Sandisk Ultra R140, 64GB, SDXC, UHS-I, U1, V10

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ID: 892148 Tuotekoodi: SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
Varastossa 5 yksiköt
Takuu: 3 vuotta
17,77 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: tiistaina, 18.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: tiistaina, 18.03.2025
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Kirjoitusnopeus (MB/s): N/A
  • Lukunopeus (MB/s): 140 MB/s
  • Varastointikapasiteetti: 4 GB
  • Karttamuoto: SD (Secure Digital)
Kaikki parametrit
Kirjoitusnopeus (MB/s) : N/A
Kortin tyyppi : SDXC
Lukunopeus (MB/s) : 140 MB/s
Nopeusluokka : 10
UHS-nopeusluokka : U1
Varastointikapasiteetti 4 GB
Muistikapasiteetti on flash-kortin tilavuus megatavuina tai gigatavuina. Nykyaikaiset kamerat, joiden resoluutio on vähintään 5 Mpx, vaativat muistia, jonka kapasiteetti on vähintään 2 Gt.
Videon nopeusluokka : V10
Karttamuoto SD (Secure Digital)
Muistikortin tyyppi määrittää, mihin valokuvakameroihin tai muihin laitteisiin tämä muisti sopii. Ennen muistikortin ostamista kannattaa tarkistaa, tukeeko laite, johon muistikortti on tarkoitettu, valitsemasi muistikortin tyyppiä ja kapasiteettia.
Flash-kortin lukijat
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.014 kg
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Datu nesēji :: Atmiņas kartes
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/Photo accessories/Cards and flash readers
Category 1 - Flash-Speicher
Category 2 - SD-Karten
Category Code - MFL
Category_1 - Photo and Video
Category_2 - Memory Cards - SD
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Storage media > SD Cards
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Datu nesēji > SD Kartes
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Datu nesēji > SD Kartes
Data Transfer Rate - 140
Desc - Tips: Secure Digital Extended Capacity (SDXC), Apjoms: 64 GB, Lasīšanas ātrums: 140 Mb/s, Rakstīšanas ātrums: Nav zināms, Klase: Class 10, Adapteris: Nav, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - SanDisk Ultra SDXC UHS-I card SanDisk Ultra SD cards are fast with exceptional video recording performance to let you capture your memories when they happen.
description_en - The SanDisk Ultra SDXC 64GB 140 MB/s UHS-I memory card delivers an incredible read speed of up to 140 MB/s, allowing you to quickly transfer files between devices. With a capacity of up to 64GB, you'll have plenty of room for your favorite videos and photos. High-performance video recording, thanks to UHS speed class 1 (U10) and class 10 for Full HD (1080p) video, ensures smooth and professional results. What's more, the card is fully compatible with SDHC and SDXC digital devices, ensuring versatile use.
description_lv - SanDisk Ultra SDXC 64GB 140 MB/s UHS-I atmiņas karte nodrošina neticamu lasīšanas ātrumu līdz 140 MB / s, ļaujot ātri pārsūtīt failus starp ierīcēm. Ar ietilpību līdz 64 GB Jums būs daudz vietas iecienītākajiem videoklipiem un fotoattēliem. Augstas veiktspējas video ierakstīšana, pateicoties UHS speed class 1 (U10) un class 10 Full HD (1080p) video, nodrošina vienmērīgus un profesionālus rezultātus. Turklāt karte ir pilnībā saderīga ar SDHC un SDXC digitālajām ierīcēm, nodrošinot daudzpusīgu lietošanu.
description_ru - Карта памяти SanDisk Ultra SDXC 64 ГБ со скоростью 140 МБ/с UHS-I обеспечивает невероятную скорость чтения до 140 МБ/с, позволяя быстро передавать файлы между устройствами. Благодаря емкости до 64 ГБ у вас будет достаточно места для ваших любимых видео и фотографий. Высокопроизводительная видеозапись, благодаря классу скорости UHS 1 (U10) и классу 10 для видео в формате Full HD (1080p), обеспечивает плавные и профессиональные результаты. Более того, карта полностью совместима с цифровыми устройствами SDHC и SDXC, что обеспечивает универсальное использование.
dimensionalWeight - 15
EAN - 619659200176
EAN - 0619659200176
EAN Code - 619659200176
Eans - 619659200176
EAN_code - 0619659200176
Fabrication Material - Plastic
Features - Product colour - Black
Features - Protection features - Shock resistant
Features - Protection features - Temperature proof
Features - Protection features - Waterproof
Features - Protection features - X-ray proof
Features - Write protection switch - Yes
Flash memory capacity - 64GB
Full Description Line - Flash Memory Card|SDXC|64GB|Speed Class 10
gross_weight - 0.1 kg
Image -
ImageUrl -
LargeDescHTML -
Manufacturer - Sandisk
Manufacturer_code - SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
Memory - Capacity - 64 GB
Memory - Flash card type - SDXC
Memory - Flash memory class - Class 10
Memory - Internal memory type - UHS-I
Memory - Read speed - 120 MB/s
Memory - UHS Speed Class - Class 1 (U1)
Memory Card Type - SDXC
Memory Form Factor - SDXC
Memory Technology - NAND Flash
Model - SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
Name - Atmiņas karte Sandisk Ultra SDXC 64GB
Name - CARD 64GB SanDisk Ultra SDXC 140MB/s
Name - SanDisk Ultra 64 GB SDXC, card (black, UHS-I U1, Class 10)
Name - SanDisk Ultra SDXC 64GB 140 MB/s UHS-I Class 10
Nominal Supply Voltage - 3.3 V
Package Type - Retail
Packaging data - Package depth - 4.9 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 152 mm
Packaging data - Package width - 101 mm
Packaging data - Quantity per pack - 1 pc(s)
Packs in Box - 100
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.005 kg
Pieces in pack - 1
Producer - SanDisk
producerCode - SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
ProducerCode - SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - Memory Flash
ProductCode - SDSDUNB-064G-GN6IN
ProductDescription - SanDisk Ultra 64GB SDXC Memory Card 140MB/s, EAN: 619659200176
productName - SanDisk Ultra 64 GB SDXC UHS-I Class 10
productSize - Normal
Product Type - Flash Memory Card
ProductType - Memory Flash cards
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 15.2 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.2 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.012 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 10.2 cm
ShortDescription - SDXC | 64GB | UHS-I | Class 10 | odczyt do 140 MB/s
sizeX - 152
sizeY - 102
sizeZ - 5
Speed Class - 10
Storage Capacity - 64 GB
title_en - SanDisk Memory card 64GB
title_lv - SanDisk Atmiņas Karte 64GB
title_ru - SanDisk Карта Памяти 64GB
Unit Box Height - 0.002
Unit Box Length - 0.152
Unit Box Width - 0.102
Unit Brutto Volume - 3.101e-005 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.012 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.008 kg
Vendor - SANDISK
Vendor Homepage -
Warranty - 60L months
warrantyLength - 60
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 99999 mēneši
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,01
Weight - 0.01
weight - 0.052 kg
weight - 10
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 2.17 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 31.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 2.1 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 23.9 mm
17,77 €
Sandisk Ultra R140, 64GB, SDXC, UHS-I, U1, V10
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