Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, Voice & App Control, White

Kuva voi poiketa todellisesta tuotteesta, ja tuotteessa voi olla lisävarusteita ja osia, joita ei toimiteta varsinaisen tuotteen mukana.
ID: 1007714 Tuotekoodi: DLX23
Voidaan tilata 10 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 2 vuotta
737,82 €
  • Toimitus Smartpost-pakettiautomaattiin 6,99 €: 20.12.2024
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 20.12.2024
Tärkeimmät tuoteparametrit Kaikki parametrit
  • Melutaso, dB: 66.0
  • Nimellisteho, W: 45
  • Pölysäiliön tilavuus, ml: 300
  • Suositeltava enimmäispinta-ala, m²: Ei määritelty
  • Imuteho, Pa: 6000
  • Käyttöaika, min: 140
  • Puhdistustyyppi: Kuiva
  • Puhdistustyyppi: Märkä
Akun kapasiteetti, mAh : 5200
Melutaso, dB : 66.0
Navigointitekniikka : 3D-ToF
Nimellisteho, W : 45
Suositeltava enimmäispinta-ala, m² : Ei määritelty
Väri : Valkoinen
Imuteho, Pa : 6000
Puhdistustyyppi : Kuiva, Märkä
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Battery - battery life up to - 4.3
Battery - battery recharge time - 6.5
Battery - battery technology - Li-Ion
Battery - capacity - 5200
BrandCode - ECOVACS
Category - Root/Household articles/Cleaning/Cleaning robots
Category_1 - Appliances
Category_2 - Small Electronics - Vacuum Cleaners
Dimensions - depth - 36.2
Dimensions - height - 10.35
Dimensions - weight - 4.4
Dimensions - width - 36.2
EAN - 6970135030903
Eans - 6970135030903
EAN_code - 6970135030903
Filters - filters are included
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - voice control support - Yiko
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Ecovacs
GrossWeight - 23.2000
Height - 0.6420
Length - 0.5330
LongDescription EN - Re-imagining Your Everyday Cleaning Experience Through Innovation
Your smart cleaning partner can identify carpet and simply lift the mopping pads while vacuming, giving you a worry-free cleaning experience. DEEBOT is equipped with the ECOVACS first-ever 55℃ Hot Water Mop Washing Technology, bringing you tender loving care with innovation. Using ultrasonic sound, DEEBOT T20 OMNI recognizes carpets with extraordinary accuracy. The Auto-lift Mopping System lifts the mopping plates when a carpet is detected. Thanks to the Intelligent Auto-lift Mopping System, it can change freely between vacuum-only, mop-only, vacuum while mopping, vacuum first before mopping mode. Hot-water Mop Washing
ECOVACS uses hot water to wash the mop in the robotic vaccum cleaner - no need for frequent disassembling and manual washing. Washing the mop in hot water dissolves stubborn stains, effectively removes odors, and stimulates the activity of cleaning solution making it your perfect cleaning partner. All-in-One Cleaning From The Inside Out
The ultimate All-in-One OMNI station levels up your cleaning with the ultimate hands-free solution. Also, powered by OZMO™ Turbo 2.0 Rotating Mopping system with massive 6000Pa Suction Power, DEEBOT offers a brand new deep cleaning experience with no corners left untouched. The unique OZMO Turbo 2.0 Rotating Mopping System rotates the mopping plates and applies consistent pressure to the floor for deep cleaning, effectively scrubbing away stubborn stains even 72-hour coffee stains. All-in-one OMNI Station
Say goodbye to manual intervention. The OMNI station offers a fully-automated cleaning solution. It supports Auto-Clean with hot water, Auto-Empty, Hot Air Drying and Self-Cleaning. Every time it starts, it will always provide you with a totally hands-free experience. Unlock A Truely Intelligent Cleaning Solution
Simply activate your DEEBOT with YIKO AI Voice Assistant. Meanwhile, the advanced TrueDetect 3D 3.0 and TrueMapping 2.0 enable precise navigation with fast mapping and path-planning all combine to make fully automated home cleaning a reality. Always On, Stay Clean
The smart-charging function with excellent battery performance helps your house always stay clean. Tailor-made Housekeeper Mode
With the newly upgraded Housekeeper Mode 2.0, DEEBOT can intelligently and dynamically adjust its cleaning parameters according to your home environment and cleaning preferences. TrueMapping 2.0
No matter how complicated your home is, DEEBOT T20 OMNI optimal TrueMapping 2.0 technology can conduct a 360° scan of the home environment. The 3D floor maps can be built and accessed in the ECOVACS HOME App anytime, making navigation quick and efficient even in darkness. Strong Mobility Performance
Built to deliver exceptional agility, DEEBOT T20 OMNI can move and navigate around your home with ease. It recognizes and travels over thresholds into rooms, reducing missed areas while cleaning. It can also avoid getting jammed with almost no human intervention required.
