXPRESS (PCI-X) -portti.AGP- ja PCI-Xpress-näytönohjaimet eivät ole keskenään yhteensopivia. Ennen emolevyn ostamista sinun on tarkistettava sekä emolevyn että näytönohjaimen näytönohjainportin yhteensopivuus.
Integroitu grafiikka Vain iGPU-valmiilla suorittimella

Parametri, joka määrittää, onko näytönohjain integroitu emolevyyn. Integroitu näytönohjain soveltuu toimisto-ohjelmistojen, Internetin, elokuvien katseluun ja yksinkertaisten pelien pelaamiseen. Jos haluat käyttää grafiikkasovelluksia, pelata 3D-pelejä ja katsella 3D-animaatioita, tarvitset lisänäytönohjaimen.

Integroitu näytönohjain käyttää murto-osan emolevyn muistista, joten jos emolevyssäsi on 1 Gt muistia ja emolevyn näytönohjaimen asetuksissa ilmoitetaan, että se vie 256 Mt, käyttöjärjestelmä näyttää käytettävissä olevan muistin määräksi noin 700 Mt.
Ennen kuin ostat emolevyn, jossa on sisäänrakennettu näytönohjain, sinun on tarkistettava, onko siinä ylimääräinen näytönohjainportti, jotta voit tarvittaessa päivittää sitä.

Satamat ja laitteet
PCI-portit 0
PCI-portit ovat suosituin tapa täydentää tietokoneen toimintoja lisäkorteilla (ääni, verkko, viestintä, videovalvonta jne.). Uudemmissa emolevyissä on PCI-Express-standardin ansiosta pieni määrä PCI-laajennusportteja, joten ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa tarkistaa, että PCI-porttien määrä mahdollistaa kaikkien tarvitsemiesi PCI-korttien liittämisen.
D-Sub : 0
DVI : 0
HDMI : 1
DisplayPort : 1
Integroitu äänikortti : Realtek ALC4080
Langattomat yhteydet
Sisäänrakennettu Bluetooth : Ir
Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi : Ja
Ulkoiset portit
Ulkoinen USB Type-C : 2
Ulkoinen USB 2.0 : 4
Ulkoinen USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) : 3
Ulkoinen USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 2
Sisäiset portit
Sisäinen A-RGB 5V (3-nastainen) : 3
Sisäinen RGB 12V (4-nastainen) : 1
Sisäinen USB 2.0 : 2
Sisäinen USB 3.0 : 1
Sisäinen USB Type-C : 1
M.2-portti : 3
SATA3-portti : 4
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
BIOS - BIOS memory size - 192 Mbit
BIOS - Clear CMOS jumper - Yes
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90MB18S0-M0EAY0
Category - Motherboards
category - PC Components|Mainboards|Intel Mainboards|Sockel 1700
Category_1 - Motherboards
Category_2 - Motherboards - Intel 1700
code - 90MB18S0-M1EAY0
ean - 4711081521501
EAN_code - 4711081521501
Expansion slots - Number of M.2 (M) slots - 3
Expansion slots - PCI Express x1 (Gen 3.x) slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 3.x) slots - 1
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 5.x) slots - 1
Features - Audio chip - Realtek ALC4080
Features - Audio output channels - 7.1 channels
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Motherboard chipset - Intel B660
Features - Motherboard chipset family - Intel
Features - Motherboard form factor - ATX
Features - Power source type - ATX
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64, Windows 11 x64
GTIN - 0195553521505
GTIN - 195553521505
GTIN - 4711081521501
GTIN - 4711081521525
Internal I/O - 12V power connector - Yes
Internal I/O - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Chassis intrusion connector - Yes
Internal I/O - CPU fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel audio connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Number of chassis fan connectors - 3
Internal I/O - Number of SATA III connectors - 4
Internal I/O - RGB LED pin header - Yes
Internal I/O - S/PDIF out connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Thunderbolt headers - 1
Internal I/O - TPM connector - Yes
Internal I/O - USB 2.0 connectors - 2
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) connectors - 1
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) connectors - 1
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84733020
LongDesc - ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 offers premium power delivery and optimized cooling to unleash the full force of the latest 12th Gen Intel® Core™ processors. Onboard PCIe® 5.0, WiFi 6 and three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots provide lightning-fast data transfers for an endless variety of scenarios, and ASUS-exclusive intelligent controls to help optimize PC settings. On top of all that, DIY-friendly innovations help simplify the PC building process to get to you up and running smoothly.TEAMED POWER STAGES12+1 power stages combine high-side and low-side MOSFETS and drivers into a single package, delivering the power and efficiency that the latest Intel processors can take full advantage of.ALLOY CHOKES AND CAPACITORSHigh-end chokes and durable capacitors are engineered to resist extreme temperatures, enabling