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ID: 921556 Tuotekoodi: PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM
Voidaan tilata 1 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
181,66 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 24.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 24.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Sarja: ASUS Prime
  • Levyn koko: ATX
  • Piirisarja: AMD B650
  • Pistorasia: AM5
  • Tyyppi: DDR5
  • RAM-paikat: 4
  • Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi: Ei ole
  • M.2-portti: 2
Sarja : ASUS Prime
Levyn koko ATX

Emolevyn fyysinen koko. tarjoaa ATX- (täysikokoinen emolevy), mATX- (micro ATX) (pienikokoinen emolevy) ja miniATX-kokoisia emolevyjä. ATX-kokoisen tietokoneen koteloon on mahdollista sijoittaa sekä ATX- että mATX-emolevy, mutta mATX-koteloon ei voi sijoittaa ATX-emolevyä.

ATX-piirilevyssä on vähintään 3 muistipaikkaa ja vähintään 5 paikallista PCI-paikkaa, mikä tarkoittaa, että tälle levylle voidaan rakentaa hyvin toimiva tehokas tietokone. Koti- tai toimistotietokone ei kuitenkaan tarvitse näin suurta määrää korttipaikkoja, joten myös microATX-kortti sopii.

Emolevyn virtalähteen liitin on virtalähdepistorasia, jotka ovat nykyisin ATX- ja ATX2.0-standardia. ATX on vanhempi standardi, jossa on 20-nastainen liitin (20 "nastaa"), ja ATX2.0:ssa on 4 lisänastaa (20+4). ATX-standardin emolevyt voivat toimia ATX2.0-virtalähteellä (PSU), mutta ATX2.0-standardin emolevy vaatii ATX2.0-virtalähteen.

Form-factor on pikemminkin suositus. Ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa kuitenkin tarkistaa kotelon koon yhteensopivuus emolevyn koon ja sen virtalähteen liittimen kanssa.

Piirisarja AMD B650

Piiriväylä on tärkein kriteeri emolevyn valinnassa (järjestelmän logiikkapiirit tai jännitemuuntajat). Piiriväylä määrittää suorittimet, muistiportit ja muut parametrit, joita emolevy tukee.

Kukin piirisarja liittyy suoraan tiettyyn suorittimen alustaan, jotka jaetaan suorittimen perheen tai suorittimen liitäntäpisteen perusteella.

sen tarkistamiseksi, mikä piiriväylä sopii suorittimellesi jne. sinun kannattaa kysyä johtajiltamme.
Pistorasia AM5
Suorittimen kanta on tärkeä tekijä levyn valinnassa; suorittimen kannan on oltava täsmälleen yhteensopiva sen suorittimen kanssa, jonka haluat asentaa levyn kanssa. Riippumatta siitä, että prosessori sopii emolevyn kantaan, on otettava huomioon myös kyseisen prosessorin tuki. Sen tarkistamiseksi, mitä suorittimia valittu emolevy tukee, sinun on käytävä emolevyn valmistajan verkkosivustolla, etsittävä kyseisen emolevyn suorittimen tukiosio ja tarkistettava, että kyseisen emolevyn tekniset tiedot tukevat valitsemaasi suorittinta.
Satunnaiskäyttömuisti (RAM)
Tyyppi : DDR5
RAM-paikat 4
Käytettävissä olevien muistipaikkojen määrä osoittaa emolevyyn asennettavien muistimoduulien (levyjen) määrän.
Muistituki DDR5 5200MHz (6400MHz OC)

RAM-väylä määrittää, minkä tyyppistä RAM-muistia kyseinen emolevy tukee.

Väylämerkintä sisältää muistityypin DDRII tai DDRIII sekä emolevyn tukeman muistin enimmäiskellotaajuuden. Muistin tyyppi on tärkein indeksi, eri tyyppiset muistit ovat fyysisesti erilaisia, joten DDRIII-muistia ei voi liittää emolevyyn, joka tukee DDRII-muistia (lukuun ottamatta tapauksia, joissa emolevy tukee molempia muistityyppejä). Emolevy, joka tukee 800 MHz:n DDRII-muistia, voi kuitenkin toimia muistinopeuksilla DDII667 ja DDRII533. Emolevy, jonka muistiväylän nopeus on pienempi kuin muistimoduulin nopeus, pystyy toimimaan vain määritellyn väylänopeuden verran, eli jos emolevyn muistiväylä on DDRII667 ja siihen on asennettu DDRII800-muisti, se toimii DDRII667-nopeudella.

