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ID: 937098 Tuotekoodi: 5005301006
Voidaan tilata 1 yksiköt Saatavuus: 14 päivää tilauksen hyväksymisestä
Takuu: 3 vuotta
245,00 €
  • Toimitus Smartpostille 6,99 €: 31.03.2025
  • Kuriiritoimitus 11,99 €: 31.03.2025
Yksityiskohtaisempi erittely
AC Charging - 360 Watts
AC Outputs Output power connectors - 1
Akupank - Aku tüüp - Liitium-ioon
Akupank - Indikaator - Aku tase
Akupank - Indikaator - Aku täis
Akupank - Indikaator - Aku täituvus
Akupank - Indikaator - Laadimine
Akupank - Juhtmevaba laadimine - Ei
Akupank - Kiirlaadimine - Ei
Akupank - Laadimine - Autolaadijaga
Akupank - Laadimine - Päikesepaneeli kaudu
Akupank - Laadimine - Seinalaadija
Akupank - Laadimine - USB-C pesa kaudu
Akupank - Laadimisaeg - 1 tund
Akupank - Mahutavus - 256 Wh
Akupank - Muud omadused - Käepide
Akupank - Muud omadused - Päikesepaneel
Akupank - Muud sisendid - 1 × DC 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W
Akupank - Muud sisendid - 220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 10A
Akupank - Muud sisendid - Universaalne päikeseenergia laadimise MC4 port 110 W / 11–30 V 8 A
Akupank - Muud väljundid - 1 × AC 230 V
Akupank - Muud väljundid - 1 × DC 12,6 V 8 A 100 W Max
Akupank - Muud väljundid - DC5521 12,6 V
Akupank - Sisendpesad - USB-C
Akupank - Töötemperatuur - 0 – 45 °C
Akupank - USB väljund - 2,4 A
Akupank - USB väljund 2 - 3 A
Akupank - USB väljundpesade arv - 2
Akupank - Väljundpesad - AC
Akupank - Väljundpesad - DC
Akupank - Väljundpesad - USB
Akupank - Väljundpesad - USB-C
barcode - 4895251601870
Battery - Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
Battery - solar panel support
Battery - battery recharge time - 1
Battery - capacity - 256
Battery - charge cycles - 3000
Battery - Electrochemical cell - LFP
Battery - maximum output - 600
Battery capacity - 256 Wh
brand - EcoFlow
BrandCode - ECOFLOW
Car Power Output power connectors - 1
Category Code - PWS
category_en - Energy
category_et - Energia
category_lv - Enerģija
category_ru - Энергия
Charger - charging time -
Climate - operating temperature - 20 - 30
Cycle life - 3000 cycles to 80% capacity
DC5521 Output power connectors - 1
depth - 31
Description - EcoFlow RIVER 2 Portable Power Station Charge 0-100% in only 60 mins. With ultra-fast 60m charging, you'll always be ready for the next getaway. Charge 0-100% using an AC outlet in only 1 hour. It's 5 times faster than the industry norm and 38% faster than previous generation. Safe and reliable for 10 years of use. With over 3000+ battery 100% cycles, you can use RIVER 2 almost every day for pretty much ten years. LFP battery chemistry doesn't just offer long life. It's more reliable, efficient and safe even in high temperatures. RIVER 2 has one of the longest warranties in the industry, so we've got you protected for the next 5 years. Charge without limits. With four versatile charging options, we've made sure you can charge RIVER 2 pretty much anywhere you are. Charge using an AC outlet for ultra-fast 1-hour charging, charge on the go with car charging, and go off-grid or green with fast solar charging. RIVER 2 has an all-new charging option, USB-C. Plug in and conveniently charge anywhere that has an outlet. Run up to 99% of your consumer electronics. With a 300W output, RIVER 2 has most of your essentials covered. But why not take power to another level with X-Boost mode? Turn it on to power appliances with an output of up to 600W, including a desktop computer or blender. Grab-and-go-power. With a lightweight of only 3.5 kg and an easy to carry design, RIVER 2 makes on-the-go power plain-sailing. Essential home backup with a 30ms switch-over mode. Prepare your appliances for unexpected outages. With a fast 30ms switch-over speed, RIVER 2 keeps your must-have-power appliances running. Power at your fingertips. Use the EcoFlow app to control and monitor RIVER 2 from the convenience of your phone. Connect using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to use nearby or remotely.