performance that exceeds industry standards.PROCOOL POWER CONNECTORThe ASUS ProCool socket is built to exacting specifications to ensure flush contact with the PSU power lines, enabling lower impedance and better heat dissipation.DIGI+ POWER CONTROLThe Digi+ voltage regulator module (VRM) is one of the finest in the industry, ensuring ultra-smooth and clean power delivery to the CPU.SIX-LAYER PCBA multi-layered printed circuit board design quickly dissipates heat around the voltage regulators to improve overall system stability and provide the CPU with more overclocking headroom.COOLER BY DESIGNROG Strix B660 motherboards feature comprehensive cooling options that configurable via the Fan Xpert 4 tool in Armoury Crate or within the UEFI BIOS.CPU Fan HeadersA dedicated pair of PWM/DC fan headers for CPU coolers.AIO Pump Fan HeaderA dedicated PWM/DC header for self-contained water-cooling setups.M.2 HeatsinkKeeps a mounted M.2 SSD at the optimum operating temperature for consistent performance and reliability.4-Pin PWM/DC Fan HeaderEach header supports auto-detection of PWM or DC fans.TWO-WAY AI NOISE CANCELATIONThis powerful ASUS-exclusive utility leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce background noise from the microphone* and incoming audio while preserving voices. Distracting keyboard clatter, mouse clicks and other ambient noises are removed so you can hear and be heard with perfect clarity while gaming or during calls.*A splitter cable is necessary when using a 3.5 mm headset.AI COOLINGASUS AI Cooling technology automatically manages and controls motherboard-connected fans to ensure optimal settings based on current system load and temperature.SELF-ADAPTIVE FAN TUNINGCPU temperature detectionAI Cooling detects CPU temperatures and uses a proprietary algorithm to calculate the lowest fan speed required to effectively cool the system and keep fan noise down.Automated optimizationUnder stable system loads, the software then automatically lowers fan* speed to the optimal setting, decreasing fan noise without compromising performance.*Fans need to be connected to the following headers for AI Cooling control: CPU_FAN / CPU_OPT / CHA_FAN / M.2_FAN / H_AMP / RAD_FANOngoing monitoringAI Cooling continues to monitor the system and adjust fan speed based on current load.AI NETWORKINGThe proprietary ROG GameFirst VI utility is designed to help all users — beginners, experts, and everyone in between — optimize network settings to ensure smooth online gameplay. New to this generation, GameFirst VI features AI-enhanced identification and boost technologies to ensure faster and smarter network optimization.IdentificationGameFirst VI analyzes usage patterns and the digital signatures of your applications and compares them to a database of over 200,000 apps.BoostGameFirst VI intelligently switches application priority and adjusts bandwidth, depending on the situation. When gaming, it accelerates and prioritizes game packets to give you supersmooth online gameplay ― even when you're streaming high-quality video or transferring large files.VisualizationAn intuitive graph provides an overview of real-time network status. Simply click on the tab to view the current bandwidth usage of each application, geolocation status of each network connection, or an analysis of the WiFi channels.WHAT IT DOESADAPTIVE INTELLIGENCEGameFirst VI notes what you're currently doing and adjusts bandwidth accordingly to ensure smooth online experiences, even when multitasking.GAMING FIRST MODEGaming First mode leverages a massive application database and an analysis of your frequently used apps to prioritize gaming network traffic. This reduces jitter and decreases ping to give you lag-free online gaming.NETWORK INSIGHTWIFI Quick Assist analyzes network information and generates a graph to give you a clear picture of current network status. In addition, when paired with an ROG router, you can scan your WiFi network to find the best channel and use Game Boost to prioritize gaming devices and packets.OptiMem IIOptiMem II technology offers higher clock speeds through trace layout optimizations that significantly reduce signal distance and crosstalk while enhancing memory stability and compatibility. ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 supports up to 128 GB of DDR4 memory across four slots.WIFI 6 (802.11 AX)Onboard WiFi 6 (802.11ax) supports ultrafast wireless-networking speeds, improved capacity and better performance in dense wireless environments, providing exceptional online gaming experiences. Pair your motherboard with ASUS WiFi 6 routers to fully experience the networking potential of WiFi 6.Intel 2.5 Gb EthernetOnboard 2.5 Gb Ethernet gives your wired connection a boost, with up to a 2.5x improvement over standard Ethernet connections for faster file transfers, smoother lag-free gaming and high-res video streaming.SUPREMEFXROG SupremeFX is a unique blend of hardware and software that provides superior audio. In ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4, SupremeFX features the ALC4080 codec to increase playback resolution from 192 kHz to 384 kHz across all channels. The front-panel output is streamed through a highly integrated Savitech amplifier that’s capable of driving of a wide variety of gaming headsets and high-fidelity headphones.UNDENIABLY ROG STRIXThe ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 will turn heads with a striking silver-white finish that contrasts with a bold Aura RGB-illuminated glitch-effect logo. Meanwhile, parallel strakes and dotted text on the aluminum I/O shroud, M.2 and PCH heatsinks tie the whole aesthetic together and underline the ROG Strix fundamentals of speed, diversity and attitude.OUTSHINE THE COMPETITIONROG Strix motherboards deliver sterling performance and superior aesthetics to outshine the competition. They also feature built-in ASUS Aura technology that enables full RGB lighting control, and a variety of presets for both embedded RGB LEDs and third-party lighting strips. In addition, all lighting can be easily synced with other Aura-capable ASUS hardware.M.2 Q-LATCHThe innovative Q-Latch makes it easy to install or remove an M.2 SSD without the need for specific tools. The design employs a simple locking mechanism to secure the drive and neatly eliminate traditional screws.CERTIFIED COMPATIBILITYROG Strix motherboards undergo an extensive certification program to ensure compatibility with the widest range of components and devices. Our Qualified Vendor List (QVL) provides a reference for identifying guaranteed-compatible components and memory.ASUS AIO coolers are also compatible with a wide variety of CPUs, up to and including 12th Gen Intel processors, giving you ultimate flexibility to cool the CPU that fits your needs.THE ROG STRIX ECOSYSTEM AWAITSLevel up your game with ROG Strix. Enjoy complementary aesthetics, control and compatibility across AIO coolers, cases, peripherals, and much more. ROG offers more choices than any other brand.UEFI BIOSThe renowned ROG UEFI (BIOS) provides everything you need to configure, tweak, and tune your rig. It offers intelligently simplified options for newcomers to PC DIY and more comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.MEMTEST86For added convenience, MemTest86 has been pre-installed into the ROG UEFI (BIOS). Run the test to pinpoint memory issues with just one click, without needing to insert a USB stick or load an operating system. The memory report will also be stored in the BIOS archives for reference.Designed to simplify setup, EZ mode presents vital settings and stats on a single page. With guided wizards, drag-and-drop functionality, and one-click application of important settings, your rig will be up and running in no time.SONIC STUDIO IIIROG Sonic Studio supports HRTF-based (head-related transfer function*) virtual surround for VR headsets, casting an immersive aural landscape that draws you deeper into the action. The intuitive Sonic Studio interface also offers a range of EQ options and one-click presets, allowing you to tailor acoustics to suit personal preferences or the characteristics of your headset.SONIC STUDIO LINKThe new Sonic Studio Link allows you to apply effects on all playback devices. Simply press the Sonic Studio Link button to enjoy the effect on any connected device.SONIC STUDIO VIRTUAL MIXERCombine audio output from selected apps with audio from the microphone input and stream the compiled mix.APP-SPECIFIC PROFILESApply customized audio settings to various applications, so that each is perfectly tuned to the way you want to listen.DTS: SOUND UNBOUNDROG Strix B660 motherboards are pre-loaded with the DTS® Sound Unbound™ app that envelops you in audio as never before, conjuring whole new levels of immersion for extraordinary gaming and entertainment experiences. By leveraging Windows Sonic spatial technology, DTS Sound Unbound delivers audio in a virtual 3D space — putting you right in the middle of the soundscape, where you can sense the location and direction of every gunshot, footstep or other sound in your virtual environment.* DTS Sound Unbound requires in-game support. Check with game developers for supported titles.AIDA64 EXTREMEROG Strix B660 motherboards include an AIDA64 Extreme 60 days free trial. This industry-leading system information tool provides detailed information about installed hardware and software, and it also provides benchmarks for measuring performance of the entire system or individual components. AIDA64 Extreme includes a monitoring and diagnostics feature to detect and prevent hardware issues. All vital system sensors can be tracked in real time, allowing voltage readings, fan speeds, and temperature information to be displayed on the desktop or sent to dedicated displays or to the OLED panels of ROG AIO liquid coolers*.