VGA-portti tai näytönohjaimen pistoke. VGA-portin on oltava valitsemasi näytönohjainportin eritelmän mukainen. Vanhemmissa näytönohjaimissa on AGP-portti, uusien korttien valmistajissa on PCI-EXPRESS (PCI-X) -portti.AGP- ja PCI-Xpress-näytönohjaimet eivät ole keskenään yhteensopivia. Ennen emolevyn ostamista sinun on tarkistettava sekä emolevyn että näytönohjaimen näytönohjainportin yhteensopivuus.
Integroitu grafiikka Ainoastaan iGPU-valmiilla APU:lla.

Parametri, joka määrittää, onko näytönohjain integroitu emolevyyn. Integroitu näytönohjain soveltuu toimisto-ohjelmistojen, Internetin, elokuvien katseluun ja yksinkertaisten pelien pelaamiseen. Jos haluat käyttää grafiikkasovelluksia, pelata 3D-pelejä ja katsella 3D-animaatioita, tarvitset lisänäytönohjaimen.

Integroitu näytönohjain käyttää murto-osan emolevyn muistista, joten jos emolevyssäsi on 1 Gt muistia ja emolevyn näytönohjaimen asetuksissa ilmoitetaan, että se vie 256 Mt, käyttöjärjestelmä näyttää käytettävissä olevan muistin määräksi noin 700 Mt.
Ennen kuin ostat emolevyn, jossa on sisäänrakennettu näytönohjain, sinun on tarkistettava, onko siinä ylimääräinen näytönohjainportti, jotta voit tarvittaessa päivittää sitä.