description_en - EcoFlow RIVER 2 is a new and compact battery station that adds portability to the RIVER series without significant compromises in power and battery capacity. Powers up to 5 devices simultaneously
A large energy storage capacity of 256 Wh and various AC, DC and USB outputs allow you to keep your phone, laptop and, for example, a tablet in operation at the same time - there are many possibilities! X-Boost technology
RIVER 2 can power 80% of popular devices. The rated power is up to 300 W, which together with X-Boost technology makes it ideal for powering devices up to 600 W. Thus, the RIVER 2 charging station can be used as a power source for a phone, laptop, TV, light, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, coffee machine and other devices. Up to 99% of household electronics can be powered. Charging from 0 to 80% in one hour and in the car
The RIVER 2 charging station can be charged in different ways, the fastest is to do it from an AC outlet via a mains adapter within 1 hour. EcoFlow's patented X-Stream technology allows RIVER 2 to be fully charged in 1.6 hours, 80% of which in 1 hour. Faster charging means less downtime and more uptime. When on the road, it is convenient to fully charge the RIVER 2 charging station from the cigarette lighter in the car (12 / 24 V 10 A input), which takes 3.5 hours. RIVER 2 has a completely new charging option - USB-C. Universal solar panel input
Charging RIVER with solar panels ensures mobility and independence from the mains. Various solar panels (11-30 V Max 8 A) can be used for charging. The built-in maximum power point tracking MPPT algorithm gets more power from the solar panels regardless of the weather. Charging with a 110 W solar panel takes 1.6 - 3 hours, depending on the intensity of the sun. Compact and light
Weighing only 3.5 kg and less than 30 cm long, RIVER 2 is compact and fits both in the car and on the desktop. It is convenient to carry and its use is within the reach of everyone. The charging station has a practical carrying handle to make it easy to take anywhere, be it in a caravan, on a boat or in nature. Ultra-fast transition to home backup power
With a switching speed of less than 30 ms, you won't even notice power outages. Use the RIVER 2 model as an emergency power source in the event of a power outage at night to keep important equipment running. EcoFlow mobile app & WiFi support, LCD display
The EcoFlow mobile application allows setting up and controlling RIVER 2 remotely over a Wi-Fi network, so you can see the input and output power and the remaining working time in real time. The LCD screen on the front shows the battery status, temperature and charge/discharge time. Battery type: Lithium ion Battery capacity: 256 Wh Battery life: 3000+ life cycles = - 20% of battery capacity Charging time: 1.6 hours Charging temperature: 0–45° C + / - 3° C Operating temperature: -20–45° C + / - 3° C Dimensions: 24.5 x 21.4 x 14.2 cm Weight: 3.5 kg Outputs: 1 × USB-A 5 V 2.4 A 12 W Max 1 × USB-C 5 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 20 V 3 A max 60 W 1 × DC5521 12.6 V / 3 A 36 W 1 × DC 12.6 V, 8 A, 100 W Max 1 × AC 230 V 50/60 Hz Inputs: Wall charger port 220–240 V 50/60 Hz 360 W Universal Solar Charging MC4 Port 110 W / 11–30 V 8A Car charger 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W USB-C 5 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 20 V 3 A 60 W Defense systems: BMS Overvoltage protection Overload protection, Overheating protection Short circuit protection Overcurrent protection Low voltage protection Low temperature protection In the set: AC charging cable Car charging cable
description_et - EcoFlow RIVER 2 on uus ja kompaktne akujaam, mis lisab RIVER seeriale portatiivsust, võimsuses ja aku mahtuvuses olulisi järeleandmisi tegemata. Toidab kuni 5 seadet korraga
