Schleich Warthog

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ID: 673972 Tuotekoodi: 14843
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Takuu: 2 vuotta (Yritysten takuu 1 vuosi)
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Tämä tuote Schleich Warthog
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16,50 €
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Accessories included -
Battery - Batteries required - No
Brand - schleich
BrandPartCode - 14843
Category - Children's Toy Figures
Category - Others
Category_1 - Toys
Category_2 - Dolls
Description - Guziec
Guziec posiada charakterystyczne brodawki i kły o długości 30 cm. W zasadzie nie są to prawdziwe brodawki, a jedynie gruba skóra, która chroni te zwierzęta przed obrażeniami w walce. Także kły pomagają im w obronie przed lwami, hienami, lampartami i dzikimi psami.
Żyje w Afryce, a jego głównym pożywieniem są głównie korzenie, bulwy i jagody.
Guźce nie używają do kopania swoich kłów, lecz pysków i kopyt.
Chcesz stworzyć w zaciszu swojego pokoju własne zoo? Teraz dzięki serii figurek Schleich jest to możliwe.
Mali miłośnicy zwierząt mogą stworzyć własne ogrody zoologiczne, w których umieszczą okazy zwierząt z całego świata.
Designation - CE + 0-3 + Male czesci + zadlawienie
dimension depth - 30 mm
dimension height - 140 mm
Dimensions - 8,2 x 2,7 x 4,9 cm
dimension weight - 58 g
dimension width - 70 mm
ean - 4059433327068
EAN_code - 4059433327068
Features - Animal type(s) - Warthog
Features - Country of origin - China
Features - Genre - Animals
Features - Product colour - Black, Brown
Features - Product type - Toy figure
Features - Recommended age (max) - 8 yr(s)
Features - Recommended age (min) - 3 yr(s)
Features - Sound effects - No
Features - Suggested gender - Boy/Girl
Gender - Boys
Gender - Girls
GTIN - 4059433327068
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Logistics data - Layers per pallet - 8 pc(s)
Logistics data - Master (outer) case dispatch unit - No
Logistics data - Master (outer) case gross weight - 155.4 g
Logistics data - Master (outer) case GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 14059433039395
Logistics data - Master (outer) case height - 90 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case invoice unit - No
Logistics data - Master (outer) case length - 103 mm
Logistics data - Master (outer) case minimum order quantity - 5 pc(s)
Logistics data - Master (outer) case net weight - 155.4 g
Logistics data - Master (outer) case orderable unit - No
Logistics data - Master (outer) case volume - 834300 cm³
Logistics data - Master (outer) case width - 90 mm
Logistics data - Minimum order quantity - 5 pc(s)
Logistics data - Pallet gross height - 180 cm
Logistics data - Pallet gross length - 80 cm
Logistics data - Pallet gross volume - 1728000000 dm³
Logistics data - Pallet gross weight - 5.53 kg
Logistics data - Pallet gross width - 120 cm
Logistics data - Pallet GTIN (EAN/UPC) - 64059433039383
Logistics data - Pallet type - 800 x 1200 mm
Logistics data - Products per master (outer) case - 5 pc(s)
Logistics data - Products per pallet - 180 pc(s)
Logistics data - Products per pallet layer - 180 pc(s)
LongDesc - The Warthog from schleich® WILD LIFE has strange looking warts and curved tusks that are up to 30 cm long.The Warthog from schleich® WILD LIFE is a mammal that lives in Africa and primarily eats roots, tubers and berries. It has wart-shaped growths under the eyes and above the nose. They aren't actually warts but rather particularly thick skin that protects the animal from serious injury during fights. The tusks are used to defend against lions, hyenas, leopards and wild dogs.
LongProductName - Warthog
LongSummaryDescription - schleich WILD LIFE Warthog. Recommended age (min): 3 yr(s), Product colour: Black, Brown. Number of products included: 1 pc(s)
Manufacturer - Schleich
Manufacturer_code - 14843
Minimum age - od 3 years
Name - Schleich Warthog, play figure
name - Warthog
Other features -
Packaging content - Number of pieces - 1 pc(s)
Packaging content - Number of products included - 1 pc(s)
Packaging data - Assortment of products - No
Packaging data - Package depth - 27 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 49 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 29.27 g
Packaging data - Package width - 82 mm
Part number - 14843
producer - Schleich
ProductName - Warthog
Safety warning - EU TSD warning - No warning applicable
ShortSummaryDescription - schleich WILD LIFE Warthog, 3 yr(s), Black, Brown, 1 pc(s)
Special functions -
Supplier features - Assembly required - No
Supplier features - Commercial unit type - Consumer unit single
Supplier features - Country of importation (ISO 3166-1) - Germany
Supplier features - Customs product code (TARIC) - 95030049
Supplier features - Dispatch unit - No
Supplier features - Invoice unit - No
Supplier features - Manual languages (ISO 639 format) - French, English
Supplier features - Manufacturer - Schleich
Supplier features - Number of packages - 1
Supplier features - Packaging languages (ISO 639 format) - French, English
Supplier features - Target audience - 4
Technical_details - Warthog, game character The warthog from Schleich WILD LIFE is a mammal that lives in Africa and feeds mainly on roots, tubers and berries. It has warty outgrowths under the eyes and above the nose. However, these are not real warts, but rather particularly thick skin. It protects the animals from major injuries in battle. They use their tusks to defend themselves against lions, hyenas, leopards and wild dogs. Type: game character EAN: 4059433327068 Manufacturer No.: 14843 Series: Wild Life Age recommendation: from 36 months to 8 years Target group: kindergarten children, school children Material: Plastic Warnings: Caution: Not suitable for children under 36 months! Warnings: Attention: Danger of suffocation due to small parts! Dimension: Width: 82mm x Height: 49mm x Depth/Length: 27mm
Title - schleich WILD LIFE Warthog
Type - animals
vendpn - 14843
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0,03
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 27 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 49 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 29.27 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 82 mm
16,50 €
Schleich Warthog
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