Satamat ja laitteet
D-Sub : 0
DisplayPort : 1
DVI : 0
HDMI : 1
Integroitu äänikortti : Nav norādīts
PCI-portit 0
PCI-portit ovat suosituin tapa täydentää tietokoneen toimintoja lisäkorteilla (ääni, verkko, viestintä, videovalvonta jne.). Uudemmissa emolevyissä on PCI-Express-standardin ansiosta pieni määrä PCI-laajennusportteja, joten ennen emolevyn ostamista kannattaa tarkistaa, että PCI-porttien määrä mahdollistaa kaikkien tarvitsemiesi PCI-korttien liittämisen.
Langattomat yhteydet
Sisäänrakennettu Bluetooth : Nav
Sisäänrakennettu Wi-Fi : Ei ole
Ulkoiset portit
Ulkoinen USB 2.0 : 2
Ulkoinen USB Type-C (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 1
Ulkoinen USB Type-C (USB 4.0) : 0
Ulkoinen USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) : 2
Ulkoinen USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 3
Sisäiset portit
Sisäinen A-RGB 5V (3-nastainen) : 3
Sisäinen RGB 12V (4-nastainen) : 1
Sisäinen USB 2.0 : 2
Sisäinen USB 3.0 : 1
Sisäinen USB Type-C : 1
M.2-portti : 2
SATA3-portti : 4
Virtalähteet (PSU)
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
BIOS - BIOS memory size - 256 Mbit
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90MB1BS0-M0EAYC
Category - Motherboards
Category_1 - Motherboards
Category_2 - Motherboards - AMD AM5
EAN_code - 4711081923411
Expansion slots - Number of M.2 (M) slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x1 (Gen 4.x) slots - 2
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 4.x) slots - 2
Features - Audio output channels - 7.1 channels
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Motherboard chipset - AMD B650
Features - Motherboard chipset family - AMD
Features - Motherboard form factor - ATX
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10, Windows 11
Graphics - Parallel processing technology support - Not supported
GTIN - 4711081923411
Internal I/O - 12V power connector - Yes
Internal I/O - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - CPU fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel audio connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Number of chassis fan connectors - 3
Internal I/O - Number of COM connectors - 1
Internal I/O - Number of SATA III connectors - 4
Internal I/O - RGB LED pin header - Yes
Internal I/O - Thunderbolt headers - 1
Internal I/O - TPM connector - Yes
Internal I/O - USB 2.0 connectors - 2
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) connectors - 2
LongDesc - ASUS Prime series motherboards are expertly engineered to unleash the full potential of AMD Ryzen 7000-series processors. Boasting a robust power design, comprehensive cooling solutions and intelligent tuning options, PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM provides users and PC DIY builders with a range of performance optimizations via intuitive software and firmware features.ASUS Corporate Stable ModelASUS Corporate Stable Model (CSM) is a commercial program designed to provide stable and reliable motherboards. Offering up to 36-month product lifecycle support and 6-month end-of-life notice to allow sufficient lead times for your organization to get ready for product transitions. Each purchase of an ASUS CSM motherboard comes with ASUS Control Center Express - server-grade IT management software.* Lifecycle support, program offering and supply status may vary by region. Please consult your local sales representative for more information.ASUS ControlCenter ExpressASUS Control Center Express is an integrated IT monitoring and management software designed to deploy faster, simplify IT operations and improve productivity with comprehensive control and user-friendly functions. ASUS Control Center Express is compatible with over 100 ASUS motherboards to provide a high-quality, TCO-optimized solution for your business needs.Optimize IT endpoint managementDesigned to assist IT staff in monitoring and controlling devices within their corporate networks, and facilitate inventory checking in multiple locations remotelyAutomate IT maintenanceAllows IT staff to schedule automatic updates of the latest BIOS, software and utilities to specific or all devices at off-peak times, enhancing system stability and IT operational flexibilitySecurely manage all of endpointsSecurely manage endpoint configuration, portable storage access and PC software applications by enabling them to create grouping rules on individual devicesFLEXIBILITYComprehensive controls form the foundation of the ASUS PRIME series. The PRIME B650 motherboard packs flexible tools to tune every aspect of your system, enabling performance tweaks to perfectly match the way you work to maximize productivity.Intelligent ControlCPU Performance BoostAMD Precision Boost Overdrive(PBO) pushes the CPU current and voltage budget to opportunistically increase performance. By aggressively tuning the PBO parameters, AMD‘s algorithm can leverage the motherboard’s robust power solution to ramp up performance even higher.All-Around Energy EfficiencyThe Power Saving function contains several settings can easily optimize power consumption and maximize energy savings. You can enable a CPU power limit, darken Aura lighting, and set the fan profile to a power saving mode. You can also toggle the