Suur energiasalvestusmaht 256 Wh ja erinevad AC, DC ning USB väljundid võimaldavad üheaegselt töös hoida telefoni, sülearvutit ja näiteks tahvelarvutit – võimalusi on palju! X-Boost tehnoloogia
RIVER 2 suudab toita 80% populaarsetest seadmetest. Nimivõimsus on kuni 300 W, mis koos X-Boost tehnoloogiaga muudab selle ideaalseks kuni 600 W seadmete toiteks. Seega saab RIVER 2 laadimisjaama kasutada telefoni, sülearvuti, televiisori, valgusti, tolmuimeja, külmiku, kohvimasina ja muude seadmete vooluallikana. Toite saab kuni 99% olmeelektroonikast. Laadimine 0 – 80 % ühe tunniga ja autos
RIVER 2 laadimisjaama saab laadida erinevatel viisidel, kõige kiirem on seda teha vahelduvvoolu pistikupesast võrguadapteri kaudu 1 tunni jooksul. EcoFlow patenteeritud X-Stream tehnoloogia võimaldab RIVER 2 täis laadida 1,6 tunni jooksul, millest 80 % lausa 1 tunniga. Kiirem laadimine tähendab vähem seisakuid ja rohkem tööaega. Teel olles on mugav RIVER 2 laadimisjaam täis laadida autos sigaretisüütajast (12 / 24 V 10 A sisend), milleks kulub 3,5 tundi. RIVER 2-l on täiesti uus laadimisvõimalus – USB-C. Universaalne päikesepaneeli sisend
RIVER laadimine päikesepaneelide abil tagab mobiilsuse ja sõltumatuse vooluvõrgust. Laadimiseks võib kasutada erinevaid päikesepaneele (11–30 V Max 8 A). Sisseehitatud maksimaalse võimsuspunkti jälgimise MPPT algoritm saab päikesepaneelidelt rohkem energiat olenemata ilmast. Laadimine 110 W päikesepaneeliga toimub 1,6 - 3 tunniga, olenevalt päikese intensiivsusest. Kompaktne ja kerge
Vaid 3,5 kg kaaluv ja alla 30 cm pikkune RIVER 2 on kompaktne ja mahub nii autosse kui ka töölauale. Seda on mugav kaasas kanda ning selle kasutamine on jõukohane kõigile. Laadimisjaamal on praktiline kandesang, et seda oleks lihtne kõikjale kaasa võtta, olgu siis haagissuvilasse, paati või loodusesse. Ülikiire üleminek kodusele varutoitele
Lülituskiirusega alla 30 ms ei märka Sa isegi elektrikatkestusi. Kasuta RIVER 2 mudelit avariitoiteallikana öösel elektrikatkestuse korral, et hoida töös olulised seadmed. EcoFlow mobiilirakendus & WiFi tugi, LCD-ekraan
EcoFlow mobiilirakendus võimaldab RIVER 2 seadistamist ja juhtimist distantsilt üle WiFi võrgu, nii näed sisend- ja väljundvõimsust ning järelejäänud tööaega reaalajas. Esiküljel olev LCD-ekraan näitab aku olekut, temperatuuri ja laadimis-/tühjenemisaega. Akutüüp: Liitiumioon Aku mahutavus: 256 Wh Aku eluiga: 3000+ elutsüklit = – 20 % aku mahutavust Laadimisaeg: 1,6 tundi Laadimistemperatuur: 0–45° C + / - 3° C Töötemperatuur: -20–45° C + / - 3° C Mõõtmed: 24,5 × 21,4 × 14,2 cm Kaal: 3,5 kg Väljundpesad: 1 × USB-A 5V 2,4A 12 W Max 1 × USB-C 5 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 20 V 3A max 60 W 1 × DC5521 12,6 V / 3 A 36 W 1 × DC 12,6 V, 8 A, 100 W Max 1 × AC 230V 50 / 60 Hz Sisendpesad: Seinalaadija port 220–240 V 50/60 Hz 360 W Universaalne päikeseenergia laadimise MC4 port 110 W / 11–30 V 8A Autolaadija 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W USB-C 5 / 9 / 12 / 15 / 20 V 3A 60 W Kaitsesüsteemid: BMS Ülepinge kaitse Ülekoormuse kaitse, Ülekuumenemiskaitse Lühisekaitse Ülevoolu kaitse Madalpinge kaitse Madala temperatuuri kaitse Komplektis: Vahelduvvoolu laadimiskaabel Auto laadimiskaabel
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Portable battery bank-charging station Capacity: 256 Wh Allows you to charge up to 5 devices at a time Recharge your charging station from 0% to 100% in one hour EcoFlow mobile app & WiFi support
description_short_et - Kaasaskantav akupank-laadimisjaam Mahutavus: 256 Wh Võimaldab korraga laadida kuni 5 seadet Lae laadimisjaam 0% -lt 100% -ni ühe tunni jooksul EcoFlow mobiilirakendus & WiFi tugi
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Портативная зарядная станция для аккумуляторных батарей Емкость: 256 Втч Позволяет заряжать до 5 устройств одновременно Зарядите зарядную станцию ​​с 0% до 100% за один час Мобильное приложение EcoFlow и поддержка Wi-Fi