LongDescription ET - Kujutle oma igapäevast puhastuskogemust läbi innovatsiooni
Sinu nutikas puhastuspartner tuvastab vaibad ja tõstab tolmuimemise ajal lihtsalt moppimispatju, tagades Sulle muretu puhastuskogemuse. DEEBOT on varustatud ECOVACSi esmakordse 55 ℃ kuuma vee mopipesutehnoloogiaga, mis pakub Sulle õrna armastavat hooldust koos uuenduslikkusega. Ultraheliheli kasutades tunneb DEEBOT T20 OMNI vaibad ära erakordse täpsusega. Automaatselt tõusev mopp tõstab vaiba tuvastamisel moppimisplaadid üles. Tänu intelligentsele automaatsele tõstetavale moppimissüsteemile saab see vabalt vahetada ainult tolmuimemis-, ainult moppimis-, tolmuimemine moppimise ajal, tolmuimemine enne moppimist režiimide vahel. Mopipesu kuuma veega
ECOVACS kasutab robottolmuimejas mopi pesemiseks kuuma vett – pole vaja sagedast lahtivõtmist ja käsitsi pesemist. Mopi pesemine kuumas vees lahustab tõrksamad plekid, eemaldab tõhusalt lõhnad ja stimuleerib puhastuslahuse aktiivsust, muutes selle täiuslikuks puhastuspartneriks. Kõik-ühes puhastus seest ja väljast
Ülim kõik-ühes OMNI-jaam täiustab puhastamist ülima käed-vabad lahendusega. Lisaks pakub DEEBOT OZMO™ Turbo 2.0 pöörleva moppimissüsteemi jõul tohutu imemisvõimsusega uhiuut sügavpuhastuskogemust, mis ei jäta ühtegi nurka puutumata. Ainulaadne OZMO Turbo 2.0 pöörlev moppimissüsteem pöörab moppimisplaate ja avaldab põrandale ühtlast survet sügavpuhastuseks, puhastades tõhusalt tõrksamad plekid - isegi 72-tunnised kohviplekid. Kõik-ühes OMNI jaam Jäta hüvasti manuaalse sekkumisega. OMNI jaam pakub täisautomaatset puhastuslahendust. See toetab automaatset puhastamist kuuma veega, automaatset tühjendamist, kuuma õhu kuivatamist ja isepuhastust. Iga kord, kui see käivitub, pakub see Sulle alati täiesti käed-vabad kogemust. Ava tõeliselt intelligentne puhastuslahendus
Lihtsalt aktiveeri oma DEEBOT YIKO AI Voice Assistantiga. Samal ajal võimaldavad täiustatud TrueDetect 3D 3.0 ja TrueMapping 2.0 täpset navigeerimist koos kiire kaardistamise ja teeplaneerimisega, et muuta täisautomaatne kodukoristus reaalsuseks. Alati sees, kodu püsib puhas
Nutikas laadimisfunktsioon koos suurepärase aku jõudlusega aitab Su kodul alati puhtana püsida. Isikupärastatud majahoidja režiim
Äsja uuendatud majahoidja režiimi 2.0 abil saab DEEBOT nutikalt ja dünaamiliselt kohandada oma puhastusparameetreid vastavalt Sinu kodukeskkonnale ja koristuseelistustele. TrueMapping 2.0
Ükskõik kui keeruline Sinu kodu ka poleks, suudab DEEBOT T20 OMNI optimaalne TrueMapping 2.0 tehnoloogia läbi viia kodukeskkonna 360° skaneerimise. 3D-korrusekaarte saab ECOVACS HOME rakenduses igal ajal koostada ja neile juurde pääseda, muutes navigeerimise kiireks ja tõhusaks ka pimedas. Tugev liikuvusvõime
DEEBOT T20 OMNI, mis on loodud erakordselt paindlikuks, saab Sinu kodus hõlpsalt liikuda ja navigeerida. See tunneb ära ja liigub üle lävede tubadesse, vähendades puhastamata alade hulka. Samuti võib see vältida kinnijäämist, ilma et oleks vaja peaaegu mingitki inimese sekkumist.