Power Saver plan that is built into Microsoft Windows.Flexible Air- and Liquid-Cooling ControlsASUS Fan Xpert 2+ software provides comprehensive control over fans and all-in-one (AiO) coolers. Whether cooling with air or water, an Auto-Tuning mode intelligently configures all parameters with a single click. There’s also an Extreme Quiet mode that reduces chassis fan speeds to below the default minimum to keep your system whisper-quiet when performing light tasks. Fans, AiO coolers can also be controlled via the UEFI BIOS.Precise Digital Power ControlThe Digi+ voltage-regulator module (VRM) delivers real-time control over voltage droop, automatically switching frequency and power-efficiency settings. It also allows you to fine-tune your CPU for ultimate stability and performance.UEFI BIOSThe renowned ASUS UEFI BIOS provides everything you need to configure, tweak and tune your system. It offers intelligently simplified options for PC DIY beginners, as well as comprehensive features for seasoned veterans.Advanced Tuning for Serious TweakersAn intuitive Advanced mode offered via the UEFI lets you take complete control. A built-in search feature makes it easy to find options, and various advanced functions let you intelligently make nuanced adjustments so you can dial in performance just the way you want.Quick and Simple SetupEZ mode displays vital settings and stats and also offers guided wizards, drag-and-drop functionality, and one-click application of important settings — all to help you get your rig up and running in no time.Intuitive Graphical Fan ControlFine-tune individual fan settings simply by dragging a curve with the mouse.Aura On/Off Mode (Stealth)Easily enable or disable Aura RGB lighting or every onboard LED, for a subdued aesthetic touch.COOLINGPrime B650 series are engineered with multiple onboard heatsinks and an array of hybrid fan headers to ensure your rig stays cool and stable under intense workloads.M.2 HeatsinkAn M.2 heatsink takes care of the two M.2 slots, warding off throttling that can occur with M.2 storage during sustained transfers. The heatsink is held in place by captive screws.VRM Heatsinks and Thermal PadsVRM heatsinks and thermal pads improve heat transfer from the MOSFETs and chokes for better cooling performance.Cooler by DesignPrime B650 series feature comprehensive cooling controls that are configurable via Fan Xpert 2+ software or via the UEFI BIOS.Multiple Temperature SourcesEach header can dynamically reference three thermal sensors. Fan Xpert 2+ allows you to map the temperature of supported ASUS graphics cards to optimize cooling for GPU- and CPU-intensive tasks.AIO Pump HeaderA dedicated PWM/DC header for self-contained water-cooling setups.Smart ProtectionA dedicated integrated circuit protects each fan header from overheating and overcurrent.4-Pin PWM/DC FanEach onboard header supports auto-detection of PWM or DC fans.PERFORMANCEThe PRIME B650 series is built to handle the high core counts and bandwidth demands of AMD processors. ASUS B650 motherboard provides all the fundamentals to boost daily productivity, so your system will be ready for action with stable power, intuitive cooling and flexible data transfer options.Robust Power DesignStable power is essential to extract every last bit of performance out of AMD processors. The PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM is geared to cater to the demands of these high-core-count CPUs.ProCool ConnectorsProprietary connectors augment the motherboard's link to the PSU with 8 pin connectors that pass 12 volts of power directly to the processors. Each jack features solid pins that can handle more current than hollow-pin connectors.Six-Layer PCB DesignMultiple PCB layers optimize heat management for critical components, providing more headroom to push CPUs beyond stock speeds.DDR5 Performance EnhancementComprehensive memory tuning options are the cornerstone of PRIME motherboards. With the PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM, you can extract all of the potential out of your DDR5 modules, whether they're from an extreme-speed kit or an entry-level set that would otherwise be locked.For those who want to fly past stock DDR5 speeds, the PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM is primed and ready for enthusiast-grade kits courtesy of vast AMD Extended Profiles for Overclocking (EXPO™) support. Seasoned veterans can further tweak performance via the extensive array of settings in the UEFI.ASUS OptiMem IIRevisions to the motherboard’s trace routing provide the latest processors with unrestricted access to memory bandwidth. ASUS OptiMem II technology carefully maps memory signal pathways across different PCB layers to reduce vias and adds shielding zones that significantly reduce crosstalk.Benefits of ASUS OptiMem II:Improved memory stability and compatibilityAllows lower memory latencies at equivalent voltagesImproved memory frequency marginMotherboards with OptiMem II technology were tested with Synopsys HSPICE simulation softwareStoragePCIe 5.0 M.2 SupportPRIME B650-PLUS-CSM offers a total of two M.2 slots, the first one supports data-transfer speeds of up to 128Gbps via PCIe 5.0, enabling quicker boot-up and app load times with OS or application drives.