Dimensions - 24.5x21.5x14.5cm
Dimensions - depth - 14.2
Dimensions - height - 24.5
Dimensions - weight - 3500
Dimensions - width - 21.4
EAN - 4895251601870
feature_group_en - Power banks
feature_group_et - Akupangad
feature_group_lv - Lādētāji-akumulatori
feature_group_ru - Портативные аккумуляторы
Full Description Line - Power station|Battery Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)|Capacity 256 Wh|Max output 300 Watts|1xAC Outputs|1xUSB-A|1xCar Power|1xDC5521|1xUSB-C|Solar Charging 11-30V 110W, 8A Max|AC Charging 360 Watts|Cycle life 3000 cycles to 80% capacity|Wireless connections WLAN/Bluetooth|Dimensions 24.5x21.5x14.5cm|Weight 3.5 kg
Functions - configuration using app
General - Body material - Plastic
General - Color - Black
General - Height (mm) - 142
General - Length (mm) - 245
General - Package contents - Car charging cable
General - Package contents - Power bank
General - Package contents - Wall charger
General - Weight (g) - 3500
General - Width (mm) - 214
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - display - Yes
General parameters - manufacturer - EcoFlow
General parameters - product - Power Bank
GrossWeight - 5.0000
gross_weight - 6.5
Height - 0.2000
height - 19
Interfaces - 12 V car adapter
Interfaces - AC outlet - 1
Interfaces - USB-A - 2
Interfaces - USB-C - 1
Length - 0.2800
Lādētājs-akumulators - Akumulatora tips - Litija jonu
Lādētājs-akumulators - Bezvadu uzlāde - Ei
Lādētājs-akumulators - Citi - Rokturis
Lādētājs-akumulators - Citi - Solar panel
Lādētājs-akumulators - Darba temperatūra - 0 – 45 °C
Lādētājs-akumulators - Ieejas pieslēgvietas - USB-C
Lādētājs-akumulators - Ietilpība - 256 Wh
Lādētājs-akumulators - Indikators - Akmulatora līmenis
Lādētājs-akumulators - Indikators - Akumulatora uzlādes līmenis
Lādētājs-akumulators - Indikators - Akumulators uzlādēts
Lādētājs-akumulators - Indikators - Uzlāde
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - AC
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - DC
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - USB
Lādētājs-akumulators - Izejas pieslēgvietas - USB-C
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other inputs - 1 × DC 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other inputs - 220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 10A
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other inputs - Universal Solar Charging MC4 Port 110 W / 11–30 V 8 A
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other outputs - 1 × AC 230 V
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other outputs - 1 × DC 12.6 V 8 A 100 W Max
Lādētājs-akumulators - Other outputs - DC5521 12.6 V
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB izeja - 2,4 A
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB izeja 2 - 3 A
Lādētājs-akumulators - USB pieslēgvietu skaits - 2
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - izmantojot USB-C pieslēgvietu
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Sienas lādētājs
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Solar panel
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlāde - Via car charger
Lādētājs-akumulators - Uzlādes laiks - 1 hour
Lādētājs-akumulators - Ātrā uzlāde - No
manufacturer_code - 5005301006
MediumDescription EN - RIVER 2 beats the industry charging speed standard, fully charging in only 60 minutes. That’s 5x faster than other portable power stations on the market and 38% quicker than previous generations. Fully charge RIVER 2 while you pack your bags, so you’ll always be ready for a last-minute trip. RIVER 2 has an AC output of up to 300W. Need to power a blender or desktop? Crank it up to 600W with X-Boost mode to run up to 99% of consumer electronics.
