Boneco W400, Evaporative humidifier, White

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ID: 915740 Tuotekoodi: W400
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Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
Samanlaisia tuotteita
Tämä tuote Boneco W400, Evaporative humidifier, White
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Uutiset Duux | Humidifier Gen 2 | Beam Mini Smart | Air humidifier | 20 W | Water tank capacity 3 L | Suitable for rooms up to 30 m² | Ultrasonic | Humidification capacity 300 ml/hr | White
Näytä vastaavat tiedot. Piilota samanlaiset tiedot.
362,31 €
51,76 €
42,74 €
43,61 €
151,28 €
Ajastin N/A Nav Ir Nav Ir
Aromaattisten öljyjen lokero Ir Nav Ir Nav
Automaattinen sammutus N/A N/A Ir Ir Ir
Enimmäiskäyttöaika (h) N/A 30 15 N/A 20
Hallinto mehāniskā mehāniskā elektriskā elektriskā
Ionisaatio Nav Nav Nav Nav
Jauda (W) 11 28 23 22 20
Kostuttimen tyyppi Tvaika Tvaika Ultraskaņas Ultraskaņas Ultraskaņas
Kostutusnopeus (ml/h) 400 300 260 N/A
Lepotila N/A Nav Ir Nav
Melutaso/alue (dB) 55 38 35 35 35
Näyttö Nav Nav Ir Nav
Ohjauspaneeli N/A Nav Nav Nav Ir
Putken pituus (m) N/A 2 1.5 N/A
Ruokinnan tyyppi Tīkls Tīkls Tīkls Tīkls
Tilat 2 3 N/A N/A
Toimintasäde (m2) 60 N/A 35 15 30
Väri Balta Balta Melna Melna
Vesisäiliön tilavuus (l) 12 4 5 0.8 3
Kaikki parametrit
Ajastin : N/A
Aromaattisten öljyjen lokero : Ir
Automaattinen sammutus : N/A
Enimmäiskäyttöaika (h) : N/A
Hallinto : mehāniskā
Ionisaatio : Nav
Jauda (W) : 11
Kostuttimen tyyppi : Tvaika
Kostutusnopeus (ml/h) : 400
Lepotila : N/A
Melutaso/alue (dB) : 55
Näyttö : Nav
Ohjauspaneeli : N/A
Putken pituus (m) : N/A
Ruokinnan tyyppi : Tīkls
Tilat : 2
Toimintasäde (m2) : 60
Vesisäiliön tilavuus (l) : 12
Väri : Balta
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
Accessories included -
Automatic shut-off - Yes
Batteries included - no
Battery-powered product - no
BrandCode - BONECO
Color - White
Description - Evaporative humidifier W400 Air washer W400 is a powerful and easy-to-use device that you can control with the dedicated BONECO app. You only need one turn of the dial to switch it on and off, all other functions are programmed via your phone or tablet. You can simply set the desired humidity in the room and the W400 will automatically adjust its operating mode or specify all other parameters yourself. In the app, you can also select the SLEEP mode for a peaceful night's sleep or BABY mode for the peace and quiet of your little one. The Air Washer W400 has an extra-large 12-litre built-in water container, guaranteeing uninterrupted operation for up to 3 days. The built-in sensor measures the humidity in the room in real time and adjusts the power of the evaporator accordingly to maintain optimum humidification. Most of the parts can be conveniently cleaned in the dishwasher or washed in the washing machine, and the simple and modern design of the unit will suit any room. The Air Washer W400 is: Convenient control of the device via the BONECO mobile app, allowing you to adapt the purifier to your own preferences, Extremely long operating time of the device thanks to the 12-litre water tank, Efficient and natural air humidification thanks to the innovative spatial evaporation mat, Purification of the room air from allergens, pollen, dust, mites, hair, dander, bacteria and viruses, Selectable optimal operating mode, including BABY mode for the care of your little one, Built-in sensor that automatically adjusts the operating power to ensure optimum room humidification, Unprecedented ease of maintenance of the device, the parts are dishwasher safe and the filter mat is machine washable, Modern and subtle design to suit any room. Product features: Extremely capacious 12-litre water tank, Low energy consumption, AUTO, SLEEP and BABY operating modes, Control via mobile app, Analogue control panel, Container for essential oils, Dishwasher and machine washable parts, Unique and timeless design, Swiss quality for a long service life, Recommended for use in rooms of up to 60 m2. How the W400 evaporative humidifier works Innovative spatial evaporation mats rotate in the water, allowing moisture to penetrate the room. The self-regulating evaporation system ensures the right humidity in the room, as the air takes in as much moisture as it needs at any given time. They clean the air of allergens, pollen, dust, dust mites, hair, dander, bacteria, viruses, smoke and absorb unpleasant odours. The air washer can be used all year round and, thanks to its natural cleaning properties, is a great choice especially for allergy sufferers.
dimension depth - 320 mm
dimension height - 510 mm
Dimensions - 43,3 x 28 x 40 cm  
Dimensions - depth - 40
Dimensions - height - 43.3
Dimensions - weight - 6.45
Dimensions - width - 28
dimension weight - 8000 g
dimension width - 480 mm
ean - 7611408017304
EAN - 7611408017304
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Boneco
General parameters - noise power - 55
GrossWeight - 8.0000
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.5150
Humidity sensor - No
Ioniser - room size (m²) -
Ioniser - room size - smoking (m²) -
Ionization - No
Length - 0.3200
LongDescription EN - The Air Washer W400 is distinguished by its high performance and ease of operation. The BONECO App provides you with the entire range of functions. The extra-large water tank enables particularly long operation of up to three days—and thus provides long-lasting, optimal humidity within your four walls. The integrated sensor measures the humidity in real time and adjusts the fan level automatically. The appliance can be operated directly using the control knob, and the BONECO app is available for additional functions: Simply set the desired humidity at which you feel best, and the W400 takes care of the rest. In addition, you can choose between different modes in the app. The SLEEP profile supports restful sleep at night, and the BABY profile creates comfortable conditions while your child is dreaming. In addition to making the unit convenient to operate, the designers were also sure to make cleaning easy – most of the parts can just be placed in the dishwasher or washing machine. The understated and modern design of the W400 fits in every living room or office, and you will value its exceptional performance.