*Actual transmission speeds will be lower than the theoretical maximum speed.ConnectivityPCIe 4.0 SlotPrime B650 motherboards offer PCIe 4.0 Slot connectivity for the latest GPUs. The wide bandwidth and superfast transmission speeds allow you to create feature-rich builds that can handle high loads effortlessly.USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C®A batch of USB ports support high-end rigs loaded with peripherals, including a rear USB Type-C® connector with ultrafast USB 3.2 Gen 2 for transmission speeds of up to 10Gbps.Front USB Type-C®A full complement of USB ports support high-end rigs loaded with peripherals, including a front-panel USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C® connector that provides data transfer speeds of up to 5Gbps.USB4® SupportPRIME B650-PLUS-CSM motherboard features USB4® support via a Thunderbolt™ (USB4®) header. With an ASUS add-on card*, PRIME motherboards can enable bi-directional speeds of up to 40 Gbps on a single cable, while providing power to fast-charge device. Additionally, this card has a daisy-chain function for multi-screen connection and supports up to dual displays with 4K resolution.*ASUS add-on card is sold separately.Realtek 2.5 Gb EthernetRealtek 2.5 Gb Ethernet reduces CPU overhead and offers exceptionally high TCP and UDP throughput for faster, smoother data transfers.LANGuardASUS LANGuard is a hardware-level network protection feature that integrates advanced signal-coupling technology and premium anti-EMI surface-mounted capacitors to improve throughput and ensure a more reliable connection.Combined onboard features deliver elevated audioIntelligent design and premium hardware create audio quality unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.Audio ShieldingAudio shielding ensures precision analog/digital separation and greatly reduced multi-lateral interference.Dedicated Audio PCB LayersSeparate layers for left and right tracks ensures both channels deliver consistent, equal quality.Premium Audio CapacitorsProvides warm, natural, and immersive sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity.Aura SyncOutshine the CompetitionA well-tuned enthusiast system deserves a matching aesthetic. ASUS Aura offers full RGB lighting control with a variety of functional presets for the built-in RGB LEDs as well as strips and devices connected to the onboard RGB headers — and it can all be synced with an ever-growing portfolio of Aura-capable hardware.Addressable Gen 2 HeadersThree addressable Gen 2 headers are capable of detecting the number of LEDs on second-gen addressable RGB devices, allowing the software to automatically tailor lighting effects to specific devices. The new headers also offer backward-compatibility with existing Aura RGB gear.Armoury CrateWithin a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate offers easily customized Aura Sync RGB settings for every compatible device in your arsenal , plus controls for an ever-growing family of ASUS products, including keyboard and mouse preferences. Armoury Crate also integrates product registration and a news feed so that you never miss updates of interest to the ASUS community.Q-LED CoreThe Q-LED Core display produces light patterns by power LED during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) that can help users troubleshoot potential issues.BIOS FlashBack™BIOS FlashBack™ is the simplest and safest (UEFI) BIOS update method. Simply drop the (UEFI) BIOS file onto a FAT32 formatted USB stick, plug it into the USB BIOS FlashBack™ port and press the button. Updates can even be performed without a memory or a CPU installed.SafeSlot Core+SafeSlot Core+ is the ASUS-exclusive PCIe slot fortified with a one-piece stainless-steel brace that shields the slot to protect it from damage. The metal cover is tightly secured to the slot with hooks, and the entire assembly is firmly anchored to the PCB with strengthened solder points to provide a secure foundation for heavyweight graphics cards.Overvoltage ProtectionWorld-class circuit-protecting power designAn exclusive circuit design with built-in voltage regulators to protect your motherboard from damage caused by unexpected high-level voltages from unstable or inferior power supplies.Stainless-Steel Back I/O3X corrosion-resistance for greater durabilityCorrosion-resistant stainless-steel back I/O panels bonded with chromium oxide have a lifespan that's three times longer than ordinary panels.THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.FROM THIS NEW PLATFORM, YOU CAN SEE THE FUTUREBuild your next rig with an AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processor and PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM to experience advanced performance. With up to 16 “Zen 4” cores and 32 threads, boost clocks of up to 5.7GHz, and 80MB cache, the AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series keeps you ahead of the game.1You’ll also gain access to new features for gamers with AMD Socket AM5, from the speed of DDR5 memory to the increased bandwidth of PCIe® 5.0. AMD Ryzen™ 7000 Series processors and AMD socket AM5 motherboards are unlocked for overclocking to personalize your experience. Gain even more performance when you overclock your DDR5 memory with AMD EXPO™ technology.2