MediumDescription ET - 300W võimsuse ja 256Wh mahuga EcoFlow RIVER 2 lubab ühendada kuni 9 seadet korraga. X-Boost režiimis saab pakkuda kuni 600W. 256Wh mahuga saab elektriga varustada vajalikke seadmeid tundideks sõltuvalt vooluvajadusest. Tegemist on kompaktse ja kõigest 3,5 kg kaaluva akujaamaga, mida saab vooluvõrgust täis laadida kõigest 1 tunniga. Päiksepaneelidega võtab see umbes 3 tundi. • AC pesa 300W (X-Boost kuni 600W)
• 2x USB-A liidest (5V, 2.4A, 12W)
• USB-C liides (5/9/12/15/20V, 3A, 60W)
• Auto voolupesa (12V/24V, 8A, 100W)
• DC väljund (12.6V, 8A, 100W)
• Päiksepaneeli ühendamisvõimalus (sisend 11-30V, 8A, 110W)
MediumDescription LV - EcoFlow RIVER 2 ar 300 W jaudu un 256 Wh ietilpību ļauj pieslēgt līdz pat 9 ierīcēm vienlaikus. X-Boost režīmā var nodrošināt jaudu līdz 600 W. Ar 256 Wh ietilpību, pārnēsājamā spēkstacija var nodrošināt ar elektroenerģiju nepieciešamākās ierīces vairākas stundas, atkarībā no nepieciešamības.• 300 W maiņstrāvas rozete (X-Boost līdz 600 W);
• 2 USB-A saskarnes (5 V, 2,4 A, 12 W);
• USB-C interfeiss (5/9/12/15/20V, 3A, 60W);
• Automašīnas kontaktligzda (12 V/24 V, 8 A, 100 W);
• Līdzstrāvas izeja (12,6 V, 8 A, 100 W);
• Iespēja pieslēgt saules paneli (ieeja 11-30 V, 8 A, 110 W).
Name EN - Power station EcoFlow RIVER 2 256Wh
Name ET - Power station EcoFlow RIVER 2 256Wh
NameInWeb EN - EcoFlow RIVER 2, black - Portable power station
NameInWeb ET - EcoFlow RIVER 2, must - Kaasaskantav akujaam / akupank
NameInWeb LV - EcoFlow RIVER 2, melna - Pārnēsājama spēkstacija
Name LV - Power station EcoFlow RIVER 2 256Wh
name_en - EcoFlow portable power station RIVER 2 256Wh
name_et - EcoFlow akupank-laadimisjaam RIVER 2 256Wh
name_lv - EcoFlow portable power station RIVER 2 256Wh
name_ru - EcoFlow аккумуляторный банк-portable power station RIVER 2 256Wh
NetWeight - 3.5000
Power bank - Battery type - Lithium-ion
Power bank - Capacity - 256 Wh
Power bank - Charging - Solar panel
Power bank - Charging - Via car charger
Power bank - Charging - via USB-C port
Power bank - Charging - Wall charger
Power bank - Charging time - 1 hour
Power bank - Fast charging - No
Power bank - Indicator - Battery charged
Power bank - Indicator - Battery level
Power bank - Indicator - Charging
Power bank - Indicator - Remaining battery
Power bank - Input ports - USB-C
Power bank - Operating temperature - 0 – 45 °C
Power bank - Other inputs - 1 × DC 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W
Power bank - Other inputs - 220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 10A
Power bank - Other inputs - Universal Solar Charging MC4 Port 110 W / 11–30 V 8 A
Power bank - Other outputs - 1 × AC 230 V
Power bank - Other outputs - 1 × DC 12.6 V 8 A 100 W Max
Power bank - Other outputs - DC5521 12.6 V
Power bank - Other properties - Handle
Power bank - Other properties - Solar panel
Power bank - Output ports - AC
Power bank - Output ports - DC
Power bank - Output ports - USB
Power bank - Output ports - USB-C
Power bank - USB number of output ports - 2
Power bank - USB output - 2.4 A
Power bank - USB output 2 - 3 A
Power bank - Wireless charging - Ei
ProductCode - 5005301006
ProductionCountry - CN
Product Type - Power station
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 27 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 19 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 4 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 31 cm
Solar Charging - 11-30V 110W, 8A Max
TariffNo - 85076000
Unit Box Height - 0.19
Unit Box Length - 0.27
Unit Box Width - 0.31
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0159 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 4 kg