LongDescription ET - Õhuniisuti W400 eristub suure jõudluse ja kasutuslihtsuse poolest. BONECO rakendus pakub laia valikut funktsioone. Eriti suur veepaak võimaldab kuni kolmepäevast töötamist ja tagab seega pikaajalise optimaalse niiskuse Sinu kodus. Integreeritud andur mõõdab niiskust reaalajas ja reguleerib ventilaatori taset automaatselt. Seadet saab juhtida otse juhtnupu abil, BONECO rakendus on saadaval lisafunktsioonide jaoks: lihtsalt määra soovitud õhuniiskus, mille juures tunned end kõige paremini, ja W400 hoolitseb ülejäänu eest. Lisaks saab rakenduses valida erinevate režiimide vahel. SLEEP-profiil toetab kosutavat öist und ja BABY-profiil loob mugavad tingimused, kui Sinu laps magab. Peale selle, et seadet oleks mugav kasutada, tegid disainerid ka puhastamise lihtsaks – enamikku osadest saab lihtsalt nõudepesumasinas või pesumasinas pesta.
LongDescription LV - W400 gaisa mazgātājs ir augstas veiktspējas un viegli lietojams. Izmantojiet BONECO lietotni, lai piekļūtu visam funkciju klāstam. Pateicoties palielinātajam ūdens tvertnes tilpumam, ierīce var darboties nepārtraukti līdz pat 3 dienām, saglabājot optimālu gaisa mitrumu jūsu mājās. Iebūvētais sensors mēra gaisa mitrumu reāllaikā un automātiski pielāgo ventilācijas līmeni (ventilatora darbības režīmu). Ierīci var vadīt ar tālvadības pulti, BONECO lietotne ir pieejama papildu funkcijām: vienkārši iestatiet vēlamo gaisa mitrumu, pie kura jūtaties vislabāk, un W400 parūpēsies par pārējo. Turklāt aplikācijā var izvēlēties dažādus režīmus. SLEEP profils veicina mierīgu nakts miegu, savukārt BABY profils rada komfortablus apstākļus bērnu miegam. Dizaineri ne tikai rūpējās par ierīces lietošanas ērtībām, bet arī ir vienkāršojuši tās tīrīšanu – lielāko daļu detaļu var viegli mazgāt trauku mazgājamā mašīnā vai veļas mašīnā.
MediumDescription EN - Extra long operating life – easy cleaning – intuitive operation using an app • Natural and efficient air humidification thanks to innovative evaporator mat
• Cleans the air of large particles such as pollen and household dust
• Incredibly easy to clean – washing machine and dish washer safe components
• BONECO App offers intuitive user guidance and navigation
• The pre-filter removes large particles from the air before the humidification process
• Extra-long operating time thanks to large water tank
• Suitable for the use of fragrances and essential oils
MediumDescription ET - Eriti pikk kasutusiga – lihtne puhastada – intuitiivne juhtimine rakenduse kaudu • Loomulik ja tõhus õhuniisutus tänu uuenduslikule aurustusmatile
• Puhastab õhku suurtest osakestest nagu õietolm ja kodutolm
• Uskumatult lihtne puhastada – pesumasina- ja nõudepesumasinakindlad komponendid
• BONECO rakendus pakub intuitiivseid juhiseid ja navigeerimist
• Eelfilter eemaldab enne niisutusprotsessi õhust suured osakesed
• Eriti pikk tööaeg tänu suurele veepaagile
• Sobib lõhnaainete ja eeterlike õlide kasutamiseks
MediumDescription LV - • Augstas veiktspējas mitrināšana un tīrīšana, pateicoties jaunajam 3D sūklim;
• Attīra gaisu no lielām daļiņām, piemēram, ziedputekšņiem un mājas putekļiem;
• Viegli tīrāms – korpusu un sūkli var mazgāt trauku mazgājamā mašīnā;
• BONECO lietotne nodrošina intuitīvus norādījumus un navigāciju;
• Priekšfiltrs no gaisa noņem lielas daļiņas pirms mitrināšanas procesa;
• Īpaši ilgs darbības laiks, pateicoties lielākai ūdens tvertnei;
• Piemērots lietošanai ar smaržvielām un ēteriskajām eļļām.
Mist - Cool
name - Evaporative humidifier W400
Name EN - Humidyfire Boneco
Name ET - Õhuniisuti - õhupesur, Boneco
NameInWeb EN - Boneco W400, white - Humidifier & Purifier
NameInWeb ET - Boneco W400, valge - Õhuniisuti/Õhupesur
NameInWeb LV - Boneco W400, balta - Gaisa mitrinātājs un attīrītājs
Name LV - Gaisa mitrinātājs-attīrītājs, Boneco
NetWeight - 6.4500
Noise - 55 dB
Operating range - 60 m2
Other features -
Power - 12.7 W
Power - Mains
producer - Boneco
ProductCode - W400
ProductionCountry - CN
Special functions -
Steam control - Yes
TariffNo - 85098000
Type - Air humidifier
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - W400
Volume - 0.07910400
Water container capacity - 12 l
Water level indicator - Yes
Weight - 6.45 kg
Width - 0.4800
362,31 €
Boneco W400, Evaporative humidifier, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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