LongProductName - AMD B650 ATX motherboard with DDR5, PCIe 5.0 M.2 support, Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet, DisplayPort, HDMI®, SATA 6 Gbps, USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C®, front USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-C®, BIOS FlashBack™, USB4® Support and Arua Sync support
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM. Processor manufacturer: AMD, Processor socket: Socket AM5, Compatible processor series: AMD Ryzen 7000 Series. Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 128 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 10. Ethernet interface type: 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet. Component for: PC, Motherboard form factor: ATX, Motherboard chipset family: AMD
Manufacturer - Asus
Manufacturer_code - 90MB1BS0-M0EAYC
Memory - ECC сompatibility - ECC & Non-ECC
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 128 GB
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory slots type - DIMM
Memory - Number of memory slots - 4
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4800,5000,5200,5400,5600,5800,6000,6200,6400 MHz
Memory - Supported memory types - DDR5-SDRAM
Memory - Unbuffered memory - Yes
Name - ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM - Socket AM5 - motherboard
Network - Ethernet interface type - 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Other features - Back-to-BIOS button - Yes
Other features - Number of M.2 (E) slots - 1
Packaging content - Cables included - SATA
Packaging content - User guide - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 68 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 338 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 1.35 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 373 mm
Processor - Compatible processor series - AMD Ryzen 7000 Series
Processor - Processor manufacturer - AMD
Processor - Processor socket - Socket AM5
ProductName - PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPort version - 1.4
Rear panel I/O ports - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI version - 2.1
Rear panel I/O ports - Line-in - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - Microphone in - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - S/PDIF out port - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 2
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-A ports quantity - 2
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-A ports quantity - 3
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-C ports quantity - 1
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM, AMD, Socket AM5, AMD Ryzen 7000 Series, DDR5-SDRAM, 128 GB, DIMM
Storage controllers - Number of HDDs supported - 4
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0, 1, 10
Storage controllers - RAID support - Yes
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive types - HDD & SSD
Technical_details - The ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM motherboard is based on the AMD B650 chipset and supports AMD processors for socket AM5. It has four DDR5 DIMM slots in dual-channel operation for up to 192 GB of RAM. The ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM's additional features include two PCIe 4.0 x16 slots and two PCIe 4.0 x1 slots. The PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM also has 8-channel sound, a 2.5 Gigabit LAN interface, four SATA3 ports, two M.2 ports (1x with PCIe 5.0 support) and a number of USB interfaces .Art. No.: 100020000 Mainboard type Color black/silver EAN 4711081923411 Manufacturer no. 90MB1BS0-M0EAYC Socket AM5 Max. supported CPUs 1 Operating system support Windows 10 ready, Windows 11 ready Processor Supported Models Ryzen 5 7xxx (Raphael), Ryzen 5 7xxxX (Raphael), Ryzen 5 7xxxF (Raphael), Ryzen 5 8xxxG (Phoenix), Ryzen 7 7xxx (Raphael), Ryzen 7 7xxxX (Raphael), Ryzen 7 7xxxX3D (Raphael ), Ryzen 7 8xxxG (Phoenix), Ryzen 9 7xxx (Raphael), Ryzen 9 7xxxX (Raphael), Ryzen 9 7xxxX3D (Raphael) Chipset AMD B650 Slots PCIe x16 2x (of which: 1x PCIe x16, 1x PCIe x4) TPM Yes BIOS 256Mb Flash ROM, UEFI AMI BIOS Form factor ATX Use PC Power supply ATX12V (24-pin + 8-pin) Memory maximum 192 GB Ports (external) USB-C 3.2 Gen 2 (10 Gbit/s) 1 Connectors (internal) SATA 4 Ports (optional) USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 Gbit/s) 2 RGB Standard AURA Sync SATA controller AMD B650 Directly usable RAID levels 0, 1, 10 USB controller AMD B650 Onboard graphics The graphics connections on the mainboard can only be used when using a CPU with an integrated graphics chip. Sound Realtek 7.1 surround sound LAN Realtek 2.5Gb Ethernet Accessories available 2x SATA cable, I/O shield, accessory set for M.2 SSD, instructions Dimensions Width: 244mm x Height: 305mm
Title - ASUS PRIME B650-PLUS-CSM AMD B650 Socket AM5 ATX
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 1,60
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 244 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 305 mm
181,66 €
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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