Unit Net Weight - 3.5 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
USB-A Output power connectors - 1
USB-C Output power connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Vispārīgi - Augstums (mm) - 142
Vispārīgi - Garums (mm) - 245
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Car charging cable
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Lādētājakumulators
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Sienas lādētājs
Vispārīgi - Korpusa materiāls - Plastmasa
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Vispārīgi - Platums (mm) - 214
Vispārīgi - Svars (g) - 3500
Volume - 0.01736000
Warranty - 60 months
Wattage - 300 Watts
Width - 0.3100
width - 27
Wireless connections - Bluetooth/WLAN
Üldine - Kaal (g) - 3500
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Akupank
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Auto laadimiskaabel
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Seinalaadija
Üldine - Korpuse materjal - Plastik
Üldine - Kõrgus (mm) - 142
Üldine - Laius (mm) - 214
Üldine - Pikkus (mm) - 245
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Общие характеристики - Вес (г) - 3500
Общие характеристики - Высота (мм) - 142
Общие характеристики - Длина (мм) - 245
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Power bank
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Автомобильный кабель для зарядки
Общие характеристики - Комплектация - Настенная зарядка
Общие характеристики - Материал корпуса - Пластик
Общие характеристики - Цвет - Черный
Общие характеристики - Ширина (мм) - 214
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Выход - 2,4 A
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Выход 2 - 3 A
Портативный зарядный банк - USB Количество портов - 2
Портативный зарядный банк - Беспроводная зарядка - Ei
Портативный зарядный банк - Быстрая зарядка - Нет
Портативный зарядный банк - Время зарядки - 1 час
Портативный зарядный банк - Другое - Рукоятка
Портативный зарядный банк - Другое - Солнечная панель
Портативный зарядный банк - Емкость - 256 Wh
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - Настенная зарядка
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - С автомобильной зарядкой
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - Солнечная панель
Портативный зарядный банк - Зарядка - через USB-C port
Портативный зарядный банк - Индикатор - Батарея заряжена
Портативный зарядный банк - Индикатор - Заряжается
Портативный зарядный банк - Индикатор - Уровень аккумулятора
Портативный зарядный банк - Индикатор - Уровень батареи
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие входы - 1 × DC 12 / 24 V DC Max 8 A 100 W
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие входы - 220–240 V ~ 50/60 Hz 10A
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие входы - Universal Solar Charging MC4 Port 110 W / 11–30 V 8 A
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие выходы - 1 × AC 230 V
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие выходы - 1 × DC 12.6 V 8 A 100 W Max
Портативный зарядный банк - Прочие выходы - DC5521 12.6 V
Портативный зарядный банк - Рабочая температура - 0 – 45 °C
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы входа - USB-C
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - AC
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - DC
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - USB
Портативный зарядный банк - Разъемы выхода - USB-C
Портативный зарядный банк - Тип аккумулятора - Литий-ионовый
245,00 €
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
Kaikki luokat