*Support available for ROG Ryujin II and later models.ARMOURY CRATEArmoury Crate is a software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported gaming products, making it easy to tune the look and feel of your system. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate helps you customize RGB lighting and effects for compatible devices and synchronize them with Aura Sync to create a unified lighting scheme across your system. In addition, Armoury Crate’s Fan Xpert4 tool provides comprehensive control over fans, water pumps and all-in-one (AIO) coolers.You can also use Armoury Crate to download drivers, software and user manuals, register products, and tap into a special news feed that connects you to the global ASUS gaming community.*Windows 10 required for full Aura Sync functionality within Armoury Crate. For Windows 8 and earlier versions, standalone Aura Sync software is available for free download from the product support site.
LongProductName - LGA 1700, Intel B660 Chipset, 4 x DDR4-SDRAM up to 128GB, LAN, WLAN, 1 x RJ-45, 4 x SATA III, 3 x M.2(M), UEFI AMI, ATX
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4. Processor manufacturer: Intel, Processor socket: LGA 1700, Compatible processor series: Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,.... Supported memory types: DDR4-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 128 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, PCI Express 4.0, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 5, 10. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Wi-Fi standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax). Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: ATX, Motherboard chipset family: Intel
Manufacturer - Asus
Manufacturer_code - 90MB18S0-M1EAY0
Memory - ECC сompatibility - Non-ECC
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 128 GB
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory slots type - DIMM
Memory - Number of memory slots - 4
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 2133,2400,2666,2800,2933,3000,3200,3333,3400,3466,3600,3733,4000,4266,4400,4600,4800,5000,5333 MHz
Memory - Supported memory types - DDR4-SDRAM
Memory - Unbuffered memory - Yes
name - ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A Gaming WiFi D4, Intel B660 Mainboard - Sockel 1700, DDR4
Network - Bluetooth - Yes
Network - Bluetooth version - 5.2
Network - Ethernet interface type - 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Other features - Weight - 1.42 kg
Packaging content - Cables included - SATA
Processor - Compatible processor series - Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9, Intel® Pentium® Gold
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Intel
Processor - Processor socket - LGA 1700
Processor - Supported processor sockets - LGA 1700
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPort version - 1.4
Rear panel I/O ports - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI version - 2.1
Rear panel I/O ports - Headphone outputs - 5
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 4
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity - 2
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-C ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-A ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-C ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - WiFi-AP antenna jack - 2
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4, Intel, LGA 1700, Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Intel® Core™ i9,..., LGA 1700, DDR4-SDRAM, 128 GB
Storage controllers - Number of HDDs supported - 4
Storage controllers - Number of storage drives supported - 7
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0, 1, 5, 10
Storage controllers - RAID support - Yes
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, PCI Express 4.0, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive types - HDD & SSD
Title - ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4 Intel B660 LGA 1700 ATX
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 1,05
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 244 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 68 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 305 mm
266,11 €
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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