Manufacturer - Ecovacs
Manufacturer_code - DLX23
MediumDescription EN - The brand new Robotic Vacuum Cleaner from ECOVACS, featuring the first-ever 55 ℃ Hot Water Mop Washing technology and the signature Auto-lift Mopping. • Hot Water Mop Washing in OMNI station
• Auto-lift Mopping
• All-in-One Cleaning Solution
• Advanced Navigation & YIKO
MediumDescription ET - Uus ECOVACSi robottolmuimeja sisaldab esmakordset 55℃ kuuma veega mopipesu tehnoloogiat ja automaatset mopi tõstmise funktsiooni. • OMNI jaamas kuuma veega mopipesu
• Automaatne mopi tõstmine
• Kõik-ühes puhastuslahendus
• Täiustatud navigeerimine ja YIKO
MediumDescription LV - Jaunais ECOVACS robots putekļu sūcējs, kas aprīkots ar pirmo 55 ℃ karstā ūdens mopu mazgāšanas tehnoloģiju un raksturīgo Auto-lift Mopping. • Mopu mazgāšana ar karstu ūdeni OMNI stacijā;
• Automātiska mopu pacelšana;
• Tīrīšanas risinājums - "viss vienā";
• Uzlabota navigācija un YIKO.
Name - ECOVACS Deebot T20 OMNI, robot vacuum cleaner (white, incl. all-in-one OMNI station)
Name - Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni biały
Name EN - Robot Vacuum cleaner Deebot T20 Omni Ecovacs, White
Name ET - Robottolmuimeja Deebot T20 Omni, Ecovacs, Valge
NameInWeb EN - Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, Wet & Dry, white - Robot vacuum cleaner
NameInWeb ET - Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, kuiv- ja märgpuhastus, valge - Robottolmuimeja
NameInWeb LV - Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, sausā un mitrā uzkopšana, balta - Robots putekļu sūcējs
Name LV - Robots putekļu sūcējs Deebot T20 Omni Ecovacs, Balts
NetWeight - 18.4000
Producer - Ecovacs
ProducerCode - 218819
ProductCode - DEEBOT20OMNI
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription - Odkurzacz i mop |Nawigacja: LIDAR | Akumulator: Li-Ion 6400mAh |Maksymalny czas pracy [min]: 185 | Moc ssąca: 11000 Pa
TariffNo - 85081100
Technical_details - The DEEBOT T20 OMNI is the perfect helper for thorough cleaning in your home. Thanks to TrueMapping 2.0 technology, it can scan the environment 360°, creating a precise map of the room. Small object detection accuracy is 4 times higher than laser detection systems, resulting in faster and more precise mapping. Thanks to TrueDetect 3D 3.0 technology, the DEEBOT T20 OMNI can detect and avoid obstacles with millimeter precision. Potential dangers on the floor, such as small toys or cables, are also identified and avoided. With the new rubber brush and a suction power of 6000 Pa, it also improves the cleaning of carpets. The unique OZMO Turbo 2.0 wiping system ensures thorough cleaning and effectively removes stubborn stains. The DEEBOT T20 OMNI also detects carpets thanks to ultrasound and automatically raises the mopping plates to prevent the carpet from getting wet. The OMNI station offers a fully automatic cleaning solution with hot water, automatic dust container emptying, hot air drying and self-cleaning. The DEEBOT T20 OMNI is therefore not only intelligent, but also extremely practical to use. Item no.: 100029185 Robot vacuum cleaner type color white EAN 6970135030903 Manufacturer no. DLX23 Use wet cleaning, dry cleaning Floor type tiles, smooth surfaces, hard floors, parquet/laminate, carpet Filter principle Bagless Power operation 45 watts Charging time 390 minutes Battery type Li-Ion Functions automatic start-up charging station (charging), obstacle detection, carpet detection, schedules, wiping Sensors TrueDetect 3D sensor, ultrasonic sensor, crash sensor Threshold height max. 20 mm Volume dust/dirt container 0.3 liters Power supply 14.8 volts, battery operation Feature TrueDetect 3D 3.0, OZMO Turbo 2.0, YIKO voice assistant, TrueMapping 2.0 Accessories available OMNI Station, 2 side brushes, 2 wipers, 2 wiper plates, user manual, cleaning tool Dimensions Width: 36.2 cm x Height: 10.35 cm x Depth/Length: 36.2 cm
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vacuum cleaner - self-cleaning
Vacuum cleaner - cleaning method - dry
Vacuum cleaner - cleaning method - wet
Vacuum cleaner - docking station functions - charging
Vacuum cleaner - docking station functions - dust disposal
Vacuum cleaner - dustbin / dustbag capacity - 0.4
Vacuum cleaner - dust collecting technique - central brushing
Vacuum cleaner - functions - adapts to clean carpets
Vacuum cleaner - functions - ledge detection
Vacuum cleaner - functions - resume cleaning after charging
Vacuum cleaner - functions - retractable mop arm
Vacuum cleaner - functions - room mapping
Vacuum cleaner - functions - talking
Vacuum cleaner - included items - docking station
Vacuum cleaner - suction power - 6000
Vacuum cleaner - type - robotic vacuum cleaner
Vacuum cleaner - water container capacity - 4
Volume - 0.16630240
Warranty - 24 months
Weight - 24,20
Width - 0.4860
737,82 €
Ecovacs Deebot T20 Omni, Voice & App Control, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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